参考链接: Python中的numpy.arcsin

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def get_polar_t(self):

mag = self.get_magnitude()

sizeimg = np.real(self.imgfft).shape

pol = np.zeros(sizeimg)

for x in range(sizeimg[0]):

for y in range(sizeimg[1]):

my = y - sizeimg[1] / 2

mx = x - sizeimg[0] / 2

if mx != 0:

phi = np.arctan(my / float(mx))


phi = 0

r = np.sqrt(mx**2 + my **2)

ix = map_range(phi, -np.pi, np.pi, sizeimg[0], 0)

iy = map_range(r, 0, sizeimg[0], 0, sizeimg[1])

if ix >= 0 and ix < sizeimg[0] and iy >= 0 and iy < sizeimg[1]:

pol[x][y] = mag.data[int(ix)][int(iy)]

pol = MyImage(pol)


return pol

Example 2

def calc_IndCurrent_cos_range(self,f,t):

"""Induced current over a range of times"""

Bpx = self.Bpx

Bpz = self.Bpz

a2 = self.a2

azm = np.pi*self.azm/180.

R = self.R

L = self.L

w = 2*np.pi*f

Ax = np.pi*a2**2*np.sin(azm)

Az = np.pi*a2**2*np.cos(azm)

Phi = (Ax*Bpx + Az*Bpz)

phi = np.arctan(R/(w*L))-np.pi # This is the phase and not phase lag

Is = -(w*Phi/(R*np.sin(phi) + w*L*np.cos(phi)))*np.cos(w*t + phi)

Ire = -(w*Phi/(R*np.sin(phi) + w*L*np.cos(phi)))*np.cos(w*t)*np.cos(phi)

Iim = (w*Phi/(R*np.sin(phi) + w*L*np.cos(phi)))*np.sin(w*t)*np.sin(phi)

return Ire,Iim,Is,phi

Example 3

def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):

# check branch cuts and continuity on them

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

# check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2, 2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

Example 4

def test_against_cmath(self):

import cmath

points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]

name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',

'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}

atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps

for func in self.funcs:

fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]

cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)


cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)

except AttributeError:


for p in points:

a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))

b = cfunc(p)

assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))

Example 5

def effect(self, point):

res = []

# print(self.centers)

for center in self.centers:

center_x, center_y = center

src_x, src_y = point.pos

# Check angle

angle = np.arctan((center_x - src_x) / (center_y - src_y))

if np.abs(angle) > self.angle / 2:


angle = np.deg2rad(90) + angle

u_len = np.sqrt((center_x - src_x) ** 2 + (center_y - src_y) ** 2)

reverse_v = (self.r_index - 1) / self.radius - self.r_index / u_len

v_len = 1 / reverse_v

if v_len > 0:

p_type = 'real'


p_type = 'fake'

target = line_end(point.pos, angle, u_len + v_len)

p = Point(target, p_type, 1)

# point.passed.append(self)


return tuple(res)

Example 6

def _radian_direction(dy,dx):



- based on given dy and dx it calculates direction in radian.

- used in feature_eng_pt3


dy = change in y

dx = change in x


returns radian value (0 to 6.28)


if dy < 0.0 and dx > 0.0:

return (2*np.pi + np.arctan(dy/dx))

elif dy >=0.0 and dx > 0.0:

return (np.arctan(dy/dx))


return np.pi + np.arctan(dy/dx)

Example 7

def flow(self, Kc, Ks, Kz, Ka, numexpr):

zeros = np.zeros

where = np.where

min = np.minimum

max = np.maximum

abs = np.absolute

arctan = np.arctan

sin = np.sin

center = (slice( 1, -1,None),slice( 1, -1,None))

rock = self.center

ds = self.scour[center]

rcc = rock[center]

rock[center] = rcc - ds * Kz

# there isn't really a bottom to the rock but negative values look ugly

rock[center] = where(rcc<0,0,rcc)

