9 crimes Leave me out with the waste This is not what i do It's the wrong kind of place To be thinking of you It's the wrong time For somebody new It's a small crime And i've got no exuse Is that alright? Give my gun away when it's loaded Is that alright? If u dont shoot it how am i supposed to hold it Is that alright? Give my gun away when it's loaded Is that alright Leave me out with the waste Is that alright with u? This is not what i do It's the wrong kind of place To be cheating on you It's the wrong time but she's pulling me through It's a small crime And I've got no exuse Is that alright? Give my gun away when it's loaded Is that alright? If u dont shoot it how am i supposed to hold it Is that alright? Give my gun away when it's loaded Is that alright Is that alright with u? Is that alright? Is that alright? Is that alright with u?


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