
  overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap; //段落中文本不换行text-overflow: ellipsis;


  • 查了资料之后发现还是有办法的

    在WebKit浏览器或移动端(绝大部分是WebKit内核的浏览器)的页面实现比较简单,可以直接使用WebKit的CSS扩展属性(WebKit是私有属性)-webkit-line-clamp ;注意:这是一个 不规范的属性(unsupported WebKit property),它没有出现在 CSS 规范草案中。-webkit-line-clamp用来限制在一个块元素显示的文本的行数。 为了实现该效果,它需要组合其他的WebKit属性。

  • 我们用一下代码即可实现:
    overflow : hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;display: -webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp: 2;-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  • 但是这样处理会遇到兼容性问题,在Firefox浏览器上就不起作用。
  • 为了解决兼容性问题,有一个clamp.js[https://www.npmjs.com/package...]很好的解决这个问题。
  • 为了更好的跟Vue相结合,今天我们就封装一个v-clamp的指令,来方便的解决这个问题。

    // 注册一个全局自定义指令 `v-clamp`
    Vue.directive('clamp', {// 当被绑定的元素插入到 DOM 中时……update: function (el, binding) {function clamp(element, options) {options = options || {};var self = this,win = window,opt = {clamp: options.clamp || 2,useNativeClamp: typeof(options.useNativeClamp) != 'undefined' ? options.useNativeClamp : true,splitOnChars: options.splitOnChars || ['.', '-', '–', '—', ' '], //Split on sentences (periods), hypens, en-dashes, em-dashes, and words (spaces).animate: options.animate || false,truncationChar: options.truncationChar || '…',truncationHTML: options.truncationHTML},sty = element.style,originalText = element.innerHTML,supportsNativeClamp = typeof(element.style.webkitLineClamp) != 'undefined',clampValue = opt.clamp,isCSSValue = clampValue.indexOf && (clampValue.indexOf('px') > -1 || clampValue.indexOf('em') > -1),truncationHTMLContainer;if (opt.truncationHTML) {truncationHTMLContainer = document.createElement('span');truncationHTMLContainer.innerHTML = opt.truncationHTML;}// UTILITY FUNCTIONS __________________________________________________________/*** Return the current style for an element.* @param {HTMLElement} elem The element to compute.* @param {string} prop The style property.* @returns {number}*/function computeStyle(elem, prop) {if (!win.getComputedStyle) {win.getComputedStyle = function(el, pseudo) {this.el = el;this.getPropertyValue = function(prop) {var re = /(\-([a-z]){1})/g;if (prop == 'float') prop = 'styleFloat';if (re.test(prop)) {prop = prop.replace(re, function() {return arguments[2].toUpperCase();});}return el.currentStyle && el.currentStyle[prop] ? el.currentStyle[prop] : null;};return this;};}return win.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(prop);}/*** Returns the maximum number of lines of text that should be rendered based* on the current height of the element and the line-height of the text.*/function getMaxLines(height) {var availHeight = height || element.clientHeight,lineHeight = getLineHeight(element);return Math.max(Math.floor(availHeight / lineHeight), 0);}/*** Returns the maximum height a given element should have based on the line-* height of the text and the given clamp value.*/function getMaxHeight(clmp) {var lineHeight = getLineHeight(element);return lineHeight * clmp;}/*** Returns the line-height of an element as an integer.*/function getLineHeight(elem) {var lh = computeStyle(elem, 'line-height');if (lh == 'normal') {// Normal line heights vary from browser to browser. The spec recommends// a value between 1.0 and 1.2 of the font size. Using 1.1 to split the diff.lh = parseInt(computeStyle(elem, 'font-size')) * 1.2;}return parseInt(lh);}// MEAT AND POTATOES (MMMM, POTATOES...) ______________________________________var splitOnChars = opt.splitOnChars.slice(0),splitChar = splitOnChars[0],chunks,lastChunk;/*** Gets an element's last child. That may be another node or a node's contents.