iphone xr xs

If you have an iPhone X or newer, there’s a neat feature called Animoji (short for animated emoji) that can take your emoji game up a notch. Here’s how to use it.

如果您使用的是iPhone X或更高版本,则有一个名为Animoji(动画表情符号的缩写)的简洁功能,可以使您的表情符号游戏更上一层楼。 这是使用方法。

Animoji uses the phone’s front-facing camera to track your facial expressions and then translates those into various characters on the screen to make them come alive. You can pick between different creatures like a cat, dog, chicken, dinosaur, or unicorn, or create your own “Memoji” that looks just like you. Here’s how to get started.

Animoji使用手机的前置摄像头跟踪您的面部表情,然后将其转换为屏幕上的各种字符以使其生动起来。 您可以在猫,狗,鸡,恐龙或独角兽等不同的生物之间进行选择,也可以创建自己的“ Memoji”,看起来就像您一样。 这是入门方法。

如何访问Animoji (How to Access Animoji)

Animoji is essentially an iMessage app, so you’ll access it within the Messages app. Start by opening up a conversation in Messages and then tapping on the button at the bottom that has a monkey face.

Animoji本质上是一个iMessage应用程序,因此您可以在Messages应用程序中访问它。 首先在“消息”中打开一个对话,然后点击底部有猴子脸的按钮。

This brings up Animoji so you can begin using it.


如何使用Animoji (How to Use Animoji)

The first Animoji that pops up will be the monkey character, but you can scroll to the right and pick between a bunch of different characters. Your iPhone will continuously track your facial expressions and show them in real time on the character you’ve chosen. To begin recording a short video, tap the red record button in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

弹出的第一个Animoji将是猴子角色,但是您可以向右滚动并在一系列不同的角色之间进行选择。 您的iPhone会不断跟踪您的面部表情,并实时显示您选择的角色。 要开始录制简短的视频,请点击屏幕右下角的红色录制按钮。

You can record videos up to 30 seconds long. To stop recording, just hit the record button again.

您最多可以录制30秒的视频。 要停止录制,只需再次按下录制按钮。

To send that recording to your friend, tap the arrow button that has now replaced the record button. This sends as an animated GIF of sorts. If you’re sending it to someone that uses Android, it will show up as a standard video.

要将录音发送给您的朋友,请点击箭头按钮(现在已替换了录音按钮)。 这将以动画GIF形式发送。 如果您将其发送给使用Android的人,它将显示为标准视频。

If you want to send a still image of an Animoji, rather than a video, tap your Animoji at any time. This snaps an image that you can send off.

如果您要发送Animoji的静止图像而不是视频,请随时点击Animoji。 这将捕捉可发送的图像。

如何创建一个表情符号 (How to Create a Memoji)

To create your own “Memoji” that looks just like you, swipe over to the left and tap the “+” button.

要创建看起来像您自己的“ Memoji”,请向左滑动并点击“ +”按钮。

This begins the creation process, and you can get surprisingly detailed, thanks to all of the different options that Apple has provided.


Where it says “Skin,” you can scroll to the right to move onto the next section of the creation process.


When you’re finished creating your Memoji, hit “Done” up in the top-right corner.


Your new Memoji is ready to go!


You can delete a Memoji at any time by tapping the ellipses button and then hitting “Delete” on the next screen.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/395405/how-to-use-animoji-on-the-iphone-x-xs-and-xr/

iphone xr xs

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