import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt



col_name = ['duration','protocol_type','service','flag','src_bytes','dst_bytes','land','wrong_fragment','urgent','hot','num_failed_logins','logged_in','num_compromised','root_shell','su_attempted','num_root','num_file_creations','num_shells','num_access_files','num_outbound_cmds','is_hot_login','is_guest_login','count','srv_count','serror_rate','srv_serror_rate','rerror_rate','srv_rerror_rate','same_srv_rate','diff_srv_rate','srv_diff_host_rate','dst_host_count','dst_host_srv_count','dst_host_same_srv_rate','dst_host_diff_srv_rate','dst_host_same_src_port_rate','dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate','dst_host_serror_rate','dst_host_srv_serror_rate','dst_host_rerror_rate','dst_host_srv_rerror_rate','target' ]
# 将列名添加到df中

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4898431 entries, 0 to 4898430
Data columns (total 42 columns):
duration                       int64
protocol_type                  object
service                        object
flag                           object
src_bytes                      int64
dst_bytes                      int64
land                           int64
wrong_fragment                 int64
urgent                         int64
hot                            int64
num_failed_logins              int64
logged_in                      int64
num_compromised                int64
root_shell                     int64
su_attempted                   int64
num_root                       int64
num_file_creations             int64
num_shells                     int64
num_access_files               int64
num_outbound_cmds              int64
is_hot_login                   int64
is_guest_login                 int64
count                          int64
srv_count                      int64
serror_rate                    float64
srv_serror_rate                float64
rerror_rate                    float64
srv_rerror_rate                float64
same_srv_rate                  float64
diff_srv_rate                  float64
srv_diff_host_rate             float64
dst_host_count                 int64
dst_host_srv_count             int64
dst_host_same_srv_rate         float64
dst_host_diff_srv_rate         float64
dst_host_same_src_port_rate    float64
dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate    float64
dst_host_serror_rate           float64
dst_host_srv_serror_rate       float64
dst_host_rerror_rate           float64
dst_host_srv_rerror_rate       float64
target                         object
dtypes: float64(15), int64(23), object(4)
memory usage: 1.5+ GB

其中41个 特征字段,1个标签字段(离散型、字符串),41个特征中,共32个连续类型,9个离散类型(包含3个字符型protocol_type、service、flag,6个0-1型land、logged_in、root_shell、su_attempted、is_hot_login、is_guest_login)

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
duration 4898431.0 4.834243e+01 723.329811 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 5.832900e+04
src_bytes 4898431.0 1.834621e+03 941431.074484 0.0 45.00 520.0 1032.00 1.379964e+09
dst_bytes 4898431.0 1.093623e+03 645012.333754 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.309937e+09
land 4898431.0 5.716116e-06 0.002391 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
wrong_fragment 4898431.0 6.487792e-04 0.042854 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.000000e+00
urgent 4898431.0 7.961733e-06 0.007215 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.400000e+01
hot 4898431.0 1.243766e-02 0.468978 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 7.700000e+01
num_failed_logins 4898431.0 3.205108e-05 0.007299 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 5.000000e+00
logged_in 4898431.0 1.435290e-01 0.350612 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
num_compromised 4898431.0 8.088304e-03 3.856481 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 7.479000e+03
root_shell 4898431.0 6.818510e-05 0.008257 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
su_attempted 4898431.0 3.674646e-05 0.008082 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 2.000000e+00
num_root 4898431.0 1.293496e-02 3.938075 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 7.468000e+03
num_file_creations 4898431.0 1.188748e-03 0.124186 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 4.300000e+01
num_shells 4898431.0 7.430951e-05 0.008738 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 2.000000e+00
num_access_files 4898431.0 1.021143e-03 0.035510 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 9.000000e+00
num_outbound_cmds 4898431.0 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.000000e+00
is_hot_login 4898431.0 4.082940e-07 0.000639 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
is_guest_login 4898431.0 8.351654e-04 0.028887 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
count 4898431.0 3.349734e+02 211.990782 0.0 121.00 510.0 511.00 5.110000e+02
srv_count 4898431.0 2.952671e+02 245.992710 0.0 10.00 510.0 511.00 5.110000e+02
serror_rate 4898431.0 1.779703e-01 0.381876 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
srv_serror_rate 4898431.0 1.780370e-01 0.382254 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
rerror_rate 4898431.0 5.766509e-02 0.232253 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
srv_rerror_rate 4898431.0 5.773010e-02 0.232660 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
same_srv_rate 4898431.0 7.898842e-01 0.389296 0.0 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.000000e+00
diff_srv_rate 4898431.0 2.117961e-02 0.082715 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
srv_diff_host_rate 4898431.0 2.826080e-02 0.140560 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
dst_host_count 4898431.0 2.329811e+02 64.020937 0.0 255.00 255.0 255.00 2.550000e+02
dst_host_srv_count 4898431.0 1.892142e+02 105.912767 0.0 49.00 255.0 255.00 2.550000e+02
dst_host_same_srv_rate 4898431.0 7.537132e-01 0.411186 0.0 0.41 1.0 1.00 1.000000e+00
dst_host_diff_srv_rate 4898431.0 3.071111e-02 0.108543 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.04 1.000000e+00
dst_host_same_src_port_rate 4898431.0 6.050520e-01 0.480988 0.0 0.00 1.0 1.00 1.000000e+00
dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate 4898431.0 6.464107e-03 0.041260 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
dst_host_serror_rate 4898431.0 1.780911e-01 0.381838 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
dst_host_srv_serror_rate 4898431.0 1.778859e-01 0.382177 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
dst_host_rerror_rate 4898431.0 5.792780e-02 0.230943 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00
dst_host_srv_rerror_rate 4898431.0 5.765941e-02 0.230978 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.000000e+00


smurf.              2807886
neptune.            1072017
normal.              972781
satan.                15892
ipsweep.              12481
portsweep.            10413
nmap.                  2316
back.                  2203
warezclient.           1020
teardrop.               979
pod.                    264
guess_passwd.            53
buffer_overflow.         30
land.                    21
warezmaster.             20
imap.                    12
rootkit.                 10
loadmodule.               9
ftp_write.                8
multihop.                 7
phf.                      4
perl.                     3
spy.                      2
Name: target, dtype: int64
# 已知的异常类型分类
def attack_classify(tag):dic_attack_type ={'DOS':['land.','pod.','teardrop.','back.','neptune.','smurf.'],'R2L':['spy.','phf.','multihop.','ftp_write.','imap.','warezmaster.','guess_passwd.','warezclient.'],'U2R':['buffer_overflow.','rootkit.','loadmodule.','perl.'],'PROBING':['nmap.','portsweep.','ipsweep.','satan.']}for i in dic_attack_type.keys():if tag in dic_attack_type[i]:return ielse:return tag
DOS        3883370
normal.     972781
PROBING      41102
R2L           1126
U2R             52
Name: target_type, dtype: int64
gp = df.groupby(['target_type','target']).count()
target_type  target
DOS          back.                  2203land.                    21neptune.            1072017pod.                    264smurf.              2807886teardrop.               979
PROBING      ipsweep.              12481nmap.                  2316portsweep.            10413satan.                15892
R2L          ftp_write.                8guess_passwd.            53imap.                    12multihop.                 7phf.                      4spy.                      2warezclient.           1020warezmaster.             20
U2R          buffer_overflow.         30loadmodule.               9perl.                     3rootkit.                 10
normal.      normal.              972781
Name: protocol_type, dtype: int64



icmp    2833545
tcp     1870598
udp      194288
Name: protocol_type, dtype: int64
ecr_i        2811660
private      1100831
http          623091
smtp           96554
other          72653...
tftp_u             3
http_8001          2
aol                2
harvest            2
http_2784          1
Name: service, Length: 70, dtype: int64
SF        3744328
S0         869829
REJ        268874
RSTR         8094
RSTO         5344
SH           1040
S1            532
S2            161
RSTOS0        122
OTH            57
S3             50
Name: flag, dtype: int64


# land、logged_in、root_shell、su_attempted、is_hot_login、is_guest_login
0    4898403
1         28
Name: land, dtype: int64
0    4195364
1     703067
Name: logged_in, dtype: int64
0    4898097
1        334
Name: root_shell, dtype: int64
0    4898321
2         70
1         40
Name: su_attempted, dtype: int64
0    4898429
1          2
Name: is_hot_login, dtype: int64
0    4894340
1       4091
Name: is_guest_login, dtype: int64



protocol_type icmp tcp udp
back. 0 2203 0
buffer_overflow. 0 30 0
ftp_write. 0 8 0
guess_passwd. 0 53 0
imap. 0 12 0
ipsweep. 11557 924 0
land. 0 21 0
loadmodule. 0 9 0
multihop. 0 7 0
neptune. 0 1072017 0
nmap. 1032 1034 250
normal. 12763 768670 191348
perl. 0 3 0
phf. 0 4 0
pod. 264 0 0
portsweep. 6 10407 0
rootkit. 0 7 3
satan. 37 14147 1708
smurf. 2807886 0 0
spy. 0 2 0
teardrop. 0 0 979
warezclient. 0 1020 0
warezmaster. 0 20 0
target back. buffer_overflow. ftp_write. guess_passwd. imap. ipsweep. land. loadmodule. multihop. neptune. nmap. normal. perl. phf. pod. portsweep. rootkit. satan. smurf. spy. teardrop. warezclient. warezmaster.
IRC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 520 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
X11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
Z39_50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1066 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
aol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
auth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1037 1 2328 0 0 0 9 0 7 0 0 0 0 0
bgp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1035 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
courier 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1011 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
csnet_ns 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1038 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
ctf 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1037 1 0 0 0 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
daytime 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1037 1 0 0 0 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
discard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1040 1 0 0 0 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
domain 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1046 1 38 0 0 0 12 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
domain_u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57773 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0
echo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1040 1 0 0 0 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
eco_i 0 0 0 0 0 11517 0 0 0 0 1026 3768 0 0 0 4 0 23 0 0 0 0 0
ecr_i 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 6 3456 0 0 259 2 0 11 2807886 0 0 0 0
efs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1032 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
exec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1035 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
finger 0 0 0 0 0 13 20 0 0 1800 1 5017 0 0 0 13 0 27 0 0 0 0 0
ftp 0 1 2 0 0 13 0 1 2 1042 1 3821 0 0 0 13 1 8 0 0 0 307 2
ftp_data 0 8 4 0 0 13 0 3 3 1805 1 38093 0 0 0 14 1 26 0 0 0 708 18
gopher 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1039 1 0 0 0 0 13 0 11 0 0 0 0 0
harvest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
hostnames 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1037 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
http 2203 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1801 1 619046 0 4 0 16 0 7 0 0 0 0 0
http_2784 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
http_443 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1036 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
http_8001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
imap4 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 1043 1 3 0 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
iso_tsap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1038 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
klogin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1040 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
kshell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1030 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
ldap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1033 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
link 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1038 1 0 0 0 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
login 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1032 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
mtp 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1044 1 0 0 0 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
name 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1036 1 0 0 0 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
netbios_dgm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1039 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
netbios_ns 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1041 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
netbios_ssn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1042 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
netstat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1038 1 0 0 0 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
nnsp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1030 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
nntp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1043 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
ntp_u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3833 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1022 1 56520 0 0 0 2649 3 12453 0 0 0 5 0
pm_dump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0
pop_2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1043 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
pop_3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1046 1 922 0 0 0 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
printer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1034 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
private 0 0 0 0 0 702 0 0 0 1013720 1231 73853 0 0 0 7200 0 3146 0 0 979 0 0
red_i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
remote_job 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1041 1 0 0 0 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
rje 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1038 1 0 0 0 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
shell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1034 1 5 0 0 0 7 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
smtp 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1140 1 95371 0 0 0 15 0 14 0 0 0 0 0
sql_net 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1039 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
ssh 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1039 1 7 0 0 0 12 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
sunrpc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1043 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
supdup 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1042 1 0 0 0 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
systat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1038 1 0 0 0 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
telnet 0 21 0 53 0 14 1 5 2 1923 1 2227 3 0 0 13 5 7 0 2 0 0 0
tftp_u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
tim_i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
time 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1040 1 509 0 0 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
urh_i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 148 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
urp_i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5375 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
uucp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1027 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
uucp_path 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1044 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
vmnet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1041 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
whois 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1042 1 0 0 0 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
# service特征与target_type交叉表
target_type DOS PROBING R2L U2R normal.
IRC 0 1 0 0 520
X11 0 6 0 0 129
Z39_50 1066 12 0 0 0
aol 0 2 0 0 0
auth 1037 17 0 0 2328
bgp 1035 12 0 0 0
courier 1011 10 0 0 0
csnet_ns 1038 13 0 0 0
ctf 1037 31 0 0 0
daytime 1037 19 0 0 0
discard 1040 19 0 0 0
domain 1046 29 0 0 38
domain_u 0 9 0 0 57773
echo 1040 19 0 0 0
eco_i 0 12570 0 0 3768
ecr_i 2808145 59 0 0 3456
efs 1032 10 0 0 0
exec 1035 10 0 0 0
finger 1820 54 0 0 5017
ftp 1042 35 313 3 3821
ftp_data 1805 54 733 12 38093
gopher 1039 38 0 0 0
harvest 0 2 0 0 0
hostnames 1037 13 0 0 0
http 4004 37 4 0 619046
http_2784 0 1 0 0 0
http_443 1036 8 0 0 0
http_8001 0 2 0 0 0
imap4 1043 11 12 0 3
iso_tsap 1038 14 0 0 0
klogin 1040 10 0 0 0
kshell 1030 10 0 0 0
ldap 1033 8 0 0 0
link 1038 31 0 0 0
login 1032 11 2 0 0
mtp 1044 32 0 0 0
name 1036 31 0 0 0
netbios_dgm 1039 13 0 0 0
netbios_ns 1041 13 0 0 0
netbios_ssn 1042 13 0 0 0
netstat 1038 18 0 0 0
nnsp 1030 8 0 0 0
nntp 1043 16 0 0 0
ntp_u 0 0 0 0 3833
other 1022 15103 5 3 56520
pm_dump 0 5 0 0 0
pop_2 1043 12 0 0 0
pop_3 1046 13 0 0 922
printer 1034 11 0 0 0
private 1014699 12279 0 0 73853
red_i 0 0 0 0 9
remote_job 1041 32 0 0 0
rje 1038 32 0 0 0
shell 1034 12 0 0 5
smtp 1140 43 0 0 95371
sql_net 1039 13 0 0 0
ssh 1039 29 0 0 7
sunrpc 1043 13 0 0 0
supdup 1042 18 0 0 0
systat 1038 18 0 0 0
telnet 1924 35 57 34 2227
tftp_u 0 0 0 0 3
tim_i 5 0 0 0 7
time 1040 30 0 0 509
urh_i 0 0 0 0 148
urp_i 0 3 0 0 5375
uucp 1027 14 0 0 0
uucp_path 1044 13 0 0 0
vmnet 1041 12 0 0 0
whois 1042 31 0 0 0
back. 0 0 0 0 91 0 2 5 0 2105 0
buffer_overflow. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0
ftp_write. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0
guess_passwd. 0 0 45 0 4 0 0 0 2 2 0
imap. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 6 4
ipsweep. 0 823 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 11622 0
land. 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0
loadmodule. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0
multihop. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0
neptune. 0 199970 4600 0 0 867446 0 0 0 1 0
nmap. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1282 1034
normal. 13 53473 600 0 334 424 528 153 46 917208 2
perl. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
phf. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
pod. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 264 0
portsweep. 44 2330 55 122 7663 191 0 0 0 8 0
rootkit. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0
satan. 0 12278 6 0 1 1746 1 2 1 1857 0
smurf. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2807886 0
spy. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
teardrop. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 979 0
warezclient. 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1016 0
warezmaster. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
target_type DOS PROBING R2L U2R normal.
OTH 0 44 0 0 13
REJ 199970 15431 0 0 53473
RSTO 4600 97 46 1 600
RSTOS0 0 122 0 0 0
RSTR 91 7664 5 0 334
S0 867467 1937 1 0 424
S1 2 1 1 0 528
S2 5 2 1 0 153
S3 0 1 3 0 46
SF 2811235 14769 1065 51 917208
SH 0 1034 4 0 2
df_copy= df.copy()
# df_t_copy = df_test.copy()




only_1_field = []
for i in df.columns:if len(df[i].value_counts())<=1:only_1_field.append(i)
for i in only_1_field:del df[i]


