本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.python.ops.variables.PartitionedVariable方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python variables.PartitionedVariable方法的具体用法?Python variables.PartitionedVariable怎么用?Python variables.PartitionedVariable使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在模块tensorflow.python.ops.variables的用法示例。


示例1: testPartitionedVariable

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def testPartitionedVariable(self):

with tf.Graph().as_default():

v0 = tf.Variable([0])

v1 = tf.Variable([1])


v0.name, [2], [0], [1]))


v0.name, [2], [1], [1]))

partitions = [2]

# Pass variable_list as [v1, v0] to ensure they are properly

# re-sorted to [v0, v1] based on their slice info offsets.

partitioned_variable = variables.PartitionedVariable(




variable_list=[v1, v0],


concatenated = tf.convert_to_tensor(partitioned_variable)

num_partitions = len(partitioned_variable)

iterated_partitions = list(partitioned_variable)

self.assertEqual(2, num_partitions)

self.assertEqual([v0, v1], iterated_partitions)

self.assertEqual([2], concatenated.get_shape())


示例2: _add_variable_to_collections

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _add_variable_to_collections(variable, collections_set, collections_name):

"""Adds variable (or all its parts) to all collections with that name."""

collections = utils.get_variable_collections(collections_set,

collections_name) or []

variables_list = [variable]

if isinstance(variable, tf_variables.PartitionedVariable):

variables_list = [v for v in variable]

for collection in collections:

for var in variables_list:

if var not in ops.get_collection(collection):

ops.add_to_collection(collection, var)


示例3: _rnn_get_variable

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _rnn_get_variable(self, getter, *args, **kwargs):

variable = getter(*args, **kwargs)

trainable = (variable in tf_variables.trainable_variables() or

(isinstance(variable, tf_variables.PartitionedVariable) and

list(variable)[0] in tf_variables.trainable_variables()))

if trainable and variable not in self._trainable_weights:


elif not trainable and variable not in self._non_trainable_weights:


return variable


示例4: _get_dense_tensor

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _get_dense_tensor(self, inputs, weight_collections=None, trainable=None):

# Get sparse IDs and weights.

sparse_tensors = self.categorical_column._get_sparse_tensors( # pylint: disable=protected-access

inputs, weight_collections=weight_collections, trainable=trainable)

sparse_ids = sparse_tensors.id_tensor

sparse_weights = sparse_tensors.weight_tensor

# Create embedding weight, and restore from checkpoint if necessary.

embedding_weights = variable_scope.get_variable(


shape=(self.categorical_column._num_buckets, self.dimension), # pylint: disable=protected-access



trainable=self.trainable and trainable,


if self.ckpt_to_load_from is not None:

to_restore = embedding_weights

if isinstance(to_restore, variables.PartitionedVariable):

to_restore = to_restore._get_variable_list() # pylint: disable=protected-access

checkpoint_utils.init_from_checkpoint(self.ckpt_to_load_from, {

self.tensor_name_in_ckpt: to_restore


# Return embedding lookup result.

return _safe_embedding_lookup_sparse(





name='%s_weights' % self.name,



示例5: _add_variable_to_collections

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _add_variable_to_collections(variable, collections_set, collections_name):

"""Adds variable (or all its parts) to all collections with that name."""

collections = utils.get_variable_collections(

collections_set, collections_name) or []

variables_list = [variable]

if isinstance(variable, tf_variables.PartitionedVariable):

variables_list = [v for v in variable]

for collection in collections:

for var in variables_list:

if var not in ops.get_collection(collection):

ops.add_to_collection(collection, var)


示例6: embedding_lookup_unique

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def embedding_lookup_unique(params, ids, name=None):

"""Version of embedding_lookup that avoids duplicate lookups.

This can save communication in the case of repeated ids.

Same interface as embedding_lookup. Except it supports multi-dimensional `ids`

which allows to not reshape input/output to fit gather.


params: A list of tensors with the same shape and type, or a

`PartitionedVariable`. Shape `[index, d1, d2, ...]`.

ids: A one-dimensional `Tensor` with type `int32` or `int64` containing

the ids to be looked up in `params`. Shape `[ids1, ids2, ...]`.

name: A name for this operation (optional).


A `Tensor` with the same type as the tensors in `params` and dimension of

`[ids1, ids2, d1, d2, ...]`.


ValueError: If `params` is empty.


with ops.name_scope(name, "EmbeddingLookupUnique", [params, ids]):

ids = ops.convert_to_tensor(ids)

shape = array_ops.shape(ids)

ids_flat = array_ops.reshape(

ids, math_ops.reduce_prod(shape, keep_dims=True))

unique_ids, idx = array_ops.unique(ids_flat)

unique_embeddings = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(params, unique_ids)

embeds_flat = array_ops.gather(unique_embeddings, idx)

embed_shape = array_ops.concat(

[shape, array_ops.shape(unique_embeddings)[1:]], 0)

embeds = array_ops.reshape(embeds_flat, embed_shape)



return embeds


示例7: embedding_lookup_unique

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def embedding_lookup_unique(params, ids, name=None):

"""Version of embedding_lookup that avoids duplicate lookups.

This can save communication in the case of repeated ids.

