
澳大利亚国立大学(The Australian National University),简称ANU,始建于1946年,坐落于澳大利亚首都堪培拉,是公立研究型综合类大学,也是环太平洋大学联盟、国际研究型大学联盟、澳大利亚八校联盟、英联邦大学协会成员。它是由澳大利亚联邦议会立法创立,享有国立大学资格的学府。

Research Associate / Postdoctoral Fellow

Australian National University


Research Associate / Postdoctoral Fellow

Apply now Job no: 548378 Work type: Fixed Term Location: Canberra / ACT Categories: Professional

Classification: Level B

Classification: Academic Level A or Academic Level B Salary package: Level A: $76,271 - $95,732 per annum plus 17% superannuation Level B: $103,841-$117,736 per annum plus 17% superannuation Term: Fixed Term, Full-Time (2 – 3 years)

Join a world-class photovoltaics research group

Contribute to the development of the next generation of solar cells

Opportunities for industry engagement and international collaboration

College overview

The Australian National University (ANU) College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics (CECC) is a vibrant and diverse community of more than three thousand students, staff, and visitors. Our College is comprised of three schools: the School of Engineering, the School of Computing, and the School of Cybernetics, supported by the Professional Services Group. We aim to bring together expertise in social, technical, ecological and scientific systems to build a new approach. In the College, we draw on our disciplinary foundations to find and solve problems of global importance. Our people build on our traditional world-class expertise and take it in creative, unconventional directions. Through the Reimagine investment, we have the privilege and the responsibility to build a new legacy for the University, the country, and even the world. We will deliver on our mission by building a strong community, providing transformative educational experiences, conducting high-impact research, seeking meaningful engagement, and becoming a resilient organisation post COVID-19. Join us in shaping a new intellectual agenda to reimagine  engineering, computing, and the use of technology in the world.

The School of Engineering brings together a diverse and welcoming community that is motivated to seek “wicked problems”. We connect divergent thinkers, to explore and pose solutions, that cross the traditional interdisciplinary and global boundaries. We have evolved from our foundational strength in systems thinking, reaching beyond traditional engineering fields. This systems approach embraces our core strengths and is shaped around four focus areas: Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechatronics. Join us in our fundamental quest of discovery and passionate pursuit of knowledge that goes beyond our lived world.

Position overview

We are seeking several outstanding postdoctoral fellows to join our research activities in crystalline silicon solar cells, perovskite solar cells, and perovskite-tandem solar cells, under the supervision of Professor Daniel Macdonald and Professor Klaus Weber. Applicants should have a relevant PhD in engineering, materials science, chemistry or physics, with experience in silicon or perovskite or perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell fabrication, or related semiconductor materials/device research. These positions will involve collaboration with other research institutes and industry partners, and are supported through projects funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

We are particularly interested in applicants with experience in the topics listed below. Applicants should demonstrate relevant research experience in one or more of these areas.

Silicon materials for photovoltaics – especially the formation and impact of performance-limiting defects in single-crystal Czochralski-grown silicon wafers for solar cell production, including oxygen-related defects, and their mitigation.

Doped poly-silicon contacts for silicon solar cells – in particular the development and fabrication of novel doped poly-silicon contacts that are compatible with industrial production methods.

Perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells – with a focus on the development of stable, high-efficiency devices, and the fabrication and characterisation of perovskite top cells.

Large area perovskite solar cells – in particular the development of scalable solution-based or vacuum-based deposition methods, and their application on textured substrates.

Characterisation of tandem solar cells – with a focus on the development of advanced opto-electronic characterisation methods, including spatially- and spectrally-resolved luminescence.

These appointments will be for a fixed term of 2-3 years, with prospects for extensions. Longer term and/or ongoing appointments may be offered in exceptional cases subject to performance and budget availability as well the candidate's demonstrated capability and desire to complement the College's strategic agendas in teaching, research and broader engagement within the University and community.

ANU is committed to building a diverse and inclusive community, and particularly welcomes applications from women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and candidates from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, it is practice in the ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics to actively seek a gender mix of shortlisted candidates for interview. For more information about staff equity at ANU, visit https: // services.anu.edu.au/human-resources/respect-inclusion

We welcome and develop diversity of backgrounds, experiences and ideas and encourage applications from individuals who may have had non-traditional career paths, who may have taken a career break, had career disruptions or who have achieved excellence in careers outside of the higher education sector. We support applicants who require flexible arrangements in their work environments or patterns. If your experience looks a little different to what we've described, but you're passionate and motivated by this position, we welcome your enquiry and application.

The ANU provides attractive benefits and excellent support to maintain a healthy work/life balance and offers generous remuneration benefits, including four weeks paid vacation per year, assistance with relocation expenses and 17% employer contribution to superannuation. This also includes generous parental leave, the possibility of flexible and part time working arrangements, a parental and aged care support program, dual career hire programs, ANU school holiday programs, and childcare facilities on campus. For more information, visit: https: // services.anu.edu.au/human-resources

For further information, please contact Professor Daniel Macdonald, T: +61 6125 2973 or E: daniel.macdonald@anu.edu.au .

Application information

Applicants must apply online via the ANU recruitment portal and should upload the following separate documents:

A detailed curriculum vitae (CV) including a full publication list and the names and contact details of at least three referees (preferably including a current or previous supervisor). If your CV does not include referees, you can complete these online when prompted in the application form.

A statement addressing the selection criteria.

A 1-page statement outlining your research objectives for the next 2-3 years if appointed.

A brief statement outlining your approach to coursework education and student project supervision.

The successful candidate will be required to undergo a background check  during the recruitment process. An offer of employment is conditional on  satisfactory results.

Position Description & Selection Criteria

Advertised: 11 Nov 2022 09:00:00 AM AUS Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: 31 Jan 2023 11:55:00 PM AUS Eastern Daylight Time



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