# features_dic = {}
# for i in df.columns.values.tolist():
#     features_dic[i]=dict(df.loc[:,i].value_counts())
# features_dic
{'duration': {0: 4779492,1: 23886,2: 8139,3: 6016,5: 5576,2630: 5061,4: 3738,14: 2673,10: 1746,7: 1651,6: 1625,9: 1061,2715: 1009,8: 964,11: 914,15: 888,2625: 855,2620: 744,27: 712,2594: 708,19: 664,16: 649,12: 639,23: 601,28: 589,13: 573,20: 531,21: 506,2638: 492,22: 489,30: 467,25: 441,2634: 434,24: 403,2639: 400,26: 389,18: 331,2470: 324,2350: 311,2593: 310,31: 293,29: 288,2450: 285,17: 262,1995: 248,2474: 226,7030: 205,32: 186,2718: 168,2420: 166,6649: 157,4564: 153,2592: 147,2000: 140,2717: 138,2595: 133,2635: 127,35: 126,2472: 125,12990: 123,2586: 122,34: 121,33: 121,4774: 121,17640: 117,2712: 114,2714: 109,36: 107,2585: 107,5610: 107,63: 105,37: 105,2476: 103,10339: 102,2465: 100,5415: 98,38: 98,4785: 95,40: 95,2719: 93,39: 91,9280: 90,2723: 89,2240: 88,2705: 88,1470: 87,2429: 87,2469: 86,2540: 85,1390: 84,15629: 82,5065: 82,2710: 82,1355: 82,2975: 81,1935: 80,1944: 80,7794: 79,20234: 74,2431: 74,45: 72,2579: 72,2596: 71,2708: 71,4620: 71,2584: 71,12810: 69,1360: 67,899: 67,2713: 66,41: 66,2422: 65,43: 65,2238: 64,16799: 64,1395: 63,46: 63,42: 63,2597: 62,2430: 61,48: 61,2583: 61,5605: 60,3990: 59,4024: 59,4185: 59,1399: 58,4555: 58,44: 57,16790: 56,4015: 56,7194: 56,4934: 56,60: 56,2580: 55,4935: 54,4939: 54,47: 54,2629: 53,4776: 53,2588: 53,1930: 52,9721: 50,50: 49,4940: 49,2589: 49,4298: 49,3995: 49,15449: 49,9100: 48,2703: 48,17037: 48,4250: 48,2615: 48,4729: 47,5561: 47,15440: 46,1404: 46,17038: 45,2477: 45,2473: 44,1385: 44,14498: 44,2590: 44,3924: 43,2368: 43,53: 43,1974: 41,49: 41,58: 40,15620: 40,9400: 40,7412: 40,11010: 40,2367: 39,14497: 39,52: 39,54: 39,2432: 39,10340: 38,7782: 37,2440: 37,7783: 37,55: 37,1357: 37,2242: 36,4717: 36,2275: 36,3030: 36,12999: 36,4786: 35,2445: 35,2460: 35,4705: 35,1704: 34,9427: 34,51: 34,4718: 34,62: 34,2599: 33,795: 33,1990: 33,17049: 33,7251: 33,2458: 32,4773: 32,61: 32,4196: 32,4197: 32,5619: 32,1925: 32,67: 31,59: 31,9426: 31,9415: 31,7247: 30,89: 30,3890: 30,64: 30,57: 29,3029: 29,71: 29,1939: 28,20232: 28,66: 28,2433: 28,2699: 28,2170: 28,9247: 28,56: 28,93: 27,4545: 27,1324: 27,7770: 27,4713: 27,2716: 27,5600: 27,4931: 26,70: 26,2578: 26,2468: 26,4710: 26,2379: 26,3999: 26,2354: 26,4550: 26,2454: 25,94: 25,12132: 25,6764: 25,9246: 25,7025: 25,68: 25,1979: 25,2459: 25,7019: 25,5678: 24,11020: 24,3916: 24,20226: 24,81: 24,4029: 24,102: 24,2633: 24,72: 24,2722: 24,1380: 24,900: 23,69: 23,127: 23,9268: 23,4449: 22,8034: 22,10345: 22,19764: 22,2285: 22,74: 22,4010: 22,2315: 22,65: 22,10326: 22,92: 22,15621: 22,1110: 22,2090: 22,3985: 22,5557: 21,2304: 21,2001: 21,9375: 21,2720: 21,4777: 21,2598: 21,2726: 21,1993: 21,210: 21,5394: 21,12275: 21,1482: 20,2628: 20,88: 20,2005: 20,2010: 20,7416: 20,10331: 20,97: 20,78: 20,14155: 20,2265: 20,73: 19,3810: 19,1112: 19,4725: 19,2180: 19,5099: 19,2631: 19,12819: 19,5614: 19,7780: 19,3304: 19,349: 19,4563: 19,2664: 19,3980: 19,96: 19,1985: 19,12985: 19,7034: 19,1988: 19,560: 19,76: 19,75: 19,4789: 19,4791: 19,5114: 18,4639: 18,4629: 18,2345: 18,4004: 18,6636: 18,2230: 18,85: 18,98: 18,1915: 18,1105: 18,2405: 18,103: 18,2587: 18,2300: 18,1460: 18,2003: 18,16780: 17,2343: 17,4724: 17,2229: 17,3769: 17,2320: 17,1905: 17,107: 17,7405: 17,110: 17,79: 17,4005: 17,1439: 17,12980: 17,2334: 17,1964: 17,2707: 17,1394: 17,4712: 17,2414: 17,77: 17,2632: 16,745: 16,2427: 16,2239: 16,9725: 16,2428: 16,155: 16,16785: 16,1465: 16,4060: 16,4294: 16,6631: 16,3954: 16,2609: 16,2582: 16,1085: 16,3920: 16,1730: 16,82: 16,190: 16,2643: 16,2644: 16,12994: 16,9412: 16,84: 16,2725: 16,91: 16,1169: 15,2311: 15,300: 15,4715: 15,2237: 15,2466: 15,4630: 15,1999: 15,2467: 15,90: 15,23829: 15,19753: 15,6641: 15,550: 15,2728: 15,2325: 15,2139: 15,86: 15,99: 15,1940: 15,1969: 15,150: 15,2234: 15,2591: 15,2645: 15,2416: 15,3854: 15,141: 15,22270: 15,3918: 15,5080: 15,1254: 15,159: 15,2365: 15,179: 15,22474: 15,4193: 15,10321: 15,1315: 14,3625: 14,1810: 14,3586: 14,192: 14,4440: 14,2471: 14,1978: 14,174: 14,2409: 14,120: 14,119: 14,310: 14,116: 14,2305: 14,1125: 14,3582: 14,2309: 14,2575: 14,83: 14,80: 14,4019: 14,4711: 14,4023: 14,2702: 14,2008: 14,611: 14,2355: 14,19752: 14,2348: 14,1375: 14,254: 14,1481: 14,820: 14,170: 14,1450: 14,2424: 14,4834: 14,1943: 13,2418: 13,101: 13,1403: 13,2080: 13,4559: 13,5770: 13,11029: 13,259: 13,15430: 13,3720: 13,9411: 13,2740: 13,4300: 13,359: 13,4453: 13,2337: 13,6420: 13,15435: 13,95: 13,113: 13,2104: 13,315: 13,252: 13,131: 13,855: 13,3305: 13,1900: 13,189: 13,1115: 13,1319: 13,1983: 13,4610: 13,4615: 13,111: 13,2260: 13,1910: 12,251: 12,9084: 12,6645: 12,7070: 12,240: 12,245: 12,2165: 12,10335: 12,5560: 12,267: 12,2175: 12,230: 12,263: 12,256: 12,7778: 12,2944: 12,825: 12,223: 12,1398: 12,270: 12,1824: 12,10344: 12,5014: 12,2360: 12,7267: 12,3170: 12,169: 12,4175: 12,4189: 12,100: 12,12800: 12,104: 12,156: 12,15610: 12,112: 12,640: 12,151: 12,2640: 12,2425: 12,714: 12,3939: 12,490: 12,1275: 12,465: 12,12998: 12,440: 12,444: 12,460: 12,132: 12,2410: 12,1154: 12,134: 12,180: 12,1615: 12,559: 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10,3058: 10,2525: 10,2375: 10,395: 10,7140: 10,1691: 10,429: 10,4605: 10,1823: 10,12805: 10,624: 10,2475: 10,620: 10,3577: 10,4500: 10,1805: 10,3749: 10,5419: 10,136: 10,172: 10,1156: 10,269: 10,1989: 10,261: 10,149: 10,234: 10,255: 10,115: 10,241: 10,206: 10,12128: 10,9275: 10,3929: 10,4345: 10,122: 10,7876: 10,123: 10,2959: 10,126: 10,2930: 10,266: 10,9408: 10,277: 10,2034: 10,202: 10,5423: 10,9410: 10,1195: 10,368: 9,2149: 9,5089: 9,331: 9,1079: 9,3846: 9,447: 9,2100: 9,138: 9,140: 9,1827: 9,9269: 9,5057: 9,133: 9,1965: 9,5077: 9,195: 9,4340: 9,4955: 9,6763: 9,670: 9,2283: 9,1440: 9,1720: 9,2942: 9,198: 9,2462: 9,199: 9,7248: 9,1445: 9,128: 9,2652: 9,2624: 9,205: 9,2494: 9,216: 9,7268: 9,399: 9,171: 9,1478: 9,173: 9,16794: 9,5104: 9,1480: 9,356: 9,175: 9,2236: 9,357: 9,1808: 9,177: 9,750: 9,1475: 9,765: 9,4255: 9,148: 9,4919: 9,4296: 9,4245: 9,2115: 9,2114: 9,222: 9,3578: 9,5410: 9,659: 9,4515: 9,1514: 9,1774: 9,7274: 9,246: 9,1650: 9,265: 9,1686: 9,9419: 9,15624: 9,4173: 9,12811: 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678,175: 673,356: 670,157: 670,180: 659,171: 649,148: 640,177: 636,357: 631,168: 616,170: 616,373: 614,174: 614,166: 613,173: 611,740: 605,169: 602,6: 601,38: 599,155: 590,176: 572,152: 569,374: 546,359: 546,516: 542,149: 516,143: 516,360: 507,363: 505,156: 502,364: 501,361: 498,153: 490,154: 434,368: 409,17: 406,362: 404,369: 393,88: 393,37: 383,365: 359,366: 348,142: 345,371: 339,965: 339,370: 338,1010: 335,150: 335,854: 330,879: 327,1030: 324,372: 324,960: 320,884: 320,1214: 318,1470: 311,367: 310,852: 308,1480: 307,749: 302,375: 298,78: 296,12: 296,768: 295,376: 294,1363: 289,1556: 287,91: 285,637: 285,95: 284,1199: 284,14: 279,607: 275,1766: 273,141: 272,1690: 272,1153: 270,1699: 270,1830: 268,1342: 266,1376: 265,1339: 257,19: 250,1874: 248,3468: 248,377: 247,7280: 247,8325: 247,3888: 247,3690: 247,6062: 246,15377: 246,7321: 246,15876: 246,7196: 246,41: 246,3909: 245,4539: 245,3775: 245,7077: 245,10389: 245,9178: 245,12324: 244,4763: 244,13239: 244,6601: 244,10044: 244,12241: 243,2890: 242,10261: 242,13: 241,26408: 240,35195: 240,10073: 240,12286: 240,378: 239,88382: 238,15722: 236,7940: 235,9198: 235,16787: 234,10272: 234,40: 234,61298: 233,2881: 233,2056: 232,12983: 232,6932: 229,4753: 227,7162: 227,2191: 226,2194619: 226,12165: 226,4316: 226,11376: 225,5319: 225,5891: 225,5558: 225,7422: 225,8766: 225,4892: 225,5336: 225,14052: 223,52: 221,40494: 218,3676: 215,380: 214,9311: 213,7233: 213,8173: 213,5929: 213,8737: 213,11: 212,379: 212,16115: 212,7012: 211,14189: 210,24: 210,39: 207,71: 203,554: 201,495: 197,5: 190,102: 187,47: 185,387: 185,388: 182,381: 178,382: 169,26: 157,491: 154,86: 149,140: 149,104: 146,110: 145,100: 142,389: 141,384: 140,113: 135,111: 132,175337: 126,832: 125,501760: 125,940: 123,385: 122,890: 118,801: 117,22: 117,926: 117,386: 115,938: 115,859: 113,918: 112,802: 112,849: 111,821: 110,877: 109,394: 109,89: 109,64: 109,956: 108,947: 108,74: 108,882: 107,861: 107,865: 106,1194: 106,937: 105,963: 105,756: 105,724: 105,800: 104,911: 104,878: 104,887: 103,881: 103,840: 103,834: 103,949: 103,722: 102,843: 102,880: 102,396: 102,893: 102,944: 102,390: 101,401: 101,751: 101,760: 101,803: 101,916: 101,1000: 100,889: 100,888: 100,885: 99,932: 98,931: 98,1208: 98,804: 98,833: 98,841: 98,903: 98,828: 98,1109: 98,900: 97,393: 97,827: 97,934: 97,946: 97,933: 97,875: 97,904: 97,936: 97,939: 97,49: 97,790: 96,876: 96,788: 96,919: 96,1006: 96,391: 96,1058: 96,767: 96,764: 96,53: 96,87: 96,807: 95,1171: 95,986: 95,810: 95,871: 95,766: 95,978: 95,941: 94,907: 94,753: 94,708: 94,929: 94,920: 94,805: 93,798: 93,1206: 93,837: 93,850: 93,909: 93,990: 93,704: 92,754: 92,725: 92,862: 92,781: 92,1116: 92,763: 92,999: 92,948: 92,772: 91,945: 91,908: 91,723: 91,770: 91,883: 91,792: 91,797: 91,1031: 91,814: 91,1081: 91,964: 91,856: 91,20: 91,988: 91,1033: 90,818: 90,910: 90,906: 90,728: 89,771: 89,902: 89,1186: 89,1183: 89,831: 89,860: 89,733: 89,846: 89,847: 89,1044: 89,895: 89,409: 89,1034: 89,915: 89,928: 89,953: 89,874: 89,870: 89,1018: 89,973: 89,950: 88,914: 88,758: 88,1174: 88,905: 88,1141: 88,829: 88,923: 88,897: 88,959: 88,784: 88,1222: 88,892: 88,987: 87,1195: 87,858: 87,1188: 87,966: 87,975: 87,398: 87,1187: 87,785: 87,735: 87,1176: 87,1022: 87,1074: 87,886: 87,809: 87,759: 87,851: 87,773: 87,825: 87,815: 87,1067: 87,891: 86,1042: 86,738: 86,63: 86,989: 86,1083: 86,951: 86,1189: 86,1102: 86,1015: 86,718: 86,1009: 86,791: 85,848: 85,873: 85,839: 85,957: 85,974: 85,126: 85,1132: 85,1001: 85,935: 85,983: 85,925: 85,977: 85,705: 84,776: 84,1046: 84,952: 84,868: 84,961: 84,817: 84,998: 84,1196: 84,761: 84,981: 84,721: 84,899: 84,997: 84,835: 84,675: 84,838: 83,795: 83,853: 83,1184: 83,1003: 83,1005: 83,712: 83,845: 83,930: 83,1216: 83,922: 83,717: 83,779: 82,896: 82,1117: 82,898: 82,66: 82,984: 82,715: 82,1179: 82,1207: 82,1024: 82,1232: 82,962: 82,1143: 82,867: 82,1008: 81,1054: 81,1039: 81,1129: 81,1055: 81,1047: 81,787: 81,1173: 81,954: 81,739: 81,762: 81,912: 81,1218: 81,774: 81,991: 81,826: 81,958: 81,972: 81,1077: 80,1217: 80,1181: 80,1155: 80,1170: 80,392: 80,1210: 80,745: 80,968: 80,703: 80,942: 80,690: 80,697: 80,921: 80,970: 80,979: 80,744: 80,1012: 80,917: 80,811: 80,741: 80,816: 80,820: 80,752: 80,863: 80,780: 80,943: 79,1064: 79,1191: 79,1185: 79,955: 79,1093: 79,1007: 79,1028: 79,1041: 79,1105: 79,855: 79,967: 79,702: 79,765: 79,844: 79,736: 79,786: 79,783: 79,746: 79,812: 79,1178: 78,1086: 78,694: 78,1241: 78,1053: 78,924: 78,1079: 78,1233: 78,1204: 78,796: 78,688: 78,1245: 78,1107: 78,1131: 78,1112: 78,726: 78,727: 78,1124: 78,996: 78,995: 78,913: 77,1139: 77,1133: 77,1036: 77,698: 77,1076: 77,1294: 77,680: 77,1242: 77,1113: 77,1011: 77,1180: 77,869: 77,1175: 77,1254: 77,794: 77,1160: 77,711: 76,1224: 76,901: 76,706: 76,927: 76,1060: 76,1262: 76,1284: 76,982: 76,1213: 76,650: 76,1146: 76,731: 76,1192: 76,1103: 76,1056: 75,1266: 75,1013: 75,1095: 75,793: 75,1002: 75,864: 75,1168: 75,1281: 75,1148: 75,673: 75,976: 75,1190: 75,97: 75,750: 75,1202: 75,729: 75,1050: 75,1043: 75,1205: 75,1203: 75,1236: 75,1265: 75,1252: 74,1075: 74,1255: 74,1169: 74,1238: 74,1037: 74,1104: 74,1209: 74,1091: 74,667: 74,1147: 74,1082: 74,1062: 74,1061: 74,1123: 74,730: 74,757: 74,737: 74,819: 74,755: 74,743: 74,842: 73,400: 73,1240: 73,985: 73,1237: 73,777: 73,866: 73,439: 73,692: 73,1228: 73,980: 73,830: 73,1122: 73,857: 73,1065: 73,1057: 73,823: 72,1275: 72,1149: 72,732: 72,1087: 72,1128: 72,769: 72,1142: 72,1014: 72,813: 72,1094: 72,700: 72,720: 72,1140: 72,1137: 72,1215: 72,1371: 72,1130: 72,701: 72,1230: 72,971: 72,695: 72,1264: 72,92: 71,707: 71,1045: 71,1158: 71,1496: 71,1023: 71,685: 71,80: 71,1172: 71,139: 71,678: 71,836: 71,1127: 71,775: 71,1277: 71,652: 70,1035: 70,1099: 70,1333: 70,1038: 70,1229: 70,1261: 70,696: 70,1351: 70,808: 70,1136: 70,799: 70,710: 70,1068: 70,742: 70,1405: 70,719: 70,666: 70,1134: 70,1144: 70,1467: 70,1026: 70,1246: 70,992: 70,1247: 70,824: 70,1308: 69,1070: 69,1223: 69,822: 69,1052: 69,1029: 69,1125: 69,872: 69,1407: 69,1059: 69,1428: 69,789: 69,1089: 69,1200: 69,1301: 69,683: 69,894: 69,1167: 69,1156: 69,1020: 69,1114: 69,1193: 68,1197: 68,1110: 68,1182: 68,734: 68,395: 68,1084: 68,103: 68,806: 68,682: 68,1025: 68,1446: 68,1270: 68,1115: 68,638: 68,687: 68,1019: 68,1291: 68,671: 68,1268: 68,1239: 68,1326: 68,1231: 68,1225: 68,1135: 68,1383: 68,1138: 68,1267: 68,782: 67,1327: 67,1437: 67,1100: 67,1357: 67,677: 67,1211: 67,681: 67,1258: 67,1004: 67,1243: 67,397: 67,1078: 67,1121: 67,1226: 67,1051: 67,1069: 67,1502: 67,714: 67,1212: 67,1120: 67,1106: 66,1145: 66,709: 66,1027: 66,1340: 66,670: 66,644: 66,1287: 66,1372: 66,658: 66,686: 66,689: 66,1021: 66,1335: 66,1414: 66,1392: 66,1072: 66,1501: 65,1283: 65,1435: 65,1088: 65,1162: 65,1285: 65,1073: 65,1234: 65,1098: 65,404: 65,1473: 65,51: 65,1101: 65,1397: 64,...