
  • 首先将以下代码复制到matlab中,然后保存到桌面上为associateFiles.m文件。

    function associateFiles(action, userExtList, fileStr)% associateFiles(action, extList, fileStr)
    % Makes a registry files that can be used to set correct file associantions on
    % a windows platform. The following MATLAB file extensions are supported:
    % .m, .mat, .fig, .mexw32, .mexw64, .p, .mdl, .mdlp, .slx, .mldatx, .req,
    % .sldd, .slddc, .slxp, .sltx, .mn, .mu, .muphlp, .xvc, .xvz, .ssc, .mlapp,
    % .mlappinstall, .mltbx, .mlpkginstall, .mlprj
    % INPUT:
    % action  - optional string.
    %           * 'add' (default) adds/rewrites the MATLAB file association registry
    %              keys for this version.
    %           * 'delete' deletes the MATLAB file association registry entries for
    %              ALL versions of MATLAB (including "old style" ones)
    %           * 'deleteadd' is the same as 'delete' followed by 'add'
    % extList - optional string or cell array of strings containing the file
    %           extensions that should be associated with this version. Default is
    %           all MATLAB file extension (see above).
    % fileStr - optional string with the name of the registry file to be written
    %           (possibly including path). Default is the file
    %           'MatlabFileAssocFix.reg' in the current directory.
    % USAGE:
    % 1) Run with desired options (see above). A registry file should have been
    %    created.
    % 2) Exit all running instances of MATLAB.
    % 3) Make a backup copy of the windows registry if you need to restore the
    %    changes, see
    % 4) Double click on the created file (possibly need to enter a password) and
    %    confirm.
    % 5) Restart Windows (or explorer.exe).
    % 6) The MATLAB files should now be associated with the MATLAB version that the
    %    registry file was created in and e.g. m-files should be opened in an
    %    already running instance of MATLAB.
    % * associateFiles('deleteadd') - Makes a registry files that deletes all
    %   previous MATLAB file association registry keys and write new ones that
    %   associates all MATLAB files with the MATLAB version that the registry file
    %   was created in.
    % * associateFiles('', {'.m', '.mat', '.fig'}, 'myFile') - Makes a registry file
    %   "myFile.reg" that associates m-, mat- and fig-files with the MATLAB version
    %   that the registry file was created in.
    % VERSION 1.0% Defualt input
    if (nargin < 1 || isempty(action))action      = 'add';
    if (nargin < 2)userExtList = {};
    if (nargin < 3)fileStr = '';
    if (~iscell(userExtList))if (isempty(userExtList))userExtList = {};elseuserExtList = {userExtList};end
    end% Sanity check
    if (~ischar(action) || (~strcmpi(action, 'add') && ...~strcmpi(action, 'delete') && ~strcmpi(action, 'deleteadd')))error('The action to perform must be ''add'', ''delete'' or ''deleteadd''!')
    if (~isempty(userExtList) && ~min(cellfun(@ischar, userExtList)))error('The file extension list must be a string or a cell array of strings!')
    if (~ischar(fileStr))error('The file to write to must be a string!')
    end% Get the currently running MATLAB version
    verStr = regexp(version, '(\d*?\.\d*?\.\d*?)\.', 'tokens');
    verStr = verStr{1}{1};
    verNum = str2double(regexprep(verStr, '(\d*?\.\d*)[\x0000-\xffff]*', '$1'));
    verHex = sprintf('%04x', str2double(regexprep(verStr, ...'(\d*?)\.[\x0000-\xffff]*', '$1')), str2double(regexprep(verStr, ...'\d*?\.(\d*?)\.[\x0000-\xffff]*', '$1')));% Get 32/64-bit
    arch = computer;
    switch archcase 'PCWIN'binFolder = 'win32';case 'PCWIN64'binFolder = 'win64';
    binPath = fullfile(matlabroot, 'bin', binFolder);% Known MATLAB files with possible DDE actions
    fileExtCell = {...'fig' ,   'MATLAB Figure'              , '-62'                       , ...{'Open', 'uiopen(''%1'',1)'}           , []                          ; ...'m'     , 'MATLAB Code'                , '-58'                       , ...{'Open', 'uiopen(''%1'',1)'}           , {'Run', 'run(''%1'')'}      ; ...'mat'   , 'MATLAB Data'                , '-59'                       , ...{'Load', 'load(''%1'')'    }           , {'Open', 'uiimport(''%1'')'}; ...'mdl'   , 'Simulink Model'             , '-61'                       , ...{'Load', 'uiopen(''%1'',1)'}           , []                          ; ...'mdlp'  , 'Simulink Protected Model'   , '-72'                       , ...[]                                     , []                          ; ...'mexw32', 'MATLAB MEX'                 , '-63'                       , ...