vue 计算单位转换

Want to easily convert area, volume, temperature, and many other units?  With the Calculator in Windows 7, it’s easy to convert most any unit into another.

是否想轻松转换面积,体积,温度和许多其他单位? 使用Windows 7中的计算器,可以轻松地将大多数单位转换为另一单位。

The New Calculator in Windows 7

Windows 7中的新计算器

Calculator received a visual overhaul in Windows 7, but at first glance it doesn’t seem to have any new functionality.  Here’s Windows 7’s Calculator on the left, with Vista’s calculator on the right.

计算器在Windows 7中进行了视觉上的大修,但乍一看它似乎没有任何新功能。 左边是Windows 7的计算器,右边是Vista的计算器。

But, looks can be deceiving.  Window’s 7’s calculator has lots of new exciting features.  Let’s try them out.  Simply type Calculator in the start menu search.

但是,外表可能具有欺骗性。 Window的7计算器具有许多令人兴奋的新功能。 让我们尝试一下。 只需在开始菜单搜索中键入Calculator。

To uncover the new features, click the View menu.  Here you can select many different modes, including Unit Conversion mode which we will look at.

要发现新功能,请单击“查看”菜单。 在这里,您可以选择许多不同的模式,包括我们将要讨论的单位转换模式。

When you select the Unit Conversion mode, the Calculator will expand with a form on the left side.


This conversions pane has 3 drop-down menus.  From the top one, select the type of unit you want to convert.

此转换窗格具有3个下拉菜单。 在顶部,选择要转换的单位类型。

In the next two menus, select which values you wish to convert to and from.  For instance, here we selected Temperature in the first menu, Degrees Fahrenheit in the second menu, and Degrees Celsius in the third menu.

在接下来的两个菜单中,选择要与之转换的值。 例如,这里我们在第一个菜单中选择“温度”,在第二个菜单中选择“华氏度”,在第三个菜单中选择“摄氏度”。

Enter the value you wish to convert in the From box, and the conversion will automatically appear in the bottom box.


The Calculator contains dozens of conversion values, including more uncommon ones.  So if you’ve ever wanted to know how many US gallons are in a UK gallon, or how many knots a supersonic jet travels in an hour, this is a great tool for you!

计算器包含数十个转换值,包括更多不常见的转换值。 因此,如果您曾经想知道英国加仑中有多少美国加仑,或者一小时内超音速喷气机可以航行多少节,那么这对您来说是个好工具!



Windows 7 is filled with little changes that give you an all-around better experience in Windows to help you work more efficiently and productively.  With the new features in the Calculator, you just might feel a little smarter, too!

Windows 7几乎没有什么变化,可以为您提供Windows方面的全面更好的体验,以帮助您更高效地工作。 有了计算器中的新功能,您可能也会觉得更聪明!


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