

Post Doctoral Researcher in DelHPIre Project (0.5FTE) – Re-advertisement

University of Limerick

Post Doctoral Researcher in DelHPIre Project (0.5FTE) – Re-advertisement

The University of Limerick (UL) with over 17,000 students and 1,800 staff is an energetic and enterprising institution with a proud record of innovation and excellence in education, research and scholarship. The dynamic, entrepreneurial and pioneering values which drive UL's mission and strategy ensure that we capitalise on local, national and international engagement and connectivity. We are renowned for providing an outstanding student experience and employability and conducting leading edge research. Our commitment is to make a difference by shaping the future through educating and empowering our undergraduate and postgraduate students. UL is situated on a superb riverside campus of over 130 hectares with the River Shannon as a unifying focal point. Outstanding recreational, cultural and sporting facilities further enhance this exceptional learning and research environment.

Applications are invited for the following position:

Faculty of Education & Health Sciences

Department of Nursing and Midwifery


Post Doctoral Researcher in DelHPIre Project (0.5FTE) – Specific Purpose Contract

Salary Scale: €39,523 - € 51,035 p.a. pro rata (maximum starting salary €39,523 p.a. pro rata)

Informal enquires regarding the post may be directed to: Prof Alice Coffey Department of Nursing and Midwifery University of Limerick Email:  Alice.Coffey@ul.ie

The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, 2nd December 2022.  Applications must be completed online before 12 noon, Irish Standard Time on the closing date.

The University of Limerick supports blended working

This position is subject to Garda Vetting and Foreign Police Clearance. If you have resided outside Ireland for a cumulative period of 36 months or more over the age of 18 years you must furnish a Foreign Police Clearance (FPC) from the country or countries of residence. Please note; any costs incurred in this process will be borne by the candidate.

Please confirm that you are currently eligible to work in Ireland. Applications by candidates who are not eligible to work in Ireland will not be processed.

Please email erecruitment@ul.ie if you experience any difficulties

Applications are welcome from suitably qualified candidates. The University of Limerick holds a Bronze Athena SWAN award in recognition of our commitment to advancing equality in higher education. The University is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to selection on merit welcoming applicants from all sections of the community. The University has a range of initiatives to support a family friendly working environment, including flexible working.

“The University of Limerick has implemented a “Smoke and Vape Free Campus Policy”. Smoking and vaping in all forms is prohibited.”

Contact Person : Competition Type : Research Contact Email : Job ID : 055830 Contact Number : Close Date : 02-Dec-2022 12:00 Further Particulars :


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