CVPR-2018,Pytroch code


  • 1 Background and Motivation
  • 2 Advantages / Contributions
  • 3 Method
    • 3.1 Bottom-up Path Augmentation
    • 3.2 Adaptive Feature Pooling
    • 3.3 Fully-connected Fusion
  • 4 Experiments
    • 4.1 Datasets
    • 4.2 Experiments on COCO
    • 4.3 Experiments on Cityscapes
    • 4.4 Experiments on MVD

1 Background and Motivation

作者发现 information propagation in state-of-the-art Mask R-CNN can be further improved

在 Mask R-CNN 基础上改进,进一步提升目标检测和实例分割的效果

2 Advantages / Contributions

提出 Path Aggregation Network(PANet) aiming at boosting information flow in proposal-based instance segmentation framework

  • 1st place in the COCO 2017 Challenge Instance Segmentation task
  • 2nd place in the COCO 2017 Challenge Object Detection task
  • SOTA on MVD and Cityscapes

3 Method


3.1 Bottom-up Path Augmentation

现有 FPN 结构的缺陷:

there is a long path from low-level structure to topmost features, increasing difficulty to access accurate localization information【图 1 (a)中红色虚箭头,前向传播时底层信息得经过整个 backbone 才能到达顶层,eg 到达 P5 层】


A bottom-up path is augmented to make low-layer information easier to propagate.【图 1 (a)中绿色虚箭头 】

PANet 在 FPN 基础上创建了自下而上的路径增强。用于缩短信息路径,利用 low-level 特征中存储的精确定位信号,提升特征金字塔架构。 ——目标检测算法综述之FPN优化篇


Bottom-up Path 搭建方式是图 2 中的逆 FPN(自顶向下) 形式

注意 N2N_2N2​ is simply P2P_2P2​, without any processing

Keras 代码如下,来自 双向融合:PANet

N3 = KL.Add(name="panet_p3add")([P3, KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), strides=2, padding="SAME", name="panet_n2downsampled")(N2)])
N3 = KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="panet_n3")(N3)
N3 = KL.Activation('relu')(N3)

3.2 Adaptive Feature Pooling


熟悉 FPN 的小伙伴应该知道,proposals are assigned to different feature levels according to the size of proposals(不同尺度的ROI,使用不同特征层作为ROI pooling 层的输入),像 “八爪鱼”,多条“腿”,一个 head,

two pro-posals with 10-pixel difference can be assigned to different levels,具体映射关系可以参考 Mask RCNN without Mask

information discarded in other levels may be helpful for final prediction


We use max operation to fuse features from different levels

聚合每个特征层次上的每个候选区域 ——目标检测算法综述之FPN优化篇

把同一 proposal 所有 level 的信息融合起来,而不是根据 proposal 的大小来决定采用 FPN 哪层 level 的特征

下面这个图就可以很直观的感受到利用多 level feature 的必要

横坐标是原 FPN 的 level,折线是采用 Adaptive Feature Pooling 之后的 level

以蓝色的 level1 折线为例,采用 Adaptive Feature Pooling 之后发现,属于 level1 范围大小的 proposal 仅用了 ~30% 的 level 1 特征,其余特征为 ~30% level 2, ~20% level3, ~20% level4(原 FPN 属于 level1 范围大小的 proposal 采用 100% level 1 特征)

可以看到 Adaptive Feature Pooling 使每个 proposal 的特征更加完整与丰富!