},'dst_bytes': {0: 4064854,105: 44713,147: 24910,146: 22536,145: 9500,42: 9242,330: 8335,331: 7690,329: 7650,332: 7264,328: 6852,327: 6134,333: 6014,334: 5560,46: 5142,335: 4030,48: 3914,326: 3582,336: 3551,337: 3445,2698: 3109,1380: 2732,1075: 2507,2239: 2487,3222: 2481,2507: 2470,44: 2426,325: 2204,8314: 2136,338: 2104,392: 2082,313: 2062,255: 1768,324: 1763,280: 1742,370: 1692,365: 1687,406: 1681,397: 1675,261: 1600,285: 1540,130: 1334,398: 1304,294: 1271,296: 1242,283: 1227,115: 1212,339: 1206,284: 1203,362: 1166,269: 1148,131: 1146,310: 1135,321: 1135,45: 1128,369: 1104,354: 1084,281: 1065,4: 1061,366: 1056,307: 1054,279: 1053,788: 1050,128: 1038,301: 1031,608: 1028,308: 1021,774: 1010,622: 982,282: 979,367: 969,364: 957,1425: 957,263: 956,110: 933,762: 932,1719: 922,753: 889,132: 889,259: 881,188: 878,1227: 874,253: 870,511: 866,267: 858,434: 853,133: 844,114: 826,274: 820,458: 799,368: 791,2445: 782,2531: 780,258: 779,1484: 763,312: 761,3200: 759,129: 755,468: 753,1856: 752,480: 733,363: 733,113: 733,38: 732,293: 731,134: 726,396: 723,278: 721,135: 720,1415: 715,1721: 714,405: 713,138: 713,1695: 712,290: 705,1600: 705,260: 702,30: 700,1875: 695,2431: 692,318: 689,12884: 686,111: 679,43: 677,1718: 673,12922: 672,1680: 672,340: 671,323: 670,136: 670,1481: 670,607: 666,1694: 657,1645: 654,127: 651,1651: 649,1408: 649,770: 648,421: 636,1215: 635,315: 633,885: 631,488: 629,771: 628,7333: 628,389: 624,37: 623,659: 620,453: 620,454: 620,1211: 616,303: 614,2446: 611,765: 608,525: 608,342: 606,88: 605,482: 603,1423: 599,1108: 598,361: 594,1483: 590,431: 589,1404: 587,1451: 587,391: 586,108: 581,137: 577,810: 573,309: 568,4841: 566,39: 561,314: 560,412: 558,882: 554,139: 552,388: 550,34: 548,372: 548,343: 544,112: 544,379: 543,272: 542,383: 541,306: 540,341: 536,1395: 533,757: 532,1247: 531,295: 530,275: 530,955: 523,1158: 523,449: 518,356: 514,373: 512,126: 512,751: 511,75: 511,1471: 503,375: 503,371: 501,462: 500,1461: 500,807: 499,270: 498,767: 490,36: 487,2251: 486,316: 485,1112: 483,9284: 478,481: 477,277: 475,140: 472,403: 469,1931: 468,2543: 467,402: 467,584: 466,117: 466,382: 466,101: 464,1587: 463,654: 461,597: 459,276: 457,626: 456,498: 456,193: 455,759: 455,415: 454,304: 451,1630: 450,5280: 449,455: 446,288: 441,70: 441,1511: 440,471: 440,755: 440,273: 439,1065: 439,619: 437,302: 437,934: 436,374: 436,1197: 436,409: 432,390: 432,91: 430,347: 427,784: 427,7203: 427,5790: 426,1374: 426,394: 422,2280: 422,74: 421,940: 419,6534: 418,94: 417,345: 417,422: 415,360: 415,1274: 414,944: 414,25519: 413,1054: 412,761: 411,420: 411,124: 410,526: 410,1701: 408,256: 407,24572: 406,535: 405,7355: 404,1529: 403,1745: 403,484: 402,924: 401,189: 401,891: 401,292: 400,73: 400,660: 399,5989: 397,410: 397,466: 395,633: 394,492: 393,1660: 393,387: 390,266: 388,440: 388,707: 388,1342: 387,6356: 387,299: 382,575: 381,671: 380,1046: 378,1896: 378,667: 377,475: 377,76: 377,305: 376,376: 376,1214: 375,1263: 374,71: 373,1109: 372,1565: 372,95: 371,1364: 371,835: 371,385: 370,404: 370,141: 368,520: 368,495: 367,515: 366,322: 365,1035: 364,1918: 364,1512: 362,248: 361,4624: 361,401: 361,872: 360,426: 359,616: 359,486: 359,573: 359,1564: 357,1069: 352,2367: 352,2996: 352,4137: 351,1973: 349,349: 349,125: 349,35: 348,1576: 348,760: 348,1043: 347,185: 347,588: 346,400: 346,1588: 346,89: 343,1792: 343,1761: 343,997: 343,289: 339,2077: 339,1337: 338,182: 338,359: 338,77: 337,2006: 337,17: 336,516: 336,4073: 336,655: 334,984: 333,594: 332,384: 331,1063: 330,483: 330,1610: 330,1528: 330,451: 329,1024: 328,1248: 328,2313: 328,930: 327,350: 327,478: 326,1212: 325,438: 325,72: 324,497: 324,238: 323,386: 322,1738: 322,602: 321,791: 321,411: 320,3211: 319,424: 319,1233: 318,8422: 316,1713: 316,1705: 316,758: 314,107: 314,2408: 314,695: 314,377: 314,903: 313,442: 312,1722: 311,346: 311,1159: 309,1509: 307,1040: 306,7886: 306,2536: 305,287: 303,430: 303,2720: 301,546: 301,93: 300,7384: 300,4152: 299,741: 298,268: 296,1585: 295,297: 295,271: 294,1072: 293,2241: 293,581: 293,1769: 292,3081: 291,893: 290,736: 290,764: 289,1053: 289,418: 288,491: 288,300: 288,674: 288,798: 287,5381: 287,943: 284,1249: 284,682: 282,439: 282,756: 281,1819: 281,2168: 281,2586: 280,702: 280,320: 279,1410: 279,1925: 278,3675: 278,1541: 277,181: 277,501: 277,408: 276,2649: 275,506: 275,1800: 275,745: 275,2055: 271,78: 271,9986: 268,744: 268,109: 267,435: 267,2486: 266,286: 264,380: 263,614: 262,399: 262,2402: 261,1617: 260,1047: 260,1492: 259,413: 259,928: 259,1187: 259,598: 258,685: 258,6924: 258,311: 258,170: 257,912: 257,609: 257,579: 255,443: 255,92: 255,5200: 254,2005: 254,1767: 253,2688: 253,358: 252,1359: 251,118: 251,414: 251,417: 250,171: 250,3380: 250,754: 249,1039: 249,960: 248,768: 247,2143: 247,809: 247,1088: 247,668: 246,1400: 246,447: 245,2302: 245,998: 244,250: 243,870: 243,1193: 242,187: 242,1691: 242,540: 241,613: 241,378: 240,2568: 240,703: 240,247: 240,978: 239,423: 237,531: 237,617: 237,395: 237,868: 236,3253: 236,769: 235,1376: 235,1817: 235,450: 235,920: 235,479: 234,2750: 234,589: 234,1295: 233,2090: 232,393: 231,731: 231,142: 231,119: 230,1357: 230,407: 230,821: 229,79: 228,636: 227,595: 227,457: 226,32: 226,353: 226,2042: 225,494: 225,1270: 225,1650: 224,662: 224,2265: 222,436: 222,1362: 222,437: 221,1010: 221,664: 221,236: 220,6329: 220,2483: 220,477: 219,298: 219,2714: 219,560: 218,14496: 218,80: 218,935: 217,527: 217,811: 217,4823: 217,828: 216,240: 216,317: 216,873: 216,223: 216,3248: 215,496: 215,29: 215,381: 214,1078: 213,1319: 213,700: 213,3413: 213,452: 213,183: 213,10378: 212,566: 212,1042: 212,3433: 211,776: 211,2474: 210,1281: 210,857: 210,1416: 210,445: 210,2825: 210,555: 209,670: 209,2043: 209,658: 209,1195: 209,2809: 208,799: 208,2071: 208,180: 208,1259: 208,246: 208,2226: 207,474: 207,33: 207,3731: 206,100: 206,983: 205,4097: 205,772: 205,351: 204,1246: 204,808: 204,706: 203,2325: 203,1269: 203,1905: 202,175: 202,839: 202,69: 202,1384: 201,446: 201,4556: 200,604: 200,1125: 200,564: 200,1007: 200,976: 199,1491: 199,344: 199,942: 198,291: 198,1366: 198,864: 197,1155: 197,441: 197,2658: 196,578: 196,9534: 196,646: 196,500: 196,2488: 196,490: 196,933: 195,1335: 195,749: 195,173: 194,766: 194,2013: 194,4768: 193,2126: 192,178: 192,574: 192,911: 192,504: 192,1432: 192,2073: 192,1344: 191,1099: 191,2015: 191,1735: 190,1487: 190,1538: 190,2229: 189,888: 189,3313: 188,1160: 188,528: 187,82: 187,476: 187,773: 187,179: 187,4894: 186,460: 186,172: 185,473: 185,910: 185,556: 185,487: 185,4061: 184,1256: 184,716: 183,1230: 183,3712: 183,510: 182,143: 182,3073: 182,2648: 182,1026: 181,923: 181,2120: 180,2596: 180,2762: 180,2125: 180,824: 179,732: 179,9317: 179,1164: 179,254: 178,3867: 178,5369: 178,176: 178,1092: 178,863: 178,1394: 178,12161: 178,3276: 177,433: 177,849: 177,687: 176,1030: 176,2592: 176,1707: 176,752: 176,41: 175,2113: 175,3127: 175,1000: 175,1472: 175,2129: 174,1433: 174,1808: 174,225: 174,11485: 174,1828: 174,35215: 173,461: 173,1820: 173,691: 172,937: 172,22780: 172,1752: 172,2816: 172,1674: 171,1287: 171,432: 171,1434: 171,262: 170,1032: 170,1074: 170,663: 170,644: 170,2109: 170,1409: 170,1459: 169,887: 169,3432: 169,665: 169,709: 169,1411: 169,2662: 169,1378: 169,2999: 169,538: 169,1240: 168,87: 168,986: 168,642: 168,728: 168,1596: 167,456: 167,174: 167,1244: 167,1271: 167,1056: 167,901: 167,657: 167,946: 167,352: 167,1262: 167,3040: 166,186: 166,1791: 166,1044: 166,120: 165,6250: 165,529: 165,1307: 165,640: 164,580: 164,3451: 164,122: 164,3410: 164,571: 164,224: 164,9743: 164,464: 163,1390: 163,264: 163,834: 163,1175: 162,1737: 162,508: 162,1952: 162,1356: 162,2650: 162,2904: 161,11889: 161,656: 161,1556: 161,116: 161,777: 161,783: 161,677: 161,2288: 161,3267: 160,804: 160,572: 160,1308: 160,489: 160,10861: 160,1496: 160,9287: 160,618: 160,1049: 159,606: 159,2873: 159,612: 159,16617: 159,8159: 158,999: 158,620: 158,782: 158,1223: 158,648: 158,750: 158,545: 157,357: 157,2631: 157,917: 157,748: 157,2019: 157,8222: 157,7273: 156,593: 156,237: 156,1402: 156,819: 156,797: 156,1619: 156,993: 156,715: 156,24: 156,2833: 155,5320: 155,844: 155,3550: 155,550: 155,5480: 154,96: 154,3198: 154,1724: 154,244: 154,14515: 154,1991: 154,1314: 153,5260: 153,86: 153,2097: 153,3101: 153,1025: 152,833: 152,1399: 152,1762: 152,4580: 152,846: 152,522: 152,5336: 151,1885: 151,40: 151,499: 151,1041: 151,931: 151,1389: 151,585: 151,812: 151,1628: 150,2459: 149,429: 149,1462: 149,265: 148,521: 148,1288: 147,1540: 147,775: 147,557: 147,1062: 147,1463: 147,559: 146,628: 146,1370: 146,1179: 146,17905: 146,1349: 146,2449: 146,1579: 146,2063: 145,1811: 145,1398: 145,4145: 145,1066: 145,820: 145,81: 144,673: 144,2354: 144,3112: 144,4359: 144,123: 144,1382: 144,1283: 143,31: 143,722: 143,2056: 143,763: 143,222: 142,567: 142,724: 142,1413: 142,2701: 142,241: 142,1178: 142,1126: 141,1419: 141,12471: 141,1185: 140,513: 140,2169: 140,638: 140,1020: 140,669: 140,1976: 140,249: 140,601: 139,1322: 139,3231: 139,1086: 139,13599: 139,848: 139,950: 139,841: 138,1397: 138,858: 138,719: 138,2997: 138,517: 138,121: 138,469: 138,1315: 137,502: 137,1018: 137,2066: 137,3048: 137,16904: 137,428: 137,530: 137,459: 137,686: 136,198: 136,467: 136,1391: 136,1405: 136,746: 136,1581: 135,485: 135,1003: 135,816: 135,4815: 135,2794: 134,2451: 134,600: 134,867: 134,544: 134,38299: 134,1664: 134,2119: 134,1396: 134,1911: 133,18275: 133,472: 133,856: 133,734: 133,245: 133,1231: 133,897: 133,221: 133,961: 133,1726: 132,1257: 132,1296: 132,416: 132,319: 132,...