[]                                     , []                          ; ...'mexw64', 'MATLAB MEX'                 , '-63'                       , ...[]                                     , []                          ; ...'mn'    , 'MuPAD Notebook'             , '-66'                       , ...{'Open', 'mupad(''%1'')'}              , []                          ; ...'mu'    , 'MuPAD Code'                 , '-67'                       , ...{'Open', 'uiopen(''%1'',1)'}           , []                          ; ...'muphlp', 'MuPAD Help'                 , '-68'                       , ...{'Open', 'doc(symengine, ''%1'')'}     , []                          ; ...'p'     , 'MATLAB P-code'              , '-60'                       , ...[]                                     , []                          ; ...'slx'   , 'Simulink Model (SLX format)', '-73'                       , ...{'Open', 'uiopen(''%1'',1)'}           , []                          ; ...'ssc'   , 'Simscape Model'             , '-65'                       , ...{'Open', 'uiopen(''%1'',1)'}           , []                          ; ...'xvc'   , 'MuPAD Graphics'             , '-69'                       , ...{'Open', 'mupad(''%1'')'}              , []                          ; ...'xvz'   , 'MuPAD Graphics'             , '-70'                       , ...{'Open', 'mupad(''%1'')'}              , []                          ; ...'mlapp'       , 'MATLAB Application'              , [] , [], []      ; ... 'mltbx'       , 'MATLAB Toolbox'                  , [] , [], []      ; ... 'mldatx'      , 'Simulink Scenario'               , [] , [], []      ; ...  'req'         , 'Simulink Requirements Link'      , [] , [], []      ; ... 'sldd'        , 'Simulink Dictionary'             , [] , [], []      ; ... 'slddc'       , 'Simulink Dictionary'             , [] , [], []      ; ...      'mlappinstall', 'MATLAB Application'              , [] , [], []      ; ...  'mlpkginstall', 'MATLAB Support Package'          , [] , [], []      ; ... 'slxp'        , 'Simulink Protected Model Package', [] , [], []      ; ... 'sltx'        , 'Simulink Template'               , [] , [], []      ; ... 'mlprj'       , 'MATLAB Project'                  , [] , [], []};% Possibly trim list
    if (~isempty(userExtList))fileExtCell = fileExtCell(ismember(fileExtCell(:, 1), ...regexprep(userExtList, '\.', '')), :);
    end% Make registry file
    if (~isempty(fileStr))% Possibly add file extension[~, ~, tmp] = fileparts(fileStr);if (isempty(tmp))fileStr = [fileStr, '.reg'];endfid = fopen(fileStr, 'w');
    elsefid = fopen('MatlabFileAssocFix.reg', 'w');
    if (fid == -1)error('Failed to create registry file')
    % Write intial lines
    fprintf(fid, '%s\r\n\r\n', 'Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00');
    fprintf(fid, '%s\r\n\r\n', ';FIXES MATLAB FILE ASSOCIATIONS');% REMOVE OLD KEYS
    explorerKey = ['HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\', ...'CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts'];
    % Iterate over file extensions
    for fileExtNo = 1 : size(fileExtCell, 1)rmKeys  = {};fileExt = fileExtCell{fileExtNo, 1};% File extension keys[status, result] = dos(['reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /f .', fileExt, ...' /k /e']);if (~status)keys = regexp(result, '(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT[\x0000-\xffff]*?)\n', 'tokens');rmKeys = [rmKeys, keys{:}];end% Old style keys without version numbersif (~strcmpi(fileExt, 'mexw64'))% Uses single DDE key for mex filesif (strcmpi(fileExt, 'mexw32'))fileExtTmp = 'mex';elsefileExtTmp = fileExt;end[status, result] = dos(['reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /f ', ...fileExtTmp, 'file /k /e']);if (~status)keys = regexp(result, '(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT[\x0000-\xffff]*?)\n', ...'tokens');rmKeys = [rmKeys, keys{:}];endend% New style keys with version numberif (strcmpi(action, 'add'))% Only remove keys related to this version[status, result] = dos(['reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /f MATLAB.', ...fileExt, '.', verStr ' /k']);else% Remove keys related to ALL version[status, result] = dos(['reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /f MATLAB.', ...fileExt, '. /k']);endif (~status)keys = regexp(result, '(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT[\x0000-\xffff]*?)\n', 'tokens');rmKeys = [rmKeys, keys{:}];end% Explorer keys[status, result] = dos(['reg query ', explorerKey, ' /f .', fileExt, ...' /k /e']);if (~status)keys = regexp(result, '(HKEY_CURRENT_USER[\x0000-\xffff]*?)\n', 'tokens');rmKeys = [rmKeys, keys{:}];end% Write to fileif (~isempty(rmKeys))fprintf(fid, '%s\r\n\r\n', [';REMOVES ', upper(fileExt), ...' FILE ASSOCIATIONS']);for keyNo = 1 : length(rmKeys)key = rmKeys{keyNo};fprintf(fid, '%s\r\n\r\n', ['[-', key, ']']);endend