Keras 代码如下,来自 双向融合:PANet

class AdaptiveFeaturePooling(KE.Layer):def __init__(self, **kwargs):super(AdaptiveFeaturePooling, self).__init__(**kwargs)def call(self, inputs):x2, x3, x4, x5 = inputsx = tf.maximum(tf.maximum(x2, x3), tf.maximum(x4, x5))# x = tf.add_n([x2, x3, x4, x5])return xdef conpute_output_shpae(self, input_shape):return input_shape[0]
x2 = ROIAlign([pool_size, pool_size], name="bbox_roi_align_n2")([rois, feature_maps[0]])
x2 = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(1024, (pool_size, pool_size), padding="valid"),name="mrcnn_class_conv1_n2")(x2)
x2 = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(), name='mrcnn_class_bn1_n2')(x2, training=train_bn)
x2 = KL.Activation('relu')(x2)
x = AdaptiveFeaturePooling(name="bbox_adaptive_feature_pooling")([x2, x3, x4, x5])

3.3 Fully-connected Fusion


Mask R-CNN 方法中,mask prediction is made on a single view(卷积),losing the chance to gather more diverse information


A complementary branch capturing different views——引入了平行的 FC 分支,最后与 conv 分支融合来预测 mask

作者认为 FC 的优势在于

  • FC layers are location sensitive since predictions at different spatial locations are achieved by varying sets of parameters. So they have the ability to adapt to different spatial locations.

  • Also prediction at each spatial location is made with global information of the entire proposal.

Keras 代码如下,来自 双向融合:PANet

conv 分支

x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding="same"), name="mrcnn_mask_conv1")(x)
x = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(), name='mrcnn_mask_bn1')(x, training=train_bn)
x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding="same"), name="mrcnn_mask_conv2")(x)
x = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(), name='mrcnn_mask_bn2')(x, training=train_bn)
x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding="same"), name="mrcnn_mask_conv3")(x)
x = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(), name='mrcnn_mask_bn3')(x, training=train_bn)
x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)x_fcn = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding="same"), name="mrcnn_mask_conv4")(x)
x_fcn = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(), name='mrcnn_mask_bn4')(x_fcn, training=train_bn)
x_fcn = KL.Activation('relu')(x_fcn)x_fcn = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2DTranspose(256, (2, 2), strides=2, activation="relu"), name="mrcnn_mask_deconv")(x_fcn)
x_fcn = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(num_classes, (1, 1), strides=1), ame="mrcnn_mask")(x_fcn)

FC 分支

x_fc = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding="same"), name="mrcnn_mask_conv4_fc")(x)
x_fc = KL.Activation('relu')(x_fc)x_fc = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(128, (3, 3), padding="same"), name="mrcnn_mask_conv5_fc")(x_fc)
x_fc = KL.Activation('relu')(x_fc) # b, num_rois, h, w, ct_shape = x_fc.shape
x_fc = KL.Reshape([t_shape[1].value, t_shape[2].value * t_shape[3].value * t_shape[4].value])(x_fc) # b, num_rois, h*w*c
x_fc = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Dense(mask_shape[0] * mask_shape[1]), name="mrcnn_mask_fc")(x_fc) # b, num_rois, mask_size * mask_size
x_fc = KL.Reshape([t_shape[1].value, mask_shape[0], mask_shape[1], 1])(x_fc) # b, num_rois, mask_size, mask_size, 1

conv 分支和 FC 分支融合在一起

x = KL.Add()([x_fc, x_fcn]) # (b, num_rois, mask_size, mask_size, 1) + (b, num_rois, mask_size, mask_size, num_class)
x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Activation('sigmoid'))(x)

4 Experiments

4.1 Datasets

  • COCO
  • Cityscapes
  • MVD

4.2 Experiments on COCO

1)Instance Segmentation Results

2)Object Detection Results

3)Component Ablation Studies

APAPAP 是分割任务的结果, APbbAP^{bb}APbb 是单独训练目标检测的结果,APbbMAP^{bbM}APbbM 是联合训练目标检测和分割的结果

tricks 的效果提升占了 50%

Half of the improvement is from multi-scale training and multi-GPU sync. BN

4)Ablation Studies on Adaptive Feature Pooling

5)Ablation Studies on Fully-connected Fusion

6)COCO 2017 Challenge

引入更多的 trick

1st,DCN 是 Deformable convolutional networks


4.3 Experiments on Cityscapes

4.4 Experiments on MVD

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