},'land': {0: 4898403, 1: 28},'wrong_fragment': {0: 4897193, 3: 970, 1: 268},'urgent': {0: 4898415, 1: 9, 2: 4, 14: 1, 5: 1, 3: 1},'hot': {0: 4890163,2: 2647,1: 1393,4: 942,6: 868,5: 339,19: 281,30: 281,28: 279,14: 270,18: 269,22: 255,24: 249,3: 88,7: 27,20: 17,9: 11,15: 8,11: 7,17: 7,10: 5,12: 4,13: 4,21: 4,16: 4,8: 3,44: 2,25: 2,33: 1,77: 1},'num_failed_logins': {0: 4898306, 1: 107, 2: 9, 3: 5, 4: 3, 5: 1},'logged_in': {0: 4195364, 1: 703067},'num_compromised': {0: 4895552,1: 2369,2: 153,3: 78,4: 68,5: 29,6: 27,7: 12,8: 8,9: 7,13: 7,18: 6,11: 6,10: 5,12: 5,17: 4,16: 4,14: 3,21: 3,23: 3,884: 2,151: 2,371: 2,31: 2,166: 1,94: 1,75: 1,78: 1,83: 1,110: 1,102: 1,107: 1,64: 1,121: 1,157: 1,74: 1,27: 1,54: 1,46: 1,44: 1,41: 1,40: 1,38: 1,37: 1,29: 1,175: 1,22: 1,19: 1,15: 1,174: 1,7479: 1,1739: 1,676: 1,457: 1,462: 1,520: 1,537: 1,538: 1,543: 1,558: 1,568: 1,622: 1,682: 1,452: 1,691: 1,716: 1,751: 1,756: 1,761: 1,767: 1,789: 1,809: 1,1043: 1,456: 1,435: 1,187: 1,270: 1,193: 1,198: 1,202: 1,217: 1,237: 1,238: 1,247: 1,254: 1,258: 1,275: 1,407: 1,281: 1,307: 1,345: 1,349: 1,373: 1,375: 1,378: 1,394: 1,405: 1,177: 1},'root_shell': {0: 4898097, 1: 334},'su_attempted': {0: 4898321, 2: 70, 1: 40},'num_root': {0: 4892729,1: 2411,9: 1493,6: 1238,5: 224,2: 152,4: 67,3: 17,10: 5,7: 3,8: 3,22: 2,421: 2,36: 2,26: 2,39: 2,11: 2,857: 2,16: 1,91: 1,191: 1,190: 1,187: 1,184: 1,179: 1,151: 1,146: 1,123: 1,121: 1,119: 1,104: 1,100: 1,74: 1,77: 1,17: 1,71: 1,55: 1,54: 1,47: 1,41: 1,40: 1,204: 1,38: 1,28: 1,12: 1,14: 1,195: 1,7468: 1,206: 1,505: 1,512: 1,572: 1,605: 1,610: 1,611: 1,626: 1,629: 1,684: 1,749: 1,754: 1,766: 1,789: 1,841: 1,849: 1,867: 1,889: 1,975: 1,993: 1,1045: 1,508: 1,502: 1,1743: 1,480: 1,222: 1,247: 1,261: 1,268: 1,278: 1,287: 1,289: 1,290: 1,306: 1,338: 1,387: 1,390: 1,402: 1,416: 1,417: 1,425: 1,439: 1,446: 1,450: 1,218: 1},'num_file_creations': {0: 4896079,1: 1792,2: 359,4: 15,17: 13,12: 10,14: 10,13: 9,20: 9,16: 8,8: 8,15: 8,10: 8,18: 8,11: 8,5: 7,9: 7,19: 6,3: 6,23: 6,26: 5,25: 5,22: 4,7: 4,28: 4,6: 3,35: 3,40: 3,32: 3,34: 3,27: 3,29: 3,36: 2,21: 2,31: 1,33: 1,41: 1,24: 1,37: 1,38: 1,30: 1,43: 1},'num_shells': {0: 4898072, 1: 354, 2: 5},'num_access_files': {0: 4893768,1: 4429,2: 197,5: 9,4: 9,3: 9,6: 4,8: 3,7: 2,9: 1},'is_hot_login': {0: 4898429, 1: 2},'is_guest_login': {0: 4894340, 1: 4091},'count': {511: 2276994,1: 383272,510: 267314,2: 101964,509: 56022,3: 55314,4: 48161,5: 41027,6: 36301,7: 33077,8: 28678,9: 25975,10: 24279,11: 22617,12: 20539,13: 18641,14: 16403,15: 14699,508: 14487,16: 13485,17: 12252,18: 10978,19: 9572,449: 9168,103: 8864,102: 8861,104: 8855,105: 8845,107: 8838,106: 8834,108: 8828,109: 8817,101: 8814,110: 8801,111: 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351,0.23: 341,0.21: 265,0.19: 215,0.27: 182,0.98: 178,0.44: 136,0.29: 129,0.24: 109,0.97: 109,0.28: 75,0.96: 73,0.31: 72,0.26: 65,0.3: 52,0.36: 51,0.95: 47,0.94: 47,0.8: 38,0.32: 37,0.93: 33,0.79: 31,0.65: 30,0.64: 29,0.35: 26,0.67: 26,0.75: 26,0.63: 25,0.83: 25,0.85: 24,0.66: 24,0.84: 21,0.86: 21,0.34: 20,0.82: 18,0.59: 18,0.81: 18,0.74: 17,0.78: 17,0.4: 16,0.92: 16,0.6: 16,0.58: 14,0.62: 14,0.57: 13,0.61: 13,0.68: 13,0.73: 12,0.41: 12,0.43: 12,0.38: 11,0.7: 11,0.39: 10,0.71: 10,0.37: 10,0.77: 10,0.69: 10,0.91: 10,0.42: 10,0.56: 9,0.76: 9,0.72: 9,0.53: 9,0.52: 8,0.55: 8,0.51: 8,0.9: 7,0.54: 7,0.88: 7,0.89: 6,0.87: 4},'srv_serror_rate': {0.0: 4015875,1.0: 870397,0.03: 1359,0.04: 1204,0.05: 1100,0.06: 924,0.02: 834,0.08: 739,0.07: 698,0.5: 580,0.33: 469,0.25: 460,0.12: 447,0.17: 432,0.14: 427,0.2: 427,0.11: 424,0.1: 421,0.09: 419,0.01: 89,0.67: 64,0.95: 56,0.94: 39,0.22: 37,0.15: 37,0.13: 35,0.18: 35,0.29: 31,0.92: 30,0.4: 29,0.93: 28,0.75: 22,0.91: 22,0.9: 20,0.89: 20,0.88: 20,0.8: 19,0.83: 19,0.86: 17,0.21: 8,0.19: 8,0.23: 8,0.3: 6,0.58: 5,0.16: 5,0.27: 5,0.41: 4,0.43: 4,0.37: 4,0.6: 4,0.38: 4,0.56: 3,0.76: 3,0.39: 3,0.36: 3,0.35: 3,0.59: 3,0.26: 3,0.71: 3,0.42: 2,0.85: 2,0.53: 2,0.82: 2,0.34: 2,0.78: 2,0.87: 2,0.45: 2,0.32: 2,0.44: 1,0.54: 1,0.46: 1,0.96: 1,0.72: 1,0.24: 1,0.63: 1,0.48: 1,0.55: 1,0.7: 1,0.57: 1,0.51: 1,0.68: 1,0.74: 1,0.73: 1,0.47: 1,0.65: 1,0.28: 1,0.61: 1},'rerror_rate': {0.0: 4611181,1.0: 269224,0.86: 1168,0.87: 1027,0.92: 929,0.95: 929,0.9: 909,0.91: 738,0.93: 696,0.88: 671,0.96: 645,0.89: 607,0.94: 594,0.85: 576,0.99: 487,0.82: 450,0.5: 417,0.77: 393,0.97: 370,0.98: 351,0.8: 300,0.01: 292,0.25: 280,0.33: 274,0.84: 271,0.78: 267,0.76: 246,0.2: 244,0.79: 239,0.75: 195,0.73: 183,0.08: 178,0.03: 173,0.17: 170,0.81: 166,0.07: 161,0.14: 148,0.06: 148,0.71: 147,0.56: 140,0.04: 139,0.05: 138,0.12: 134,0.83: 132,0.02: 129,0.11: 112,0.1: 107,0.09: 103,0.67: 97,0.69: 84,0.72: 74,0.74: 67,0.7: 58,0.64: 57,0.68: 37,0.21: 27,0.65: 26,0.66: 20,0.6: 20,0.22: 17,0.36: 17,0.62: 17,0.4: 16,0.26: 15,0.57: 15,0.35: 14,0.37: 13,0.34: 12,0.59: 12,0.27: 12,0.58: 12,0.29: 11,0.32: 11,0.61: 10,0.19: 10,0.63: 10,0.3: 10,0.23: 9,0.24: 8,0.43: 8,0.31: 8,0.28: 7,0.38: 5,0.18: 2,0.45: 1,0.55: 1,0.39: 1,0.44: 1,0.16: 1},'srv_rerror_rate': {0.0: 4607827,1.0: 280581,0.5: 1230,0.33: 918,0.25: 703,0.03: 656,0.2: 618,0.02: 575,0.17: 551,0.12: 544,0.04: 524,0.14: 496,0.05: 451,0.06: 414,0.08: 374,0.07: 335,0.11: 259,0.1: 228,0.09: 209,0.67: 185,0.4: 87,0.29: 73,0.22: 55,0.01: 51,0.75: 47,0.6: 28,0.83: 23,0.8: 22,0.86: 22,0.88: 20,0.95: 16,0.85: 15,0.18: 15,0.96: 15,0.79: 13,0.89: 13,0.81: 13,0.43: 13,0.87: 12,0.82: 12,0.15: 11,0.13: 11,0.84: 11,0.93: 10,0.9: 10,0.71: 9,0.38: 9,0.92: 9,0.62: 8,0.73: 8,0.78: 8,0.94: 8,0.3: 7,0.64: 7,0.76: 7,0.91: 7,0.69: 7,0.57: 6,0.56: 4,0.7: 3,0.77: 3,0.21: 3,0.74: 2,0.27: 2,0.72: 2,0.44: 2,0.58: 2,0.36: 2,0.19: 2,0.23: 2,0.39: 1,0.24: 1,0.55: 1,0.32: 1,0.16: 1,0.37: 1},'same_srv_rate': {1.0: 3780885,0.06: 111230,0.05: 108018,0.07: 101118,0.04: 100316,0.03: 96970,0.02: 93355,0.01: 85519,0.08: 71784,0.09: 49290,0.1: 38538,0.0: 37497,0.12: 36085,0.13: 33632,0.11: 32478,0.14: 25199,0.15: 17096,0.5: 14454,0.16: 12054,0.17: 8933,0.33: 6316,0.18: 5025,0.2: 4226,0.19: 3252,0.67: 2426,0.25: 2062,0.21: 1533,0.22: 1312,0.23: 1072,0.24: 1058,0.99: 1014,0.4: 967,0.75: 908,0.27: 700,0.26: 696,0.29: 682,0.8: 565,0.3: 500,0.38: 497,0.28: 493,0.98: 476,0.86: 469,0.83: 461,0.31: 430,0.43: 386,0.36: 358,0.44: 355,0.32: 341,0.6: 319,0.35: 276,0.47: 266,0.45: 264,0.42: 263,0.41: 250,0.39: 211,0.46: 207,0.88: 189,0.57: 168,0.48: 158,0.37: 156,0.56: 155,0.53: 154,0.97: 150,0.52: 149,0.34: 149,0.92: 137,0.71: 123,0.55: 113,0.62: 111,0.54: 109,0.93: 109,0.94: 103,0.89: 99,0.96: 80,0.9: 78,0.91: 77,0.64: 75,0.58: 71,0.95: 68,0.78: 48,0.73: 47,0.59: 42,0.69: 40,0.65: 35,0.49: 35,0.7: 31,0.82: 30,0.61: 27,0.76: 24,0.85: 24,0.87: 24,0.79: 22,0.77: 19,0.74: 19,0.72: 17,0.68: 17,0.63: 15,0.51: 13,0.81: 12,0.84: 12,0.66: 10},'diff_srv_rate': {0.0: 3780259,0.06: 524404,0.07: 288438,0.05: 193620,0.08: 33433,1.0: 23610,0.04: 9320,0.67: 7034,0.5: 5918,0.09: 3883,0.6: 2542,0.12: 2193,0.1: 2146,0.11: 1972,0.14: 1386,0.13: 1144,0.33: 1102,0.29: 1101,0.15: 1097,0.4: 1087,0.01: 1071,0.17: 938,0.25: 788,0.75: 759,0.18: 730,0.2: 665,0.16: 662,0.19: 603,0.03: 541,0.22: 520,0.21: 494,0.02: 382,0.38: 346,0.96: 329,0.27: 324,0.23: 278,0.24: 256,0.52: 234,0.43: 214,0.3: 205,0.36: 180,0.31: 179,0.57: 169,0.95: 168,0.53: 159,0.26: 137,0.44: 129,0.8: 126,0.42: 95,0.28: 88,0.56: 79,0.99: 75,0.54: 73,0.55: 62,0.51: 57,0.32: 56,0.45: 55,0.37: 51,0.41: 44,0.35: 43,0.58: 41,0.71: 40,0.62: 39,0.39: 32,0.83: 31,0.46: 27,0.64: 14,0.86: 14,0.78: 13,0.73: 12,0.69: 12,0.82: 12,0.97: 11,0.47: 11,0.98: 10,0.59: 10,0.77: 6,0.7: 6,0.88: 6,0.61: 4,0.85: 4,0.89: 3,0.87: 3,0.92: 2,0.79: 2,0.74: 2,0.76: 2,0.72: 2,0.68: 1,0.9: 1,0.81: 1,0.65: 1,0.91: 1,0.63: 1,0.48: 1},'srv_diff_host_rate': {0.0: 4559729,1.0: 78821,0.12: 14655,0.5: 12645,0.67: 12414,0.11: 11857,0.33: 11622,0.25: 11060,0.1: 10737,0.14: 10678,0.17: 10166,0.08: 9722,0.2: 9688,0.09: 9476,0.18: 9451,0.15: 9398,0.4: 8919,0.29: 8675,0.07: 8339,0.13: 8120,0.22: 8087,0.06: 7204,0.02: 4920,0.05: 4831,0.01: 4146,0.19: 3789,0.21: 3705,0.27: 3347,0.16: 3345,0.75: 3342,0.04: 2945,0.23: 2770,0.6: 2717,0.38: 2716,0.3: 2557,0.43: 2484,0.03: 1789,0.24: 1286,0.31: 1050,0.36: 926,0.8: 839,0.44: 687,0.57: 618,0.26: 406,0.28: 319,0.42: 186,0.45: 169,0.56: 157,0.83: 144,0.71: 135,0.62: 135,0.32: 106,0.35: 90,0.46: 47,0.55: 39,0.86: 38,0.37: 26,0.39: 25,0.47: 24,0.41: 23,0.54: 20,0.58: 17,0.64: 16,0.88: 9,0.78: 9,0.53: 7,0.7: 6,0.73: 2,0.48: 1,0.89: 1,0.77: 1,0.9: 1},'dst_host_count': {255: 4305015,1: 26103,2: 20242,3: 13175,4: 11736,5: 9935,6: 9376,7: 8520,8: 8206,9: 7695,10: 7358,11: 7007,12: 6825,13: 6480,14: 6312,15: 6071,16: 5881,17: 5662,18: 5564,19: 5375,20: 5277,21: 5128,22: 5036,23: 4919,24: 4830,25: 4634,26: 4543,27: 4421,28: 4329,29: 4227,30: 4176,31: 4061,32: 4011,33: 3913,34: 3843,35: 3764,36: 3719,37: 3628,38: 3592,39: 3540,40: 3485,41: 3420,42: 3395,43: 3318,44: 3279,45: 3204,46: 3149,47: 3102,48: 3076,49: 3024,50: 2999,51: 2961,52: 2917,53: 2875,54: 2858,55: 2803,56: 2786,57: 2748,58: 2720,59: 2684,60: 2667,61: 2632,62: 2613,63: 2591,64: 2567,65: 2539,66: 2516,67: 2482,68: 2467,69: 2439,70: 2419,71: 2397,72: 2382,73: 2352,74: 2339,75: 2312,76: 2294,77: 2273,78: 2257,79: 2225,80: 2214,81: 2185,82: 2154,83: 2131,84: 2121,85: 2098,86: 2087,87: 2067,88: 2048,89: 2022,90: 2011,91: 1989,92: 1984,93: 1966,94: 1946,95: 1936,96: 1917,97: 1900,98: 1890,99: 1867,100: 1853,101: 1840,102: 1824,103: 1808,104: 1790,105: 1762,106: 1748,107: 1730,108: 1724,109: 1695,110: 1687,111: 1673,112: 1662,113: 1652,114: 1645,115: 1631,116: 1624,117: 1610,118: 1603,119: 1589,120: 1576,121: 1565,122: 1558,123: 1549,124: 1534,125: 1527,126: 1522,127: 1513,128: 1505,129: 1494,130: 1486,131: 1474,132: 1462,133: 1448,134: 1442,135: 1434,136: 1431,137: 1426,138: 1424,139: 1414,140: 1408,141: 1399,142: 1393,143: 1379,144: 1375,145: 1362,146: 1347,147: 1335,148: 1328,149: 1323,150: 1320,151: 1308,152: 1302,153: 1295,154: 1291,155: 1283,156: 1275,157: 1267,158: 1257,159: 1249,160: 1243,161: 1230,162: 1221,163: 1214,164: 1208,165: 1201,166: 1192,167: 1183,168: 1182,169: 1172,170: 1167,171: 1158,172: 1151,173: 1144,174: 1141,175: 1134,176: 1129,177: 1125,178: 1119,179: 1114,180: 1104,181: 1100,182: 1090,183: 1081,184: 1075,185: 1068,186: 1064,187: 1056,188: 1052,189: 1048,190: 1044,191: 1041,192: 1039,193: 1034,194: 1029,195: 1024,196: 1015,197: 1007,198: 1004,199: 999,200: 995,201: 989,202: 979,203: 971,204: 963,205: 960,206: 955,207: 954,208: 953,209: 943,210: 937,211: 929,212: 922,213: 916,214: 906,215: 898,216: 885,217: 878,218: 875,219: 866,220: 861,221: 849,222: 840,223: 833,224: 830,225: 824,226: 820,227: 814,228: 802,229: 794,230: 788,231: 780,232: 778,233: 773,234: 771,235: 767,236: 763,237: 759,238: 753,239: 748,240: 742,241: 735,242: 733,243: 729,244: 729,245: 727,246: 723,247: 721,248: 719,249: 710,250: 701,251: 697,252: 691,253: 682,254: 678,0: 33},'dst_host_srv_count': {255: 3363886,1: 117468,2: 70459,3: 58016,4: 55638,5: 54646,6: 54361,7: 54072,8: 53942,9: 53692,10: 53501,11: 53186,12: 52853,13: 52669,14: 52397,15: 51980,16: 51560,17: 51081,18: 50654,19: 50134,20: 49652,21: 10723,22: 10695,254: 10687,23: 10639,25: 10629,24: 10599,250: 7182,253: 6825,251: 6349,249: 5871,241: 5837,245: 5786,239: 5298,252: 5122,240: 4797,244: 4641,235: 4282,242: 4143,238: 4118,247: 4006,246: 3942,248: 3895,231: 3804,234: 3683,237: 3678,236: 3471,243: 3251,232: 3184,233: 3180,228: 2795,229: 2572,230: 2558,227: 2177,225: 2074,221: 1758,226: 1485,222: 1484,219: 1482,224: 1393,223: 1388,26: 1374,27: 1369,166: 1359,30: 1319,28: 1317,29: 1299,64: 1296,162: 1287,33: 1287,131: 1280,46: 1277,38: 1268,63: 1263,47: 1252,41: 1247,65: 1240,32: 1237,45: 1235,152: 1233,42: 1222,34: 1220,36: 1220,48: 1220,43: 1218,31: 1215,61: 1213,40: 1210,129: 1204,44: 1200,56: 1195,149: 1192,35: 1191,49: 1188,37: 1179,58: 1177,169: 1176,146: 1176,62: 1174,132: 1169,39: 1167,121: 1165,69: 1157,138: 1156,173: 1149,148: 1147,215: 1146,54: 1145,66: 1145,141: 1141,51: 1141,167: 1141,140: 1140,53: 1136,126: 1136,86: 1132,151: 1131,59: 1130,75: 1129,143: 1128,144: 1123,165: 1121,122: 1120,171: 1115,60: 1114,71: 1108,133: 1108,120: 1106,119: 1106,50: 1106,82: 1103,145: 1102,52: 1100,137: 1098,170: 1098,68: 1097,134: 1097,154: 1097,136: 1094,57: 1093,142: 1092,155: 1091,77: 1091,130: 1090,139: 1084,164: 1084,55: 1082,147: 1081,157: 1078,168: 1074,73: 1069,182: 1069,70: 1067,153: 1066,67: 1065,79: 1061,81: 1060,174: 1060,216: 1058,156: 1058,90: 1055,135: 1052,150: 1051,72: 1049,91: 1049,78: 1049,80: 1046,87: 1045,116: 1044,99: 1033,117: 1032,74: 1029,161: 1026,93: 1024,98: 1016,94: 1016,100: 1014,84: 1013,76: 1012,163: 1011,95: 1009,103: 1008,105: 1004,88: 1003,113: 998,178: 997,175: 996,89: 993,158: 990,85: 987,180: 987,83: 982,104: 979,106: 975,181: 971,112: 969,102: 965,185: 964,124: 963,118: 959,128: 959,179: 952,172: 952,92: 950,97: 947,127: 945,177: 945,183: 942,101: 940,125: 939,107: 938,176: 938,110: 934,160: 930,220: 929,114: 928,159: 923,111: 921,203: 915,115: 913,96: 909,123: 907,214: 895,184: 889,192: 886,217: 882,187: 874,213: 868,186: 866,208: 863,191: 862,109: 862,193: 858,108: 832,212: 828,196: 824,201: 815,205: 802,188: 796,204: 775,189: 769,200: 760,194: 750,190: 725,210: 710,211: 701,195: 677,209: 672,218: 672,198: 651,197: 650,199: 610,202: 607,207: 