    end% ADD KEYS
    if (~strcmpi(action, 'delete'))% Get text Persistent Handler[status, result] = dos(...'reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt\PersistentHandler /ve');if (~status)PersistentHandler = regexp(result, '\{[\x0000-\xffff]*?\}', 'match');PersistentHandler = PersistentHandler{1};elsePersistentHandler = '';end% DDE callddeCall = 'ShellVerbs.Matlab';if (verNum > 8)% Changed from R2013addeCall = [ddeCall, '.', verStr];end% Default icondefIcon = 'm';if (~exist(fullfile(binPath, 'm.ico'), 'file'))defIcon = '';end% Path to MATLAB binary directory with \\binPathStr = regexprep(binPath, '\\', '\\\\');% Write Shell Open keykey = ['[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\MATLAB.exe\shell\open', ...'\command]%r', '@="\"', binPathStr, '\\MATLAB.exe\" \"%1\""%r%r'];fprintf(fid, '%s\r\n\r\n', ';ADD SHELL OPEN');lines = regexp(key, '([\x0000-\xffff]*?)%r', 'tokens');for lineNo = 1 : length(lines)fprintf(fid, '%s\r\n', lines{lineNo}{1});end% Iterate over file typesfor fileExtNo = 1 : size(fileExtCell, 1)fileExt = fileExtCell{fileExtNo, 1};% File extension keyskey  = ['[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.', fileExt, ']%r@="MATLAB.', fileExt, '.', ...verStr, '"%r'];if (strcmpi(fileExt, 'm') && ~isempty(PersistentHandler))% Add some valueskey = [key, '"Content Type"="text/plain"%r', ...'"PerceivedType"="Text"%r'];endkey = [key, '%r'];key = [key, '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.', fileExt, ...'\OpenWithProgids]%r"MATLAB.', fileExt, '.', verStr, '"=""%r%r'];if (strcmpi(fileExt, 'm') && ~isempty(PersistentHandler))key = [key, '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.', fileExt, ...'\PersistentHandler]%r@="', PersistentHandler, '"%r%r'];endkey  = [key, '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.', fileExt, ...'\Versions\MATLAB.', fileExt, '.' verStr, ']%r"FileVersionMS"=dword:', ...verHex, '%r"FileVersionLS"=dword:00000000%r%r'];% DDE keysddeData = fileExtCell(ismember(fileExtCell(:, 1), fileExt), :);key = [key, '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MATLAB.', fileExt, '.' verStr, ...']%r@="', ddeData{2}, '"%r'];if (~isempty(ddeData{3}))key = [key, '"FriendlyTypeName"="@', binPathStr, '\\matlab.exe', ...',', ddeData{3}, '"%r'];endkey = [key, '%r'];% Iconicon = fileExt;if (~exist(fullfile(binPath, [icon, '.ico']), 'file'))icon = defIcon;endif (~isempty(icon))key = [key, '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MATLAB.', fileExt, '.' verStr, ...'\DefaultIcon]%r@="', binPathStr, '\\', icon, '.ico,0"%r%r'];end% Shell actionsfor shellActionNo = 4:5ddePar = ddeData{shellActionNo};if (~isempty(ddePar))key = [key, '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MATLAB.', fileExt, '.' verStr, ...'\Shell\', ddePar{1}, ']%r@="', ddePar{1}, '"%r%r'];key = [key, '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MATLAB.', fileExt, '.' verStr, ...'\Shell\', ddePar{1}, '\command]%r@="\"', binPathStr, ...'\\matlab.exe\""%r%r'];key = [key, '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MATLAB.', fileExt, '.' verStr, ...'\Shell\', ddePar{1}, '\ddeexec]%r@="', ddePar{2}, '"%r%r'];key = [key, '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MATLAB.', fileExt, '.' verStr, ...'\Shell\', ddePar{1},'\ddeexec\application]%r@="', ...ddeCall, '"%r%r'];key = [key, '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MATLAB.', fileExt, '.' verStr, ...'\Shell\', ddePar{1},'\ddeexec\topic]%r@="system"%r%r'];endend% Explorer keyskey = [key, '[', explorerKey, '\.', fileExt, '\OpenWithProgids]%r'];if (strcmpi(fileExt, 'm'))key = [key, '"m_auto_file"=hex(0):%r'];endkey = [key, '"MATLAB.', fileExt, '.',  verStr, '"=hex(0):%r%r'];if (~isempty(ddeData{4}))% Add keykey = [key, '[', explorerKey, '\.', fileExt, ...'\OpenWithList]%r"a"="MATLAB.exe"%r"MRUList"="a"%r%r'];elsekey = [key, '[', explorerKey, '\.', fileExt, '\OpenWithList]%r%r'];end% Write to filefprintf(fid, '%s\r\n\r\n', [';ADD ', upper(fileExt), ...' FILE ASSOCIATIONS']);lines = regexp(key, '([\x0000-\xffff]*?)%r', 'tokens');for lineNo = 1 : length(lines)fprintf(fid, '%s\r\n', lines{lineNo}{1});endendend% Cloese file

  • 然后点击运行,会出现【MATLAB 编辑器】对话框,点击【更改文件夹】选项,运行即可。

  • 这时会在自己桌面上出现【MatlabFileAssocFix.reg】文件,双击打开运行即可。



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