Example 8

def fixOffset(self, offset, img):

size = img.shape

finalImg = np.ndarray(size)

indices = np.indices((self.videoSize[0],self.videoSize[1])).swapaxes(0,2).swapaxes(0,1)

indices = np.around(indices, decimals=1)

indices.shape = (self.videoSize[1] * self.videoSize[0], 2)

phi = 2 * np.arctan(np.exp(indices[:, 1] / self.videoSize[1])) - 1/2 * np.pi - offset[0]

lamb = indices[:, 0] - offset[1]

x = lamb

y = np.log(np.tan(np.pi / 4 + 1/2 * phi)) * self.videoSize[1]

finalIdx = np.ndarray((self.videoSize[1] * self.videoSize[0], 2))

finalIdx = np.around(finalIdx, decimals=1).astype(int)

finalIdx[:, 1] = y % self.videoSize[1]

finalIdx[:, 0] = x % self.videoSize[0]

finalImg[indices[:,1], indices[:,0]] = img[finalIdx[:,1], finalIdx[:,0]]

return finalImg

Example 9

def _dip_slip_y(self, y1, y2, ang_dip, q):


Based on Okada's paper (1985)

y = down-dip direction


sn = numpy.sin(ang_dip)

cs = numpy.cos(ang_dip)

d_bar = y2*sn - q*cs;

r = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + y2**2 + q**2)

xx = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + q**2)

y_bar = y2*cs + q*sn

a5 = 4.*poisson/cs*numpy.arctan((y2*(xx+q*cs)+xx*(r+xx)*sn)/y1/(r+xx)/cs)

a1 = 2.0*poisson*(-y1/(cs*(r+d_bar))) - sn/cs * a5

f = -(y_bar*q/r/(r+y1) + cs*numpy.arctan(y1*y2/q/r) - a1*sn*cs)/(2.0*3.14159)

return f

Example 10

def _dip_slip_x(self, y1, y2, ang_dip, q):


Based on Okada's paper (1985)

Added by Xiaoming Wang


sn = numpy.sin(ang_dip)

cs = numpy.cos(ang_dip)

d_bar = y2*sn - q*cs;

r = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + y2**2 + q**2)

xx = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + q**2)

#a5 = 4.*poisson/cs*numpy.arctan((y2*(xx+q*cs)+xx*(r+xx)*sn)/y1/(r+xx)/cs)

a4 = 2.0*poisson/cs*(numpy.log(r+d_bar) - sn*numpy.log(r+y2))

ytilde = y2*cs + q*sn

a3 = 2.0*poisson*(ytilde/(cs*(r+d_bar)) - numpy.log(r+y2)) + a4*sn/cs

f = -(q/r - a3*sn*cs)/(2.0*3.14159)

return f

Example 11

def _dip_slip_x(self, y1, y2, ang_dip, q):


Based on Okada's paper (1985)

Added by Xiaoming Wang


sn = numpy.sin(ang_dip)

cs = numpy.cos(ang_dip)

d_bar = y2*sn - q*cs;

r = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + y2**2 + q**2)

xx = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + q**2)

#a5 = 4.*poisson/cs*numpy.arctan((y2*(xx+q*cs)+xx*(r+xx)*sn)/y1/(r+xx)/cs)

a4 = 2.0*poisson/cs*(numpy.log(r+d_bar) - sn*numpy.log(r+y2))

ytilde = y2*cs + q*sn

a3 = 2.0*poisson*(ytilde/(cs*(r+d_bar)) - numpy.log(r+y2)) + a4*sn/cs

f = -(q/r - a3*sn*cs)/(2.0*3.14159)

return f

Example 12

def get_q_per_pixel(self):

'''Gets the delta-q associated with a single pixel. This is computed in

the small-angle limit, so it should only be considered approximate.

