<1>$time 系统函数

The $time system function returns an integer that is a 64-bit time, scaled to the timescale unit of the module that invoked it.

`timescale 10 ns / 1 ns
module test;reg set;parameter p = 1.55;initial begin//$monitor($time,,"set=",set);#p set = 0;#p set = 1;endinitial begin$monitor($time,,"set=",set);end
 vcs 仿真结果如下:0 set=x2 set=03 set=1V C S S i m u l a t i o n   R e p o r t
Time: 32 ns  CPU time: 0.680 seconds Data structure: 0.0Mb


a) The simulation times 16 ns(1.55x10=15.5~16ns) and 32 ns(1.55x10=15.5~16ns+1.55x10=15.5~16ns=32ns) are scaled to 1.6 and 3.2 because the time unit for the module is 10 ns; therefore, time values reported by this module are multiples of 10 ns.
b) The value 1.6 is rounded to 2, and 3.2 is rounded to 3 because the $time system function returns an integer. The time precision does not cause rounding of these values.



`timescale 10 ns / 1ps  那么,结果将是15.5和31。但是,此时打印结果还是: 如上述所示,打印结果不变。因为还要重新换算回去,重新是 $time 10ns 单位来显示。

<2>$stime 系统函数

The $stime system function returns an unsigned integer that is a 32-bit time, scaled to the timescale unit of the module that invoked it. If the actual simulation time does not fit in 32 bits, the low order 32 bits of the current simulation time are returned.


<3> $realtime

The $realtime system function returns a real number time that, like $time, is scaled to the time unit of the module that invoked it.


0 set=x
1.6 set=0  // 此处要换算回去,重新显示小数
3.2 set=1  // 此处要换算回去,重新显示小数V C S   S i m u l a t i o n   R e p o r t
Time: 32 ns


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