547,206: 523,0: 33},'dst_host_same_srv_rate': {1.0: 3450149,0.02: 161618,0.04: 157446,0.05: 155521,0.07: 149794,0.01: 126495,0.0: 113651,0.03: 106632,0.06: 102579,0.08: 59469,0.09: 29796,0.98: 17350,0.96: 14685,0.95: 13834,0.93: 11040,0.1: 11022,0.94: 10896,0.99: 10511,0.91: 9460,0.92: 8726,0.97: 8416,0.89: 6155,0.9: 4918,0.87: 4420,0.88: 4399,0.67: 2985,0.8: 2860,0.86: 2822,0.62: 2654,0.84: 2595,0.71: 2593,0.64: 2590,0.75: 2573,0.6: 2572,0.83: 2545,0.85: 2524,0.65: 2494,0.5: 2484,0.73: 2436,0.69: 2435,0.68: 2351,0.55: 2335,0.25: 2335,0.7: 2334,0.63: 2261,0.72: 2260,0.61: 2234,0.56: 2233,0.82: 2213,0.57: 2204,0.59: 2198,0.74: 2194,0.58: 2142,0.11: 2128,0.66: 2078,0.54: 2075,0.76: 2067,0.53: 1961,0.38: 1867,0.12: 1860,0.24: 1846,0.81: 1840,0.33: 1838,0.47: 1825,0.52: 1815,0.44: 1770,0.79: 1762,0.4: 1761,0.51: 1761,0.77: 1757,0.78: 1748,0.49: 1733,0.45: 1727,0.27: 1724,0.2: 1705,0.29: 1698,0.22: 1684,0.39: 1659,0.13: 1651,0.46: 1648,0.15: 1643,0.31: 1615,0.26: 1612,0.14: 1609,0.35: 1592,0.48: 1592,0.36: 1590,0.18: 1555,0.42: 1538,0.32: 1537,0.16: 1533,0.43: 1532,0.17: 1527,0.41: 1524,0.23: 1508,0.28: 1452,0.21: 1432,0.19: 1422,0.37: 1417,0.3: 1414,0.34: 1361},'dst_host_diff_srv_rate': {0.0: 3442197,0.07: 458302,0.06: 281262,0.05: 185221,0.08: 145560,0.01: 130698,0.02: 40670,0.09: 39347,0.03: 34462,0.04: 26969,1.0: 20001,0.85: 7441,0.86: 5647,0.84: 5228,0.1: 4769,0.87: 4215,0.11: 3118,0.12: 2899,0.82: 2036,0.83: 1953,0.62: 1826,0.14: 1771,0.64: 1734,0.65: 1688,0.67: 1621,0.13: 1538,0.6: 1468,0.15: 1443,0.17: 1291,0.69: 1215,0.5: 1180,0.89: 1144,0.66: 1143,0.51: 1130,0.53: 1125,0.73: 1097,0.18: 1075,0.2: 1044,0.63: 998,0.88: 963,0.71: 954,0.25: 929,0.74: 918,0.68: 915,0.16: 862,0.58: 860,0.61: 843,0.56: 841,0.55: 838,0.33: 836,0.59: 817,0.52: 789,0.22: 778,0.4: 765,0.7: 760,0.8: 736,0.78: 731,0.54: 711,0.75: 680,0.19: 674,0.29: 650,0.76: 643,0.72: 627,0.47: 620,0.57: 611,0.21: 605,0.91: 602,0.81: 588,0.77: 556,0.49: 514,0.44: 510,0.43: 500,0.48: 490,0.23: 465,0.27: 459,0.42: 444,0.79: 442,0.9: 418,0.38: 393,0.24: 326,0.45: 322,0.3: 301,0.46: 295,0.31: 259,0.41: 254,0.36: 225,0.39: 174,0.37: 146,0.26: 146,0.35: 145,0.28: 124,0.95: 112,0.34: 111,0.97: 110,0.32: 102,0.96: 94,0.93: 82,0.92: 64,0.94: 61,0.98: 58,0.99: 57},'dst_host_same_src_port_rate': {1.0: 2881921,0.0: 1411146,0.01: 215839,0.02: 71077,0.03: 43141,0.04: 27020,0.05: 21019,0.06: 17541,0.5: 15976,0.08: 14104,0.07: 13581,0.33: 13564,0.25: 12076,0.2: 10772,0.17: 10050,0.14: 9352,0.12: 9237,0.11: 9022,0.1: 8459,0.09: 8411,0.99: 6231,0.98: 4630,0.96: 2882,0.95: 2518,0.97: 2166,0.93: 1528,0.89: 1337,0.15: 1329,0.29: 1274,0.88: 1262,0.13: 1239,0.31: 1210,0.92: 1161,0.32: 1160,0.27: 1155,0.22: 1141,0.91: 1139,0.35: 1131,0.94: 1129,0.16: 1123,0.38: 1098,0.24: 1082,0.28: 1066,0.21: 1058,0.18: 1053,0.36: 1053,0.3: 1040,0.26: 1020,0.4: 990,0.19: 969,0.87: 961,0.34: 957,0.23: 948,0.39: 933,0.85: 880,0.37: 843,0.9: 826,0.82: 815,0.44: 807,0.42: 796,0.41: 794,0.86: 775,0.43: 720,0.45: 662,0.84: 645,0.47: 642,0.46: 625,0.83: 610,0.8: 590,0.67: 551,0.49: 508,0.48: 506,0.75: 494,0.53: 480,0.6: 467,0.62: 464,0.55: 460,0.73: 454,0.52: 453,0.51: 449,0.74: 444,0.81: 442,0.56: 439,0.58: 429,0.57: 425,0.79: 420,0.54: 409,0.71: 398,0.69: 395,0.59: 369,0.68: 369,0.61: 361,0.76: 358,0.78: 349,0.64: 348,0.72: 334,0.65: 327,0.7: 320,0.63: 315,0.77: 303,0.66: 280},'dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate': {0.0: 4384482,0.02: 117501,0.01: 104684,0.04: 66844,0.03: 65742,0.05: 46108,0.06: 19440,0.07: 15156,0.5: 7380,0.08: 6568,0.09: 6077,0.15: 3923,0.11: 3895,0.16: 3873,0.13: 3562,0.1: 3507,1.0: 3463,0.2: 3262,0.18: 3250,0.14: 3046,0.17: 3019,0.12: 2919,0.25: 2729,0.22: 2423,0.19: 2245,0.21: 2213,0.24: 1225,0.23: 1161,0.26: 1070,0.29: 974,0.33: 915,0.27: 831,0.51: 806,0.4: 550,0.28: 478,0.3: 443,0.67: 385,0.31: 337,0.52: 297,0.32: 277,0.38: 167,0.34: 126,0.35: 116,0.43: 112,0.36: 106,0.53: 92,0.6: 88,0.54: 64,0.37: 55,0.44: 54,0.57: 49,0.56: 49,0.75: 44,0.39: 37,0.55: 36,0.42: 35,0.45: 23,0.41: 22,0.46: 20,0.47: 14,0.62: 13,0.8: 11,0.48: 9,0.58: 5,0.71: 4,0.49: 4,0.86: 2,0.64: 2,0.83: 2,0.7: 2,0.73: 2,0.97: 2,0.88: 1,0.59: 1,0.93: 1,0.78: 1},'dst_host_serror_rate': {0.0: 3966023,1.0: 867360,0.01: 32574,0.02: 8190,0.03: 3868,0.04: 1973,0.05: 1702,0.08: 1258,0.07: 1201,0.09: 979,0.06: 937,0.14: 908,0.13: 887,0.15: 811,0.11: 756,0.1: 754,0.16: 748,0.12: 611,0.18: 555,0.25: 371,0.17: 364,0.99: 332,0.27: 303,0.2: 297,0.19: 294,0.31: 282,0.33: 219,0.98: 191,0.35: 169,0.24: 145,0.28: 134,0.5: 131,0.22: 117,0.96: 116,0.32: 113,0.97: 112,0.53: 106,0.29: 104,0.94: 96,0.3: 89,0.42: 89,0.23: 89,0.93: 84,0.95: 82,0.26: 79,0.21: 77,0.92: 59,0.36: 57,0.91: 57,0.55: 48,0.89: 48,0.51: 45,0.47: 45,0.9: 45,0.44: 43,0.49: 42,0.88: 40,0.45: 40,0.87: 39,0.43: 39,0.85: 37,0.4: 36,0.56: 35,0.84: 34,0.82: 34,0.78: 34,0.8: 33,0.58: 32,0.67: 32,0.75: 32,0.34: 31,0.38: 31,0.52: 31,0.71: 31,0.48: 30,0.6: 30,0.86: 30,0.83: 28,0.46: 28,0.76: 28,0.62: 28,0.73: 27,0.54: 27,0.69: 27,0.65: 27,0.64: 26,0.39: 25,0.41: 24,0.81: 23,0.79: 23,0.57: 22,0.37: 22,0.68: 20,0.77: 20,0.74: 19,0.7: 19,0.59: 18,0.61: 18,0.72: 18,0.66: 17,0.63: 17},'dst_host_srv_serror_rate': {0.0: 3973284,1.0: 869899,0.01: 45103,0.02: 6065,0.03: 1140,0.04: 731,0.05: 281,0.06: 183,0.5: 112,0.08: 106,0.07: 106,0.09: 80,0.12: 60,0.11: 59,0.97: 57,0.98: 54,0.67: 53,0.1: 51,0.96: 48,0.33: 46,0.17: 41,0.14: 35,0.25: 32,0.2: 28,0.95: 28,0.92: 27,0.91: 23,0.94: 23,0.93: 22,0.75: 21,0.88: 20,0.78: 19,0.16: 18,0.9: 16,0.62: 15,0.13: 14,0.73: 14,0.15: 14,0.79: 14,0.18: 13,0.6: 13,0.27: 13,0.43: 12,0.4: 12,0.31: 12,0.65: 12,0.56: 12,0.85: 11,0.22: 11,0.89: 11,0.29: 11,0.83: 10,0.8: 10,0.7: 10,0.69: 10,0.86: 10,0.87: 10,0.48: 10,0.36: 9,0.76: 9,0.51: 9,0.81: 9,0.3: 8,0.49: 8,0.71: 8,0.66: 8,0.57: 8,0.82: 8,0.24: 8,0.34: 8,0.21: 8,0.41: 8,0.63: 7,0.39: 7,0.64: 7,0.52: 7,0.38: 7,0.47: 7,0.84: 7,0.26: 7,0.19: 7,0.32: 7,0.61: 7,0.68: 6,0.54: 6,0.77: 6,0.74: 6,0.58: 6,0.45: 6,0.55: 5,0.72: 5,0.23: 5,0.28: 5,0.42: 5,0.53: 4,0.35: 4,0.37: 4,0.44: 4,0.59: 3,0.46: 3},'dst_host_rerror_rate': {0.0: 4571036,1.0: 260470,0.01: 13143,0.02: 6679,0.03: 3445,0.04: 2791,0.05: 2143,0.85: 1189,0.87: 1158,0.93: 1113,0.06: 1096,0.95: 999,0.92: 995,0.84: 975,0.86: 933,0.89: 863,0.91: 821,0.07: 816,0.08: 810,0.82: 806,0.96: 743,0.9: 720,0.88: 689,0.09: 651,0.99: 651,0.98: 626,0.97: 618,0.83: 601,0.94: 554,0.11: 530,0.1: 529,0.12: 514,0.69: 505,0.14: 480,0.81: 472,0.73: 468,0.75: 468,0.33: 463,0.5: 460,0.17: 448,0.8: 426,0.13: 416,0.2: 413,0.25: 397,0.15: 370,0.65: 326,0.18: 321,0.67: 309,0.19: 305,0.16: 298,0.53: 293,0.52: 292,0.76: 286,0.4: 285,0.47: 281,0.78: 275,0.58: 272,0.22: 270,0.71: 268,0.29: 252,0.7: 251,0.21: 248,0.56: 245,0.36: 243,0.38: 241,0.68: 241,0.35: 235,0.31: 235,0.57: 232,0.43: 229,0.27: 228,0.23: 227,0.24: 226,0.32: 225,0.55: 222,0.62: 220,0.42: 219,0.64: 217,0.77: 214,0.45: 214,0.48: 213,0.3: 213,0.6: 213,0.41: 212,0.49: 209,0.44: 203,0.74: 200,0.79: 200,0.26: 195,0.34: 193,0.46: 191,0.54: 189,0.37: 183,0.72: 182,0.51: 182,0.59: 180,0.39: 178,0.28: 176,0.63: 175,0.61: 162,0.66: 144},'dst_host_srv_rerror_rate': {0.0: 4575957,1.0: 257113,0.01: 17057,0.02: 5104,0.98: 3182,0.04: 3103,0.99: 2958,0.03: 2885,0.05: 2427,0.97: 1451,0.06: 1315,0.95: 995,0.96: 983,0.94: 953,0.07: 901,0.93: 892,0.89: 809,0.8: 724,0.78: 680,0.91: 651,0.74: 648,0.87: 560,0.85: 554,0.84: 522,0.92: 518,0.75: 517,0.82: 502,0.67: 502,0.9: 464,0.68: 409,0.79: 404,0.08: 397,0.83: 377,0.86: 369,0.53: 369,0.66: 341,0.88: 339,0.56: 331,0.72: 330,0.69: 324,0.76: 320,0.55: 319,0.6: 308,0.33: 308,0.62: 291,0.77: 286,0.58: 284,0.71: 281,0.65: 273,0.57: 267,0.54: 261,0.5: 259,0.81: 250,0.64: 249,0.7: 246,0.4: 237,0.09: 236,0.29: 232,0.12: 229,0.73: 226,0.59: 206,0.61: 189,0.45: 182,0.51: 180,0.52: 171,0.35: 164,0.13: 158,0.63: 154,0.42: 150,0.49: 143,0.38: 138,0.34: 138,0.41: 128,0.39: 127,0.36: 124,0.44: 122,0.47: 120,0.11: 119,0.43: 112,0.48: 111,0.1: 107,0.31: 94,0.25: 92,0.46: 91,0.37: 85,0.2: 80,0.32: 76,0.14: 69,0.27: 69,0.17: 67,0.24: 48,0.15: 46,0.3: 43,0.28: 42,0.18: 41,0.22: 36,0.16: 31,0.26: 29,0.19: 26,0.23: 25,0.21: 19},'target': {'smurf.': 2807886,'neptune.': 1072017,'normal.': 972781,'satan.': 15892,'ipsweep.': 12481,'portsweep.': 10413,'nmap.': 2316,'back.': 2203,'warezclient.': 1020,'teardrop.': 979,'pod.': 264,'guess_passwd.': 53,'buffer_overflow.': 30,'land.': 21,'warezmaster.': 20,'imap.': 12,'rootkit.': 10,'loadmodule.': 9,'ftp_write.': 8,'multihop.': 7,'phf.': 4,'perl.': 3,'spy.': 2},'target_type': {'DOS': 3883370,'normal.': 972781,'PROBING': 41102,'R2L': 1126,'U2R': 52}}
# #筛选发生概率大于99.9%的特征
# low_e_list =[]
# for i in features_dic.keys():
#     for j in features_dic[i].values():
#         if j/df.shape[0]>=0.999:
#             low_e_list.append(i)
# low_e_list
target_type DOS PROBING R2L U2R normal.
0 3883349 41102 1126 52 972774
1 21 0 0 0 7
target back. buffer_overflow. ftp_write. guess_passwd. imap. ipsweep. land. loadmodule. multihop. neptune. nmap. normal. perl. phf. pod. portsweep. rootkit. satan. smurf. spy. teardrop. warezclient. warezmaster.
0 2203 30 8 53 12 12481 0 9 7 1072017 2316 972774 3 4 264 10413 10 15892 2807886 2 979 1020 20
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()['target_type'])
# 将 protocol_type, service,flag 三个字段转化为数值型
le_protocol_type = LabelEncoder()
service_tag = ['aol','auth','bgp','courier','csnet_ns','ctf','daytime', 'discard','domain','domain_u','echo','eco_i', 'ecr_i','efs', 'exec', 'finger', 'ftp', 'ftp_data', 'gopher', 'harvest', 'hostnames', 'http', 'http_2784', 'http_443','http_8001', 'imap4', 'IRC', 'iso_tsap', 'klogin', 'kshell', 'ldap', 'link', 'login', 'mtp', 'name', 'netbios_dgm','netbios_ns', 'netbios_ssn', 'netstat', 'nnsp', 'nntp', 'ntp_u', 'other', 'pm_dump', 'pop_2', 'pop_3', 'printer','private', 'red_i', 'remote_job', 'rje', 'shell', 'smtp', 'sql_net', 'ssh', 'sunrpc', 'supdup', 'systat', 'telnet', 'tftp_u', 'tim_i', 'time', 'urh_i', 'urp_i','uucp', 'uucp_path', 'vmnet', 'whois', 'X11', 'Z39_50','icmp']
le_service = LabelEncoder()
le_flag = LabelEncoder()
df.flag = le_flag.transform(df.flag)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4898431 entries, 0 to 4898430
Data columns (total 42 columns):
duration                       int64
protocol_type                  int32
service                        int32
flag                           int32
src_bytes                      int64
dst_bytes                      int64
land                           int64
wrong_fragment                 int64
urgent                         int64
hot                            int64
num_failed_logins              int64
logged_in                      int64
num_compromised                int64
root_shell                     int64
su_attempted                   int64
num_root                       int64
num_file_creations             int64
num_shells                     int64
num_access_files               int64
is_hot_login                   int64
is_guest_login                 int64
count                          int64
srv_count                      int64
serror_rate                    float64
srv_serror_rate                float64
rerror_rate                    float64
srv_rerror_rate                float64
same_srv_rate                  float64
diff_srv_rate                  float64
srv_diff_host_rate             float64
dst_host_count                 int64
dst_host_srv_count             int64
dst_host_same_srv_rate         float64
dst_host_diff_srv_rate         float64
dst_host_same_src_port_rate    float64
dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate    float64
dst_host_serror_rate           float64
dst_host_srv_serror_rate       float64
dst_host_rerror_rate           float64
dst_host_srv_rerror_rate       float64
target                         object
target_type                    int32
dtypes: float64(15), int32(4), int64(22), object(1)
memory usage: 1.5+ GB


