我在Geant 4软件中主要完成三大功能需求:构建自己所需要的探测器模型;建立TCP客户端;自定义宏命令来输出指定探测器能量沉积。

Geant 4中的蒙特卡罗方法是指一个粒子发射出去之后,会和周围的环境发生反应,一直到发射出去的粒子和它产生的次级粒子都完全发生反应并且泯灭之后,才会发射下面一个粒子,两个事件的发射粒子之间不会发生任何反应,并且Geant 4软件本身不做模拟计算,所有产生的数据都是通过对保存的实验数据进行随机抽样得到的,比如本论文中使用的物理模型为粒子散射到探测器中产生出能量能量沉积,发射一种特定的散射粒子,在相同发射初始能量下,探测器中每个event沉积能量的数据重复率非常高。

  • 探测器构建


  // Absorber//G4Box*sAbsor = new G4Box("Absorber",                                //nameworld_hx, world_hy, world_hz);    //dimensionsfLAbsor = new G4LogicalVolume(sAbsor,                //shapefAbsorMaterial,                 //material"SensitiveDetector");     //nameint Absorber_number = 100;for(int i=1; i<11; i++){for(int j=1; j<11; j++)          // x axis{std::string s1;std::string s2;   // location parameters1 = std ::to_string(10-i);s2 = std ::to_string(10-j);new G4PVPlacement(0,            //no rotation//100 detector locationG4ThreeVector(2*(10-i)*world_hx ,2*(10-j)*world_hx , 0),   fLAbsor,                        //logical volumestd::string("Det") + "_L" + s1 + "_R" + s2,      //namefLContain,                      //mother  volumefalse,                          //no boolean operationAbsorber_number);               //copy numberAbsorber_number--;}                    }PrintParameters();
  • TCP客户端


 //mao add TCP protocol 2struct sockaddr_in server_addr2;bzero(&server_addr2, sizeof(server_addr2)); server_addr2.sin_family = AF_INET;    server_addr2.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");server_addr2.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT_Qt);int Qt_sfd;Qt_sfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);if (Qt_sfd < 0){G4cout << "socket error\n";exit(0);}if (connect(Qt_sfd, (struct sockaddr*) & server_addr2, sizeof(server_addr2)) < 0){G4cout << "Can Not Connect To    "<< ""<< G4endl;exit(1);}//open file reading datastd::fstream event_file1;event_file1.open(STEPPING_FILE, std::ios::in);if (!event_file1.is_open()){G4cout << "the file was not opened"<< G4endl;exit(1);}std::vector<float> floats;char Qt_data[500][3] = { '\0' };  //Fill in all blank charactersstd::string line;//read float datafloat max_number = 0;while (std::getline(event_file1, line)){std::string strr1 = line;std::string strr2;std::vector<float> array1;//Starting at the zero bit, the length is 4strr2 = strr1.substr(0, 4); std::istringstream iss(line);//Save the maximum valuefloat val;iss >> val;if (val > max_number){max_number = val;}if (val > 2)//Numerical fill algorithm for values greater than 2{floats.push_back(0.0);array1 = fix_data(val);  //Numerical filling algorithm    for(G4int jj=0; jj < (int)array1.size(); jj++){floats.push_back(array1[jj]);}}else {G4cout << "vector<float> floats = "<< val<< G4endl;floats.push_back(val);}}// close and delete file//需要对QT传输的数据进行重新修改,不能直接传输字节数据event_file1.close();for (int ff = 0; ff < (int)floats.size()+1; ff++){int num1 = 0;int num2 = 0;int num3 = 0;float Qt_number = 0.0;if(ff==0) //0 data processed separately{//Convert int to ASCII
//TCP transmission of ASCII code data is very easy to handle at the receiving endQt_number = (int)floats.size();num1 = Qt_number / 100;Qt_data[ff][0] = num1 + '0';num2 = (Qt_number - num1 * 100) / 10;Qt_data[ff][1] = num2 + '0';num3 = (Qt_number - num1 * 100 - num2 * 10) / 1;Qt_data[ff][2] = num3 + '0';}else {Qt_number = floats[ff];num1 = Qt_number / 1;Qt_data[ff][0] = num1 + '0';num2 = (Qt_number - num1 * 1.0) / 0.1;Qt_data[ff][1] = num2 + '0';num3 = (Qt_number - num1 * 1.0 - num2 * 0.1) / 0.01;Qt_data[ff][2] = num3 + '0';}}for(int uu=0; uu<(int)floats.size()+1; uu++){G4cout << "Qt_data[uu][] = "<< Qt_data[uu][0] << Qt_data[uu][1]<< Qt_data[uu][2]<<G4endl;}int send_char_number2 = send(Qt_sfd, (char*)Qt_data, BUFFER_SIZE, 0);if (send_char_number2 < 0){G4cout << "send send char number2 error"<< G4endl;}else if (send_char_number2 == 0){G4cout << "send char number2 server disconnected"<< G4endl;}else{G4cout << "send char number 2="<< send_char_number2<< G4endl;}close(Qt_sfd);