For instance, wide-angle detectors will have different delta-q across

the detector face.'''

if self.q_per_pixel is not None:

return self.q_per_pixel

c = (self.pixel_size_um/1e6)/self.distance_m

twotheta = np.arctan(c) # radians

self.q_per_pixel = 2.0*self.get_k()*np.sin(twotheta/2.0)

return self.q_per_pixel

# Maps


Example 13

def reset_model(self):

self._min_strike_dist = np.inf

self._striked = False

self._strike_pos = None

qpos = self.init_qpos

self.ball = np.array([0.5, -0.175])

while True:

self.goal = np.concatenate([

self.np_random.uniform(low=0.15, high=0.7, size=1),

self.np_random.uniform(low=0.1, high=1.0, size=1)])

if np.linalg.norm(self.ball - self.goal) > 0.17:


qpos[-9:-7] = [self.ball[1], self.ball[0]]

qpos[-7:-5] = self.goal

diff = self.ball - self.goal

angle = -np.arctan(diff[0] / (diff[1] + 1e-8))

qpos[-1] = angle / 3.14

qvel = self.init_qvel + self.np_random.uniform(low=-.1, high=.1,


qvel[7:] = 0

self.set_state(qpos, qvel)

return self._get_obs()

Example 14

def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):

# check branch cuts and continuity on them

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

# check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2, 2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

Example 15

def test_against_cmath(self):

import cmath

points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]

name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',

'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}

atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps

for func in self.funcs:

fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]

cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)


cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)

except AttributeError:


for p in points:

a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))

b = cfunc(p)

assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))

Example 16

def angularpixelarea(self):

# get the first instrument element

instruments = self.tree.xpath("//instruments/*[1]")

if len(instruments) != 1: raise ValueError("No instruments in ski file")

instrument = instruments[0]

# get the distance in m

d = self.units().convert(instrument.get("distance"), to_unit='m', quantity='distance')

# get the field of view in m

fovx = self.units().convert(instrument.get("fieldOfViewX"), to_unit='m', quantity='length')

fovy = self.units().convert(instrument.get("fieldOfViewY"), to_unit='m', quantity='length')

# get the number of pixels

nx = int(instrument.get("pixelsX"))

ny = int(instrument.get("pixelsY"))

# calculate the angular pixel area

sx = 2 * arctan(fovx / nx / d / 2)

sy = 2 * arctan(fovy / ny / d / 2)

return sx * sy

## This function returns a list of instrument names, in order of occurrence in the ski file.

Example 17

def orientation_angle(self):


This function ...



diag_a = self.pixel_scale_matrix[0,1]

diag_b = self.pixel_scale_matrix[1,0]

if not np.isclose(diag_a, diag_b, rtol=0.05):

warnings.warn("The diagonal elements of the pixel scale matrix are not equal: " + repr(diag_a) + " and " + repr(diag_b))

first = self.pixel_scale_matrix[0,0]

radians = np.arctan(diag_a / first)

degrees = radians / math.pi * 180.

return Angle(degrees, "deg")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

Example 18

def angularpixelarea(self):

# get the first instrument element

instruments = self.tree.xpath("//instruments/*[1]")

if len(instruments) != 1: raise ValueError("No instruments in ski file")

instrument = instruments[0]

# get the distance in m

d = self.units().convert(instrument.get("distance"), to_unit='m', quantity='distance')

# get the field of view in m

fovx = self.units().convert(instrument.get("fieldOfViewX"), to_unit='m', quantity='length')

fovy = self.units().convert(instrument.get("fieldOfViewY"), to_unit='m', quantity='length')

# get the number of pixels

nx = int(instrument.get("pixelsX"))

ny = int(instrument.get("pixelsY"))

# calculate the angular pixel area

sx = 2 * arctan(fovx / nx / d / 2)

sy = 2 * arctan(fovy / ny / d / 2)

return sx * sy

## This function returns a list of instrument names, in order of occurrence in the ski file.

Example 19

def orientation_angle(self):


This function ...



diag_a = self.pixel_scale_matrix[0,1]

diag_b = self.pixel_scale_matrix[1,0]

if not np.isclose(diag_a, diag_b, rtol=0.05):

warnings.warn("The diagonal elements of the pixel scale matrix are not equal: " + repr(diag_a) + " and " + repr(diag_b))

first = self.pixel_scale_matrix[0,0]

radians = np.arctan(diag_a / first)

degrees = radians / math.pi * 180.

return Angle(degrees, "deg")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

Example 20

def conferenceWakeOverlap(X, Y, R):

n = np.size(X)

# theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float) # angle of wake from fulcrum

f_theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float) # smoothing values for smoothing

for i in range(0, n):

for j in range(0, n):

if X[i] < X[j]:

z = R/np.tan(0.34906585)

# print z

theta = np.arctan((Y[j] - Y[i]) / (X[j] - X[i] + z))

# print 'theta =', theta

if -0.34906585 < theta < 0.34906585:

f_theta[i][j] = (1 + np.cos(9*theta))/2

# print f_theta

# print z

# print f_theta

return f_theta

Example 21

def conferenceWakeOverlap_tune(X, Y, R, boundAngle):

n = np.size(X)

boundAngle = boundAngle*np.pi/180.0

# theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float) # angle of wake from fulcrum

f_theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float) # smoothing values for smoothing

q = np.pi/boundAngle # factor inside the cos term of the smooth Jensen (see Jensen1983 eq.(3))

# print 'boundAngle = %s' %boundAngle, 'q = %s' %q

for i in range(0, n):

for j in range(0, n):

if X[i] < X[j]:

# z = R/tan(0.34906585)

z = R/np.tan(boundAngle) # distance from fulcrum to wake producing turbine

# print z

theta = np.arctan((Y[j] - Y[i]) / (X[j] - X[i] + z))

# print 'theta =', theta

if -boundAngle < theta < boundAngle:

f_theta[i][j] = (1. + np.cos(q*theta))/2.

# print f_theta

# print z

# print f_theta

return f_theta

Example 22

def get_cosine_factor_original(X, Y, R0, bound_angle=20.0):

n = np.size(X)

bound_angle = bound_angle*np.pi/180.0

# theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float) # angle of wake from fulcrum

f_theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float) # smoothing values for smoothing

q = np.pi/bound_angle # factor inside the cos term of the smooth Jensen (see Jensen1983 eq.(3))

for i in range(0, n):

for j in range(0, n):

if X[i] < X[j]:

z = R0/np.tan(bound_angle) # distance from fulcrum to wake producing turbine

theta = np.arctan((Y[j] - Y[i]) / (X[j] - X[i] + z))

if -bound_angle < theta < bound_angle:

f_theta[i][j] = (1. + np.cos(q*theta))/2.

return f_theta

Example 23

def rotate(self,rotation_method='RTZ'):



for i in range(0,len(self.rf_st)):

self.rf_st[i].stats.back_azimuth = self.tr_e.stats.sac['baz']


if rotation_method == 'LQT':

r_amp = np.amax(np.amax(self.rf_st[1].data))

z_amp = np.amax(np.amax(self.rf_st[2].data))

incidence_angle = np.arctan(r_amp/z_amp) * (180.0/np.pi)

for i in range(0,len(self.rf_st)):

self.rf_st[i].stats.inclination = incidence_angle




Example 24

def test_branch_cuts(self):

# check branch cuts and continuity on them

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

# check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2, 2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1

Example 25

def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):

# check branch cuts and continuity on them

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

# check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2, 2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

Example 26

def test_against_cmath(self):

import cmath

points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]

name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',

'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}

atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps

for func in self.funcs:

fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]

cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)


cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)

except AttributeError:


for p in points:

a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))

b = cfunc(p)

assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))

Example 27

def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):

# check branch cuts and continuity on them

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

# check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2, 2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

Example 28

def test_against_cmath(self):

import cmath

points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]

name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',

'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}

atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps

for func in self.funcs:

fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]

cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)


cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)

except AttributeError:


for p in points:

a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))

b = cfunc(p)

assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))

Example 29

def arrow(img,p1,p2):



dy,dx= np.array(p2)-np.array(p1)

theta= np.arctan(dy/dx) + (0 if dx>0 else np.pi) if dx!=0 else (1 if dy>0 else -1) * np.pi/2

phy1=theta+ np.pi*7/6

phy2=theta+ np.pi*5/6


dx1,dx2= (R*np.cos([phy1,phy2])).astype(np.int)

dy1,dy2= (R*np.sin([phy1,phy2])).astype(np.int)

if R<=2:return








Example 30

def convertToOpenGLCameraMatrix(K, framebufferSize, near, far):