X= df.iloc[:,:-2]
Y= df.iloc[:,-1]


from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split Xtrain,Xtest,Ytrain,Ytest = train_test_split(X,Y,test_size = 0.3,random_state = 7)X.shape
(4898431, 40)
(3428901, 40)
(1469530, 40)


from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier #导入分类树
dtclf =,Ytrain)#训练模型
dt_score = dtclf.score(Xtest,Ytest)#查看模型效果
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
0 1 2 3 4
0 1165139 2 0 0 2
1 2 12242 0 0 18
2 1 2 307 2 18
3 0 0 2 10 10
4 12 7 7 4 291743
t1 = sorted([*zip(X.columns,dtclf.feature_importances_)],key=(lambda x:x[1]),reverse=True)
[('count', 0.9068626046206024),('dst_host_serror_rate', 0.02241779830887273),('diff_srv_rate', 0.01812624171027743),('dst_bytes', 0.016390409180257894),('dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate', 0.011906366453233608),('dst_host_diff_srv_rate', 0.007023148205235081),('service', 0.0058209874567988875),('src_bytes', 0.0035919929941658356),('protocol_type', 0.00254284591630643),('num_compromised', 0.001959164583740053),('flag', 0.0011409009135562502),('wrong_fragment', 0.0004906336598947696),('dst_host_rerror_rate', 0.00035468112211381426),('dst_host_same_src_port_rate', 0.0003331056598445668),('duration', 0.00023222416376659689),('hot', 0.00017104489484580593),('dst_host_same_srv_rate', 0.00013519235138785438),('dst_host_srv_rerror_rate', 0.00010031054379468164),('dst_host_count', 7.133048115728888e-05),('logged_in', 6.534276798013103e-05),('dst_host_srv_count', 4.67301350246183e-05),('dst_host_srv_serror_rate', 4.582179977679342e-05),('srv_serror_rate', 4.0364479179341566e-05),('is_guest_login', 3.7796381156556284e-05),('num_failed_logins', 3.090826218805775e-05),('same_srv_rate', 1.251117515084309e-05),('srv_count', 1.0850180806941767e-05),('srv_rerror_rate', 7.684478087600836e-06),('srv_diff_host_rate', 6.686957867928859e-06),('rerror_rate', 6.392373872147657e-06),('num_root', 5.673540544638304e-06),('serror_rate', 4.3915423435587785e-06),('urgent', 3.797352024726769e-06),('num_file_creations', 2.101587954030111e-06),('num_shells', 1.7559380825881046e-06),('root_shell', 2.0782810759976382e-07),('land', 0.0),('su_attempted', 0.0),('num_access_files', 0.0),('is_hot_login', 0.0)]
low_importance_fields =[]
for i in t1:if i[1]<0.0001:low_importance_fields.append(i[0])
for i in low_importance_fields:del X[i]
(4898431, 18)



