我翻译的第一本英文书《SPY Academy》......



这本书的作者名叫Tracey West,美国儿童畅销书作家。之前没听说过,百度说她写过一本叫《海绵宝宝》的书......噢!!!


《SPY Academy》间谍学院

  For my dad, Tom Lubben,whose love of the James Bond books gave me my name.

  致我的父亲,汤姆·鲁本。一个爱用詹姆斯·邦德小说给我取名字的人。 //这句感觉翻译的不太对,有大牛看见了请评论里赐教


  Wow,this place looks pretty fancy,” Zack Pearce remarked as he and his parents drove up the long, tree-lined driveway.


  ”I still can’t believe the school is giving you a full scholarship,” said his mom, Natalie. ”I always knew you were smart, Zack, but I never dreamed you’d go to a school as nice as this one.”


  In the backseat, Zack stuck his head out the open window to get a better look at the school. Five stately brick buildings formed a rough U shape on a perfect dark green lawn. The gleaming white walkways matched the white doors and shutters that stood out against the redbrick walls. The place did look superfancy.


  ”What can I say?” Zack replied with a shrug. ” I guess I was born a genius.”

  “我还能说些什么?” 扎克毫不谦虚的耸耸肩回应他妈妈。“我想我天生就是一个天才吧”。

  They drove past a white wood sign that read, ST. PERFIDIOUS YEARLING ACADEMY in shiny bronze letter. Small groups of students walked along the stone paths, carrying armfuls of books. They all wore the school’s uniform: gray short-sleeved shirts, black shoes, and black pants or skirts.


  Zack’s dad, Marcus, pulled their old car up to a circular driveway by the front entrance and parked.


  ”We’ve just got to sign some paperwork,” Mr.Pearce said, as he got Zack’s bags from the trunk of the car. ”Then I guess you’re on your own.”


  Zack’s mom grabbed him and squeezed him in a tight hug. ”This is too hard. I can’t believe my little babykins is out in the world all by himself. You’re only twelve, Zack!”


  ”Twelve and a half,” Zack reminded her, wiggling out of her grasp. ”And please don’t call me ’babykins’ in public.” He quickly looked around to make sure none of the other students had heard.


  ”You’re right,” his mom said, shaking her head. ”But you’re growing up so fast! I didn’t think I’d be saying good-bye to you until you went to college. And now you’re in boarding school. You’ll be sleeping here, eating here, and we’ll hardly get to see you.”


  Mrs. Pearce’s words mede Zack twinge with nervousness. The idea of boarding school was a little scary, and he knew he would miss his parents. But a big part of him couldn’t wait to find out what it was like at the real St. Perfidious.


  Zack followed his parents into the main hallway and waited outside while they took care of things in the office. The hall was strangely empty. Only a statue of Principal Booker was there to keep him company. Zack had met the school’s principal only once before, but he thought the statue was a good likeness. He was tall African American man with a big, bushy mustache, and in the statue, he was winking with his left eye.


  Mr. and Mrs. Pearce emerged from the office and his mom squeezed Zack tightly again as they said their good-byes. Then his dad handed him an envelope.


  ”It’s from Principal Booker,” he said.


  ”Isn’t that nice?” Mrs. Pearce remarked. ”He’s sent you a personal welcome message.”


  There was more squeezing, more good-byes, and then Zack was left alone in the hallway. He carefully opened up the envelope from Principal Booker.





  Zack grinned. Principal Booker had told him to expect some challenges when he first arrived, and had hinted that a knowledge of ciphers and codes would be useful. So Zack had done some studying. This looked like a simple substitution code—where one letter of the alphabet was substituted with another. He took his cell phone from his pocket and quickly typed out the alphabet on the screen to use as a reference.


  He knew from the books he’d read that often, each letter in the real message would have been repalced with the one that came before it. So Zack looked at each letter in the alphabet that came after each letters: RWNN. Nope. That didn’t make sense.

  他从他经常读的书中看到过,按照字母顺序每个字母在正确的信息里是会被替换成它前一个字母的。所以扎克对着这个字母表看每个字母的后一个字母得出:RWNN。不对! 这词没有意义。

  ”How about the other way?” Zack wondered out loud, and gave it a try, checking each letter that came before each letter in the message. This time, it worked.



  解密:PULL THE EAR NEXT TO THE WINKING EYE.(拉靠近眨动眼睛那一侧的耳朵。)


  ”Got it” Zack said, feeling pleased with himself. He had been a little worried about how he was going to make it at St. Perfidious, but solving the cipher was a good start.


  Zack picked up his bags, walked to the statue, and stood on his toes to reach the left ear and give it a pull. Then he stepped back, startled, as the statue slowly began to slide to the right, revealing a metal plate underneath it marked with a red letter X. Zack stood on the X, and the platform slowly began to sink beneath the floor.


  ”Of course,” Zack whispered. ”A secret elevator.”


  The statue slid back over the top, and dim yellow lights on the floor lit up the tight compartment. After about thirty seconds the elevator came to a stop and the door in front of him slid open.


  Zack stepped out into a gleaming white room. A dark-haired woman wearing a blue sari was there to greet him.


  ”Welcome to Spy Academy, Zack.”



  I am Agent Lakshmi Sharma, Principal Booker’s assistant,” the woman informed him. ”Please follow me.”


  Zack’s heart beat quickly as Agent Sharma led him down the hall to her office. Principal Booker had said it would happen like this, but Zack hadn’t quite believed him.


  Zack would  never forget their first meeting. Principal booker had come to the house to offer Zack a scholarship for St. Perfidious, one of the most respected private boarding schools in the country. After talking with Zack’s parents, Principal booker had asked to interview Zack alone.


  ”Zack, we check the databases of every middle school in the country, searching for potential students for our school,” Booker had said in his deep voice. ”You seem like ideal candidate for St. Perfidious.”


  ”Um, thanks,” Zack had said.


  Principal Booker had leaned in and stared right into Zack’s green eyes.


  ”Zack, how would you like to become a seccret agent?”


  At first, Zack thought Principal Booker was joking. But he was very serious. He explained to Zack that St. Perfidious looked like a prep school to the outside world, but underneath was a top secret academy that trained kids like Zack to become superspies.


  ”And what if I don’t want to do it?” Zack had asked.





To be continued ......


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