""" Convert a camera calibration matrix into OpenGL format. """

width, height = framebufferSize

# print 'framebufferSize:', framebufferSize

fx = K[0,0]

fy = K[1,1]

fovy = 2*np.arctan(0.5*height/fy)#*180/np.pi

aspect = (width*fy)/(height*fx)

# define the near and far clipping planes

# near = 0.1

# far = 100.0

# fx = 10.0

# fy = 10.0

# fovy = 90*(np.pi/180.0)

# aspect = (width*fy)/(height*fx)

proj = openGLPerspectiveMatrix(fovy,aspect,near,far)

return proj

Example 31

def test_auto_size_bits_list():


a = [0.5, 1.2, 3.2]

b = Sfix.auto_size(a, 18)

for x, y in zip(a, b):

np.isclose(y.val, x)

assert y.left == 2

assert y.right == -15

a = [np.arctan(2 ** -i) for i in range(8)]

b = Sfix.auto_size(a, 18)

for x, y in zip(a, b):

np.isclose(y.val, x)

assert y.left == 0

assert y.right == -17

a = [np.arctan(2 ** -i) for i in range(8, 12)]

b = Sfix.auto_size(a, 18)

for x, y in zip(a, b):

np.isclose(y.val, x)

assert y.left == -8

assert y.right == -25

Example 32

def load(self, ips):

if ips.imgtype in ('8-bit', 'rgb'):

self.para = {'bright':0, 'contrast':45}

self.view = [('slide', (-100,100), 'Brightness', 'bright', ''),

('slide', (1,89), 'Contrast', 'contrast', '')]

if 'not_slice' in self.note:


else :

self.arange = minv, maxv = ips.img.min(), ips.img.max()

self.para = {'bright':np.mean(ips.range) - np.mean(self.arange),


self.view = [('slide', (-(maxv-minv)/2, (maxv-minv)/2), 'Brightness', 'bright', ''),

('slide', (1,89), 'Contrast', 'contrast', '')]

if not 'not_slice' in self.note:


return True

Example 33

def reset_model(self):

self._min_strike_dist = np.inf

self._striked = False

self._strike_pos = None

qpos = self.init_qpos

self.ball = np.array([0.5, -0.175])

while True:

self.goal = np.concatenate([

self.np_random.uniform(low=0.15, high=0.7, size=1),

self.np_random.uniform(low=0.1, high=1.0, size=1)])

if np.linalg.norm(self.ball - self.goal) > 0.17:


qpos[-9:-7] = [self.ball[1], self.ball[0]]

qpos[-7:-5] = self.goal

diff = self.ball - self.goal

angle = -np.arctan(diff[0] / (diff[1] + 1e-8))

qpos[-1] = angle / 3.14

qvel = self.init_qvel + self.np_random.uniform(low=-.1, high=.1,


qvel[7:] = 0

self.set_state(qpos, qvel)

return self._get_obs()

Example 34

def FitPCA(self, hPCA_Proj):


Determine the timing of the inflation event.

Uses the first component of the pca projection and

fits A * arctan( (t - t0) / c ) + B to the first pca projection.

@param hPCA_Proj: The sklearn PCA projection

@return [t0, c]


fitfunc = lambda p,t: p[0]*np.arctan((t-p[1])/p[2])+p[3]

errfunc = lambda p,x,y: fitfunc(p,x) - y

dLen = len(hPCA_Proj[:,0])

pA, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc,[1.,dLen/2.,1.,0.],args=(np.arange(dLen),hPCA_Proj[:,0]))

ct = pA[1:3]

return ct, pA[0]

Example 35

def FitPCA(self, hPCA_Proj):


Determine the timing of the inflation event from the first component of the pca projection

fits A * arctan( (t - t0) / c ) + B to the first pca projection, in order to estimate

source amplitude parameters

@param hPCA_Proj: The sklearn PCA

@return ct: the t0, c, and B parameters from the fit

@return pA[0]: the fitted amplitude parameter


fitfunc = lambda p,t: p[0]*np.arctan((t-p[1])/p[2])+p[3]

errfunc = lambda p,x,y: fitfunc(p,x) - y

dLen = len(hPCA_Proj[:,0])

pA, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc,[1.,dLen/2.,1.,0.],args=(np.arange(dLen),hPCA_Proj[:,0]))

ct = pA[1:3]

return ct, pA[0]