Same interface as embedding_lookup. Except it supports multi-dimensional `ids`

which allows to not reshape input/output to fit gather.


params: A list of tensors with the same shape and type, or a

`PartitionedVariable`. Shape `[index, d1, d2, ...]`.

ids: A one-dimensional `Tensor` with type `int32` or `int64` containing

the ids to be looked up in `params`. Shape `[ids1, ids2, ...]`.

name: A name for this operation (optional).


A `Tensor` with the same type as the tensors in `params` and dimension of

`[ids1, ids2, d1, d2, ...]`.


ValueError: If `params` is empty.


with ops.name_scope(name, "EmbeddingLookupUnique", [params, ids]):

ids = ops.convert_to_tensor(ids)

shape = array_ops.shape(ids)

ids_flat = array_ops.reshape(

ids, math_ops.reduce_prod(shape, keep_dims=True))

unique_ids, idx = array_ops.unique(ids_flat)

unique_embeddings = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(params, unique_ids)

embeds_flat = array_ops.gather(unique_embeddings, idx)

embed_shape = array_ops.concat(

0, [shape, array_ops.shape(unique_embeddings)[1:]])

embeds = array_ops.reshape(embeds_flat, embed_shape)



return embeds


示例8: _add_variable_to_collections

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _add_variable_to_collections(variable, collections_set, collections_name):

"""Adds variable (or all its parts) to all collections with that name."""

collections = utils.get_variable_collections(

collections_set, collections_name) or []

variables_list = [variable]

if isinstance(variable, tf_variables.PartitionedVariable):

variables_list = [v for v in variable]

for collection in collections:

for var in variables_list:

if var not in ops.get_collection(collection):

ops.add_to_collection(collection, var)


示例9: _add_variable_to_collections

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _add_variable_to_collections(variable, collections_set, collections_name):

"""Adds variable (or all its parts) to all collections with that name."""

collections = utils.get_variable_collections(collections_set,

collections_name) or []

variables_list = [variable]

if isinstance(variable, tf_variables.PartitionedVariable):

variables_list = [v for v in variable]

for collection in collections:

for var in variables_list:

if var not in ops.get_collection(collection):

ops.add_to_collection(collection, var)


示例10: _rnn_get_variable

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _rnn_get_variable(self, getter, *args, **kwargs):

variable = getter(*args, **kwargs)

trainable = (variable in tf_variables.trainable_variables() or

(isinstance(variable, tf_variables.PartitionedVariable) and

list(variable)[0] in tf_variables.trainable_variables()))

if trainable and variable not in self._trainable_weights:


elif not trainable and variable not in self._non_trainable_weights:


return variable


示例11: begin

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def begin(self):

with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(

tf.compat.v1.get_variable_scope()) as scope:


partitioned_weight = tf.compat.v1.get_variable(

self._var_name, shape=(self._var_dim, 1))


isinstance(partitioned_weight, variables_lib.PartitionedVariable))

for part in partitioned_weight:

self._test_case.assertEqual(self._var_dim // self._partitions,



示例12: _create_slots

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _create_slots(self):

"""Make unshrunk internal variables (slots)."""

# Unshrunk variables have the updates before applying L1 regularization.

# Each unshrunk slot variable is either a `Variable` or list of

# `Variable`, depending on the value of its corresponding primary variable.

# We avoid using `PartitionedVariable` for the unshrunk slots since we do

# not need any of the extra information.

self._slots = collections.defaultdict(list)

for name in ['sparse_features_weights', 'dense_features_weights']:

for var in self._variables[name]:

# Our primary variable may be either a PartitionedVariable, or a list

# of Variables (each representing a partition).

if (isinstance(var, var_ops.PartitionedVariable) or

isinstance(var, list)):

var_list = []

for v in var:

with ops.colocate_with(v):

slot_var = tf.Variable(



name=v.op.name + '_unshrunk')


self._slots['unshrunk_' + name].append(var_list)


with tf.compat.v1.device(var.device):

self._slots['unshrunk_' + name].append(




name=var.op.name + '_unshrunk'))


示例13: _var_to_list

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _var_to_list(self, var):

"""Wraps var in a list if it is not a list or PartitionedVariable."""

if not isinstance(var, (list, var_ops.PartitionedVariable)):

var = [var]

return var


示例14: _convert_n_to_tensor

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _convert_n_to_tensor(self, input_list, as_ref=False):

"""Converts input list to a set of tensors."""

# input_list can be a list of Variables (that are implicitly partitioned),

# in which case the underlying logic in internal_convert_to_tensor will not

# concatenate the partitions together. This method takes care of the

# concatenating (we only allow partitioning on the first axis).

output_list = []

for x in input_list:

tensor_to_convert = x

if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, var_ops.PartitionedVariable):

# We only allow for partitioning on the first axis.

tensor_to_convert = tf.concat(x, axis=0)


internal_convert_to_tensor(tensor_to_convert, as_ref=as_ref))

return output_list


示例15: _rnn_get_variable

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.python.ops import variables [as 别名]

# 或者: from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import PartitionedVariable [as 别名]

def _rnn_get_variable(self, getter, *args, **kwargs):

variable = getter(*args, **kwargs)

if context.in_graph_mode():

trainable = (variable in tf_variables.trainable_variables() or

(isinstance(variable, tf_variables.PartitionedVariable) and

list(variable)[0] in tf_variables.trainable_variables()))


trainable = variable._trainable # pylint: disable=protected-access

if trainable and variable not in self._trainable_weights:


elif not trainable and variable not in self._non_trainable_weights:


return variable



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