关于thinkpad t400安装Ubuntu 12.04后的几个问题





使用命令:sudo apt-get install pm-utils

在ubuntu软件中心里面,找到pm-utils,点开 更多信息 把其他三个没有安装的附加选项钩选上,应用设置就好了。


ubuntu 12.04 因为某些程序的bug,所以禁用的hibernate选项。说明如下:

Ubuntu12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is getting closer to launch, but some of thebugs have not been iron out yet. It seems that the Hibernate functionis one of them.

The Hibernate function won't beavailable in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), at least according tosome discussions that took place on Launchpad these days, where a bugwassubmitted.

Itappears that hibernation is disabled by default in Ubuntu 12.04 andthere is no option available to enable it, unless you are willing todoodle with some configuration files.

The bug or at least thelack of this feature will affect all of the Ubuntu derivatives,Kubuntu 12.04, Lubuntu 12.04, and Xubuntu 12.04.

According tosome of the comments made regarding the bug, it appears that thisfunction affects a number of users in the previous versions of theUbuntu operating system and made them lose important files.

We'llkeep you informed if Canonical decides to implement hibernate again!


Enable Hibernation in Ubuntu 12.04 (PrecisePangolin)

I don’t know about you, but it seems like after upgrading orinstalling Ubuntu 12.04, the hibernation command on the session menuisn’t available anymore. The only command available to save yoursession and put your computer to sleep is the Suspend command. Now ifyour situation is like mine, and want to bring back the hibernatecommand in Ubuntu 12.04, then continue below to learn how to bring itback. This will restore the hibernation command to your session menu.Without wasting anymore or your time, let’s get going.


  • Enable Hibernate command on thesession menu in Ubuntu 12.04

  • Enjoy!

First, test hibernation works on yoursystem by running command:

sudo pm-hibernate

If everything is fine,you can continue to use this command to hibernate your system.

To get started, press Ctrl – Alt – Ton your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the commandsbelow to create a hibernate policy file.

sudo gedit /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/hibernate.pkla

Then copy and paste the lines below into the file and save it.

[Re-enable Hibernate]

Restart your computer and you should see it.


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