【单选题】In HDLC, frame acknowledgment, flow and error control are the functions of .

【单选题】以下流程图的基本元素中,表示程序中的输入输出框是( )。

【单选题】Two coding schemes, B8ZS and HDB3 are commonly used in long-distance transmission, which are based on the use of .

【填空题】R256是内部“字”继电器WR25的( )号位。


【单选题】In ARQ,if a NAK frame is received,only the lost or damaged frame is retransmitted.



【单选题】Delay distortion and attenuation are .

【单选题】E1 carrier link multiplexes channels according to TDM. The original analog voice signal is digitized using PCM at a rate of 8000 samples. So,the data rate of E1 is .

【填空题】The least expensive and most widely used guided transmission medium is

【填空题】填写完整,表示职称duty为副教授或教授、年龄age小于40岁的关系表达式:age<40 (duty=="副教授" or duty=="教授")

【单选题】以下程序:a=input("please input a:")if a=="A": print(ord(a))print("OK")运行时输入:A程序的执行结果是( )。

【填空题】The guided transmission media include twisted pair, coaxial and ( )

【单选题】Full-duplex transmission means two stations can simultaneously send and receive data from each other. This requires .

【单选题】For a noise-free channel with a bandwidth of 3kHz, assuming the possible voltage levels of each symbol signal in the channel is 16, the maximum data transmission rate that the channel can support is ( ).

【单选题】以下程序:x=eval(input())if x%2==0: print(2,end=',')if x%3==0: print(3,end=',')if x%5==0: print(5,end=',')运行时输入:30程序的执行结果是( )。

【单选题】The procedure is used in HDLC frame to avoid confusion with data containing Flag Fiel bits.

【单选题】2. 下列说法错误的是( )

【单选题】 is generally only a minor annoyance for analog signals, but it is the primary source of error in digital data communication.

【单选题】The purpose of twisting for twisted pair is .

【单选题】Which one of the following elements does not affect the data rate of channel.

【单选题】The multiplexing mode ( ) used in CDMA system.



【单选题】If the predetermined generation polynomial is P(X) = X4 + X3 + 1, the number of CRC bit derived by this P(X) is ( )



【单选题】14) HDLC is a kind of data link control protocol.



【判断题】In general, the bandwidth is wasted largest in FDM system.

【单选题】In Sliding-Window flow control protocol, the frames located on the left side of the receiver’s window are .

【单选题】A file is transmitted from A to B .The data rate is 9600bit/s .After one hour of continuous transmission, 150 error bits are received by B . What is the bit error ratio(BER) of the channel?

【判断题】A broad-band data link has higher data propagation volicity than narrow-band link.

【单选题】 is caused by the fact that the velocity of propagation of a signal through a guided medium varies with frequency.

【填空题】关系表达式 "abc" >= "ad"的运算结果是( )。

【判断题】A telephone channel with a 3000-Hz bandwidth and a signal-to-noise ratio of 20dB, this channel can provided reliable voice transmission with data rate 56kb/s.

【单选题】When the input data streams with different data rates are multiplexed on a TDM link, the various sources is synchronized by technique.


【单选题】The type of HDLC frame is determined by .



【填空题】The common multiplexing technique used in communcation system are 、TDM、WDM and CDM.

【单选题】 is the most inefficient error-control mechanism.



【单选题】The data rate of the multiplexed line in STDM is .

【单选题】In TDM system,if the data of one channel is error, how to apply error control technique?


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