从github down了一个工程,MS编译报找不到direct.h,网上搜索,借鉴https://blog.csdn.net/yapingxin/article/details/51444133和http://www.two-sdg.demon.co.uk/curbralan/code/dirent/dirent.html,下载对应代码,添加到工程中,将问题解决。下面贴出.c和.h。


/*Implementation of POSIX directory browsing functions and types for Win32.Author:  Kevlin Henney (kevlin@acm.org, kevlin@curbralan.com)History: Created March 1997. Updated June 2003 and July 2012.Rights:  See end of file.*/#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <io.h> /* _findfirst and _findnext set errno iff they return -1 */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#endiftypedef ptrdiff_t handle_type; /* C99's intptr_t not sufficiently portable */struct DIR
{handle_type         handle; /* -1 for failed rewind */struct _finddata_t  info;struct dirent       result; /* d_name null iff first time */char                *name;  /* null-terminated char string */
};DIR *opendir(const char *name)
{DIR *dir = 0;if(name && name[0]){size_t base_length = strlen(name);const char *all = /* search pattern must end with suitable wildcard */strchr("/\\", name[base_length - 1]) ? "*" : "/*";if((dir = (DIR *) malloc(sizeof *dir)) != 0 &&(dir->name = (char *) malloc(base_length + strlen(all) + 1)) != 0){strcat(strcpy(dir->name, name), all);if((dir->handle =(handle_type) _findfirst(dir->name, &dir->info)) != -1){dir->result.d_name = 0;}else /* rollback */{free(dir->name);free(dir);dir = 0;}}else /* rollback */{free(dir);dir   = 0;errno = ENOMEM;}}else{errno = EINVAL;}return dir;
}int closedir(DIR *dir)
{int result = -1;if(dir){if(dir->handle != -1){result = _findclose(dir->handle);}free(dir->name);free(dir);}if(result == -1) /* map all errors to EBADF */{errno = EBADF;}return result;
}struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dir)
{struct dirent *result = 0;if(dir && dir->handle != -1){if(!dir->result.d_name || _findnext(dir->handle, &dir->info) != -1){result         = &dir->result;result->d_name = dir->info.name;}}else{errno = EBADF;}return result;
}void rewinddir(DIR *dir)
{if(dir && dir->handle != -1){_findclose(dir->handle);dir->handle = (handle_type) _findfirst(dir->name, &dir->info);dir->result.d_name = 0;}else{errno = EBADF;}
}#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif/*Copyright Kevlin Henney, 1997, 2003, 2012. All rights reserved.Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and itsdocumentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, providedthat this copyright and permissions notice appear in all copies andderivatives.This software is supplied "as is" without express or implied warranty.But that said, if there are any problems please get in touch.*/


#define DIRENT_INCLUDED/*Declaration of POSIX directory browsing functions and types for Win32.Author:  Kevlin Henney (kevlin@acm.org, kevlin@curbralan.com)History: Created March 1997. Updated June 2003.Rights:  See end of file.*/#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#endiftypedef struct DIR DIR;struct dirent
{char *d_name;
};DIR           *opendir(const char *);
int           closedir(DIR *);
struct dirent *readdir(DIR *);
void          rewinddir(DIR *);/*Copyright Kevlin Henney, 1997, 2003. All rights reserved.Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and itsdocumentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, providedthat this copyright and permissions notice appear in all copies andderivatives.This software is supplied "as is" without express or implied warranty.But that said, if there are any problems please get in touch.*/#ifdef __cplusplus


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