*/function getLastChild(elem) {//Current element has children, need to go deeper and get last child as a text nodeif (elem.lastChild.children && elem.lastChild.children.length > 0) {return getLastChild(Array.prototype.slice.call(elem.children).pop());}//This is the absolute last child, a text node, but something's wrong with it. Remove it and keep tryingelse if (!elem.lastChild || !elem.lastChild.nodeValue || elem.lastChild.nodeValue === '' || elem.lastChild.nodeValue == opt.truncationChar) {elem.lastChild.parentNode.removeChild(elem.lastChild);return getLastChild(element);}//This is the last child we want, return itelse {return elem.lastChild;}}/*** Removes one character at a time from the text until its width or* height is beneath the passed-in max param.*/function truncate(target, maxHeight) {if (!maxHeight) {return;}/*** Resets global variables.*/function reset() {splitOnChars = opt.splitOnChars.slice(0);splitChar = splitOnChars[0];chunks = null;lastChunk = null;}var nodeValue = target.nodeValue.replace(opt.truncationChar, '');//Grab the next chunksif (!chunks) {//If there are more characters to try, grab the next oneif (splitOnChars.length > 0) {splitChar = splitOnChars.shift();}//No characters to chunk by. Go character-by-characterelse {splitChar = '';}chunks = nodeValue.split(splitChar);}//If there are chunks left to remove, remove the last one and see if// the nodeValue fits.if (chunks.length > 1) {// console.log('chunks', chunks);lastChunk = chunks.pop();// console.log('lastChunk', lastChunk);applyEllipsis(target, chunks.join(splitChar));}//No more chunks can be removed using this characterelse {chunks = null;}//Insert the custom HTML before the truncation characterif (truncationHTMLContainer) {target.nodeValue = target.nodeValue.replace(opt.truncationChar, '');element.innerHTML = target.nodeValue + ' ' + truncationHTMLContainer.innerHTML + opt.truncationChar;}//Search produced valid chunksif (chunks) {//It fitsif (element.clientHeight <= maxHeight) {//There's still more characters to try splitting on, not quite done yetif (splitOnChars.length >= 0 && splitChar !== '') {applyEllipsis(target, chunks.join(splitChar) + splitChar + lastChunk);chunks = null;}//Finished!else {return element.innerHTML;}}}//No valid chunks producedelse {//No valid chunks even when splitting by letter, time to move//on to the next nodeif (splitChar === '') {applyEllipsis(target, '');target = getLastChild(element);reset();}}//If you get here it means still too big, let's keep truncatingif (opt.animate) {setTimeout(function() {truncate(target, maxHeight);}, opt.animate === true ? 10 : opt.animate);} else {return truncate(target, maxHeight);}}function applyEllipsis(elem, str) {elem.nodeValue = str + opt.truncationChar;}// CONSTRUCTOR ________________________________________________________________if (clampValue == 'auto') {clampValue = getMaxLines();} else if (isCSSValue) {clampValue = getMaxLines(parseInt(clampValue));}var clampedText;if (supportsNativeClamp && opt.useNativeClamp) {sty.overflow = 'hidden';sty.textOverflow = 'ellipsis';sty.webkitBoxOrient = 'vertical';sty.display = '-webkit-box';sty.webkitLineClamp = clampValue;if (isCSSValue) {sty.height = opt.clamp + 'px';}} else {var height = getMaxHeight(clampValue);if (height <= element.clientHeight) {console.log(getLastChild(element));clampedText = truncate(getLastChild(element), height);}}return {'original': originalText,'clamped': clampedText};}clamp(el,{clamp: 2}) }
    • 其实很简单,仅仅是把clamp.js中的函数搬移了过来。然后就可以像这样来使用:

        <div class="txt" v-clamp>很抱歉!没有搜索到相关模板很抱歉!没有搜索到相关模板很抱歉!没有搜索到相关模板很抱歉!没有搜索到相关模板</div>   


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