
It is a general practice to get rid of old user profiles on a computer  in a LAN environment.


As I have been working with a company in a LAN environment where users move from one place to some other place at times. This will make many user profiles on a single machine. However, as per the shift timings, it is required to leave only two active profiles on one computer.

由于我一直在局域网环境中的一家公司工作,因此用户有时会从一个地方移到另一个地方。 这将在一台计算机上创建许多用户配置文件。 但是,根据换档时间,只需要在一台计算机上保留两个活动配置文件。

At times, and over time, we can see many user profiles on a single machine. This will (or at least, could) consume a lot of system space and slow down machine performance. In turn, this will slow down other system processes.

有时,随着时间的流逝,我们可以在一台计算机上看到许多用户配置文件。 这将(或至少可能)消耗大量系统空间并降低计算机性能。 反过来,这将减慢其他系统进程的速度。

There is a way to delete user profiles by selecting and deleting multiple user profiles. Microsoft has introduced a way to delete the user profiles in command mode. It gives a msi package with which we can introduce a new command "delprof"

通过选择和删除多个用户配置文件,可以删除用户配置文件。 Microsoft已引入一种在命令模式下删除用户配置文件的方法。 它提供了一个msi软件包,通过它我们可以引入一个新命令“ delprof”

This is easier to use in a LAN environment as well, we can remotely delete user profiles from our admin command prompt.


Delprof.msi is the package that needs to be installed first. It is available in the following link  http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5405

Delprof.msi是首先需要安装的软件包。 可通过以下链接http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5405获得

Open command prompt in administrator mode and access the path C:\program files\Windows resource kits\Tools" and then execute the command :

在管理员模式下打开命令提示符,并访问路径C:\ program files \ Windows resource kits \ Tools“,然后执行命令:

delprof /P /R /C:\\<computer name> /D

delprof / P / R / C:\\ <计算机名称> / D

/P is meant for Prompting

/ P用于提示

/D allows you to select the number of days old_profiles.

/ D允许您选择old_profiles的天数。

And the other options are shown clearly in the image attached.


In a standalone computer we can simply go with delprof, though, would NOT recommend it unless you back up first. Best to used the /P and the /D together to make sure you are deleting "old" profiles and you get asked (or prompted) for the delete.

在独立计算机上,我们可以简单地使用delprof,除非您先进行备份,否则我们不建议您使用它。 最好将/ P和/ D一起使用,以确保删除“旧”配置文件,并提示您(或提示您)删除。

Execute the above command and select Yes option to delete the desired profiles.


This will work with an ease and you can avoid graphical environment of slow deletion process.


Please becareful. While it is important to keep your computers clean, and clear up OLD profiles, make very sure you know all the profiles you want / need BEFORE you begin. If in doubt, then DON'T delete.

请注意。 尽管保持计算机整洁并清除旧配置文件很重要,但是请确保在开始之前了解所有想要/需要的配置文件。 如有疑问,请不要删除。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/7834/Deleting-user-profiles-in-Windows-XP-clients-remotely.html


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