今天在 调试vue项目时,启运服务:

yarn serve


  14:1  error  This line has a length of 103. Maximum allowed is 100  max-len26:1  error  This line has a length of 107. Maximum allowed is 100  max-len38:1  error  This line has a length of 108. Maximum allowed is 100  max-len44:1  error  This line has a length of 101. Maximum allowed is 100  max-len

原来是ecslint语法检测时报的错,后来在eclintConfig的rules规则里加上max-len 规则就可以了


"eslintConfig": {"root": true,"env": {"node": true},"extends": ["plugin:vue/vue3-essential","@vue/airbnb","@vue/typescript/recommended"],"parserOptions": {"ecmaVersion": 2020},"rules": {}},


"eslintConfig": {"root": true,"env": {"node": true},"extends": ["plugin:vue/vue3-essential","@vue/airbnb","@vue/typescript/recommended"],"parserOptions": {"ecmaVersion": 2020},"rules": {"max-len": ["error", {"code": 300}  ]}},

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