office 提示 关闭

Microsoft’s core Office 365 client apps—Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook—all contain a setting that lets you enable “Office Intelligent Services.” So, what are these, why are they turned on, and should you turn them off? Let’s find out.

Microsoft的核心Office 365客户端应用程序(Word,Excel,PowerPoint和Outlook)都包含一个允许您启用“ Office Intelligent Services”的设置。 那么,这些是什么,为什么要打开它们,并且应该将它们关闭? 让我们找出答案。

If you have an Office 365 subscription then in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook there is a section in File > Options > General called “Office intelligent services.” (If you’ve just purchased Office as a stand-alone set of apps without an O365 subscription then this section won’t be available to you.)

如果您有Office 365订阅,则在Word,Excel,PowerPoint和Outlook中,在“文件”>“选项”>“常规”中有一个部分称为“ Office智能服务”。 (如果您只是以独立的一组应用程序的形式购买Office而没有O365订阅,则此部分将不可用。)

The single checkbox, “Enable Services,” works across all of these apps, so it’s turned on or off for all apps; there’s no individual selection. Turning it on in any app will turn it on in every app, and likewise turning it off in any app will turn it off in every app.

单个复选框“启用服务”可在所有这些应用程序中使用,因此可以为所有应用程序打开或关闭该复选框。 没有个人选择。 在任何应用程序中将其打开将在每个应用程序中将其打开,同样在任何应用程序中将其关闭将在每个应用程序中将其关闭。

什么是办公室智能服务? (What are Office Intelligent Services?)

Put simply, Office Intelligent Services (OIS) are dynamic, cloud-based services that provide useful extra functions to make your work better. As an example, Microsoft offers a translation feature that will translate a section of text or a whole document. This is an OIS feature that is only available for O365 users who have the “Enable Services” checkbox switched on.

简而言之,Office Intelligent Services(OIS)是基于云的动态服务,可提供有用的额外功能来改善您的工作。 例如,Microsoft提供了一种翻译功能,可以翻译一段文本或整个文档。 这是OIS功能,仅适用于已启用“启用服务”复选框的O365用户。

Other OIS features include a data visualization tool for Excel, a PowerPoint design helper, a “smart lookup” tool to help you find information about a subject, and the ability to dictate text rather than typing it. There are quite a few other services as well, and Microsoft regularly adds more.

其他OIS功能包括用于Excel的数据可视化工具,PowerPoint设计帮助器,可帮助您查找有关主题的信息的“智能查找”工具,以及指示文本而不是键入文本的功能。 还有很多其他服务,并且Microsoft会定期添加更多服务。

Note: To use some of the other services, you need to keep another default value switched on, as well. In Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook, open File > Options > Trust Center and click “Trust Center Settings.”

注意:要使用某些其他服务,您还需要保持另一个默认值处于打开状态。 在Word,Excel,PowerPoint或Outlook中,打开“文件”>“选项”>“信任中心”,然后单击“信任中心设置”。

Select “Privacy Options” on the left and then on the right, make sure that both “Privacy Options” are switched on.


为什么要打开Office智能服务,并且应该将其关闭? (Why Are Office Intelligent Services Switched On, and Should You Turn Them Off?)

The first time you open a client app that uses OIS, you’ll be asked if you want to turn them on, so if the “Enable Services” checkbox is switched on, it’s because you agreed to this. But don’t worry! You now know how to turn them back off again.

首次打开使用OIS的客户端应用程序时,系统会询问您是否要打开它们,因此,如果“启用服务”复选框处于打开状态,那是因为您同意这样做。 但是不用担心! 您现在知道了如何再次将其关闭。

However, OIS features are useful and Microsoft’s privacy statement is a pretty comprehensive document, so you might want to read it and make an informed decision before turning OIS off (or indeed turning it on). Those us here at How-To Geek who use O365 have OIS turned on because there are useful features we use, but we can’t make a recommendation to you other than to say that it’s your choice, and we’re not aware of a good reason not to use them.

但是,OIS功能很有用,并且Microsoft的隐私声明是一个非常全面的文档,因此您可能希望在关闭(或实际上将其打开)OIS之前阅读并做出明智的决定。 在How-To Geek上使用O365的那些人启用了OIS,是因为我们使用了许多有用的功能,但是除了说这是您的选择之外,我们无法向您提供建议,并且我们不了解不使用它们的充分理由。


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