//ps Represents an array of coefficient terms
//es Represents an array of exponents
//n Represents the number of the unary polynomials
void EventAction::InitList(SqList & list1,G4double ps[],G4int es[],G4int n)
{for(int i=0;i<n;i++){list1.elem[list1.size].coe = ps[i];list1.elem[list1.size].exp = es[i];list1.size++;}
}float EventAction::GetResult(SqList & list1)
{float sum = 0;for(G4int i=0; i<list1.size;i++){sum += list1.elem[i].coe * (std::pow(list1.mx,list1.elem[i].exp));}return sum;
}float EventAction::up_equ(float value)
{SqList mylist;G4double up_coefficient[5]= {1.122e-08, - 5.613e-06 , 0.0008606, - 0.0378, 0.4916};G4int exponent1[5] = { 4, 3, 2,1 ,0};mylist.mx = value;//Initializes a linked listInitList(mylist, up_coefficient, exponent1, 5);float reslut = GetResult(mylist);reslut = ( (float)( (int)( (reslut + 0.005) * 100 ) ) ) / 100;return reslut;
}float EventAction::down_equ(float value)
{SqList mylist;G4double down_coefficient[5]= {-4.203e-09, 3.787e-06, - 0.00124, 0.1677, - 6.957};G4int exponent1[5] = {4, 3, 2,1 ,0};mylist.mx = value;//Initializes a linked listInitList(mylist, down_coefficient, exponent1, 5);float reslut = GetResult(mylist);reslut = ( (float)( (int)( (reslut + 0.005) * 100 ) ) ) / 100;return reslut;
}std::vector<float> EventAction::fix_data(float x)
{float x_mid1 = 0;float y_mid1 = 0;std::vector<float> array1;for(int i=0; i<13; i++){x_mid1 = 90 * i / 12 + 39;y_mid1 = x * up_equ(x_mid1);array1.push_back(y_mid1);}for(int j=0;j<13;j++){x_mid1 = 158 * j / 12 + 129;y_mid1 = x * down_equ(x_mid1);array1.push_back(y_mid1);}return array1;
  • 自定义宏命令

为了可以在mac脚本文件中通过宏命令(/testhadr/stepping/seDSN  55)选择Geant 4中特定探测器输出能量沉积。先建立SteppingActionMessenger类继承于SteppingAction类并且初始化,因为探测器的序数为整数,所以把fsteppingCmd4设置为整数命令的构造函数,设置宏命令的名字为detector number范围为大于零。SetNewValue函数中判断是否为fsteppingCmd4命令,如果是就对seDSN宏命令传入的参数通过SetADetectorNumber函数对探测器序号赋值。当总体程序执行到SteppingAction类的时候,通过SetADetectorNumber函数获取探测器序号筛选出指定探测器能量沉积保存到文件中。


#ifndef SteppingActionMessenger_h
#define SteppingActionMessenger_h 1
#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4UImessenger.hh"
class G4UIcmdWithAnInteger;
class G4UIdirectory;
class SteppingAction;
class SteppingActionMessenger : public G4UImessenger
public:SteppingActionMessenger(SteppingAction*);~SteppingActionMessenger();//其实完全可以不是纯虚函数,毕竟是自己设置接口virtual void SetNewValue(G4UIcommand*, G4String);
private:SteppingAction*   fstepping;using G4UImessenger::SetNewValue;G4UIdirectory*             fTesthadrDir;G4UIdirectory*             fstepDir;G4UIcmdWithAnInteger*      fsteppingCmd4;


#include "G4UIcmdWithAnInteger.hh"
#include "G4UIcommand.hh"
#include "G4UIparameter.hh"
#include "SteppingActionMessenger.hh"
#include "SteppingAction.hh"SteppingActionMessenger::SteppingActionMessenger(SteppingAction* stepping):fstepping(stepping)
{fTesthadrDir = new G4UIdirectory("/testhadr/");fTesthadrDir->SetGuidance("commands specific to this example");G4bool broadcast = false;fstepDir = new G4UIdirectory("/testhadr/stepping/", broadcast);fstepDir->SetGuidance("steping action commands");fsteppingCmd4 = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/testhadr/stepping/seDSN", this);fsteppingCmd4->SetGuidance("Select detector sequence number");fsteppingCmd4->SetParameterName("number", false);fsteppingCmd4->SetRange("number>0");fsteppingCmd4->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);fsteppingCmd4->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
{delete fsteppingCmd4;delete fTesthadrDir;delete fstepDir;
}void SteppingActionMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand* command, G4String MyValue)
{if (command == fsteppingCmd4){fstepping->SetADetectorNumber(fsteppingCmd4->GetNewIntValue(MyValue));}
  • 输出探测器能量沉积


//Select a specific detector serial number
void SteppingAction::SetADetectorNumber(G4int value)
{select_number = value;
void SteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step* aStep)
//前面部分代码省略auto touchable = aStep -> GetPreStepPoint() -> GetTouchable();auto physical = touchable -> GetVolume();Stepping_detector_Number = physical-> GetCopyNo();auto detector_name = physical->GetName();fEventAction->detector_Number=Stepping_detector_Number;fEventAction->AddEdep(aStepEdep);G4double edepStep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();if (edepStep <= 0.) return;fEventAction->AddEdep(edepStep);Tstop = clock();//Record end timestd::ofstream step_file1;step_file1.open(STEPPING_FILE, std::ios::app);if(Stepping_detector_Number == select_number) //select detector number{if (step_file1.is_open()){step_file1 //Set the numerical accuracy of the output energy deposition<< setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << setiosflags(std::ios::right)<< std::setprecision(4)//4 digit precision<< aStepEdep<< G4endl;}} step_file1.close();
  • acknowledgement


非常感谢中科大的潘子文和Geant 4(564893516)群中的各位朋友提供的帮助!

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