Xtrain,Xtest,Ytrain,Ytest = train_test_split(X,Y,test_size = 0.3,random_state = 7)
(3428901, 18)
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score #导入进行交叉验证的模块
clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=7)
dt_score_cvs= cross_val_score(clf,X,Y,cv=10).mean()

plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['Simhei']  #显示中文
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False    #设置显示中文后,负号显示受影响,显示负号  
for i in range(15):clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=7,max_depth=i+1)clf =, Ytrain)score_tr = clf.score(Xtrain,Ytrain) #查看模型在训练集上的效果score_te = cross_val_score(clf,X,Y,cv=10).mean() #查看模型在测试集上交叉验证后的均值print("树深为:-----{},训练集分数为{},交叉验证分数为{}".format(i+1,score_tr,score_te))tr.append(score_tr) #15次循环后在训练集上效果te.append(score_te) #15次循环后在测试集上十折交叉验证的均值
print(max(te)) #打印在测试集上最好的效果  0.9965 最佳树深4
plt.plot(range(1,16),tr,color="red",label="train") #画模型在训练集和测试集上的效果图,可以根据模型在两个数据集上的表现判断模型是过拟合还是欠拟合,
plt.plot(range(1,16),te,color="blue",label="test") #然后进行相应的调参




from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
params ={#     'splitter':('best','random'),
#          'criterion':('gini','entropy'),
#          'max_depth':[4],
#          'min_samples_split':[*range(2,20,2)],
#        'min_samples_leaf':[*range(1,10)]
clf_gcv = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=7)
GS = GridSearchCV(clf_gcv,params,cv =10,iid=True),Ytrain)
D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\model_selection\ FutureWarning: The parameter 'iid' is deprecated in 0.22 and will be removed in 0.24."removed in 0.24.", FutureWarningGridSearchCV(cv=10, error_score=nan,estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(ccp_alpha=0.0, class_weight=None,criterion='gini', max_depth=None,max_features=None,max_leaf_nodes=None,min_impurity_decrease=0.0,min_impurity_split=None,min_samples_leaf=1,min_samples_split=2,min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,presort='deprecated',random_state=7, splitter='best'),iid=True, n_jobs=None,param_grid={'max_depth': [4],'min_samples_split': [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]},pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs', refit=True, return_train_score=False,scoring=None, verbose=0)
#'splitter': 'best'
# 'criterion': 'gini'
# 'min_samples_split': 2
#  'min_samples_leaf': 1
{'max_depth': 4, 'min_samples_split': 2}
params ={'min_samples_leaf':range(5,50,10)}
clf_gcv = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=7)
GS = GridSearchCV(clf_gcv,params,cv =10,iid=True),Ytrain)
D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\model_selection\ FutureWarning: The parameter 'iid' is deprecated in 0.22 and will be removed in 0.24."removed in 0.24.", FutureWarningGridSearchCV(cv=10, error_score=nan,estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(ccp_alpha=0.0, class_weight=None,criterion='gini', max_depth=None,max_features=None,max_leaf_nodes=None,min_impurity_decrease=0.0,min_impurity_split=None,min_samples_leaf=1,min_samples_split=2,min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,presort='deprecated',random_state=7, splitter='best'),iid=True, n_jobs=None,param_grid={'min_samples_leaf': range(5, 50, 10)},pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs', refit=True, return_train_score=False,scoring=None, verbose=0)
{'min_samples_leaf': 5}
params ={'splitter':('best','random'),'criterion':('gini','entropy'),'max_depth':[*range(1,11)],'min_samples_leaf':[*range(5,50,10)],'min_impurity_decrease':[*np.linspace(0,0.5,10)]}
params2 ={'splitter':('best','random'),'criterion':('gini','entropy'),'max_depth':[4],'min_samples_leaf':[*range(1,10)],'min_impurity_decrease':[*np.linspace(0,0.5,10)]}
clf2 = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=7)
GS2 = GridSearchCV(clf2,params2,cv=10,iid=True,n_jobs=-1),Ytrain)


D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\model_selection\ FutureWarning: The parameter 'iid' is deprecated in 0.22 and will be removed in 0.24."removed in 0.24.", FutureWarningGridSearchCV(cv=10, error_score=nan,estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(ccp_alpha=0.0, class_weight=None,criterion='gini', max_depth=None,max_features=None,max_leaf_nodes=None,min_impurity_decrease=0.0,min_impurity_split=None,min_samples_leaf=1,min_samples_split=2,min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,presort='deprecated',random_state=7, splitter='best'),iid=True,...'max_depth': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],'min_impurity_decrease': [0.0, 0.05555555555555555,0.1111111111111111,0.16666666666666666,0.2222222222222222,0.2777777777777778,0.3333333333333333,0.38888888888888884,0.4444444444444444, 0.5],'min_samples_leaf': [5, 15, 25, 35, 45],'splitter': ('best', 'random')},pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs', refit=True, return_train_score=False,scoring=None, verbose=0)```python
{'criterion': 'entropy','max_depth': 10,'min_impurity_decrease': 0.0,'min_samples_leaf': 5,'splitter': 'best'}


best_dtclf =DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=7,criterion ='gini',max_depth =4,min_samples_leaf =1,
#                                     min_impurity_decrease=0.0,                splitter = 'best')
dt_score_cvs= cross_val_score(best_dtclf,X,Y,cv=10)
array([0.9912911 , 0.99853422, 0.99625798, 0.99941614, 0.99853014,0.99884249, 0.99311616, 0.99711744, 0.99695004, 0.99542506])
last_clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=7,criterion ='gini',max_depth =4,min_samples_leaf =1,
#                                     min_impurity_decrease=0.0,                splitter = 'best')
last_clf =,Ytrain)
score = last_clf.score(Xtest,Ytest)

n import tree
import graphviz

array(['duration', 'protocol_type', 'service', 'flag', 'src_bytes','dst_bytes', 'wrong_fragment', 'hot', 'num_compromised', 'count','diff_srv_rate', 'dst_host_same_srv_rate','dst_host_diff_srv_rate', 'dst_host_same_src_port_rate','dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate', 'dst_host_serror_rate','dst_host_rerror_rate', 'dst_host_srv_rerror_rate'], dtype=object)
dot_data =tree.export_graphviz(last_clf,feature_names=Xtrain.columns.values,class_names=le.classes_,filled=True,rounded=True)
# graph.render('tree')


y_pred = last_clf.predict(Xtest)
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from collections import Counter
Counter({0: 1165143, 4: 291773, 1: 12262, 2: 330, 3: 22})
Counter({0: 1164089, 4: 295475, 1: 9966})
array([[1163999,      24,       0,       0,    1120],[     70,    9701,       0,       0,    2491],[      0,       8,       0,       0,     322],[      0,       0,       0,       0,      22],[     20,     233,       0,       0,  291520]], dtype=int64)
res_con_mat = pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(Ytest,y_pred,labels=[0,1,2,3,4]))
res_con_mat.set_index(le.classes_,inplace= True)
DOS 1163999 24 0 0 1120
PROBING 70 9701 0 0 2491
R2L 0 8 0 0 322
U2R 0 0 0 0 22
normal. 20 233 0 0 291520