Example 36

def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):

# check branch cuts and continuity on them

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

# check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2, 2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

Example 37

def test_against_cmath(self):

import cmath

points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]

name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',

'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}

atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps

for func in self.funcs:

fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]

cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)


cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)

except AttributeError:


for p in points:

a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))

b = cfunc(p)

assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))

Example 38

def compute_pd_control(self):

if self.received_data:

# given the computed wall slope, compute theta, avoid divide by zero error

if np.abs(self.m) < EPSILON:

theta = np.pi / 2.0

x_intercept = 0


theta = np.arctan(1.0/self.m)

# solve for y=0 in y=mx+c

x_intercept = self.c / self.m

# x axis is perp. to robot but not perpindicular to wall

# cosine term solves for minimum distance to wall

wall_dist = np.abs(np.cos(theta)*x_intercept)

# control proportional to angular error and distance from wall

distance_term = self.direction_muliplier * KP * (wall_dist - TARGET_DISTANCE)

angle_term = KD * theta

control = angle_term + distance_term

# avoid turning too sharply

self.control = (np.clip(control, -0.3, 0.3), SPEED)

Example 39

def rotate_image(img_src, angle,scale ,crop=True):

img_src,size_dest= pad_image(img_src,scale)

size = tuple(np.array([img_src.shape[1], img_src.shape[0]]))



src_r = np.sqrt((size[0]/2.0)**2+(size[1]/2.0)**2)

org_angle =np.arctan(float(org_h)/org_w)

dest_h = size_dest[0]

dest_w = size_dest[1]

center = tuple(np.array([img_src.shape[1] * 0.5, img_src.shape[0] * 0.5]))

dsize= (dest_w,dest_h)

rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale)

img_rot = cv2.warpAffine(img_src, rotation_matrix, size, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)

if crop:

x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(img_rot[:,:,3])

return img_rot[y:y+h, x:x+w,:]


return img_rot

Example 40

def rotate_image(img_src, angle,scale ):

img_src,size_dest= pad_image(img_src,scale)

size = tuple(np.array([img_src.shape[1], img_src.shape[0]]))



src_r = np.sqrt((size[0]/2.0)**2+(size[1]/2.0)**2)

org_angle =np.arctan(float(org_h)/org_w)

dest_h = size_dest[0]

dest_w = size_dest[1]

center = tuple(np.array([img_src.shape[1] * 0.5, img_src.shape[0] * 0.5]))

dsize= (dest_w,dest_h)

rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale)

img_rot = cv2.warpAffine(img_src, rotation_matrix, size, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)

x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(img_rot[:,:,3])

return img_rot[y:y+h, x:x+w,:]

Example 41

def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):

# check branch cuts and continuity on them

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j, 2j], [1, 1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

# check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2, 2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2, 2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1, 1, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

Example 42

def test_against_cmath(self):

import cmath

points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]

name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',

'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}

atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps

for func in self.funcs:

fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]

cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)


cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)

except AttributeError:


for p in points:

a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))

b = cfunc(p)

assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))

Example 43

def arctan_func(xvals, a, b, c):



This function generates predicted ability levels given data (xvals)

and parameters a, b, and c, from the following arctan function:

y = (-a / pi) * arctan(b * x + c) + (a / 2)



xvals = (N,) vector, data inputs to arctan function

a = scalar, scale parameter for arctan function

b = scalar, curvature parameter for arctan function

c = scalar, shift parameter for arctan function



yvals = (N,) vector, predicted values (output) of arctan function

RETURNS: yvals



yvals = (-a / np.pi) * np.arctan(b * xvals + c) + (a / 2)

return yvals

Example 44

def arctan_func(xvals, a, b, c):



This function generates predicted ability levels given data (xvals)

and parameters a, b, and c, from the following arctan function:

y = (-a / pi) * arctan(b * x + c) + (a / 2)



xvals = (N,) vector, data inputs to arctan function

a = scalar, scale parameter for arctan function

b = scalar, curvature parameter for arctan function

c = scalar, shift parameter for arctan function



yvals = (N,) vector, predicted values (output) of arctan function

RETURNS: yvals



yvals = (-a / np.pi) * np.arctan(b * xvals + c) + (a / 2)

return yvals

Example 45

def fov(self):


Returns the field of view for each axis


return np.float32([np.arctan(self.shape[1] * 0.5 / self.fx),

np.arctan(self.shape[0] * 0.5 / self.fy)]) * 2.0

Example 46

def dynamics(q, u, p):


Returns state derivative qdot.