from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
Xtrain,Xtest,Ytrain,Ytest = train_test_split(X,Y,test_size = 0.3,random_state = 7)
(4898431, 18)
from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler
ros = RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy='auto',random_state=7)
X_resampled, y_resampled = ros.fit_sample(Xtrain,Ytrain)
from collections import Counter
Counter({0: 2718227, 4: 681008, 1: 28840, 2: 796, 3: 30})
Counter({0: 2718227, 4: 2718227, 1: 2718227, 2: 2718227, 3: 2718227})

plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['Simhei']  #显示中文
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False    #设置显示中文后,负号显示受影响,显示负号  
for i in range(15):clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=7,max_depth=i+1)clf =, y_resampled)score_tr = clf.score(X_resampled,y_resampled) #查看模型在训练集上的效果score_te = cross_val_score(clf,X,Y,cv=10).mean() #查看模型在测试集上交叉验证后的均值print("树深为:-----{},训练集分数为{},交叉验证分数为{}".format(i+1,score_tr,score_te))tr.append(score_tr) #15次循环后在训练集上效果te.append(score_te) #15次循环后在测试集上十折交叉验证的均值
print(max(te)) #打印在测试集上最好的效果
fig1 =plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
plt.plot(range(1,16),tr,color="red",label="train") #画模型在训练集和测试集上的效果图,可以根据模型在两个数据集上的表现判断模型是过拟合还是欠拟合,
plt.plot(range(1,16),te,color="blue",label="test") #然后进行相应的调参


params ={#      'splitter':('best','random'),
#         'criterion':('gini','entropy'),
#          'max_depth':[6],
#          'min_samples_split':[*range(2,20,2)],
#        'min_samples_leaf':[*range(1,10)]
clf_gcv = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=7)
GS = GridSearchCV(clf_gcv,params,cv =10,iid=True),y_resampled)
# 'criterion': 'entropy'
# 'max_depth': 6
# 'splitter': 'best'
# 'min_samples_split': 2
#  'min_samples_leaf': 1
0.9571614879846312{'max_depth': 6, 'min_samples_leaf': 1}


last_clf_os = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=7,criterion ='entropy',max_depth =6,min_samples_leaf =1,
#                                     min_impurity_decrease=0.0,                splitter = 'best')
last_clf_os =,y_resampled)
score_os = last_clf_os.score(Xtest,Ytest)
from sklearn import tree
import graphviz
dot_data_os =tree.export_graphviz(last_clf_os,feature_names=X_resampled.columns.values,class_names=le.classes_,filled=True,rounded=True)
# graph_os.render('out_file/tree_os2')
y_pred_os = last_clf_os.predict(Xtest)






查准率(精准率):Precision = TP / (TP+FP);

查全率(召回率):Recall = TP / (TP+FN);

正确率(准确率):Accuracy = (TP+TN) / (TP+FP+TN+FN)


F1-score = (2Recall*Precision) / (Recall + Precision)

res_con_mat_os = pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(Ytest,y_pred_os,labels=[0,1,2,3,4]))
res_con_mat_os.set_index(le.classes_,inplace= True)
DOS 1161582 67 74 48 3372
PROBING 2 12192 2 8 58
R2L 0 3 319 2 6
U2R 0 0 2 17 3
normal. 56 3036 1990 5877 280814
res_con_mat_os['T_sum']=res_con_mat_os.apply(lambda x:x.sum(),axis=1)
res_con_mat_os.loc['P_sum']=res_con_mat_os.apply(lambda x:x.sum())
DOS PROBING R2L U2R normal. T_sum
DOS 1161582 67 74 48 3372 1165143
PROBING 2 12192 2 8 58 12262
R2L 0 3 319 2 6 330
U2R 0 0 2 17 3 22
normal. 56 3036 1990 5877 280814 291773
P_sum 1161640 15298 2387 5952 284253 1469530
##构造检测率(召回率)recall 本类真正类占本类所有正类的比例
detection_rate = []
for i in list(res_con_mat_os.columns[:-1]):
#     print(i)
#     print(res_con_mat_os.loc[i,i])detection_rate.append(res_con_mat_os.loc[i,i]/res_con_mat_os.loc[i,'T_sum'])
DOS_fpr = 1-res_con_mat_os.loc['DOS','DOS']/res_con_mat_os.loc['P_sum','DOS']
##构造误报率(FPR) 不是本类却预测为该类
for i in list(res_con_mat_os.columns[:-1]):
#     print(i)
#     print(res_con_mat_os.loc[i,i])fpr.append(1-res_con_mat_os.loc[i,i]/res_con_mat_os.loc['P_sum',i])
res = pd.DataFrame({'类别':le.classes_,'检测率':detection_rate,'误报率':fpr})
# res.to_excel('out_file/检测率2.xlsx')
类别 检测率 误报率
0 DOS 0.996944 0.000050
1 PROBING 0.994291 0.203033
2 R2L 0.966667 0.866359
3 U2R 0.772727 0.997144
4 normal. 0.962440 0.012098
colors = ['k','g','r','orange','blue']
label_list= res.类别
fig =plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
for i in range(5):x=res.loc[res.index==i,'误报率']y=res.loc[res.index==i,'检测率']plt.scatter(x,y,c=colors[i],cmap='brg',s=40,alpha=0.8,marker='8')
plt.title('过采样后各类别的评估参数散点图')ax = fig.gca()
handles,labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(handles, labels = label_list, loc='lower left')
# plt.savefig('out_file/评估参数散点图2.png',dpi=300);
D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: You have mixed positional and keyword arguments, some input may be

  • 检测率越高,误报率越低,该模型对该类的分类效果最好

  • 从检测率看,DOS、PROBING、R2L都在0.9以上,normal.在0.88以上,该模型对这几类的识别有较好的表现,U2R表现最差,只有0.5

  • 从误报率来看,DOS、normal.都在0.05以下,该模型对这两类的识别有较好的表现,PROBING的误报率为0.72,R2L和U2R的误报率都在0.9以上,表现最差

  • 从图中可以判断出,该模型识别效果(检测率和误报率权重相同的情况下)排序如下:DOS、normal、PROBING、R2L、U2R


 df_test = pd.read_csv('test_data_unlabeled.csv',header=None)
# 添加列名
df_test.columns = col_name[:-1]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2984154 entries, 0 to 2984153
Data columns (total 41 columns):
duration                       int64
protocol_type                  object
service                        object
flag                           object
src_bytes                      int64
dst_bytes                      int64
land                           int64
wrong_fragment                 int64
urgent                         int64
hot                            int64
num_failed_logins              int64
logged_in                      int64
num_compromised                int64
root_shell                     int64
su_attempted                   int64
num_root                       int64
num_file_creations             int64
num_shells                     int64
num_access_files               int64
num_outbound_cmds              int64
is_hot_login                   int64
is_guest_login                 int64
count                          int64
srv_count                      int64
serror_rate                    float64
srv_serror_rate                float64
rerror_rate                    float64
srv_rerror_rate                float64
same_srv_rate                  float64
diff_srv_rate                  float64
srv_diff_host_rate             float64
dst_host_count                 int64
dst_host_srv_count             int64
dst_host_same_srv_rate         float64
dst_host_diff_srv_rate         float64
dst_host_same_src_port_rate    float64
dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate    float64
dst_host_serror_rate           float64
dst_host_srv_serror_rate       float64
dst_host_rerror_rate           float64
dst_host_srv_rerror_rate       float64
dtypes: float64(15), int64(23), object(3)
memory usage: 933.5+ MB


count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
duration 2984154.0 3.720818 243.953368 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 66366.0
src_bytes 2984154.0 768.880216 45551.303068 0.0 105.00 520.0 1032.00 62825648.0
dst_bytes 2984154.0 730.889662 39914.221849 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 32317698.0
land 2984154.0 0.000003 0.001737 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
wrong_fragment 2984154.0 0.000477 0.035681 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.0
urgent 2984154.0 0.000014 0.006099 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 6.0
hot 2984154.0 0.005270 0.303767 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 233.0
num_failed_logins 2984154.0 0.000260 0.017102 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 5.0
logged_in 2984154.0 0.147073 0.354178 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
num_compromised 2984154.0 0.004904 1.480858 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 942.0
root_shell 2984154.0 0.000080 0.008930 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
su_attempted 2984154.0 0.000017 0.005399 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 2.0
num_root 2984154.0 0.004576 1.616186 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1013.0
num_file_creations 2984154.0 0.000568 0.104977 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 100.0
num_shells 2984154.0 0.000009 0.004254 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 5.0
num_access_files 2984154.0 0.000689 0.027856 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 7.0
num_outbound_cmds 2984154.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0
is_hot_login 2984154.0 0.000006 0.002456 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
is_guest_login 2984154.0 0.000644 0.025377 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
count 2984154.0 280.423016 217.434739 0.0 95.00 236.0 511.00 511.0
srv_count 2984154.0 245.349697 239.442417 0.0 8.00 136.0 511.00 511.0
serror_rate 2984154.0 0.060077 0.235591 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
srv_serror_rate 2984154.0 0.060017 0.236513 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
rerror_rate 2984154.0 0.145965 0.351468 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
srv_rerror_rate 2984154.0 0.145926 0.352154 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
same_srv_rate 2984154.0 0.808191 0.377635 0.0 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.0
diff_srv_rate 2984154.0 0.024612 0.106544 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
srv_diff_host_rate 2984154.0 0.025781 0.125967 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
dst_host_count 2984154.0 235.507335 60.337888 0.0 255.00 255.0 255.00 255.0
dst_host_srv_count 2984154.0 199.141008 100.880118 0.0 248.00 255.0 255.00 255.0
dst_host_same_srv_rate 2984154.0 0.790242 0.391747 0.0 0.99 1.0 1.00 1.0
dst_host_diff_srv_rate 2984154.0 0.024176 0.095417 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.01 1.0
dst_host_same_src_port_rate 2984154.0 0.567627 0.489481 0.0 0.00 1.0 1.00 1.0
dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate 2984154.0 0.004283 0.034120 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
dst_host_serror_rate 2984154.0 0.060003 0.234881 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
dst_host_srv_serror_rate 2984154.0 0.059886 0.236330 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
dst_host_rerror_rate 2984154.0 0.145625 0.349760 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
dst_host_srv_rerror_rate 2984154.0 0.145907 0.351974 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
# 删除在训练集中属性值只有一个的字段
for i in only_1_field:del df_test[i]
duration protocol_type service flag src_bytes dst_bytes land wrong_fragment urgent hot ... dst_host_count dst_host_srv_count dst_host_same_srv_rate dst_host_diff_srv_rate dst_host_same_src_port_rate dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate dst_host_serror_rate dst_host_srv_serror_rate dst_host_rerror_rate dst_host_srv_rerror_rate
0 0 udp private SF 105 146 0 0 0 0 ... 1 1 1.0 0.00 1.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0 udp private SF 105 146 0 0 0 0 ... 255 254 1.0 0.01 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0 udp private SF 105 146 0 0 0 0 ... 255 254 1.0 0.01 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0 udp private SF 105 146 0 0 0 0 ... 255 254 1.0 0.01 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0 udp private SF 105 146 0 0 0 0 ... 255 254 1.0 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 rows × 40 columns

df_test.protocol_type = le_protocol_type.transform(df_test.protocol_type)
df_test.service = le_service.transform(df_test.service)
df_test.flag = le_flag.transform(df_test.flag)
Index(['duration', 'protocol_type', 'service', 'flag', 'src_bytes','dst_bytes', 'wrong_fragment', 'hot', 'num_compromised', 'count','diff_srv_rate', 'dst_host_same_srv_rate', 'dst_host_diff_srv_rate','dst_host_same_src_port_rate', 'dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate','dst_host_serror_rate', 'dst_host_rerror_rate','dst_host_srv_rerror_rate'],dtype='object')
X_test_to_predict = df_test[X_resampled.columns.values]
duration protocol_type service flag src_bytes dst_bytes wrong_fragment hot num_compromised count diff_srv_rate dst_host_same_srv_rate dst_host_diff_srv_rate dst_host_same_src_port_rate dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate dst_host_serror_rate dst_host_rerror_rate dst_host_srv_rerror_rate
0 0 2 50 9 105 146 0 0 0 1 0.0 1.0 0.00 1.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0 2 50 9 105 146 0 0 0 1 0.0 1.0 0.01 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0 2 50 9 105 146 0 0 0 1 0.0 1.0 0.01 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0 2 50 9 105 146 0 0 0 1 0.0 1.0 0.01 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0 2 50 9 105 146 0 0 0 1 0.0 1.0 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2984149 0 2 50 9 105 147 0 0 0 2 0.0 1.0 0.00 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2984150 0 2 50 9 105 105 0 0 0 3 0.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2984151 0 2 50 9 105 147 0 0 0 4 0.0 1.0 0.00 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2984152 0 2 50 9 105 105 0 0 0 1 0.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2984153 0 2 50 9 105 147 0 0 0 2 0.0 1.0 0.00 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2984154 rows × 18 columns

(2984154, 18)
y_to_predict = last_clf_os.predict(X_test_to_predict)
array([4, 4, 4, ..., 4, 4, 4])
y_p_LABEL =le.inverse_transform(y_to_predict)
df_to_out_file['pre_result'] = y_p_LABEL

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    /* 以下结论来自10%的数据,做一个简单的了解*/ 1. 检查文件共有42行,即42个特征,特征表格如下 (back,buffer_overflow,ftp_write,guess_passwd,i ...

  6. 机器学习入门之:使用 scikit-learn 决策分类树来预测泰坦尼克号沉船生还情况

    代码 有关数据处理部分的相关解析,请看 30天吃掉那只 TensorFlow2 写的非常详细 不再在这里赘述 from sklearn import tree import pandas as pd ...

  7. sklearn 决策树(分类树、回归树)的 重要参数、属性、方法理解

    文章目录 决策分类树 引入 重要参数 1,criterion 2,splitter 3,max_depth 4,min_samples_leaf 5,min_samples_split 6,max_f ...

  8. KDD CUP 1999数据集

    KDD是数据挖掘与知识发现(Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)的简称,KDD CUP是由ACM(Association for Computing Machine ...

  9. 读书笔记《Outlier Analysis》 第八章 分类、文本和混合属性中的异常检测

    1.引言 前面讨论的都是数值数据,然而,在现实生活生成中,还有很多其他类型的数据,如性别.种族.邮编.人员和实体的名称.IP地址等.通常处理这些数据更有挑战,因为难以以均匀和一致的方式来处理各种类型的 ...


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