Takes current state q, motor input torque u, and disturbance torque p.

See (rederived with incline).


# Angle of pendulum in incline frame

ang = q[2] - incline

# Mass matrix

M = np.array([

[(mass_wheel + mass_pend)*radius**2 + inertia_wheel, mass_pend*radius*cw_to_cm[1]*np.cos(ang)],

[mass_pend*radius*cw_to_cm[1]*np.cos(ang), inertia_pend + mass_pend*cw_to_cm[1]**2]


# Gravity effect

g = np.array([

-mass_pend*radius*cw_to_cm[1]*q[3]**2*np.sin(ang) + mass_wheel*radius*gravity[1]*np.sin(incline),



# Friction force

d = np.array([

-friction_wheel * (q[1] + np.arctan(q[1])),

friction_pend * q[3]


# Dynamics

accel_wheel_neg, accel_pend = npl.inv(M).dot(np.array([-u, p+u]) - g - d)

return np.array([q[1], -accel_wheel_neg*radius, q[3], accel_pend])

################################################# SIMULATION

# Define time domain

Example 47

def cart2sph(x, y, z):

""" Convert cartesian to spherical coordinates.



x : float


y : float


z : float











r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)

if x > 0 and y > 0:

az = np.arctan(y / x)

elif x > 0 and y < 0:

az = 2*np.pi - np.arctan(-y / x)

elif x < 0 and y > 0:

az = np.pi - np.arctan(-y / x)

elif x < 0 and y < 0:

az = np.pi + np.arctan(y / x)

elif x == 0 and y > 0:

az = np.pi / 2

elif x == 0 and y < 0:

az = 3 * np.pi / 2

elif y == 0 and x > 0:

az = 0

elif y == 0 and x < 0:

az = np.pi

elev = np.arccos(z / r)

return r, az, elev

Example 48

def ellipse_angle_of_rotation( a ):

b,c,d,f,g,a = a[1]/2, a[2], a[3]/2, a[4]/2, a[5], a[0]

return 0.5*NP.arctan(2*b/(a-c))

Example 49

def ellipse_angle_of_rotation2( a ):

b,c,d,f,g,a = a[1]/2, a[2], a[3]/2, a[4]/2, a[5], a[0]

if b == 0:

if a > c:

return 0


return NP.pi/2


if a > c:

return NP.arctan(2*b/(a-c))/2


return NP.pi/2 + NP.arctan(2*b/(a-c))/2

Example 50

def radial_filter(order, freq, array_configuration, amp_maxdB=40):

"""Generate modal radial filter of specified order and frequency



order : array_like

order of filter

freq : array_like

Frequency of modal filter

array_configuration : ArrayConfiguration

List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration

amp_maxdB : int, optional

Maximum modal amplification limit in dB [Default: 40]



dn : array_like

Vector of modal frequency domain filter of shape [nOrders x nFreq]


array_configuration = ArrayConfiguration(*array_configuration)

extrapolation_coeffs = array_extrapolation(order, freq, array_configuration)

extrapolation_coeffs[extrapolation_coeffs == 0] = 1e-12

a_max = 10 ** (amp_maxdB / 20)

limiting_factor = 2 * a_max / _np.pi * _np.abs(extrapolation_coeffs) * _np.arctan(_np.pi / (2 * a_max * _np.abs(extrapolation_coeffs)))

return limiting_factor / extrapolation_coeffs

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    参考链接: Python中的numpy.triu a1=[1,2,3,4] a1+1 TypeError                                 Traceback (most ...

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