代做7175 & 6691作业、代写HTML/css/web程序作业、代写Web编程设计作业
University of Canberra
Faculty of Science and Technology

Web Design and Programming (7175 & 6691)
Assignment 2

Submission date: 23:59 Sunday 04/11/2018 (Week 13)
Type: Individual assignment
Total mark: 15
Proportion of unit assessment: 15%
Submission: Submit via Canvas the following
1.A .zip file that contains your web application project and database file.
2.Usernames and passwords for one web manager and one registered user.
Late submission: 5% of the total mark (i.e., 0.75 mark) per day.
Tasks: Design and implement additional web pages to the Industry 4.0 website that you have developed for Assignment 1. These web pages allow online users to post their feedback on Companies and Organisations page and Emerging Technologies page after they are logged in. Your website also allows a website manager to log in and edit or delete current posts.
1.Template: ASP.NET Core Web Application in Visual Studio 2017. Language: C# (-15 marks if these template and language are not used).
2.Project: Assignment 1 project (-15 marks if Assignment 1 project is not used).
3.The new web pages for feedback are developed using MVC Entity Framework (-15 marks if MVC Entity Framework is not used) and have the design as seen in the screenshots below.
4.Current feedback on Companies and Organisations has to be available only on the page for Companies and Organisations. Current feedback on Emerging Technologies has to be available only on the page for Emerging Technologies.
5.User can read all feedback details posted on your website without login.
6.User is required to log in before posting feedback on your website.
7.User cannot edit or delete a feedback post after it is posted.
8.Website manager can edit or delete any feedback post after he/she is logged in (you can manually assign manager role to a registered user in the current database).
9.A feedback post contains the following: date (when it is posted), name (who posted it, could be the current username), heading, star rating, and statement. The user does not need to enter date and name, instead you implement controller methods to save date and name to the current database when the post is submitted.
10.There are 2 additional buttons (Agree and Disagree) for each feedback post and the user can increase the current number for agree or disagree after he/she is logged in.
11.All feedback details (date, name, heading, star rating, statement, and current numbers for agree and disagree) of all posts have to be stored in the database created by MVC Entity Framework (-10 marks if all details are not saved in the database).
12.Handle all exceptions that may occur at runtime (– 1 mark for each exception found).
No report is required. More details and help will be provided in tutorials and lectures.
[10 marks] Implementing feedback section on the page for emerging technologies
[4 marks] Applying the same implementation above to feedback section on the page for companies and organisations
[1 mark] Overall
Below are details for implementing feedback section on the page for emerging technologies.
[0.5 mark] EmergingTechnologiesFeedback model: this file contains id, date, username, heading, star rating, feedback, agree, disagree, and emerging technology name.
[0.5 mark] Generating Controller and View files (Create, Delete, Details, Edit, and Index files) using Entity Framework.
You are required to use the same design for the feedback section as seen on the example below. Note that all details of those feedback posts are automatically added from the Create page by users and those posts are sorted by date (the latest post is the first one).

[0.5 mark] Design feedback posts as seen in the above example.
[0.5 mark] Adding the list of feedback posts from the Index page to this feedback section.
[0.5 mark] Sorting all feedback posts by date, from newest to oldest.
[0.5 mark] If the user clicks on login, the following page will appear for the user to log in (mark for opening this page and the design of this page).

[0.5 mark] If the user clicks on create an account, the following page will appear for the user to register (mark for opening this page and the design of this page).

[0.5 mark] After the user is logged in (either website manager or registered user), the user will be redirected back to the page for emerging technologies and the following line

is replaced with the blue button Submit your feedback below (other content and layout on this page remain the same)

[0.5 mark] If the user clicks on this Submit your feedback button, the user will see the Create your feedback page below (mark for opening this page and the design of this page). Your page design is required to be the same as this design.

a.[0.5 mark] Date: the current date (when the user opens this page) and read only,
b.[0.5 mark] UserName: the username (for login) and read only,
c.[0.5 mark] Emerging Technology: a dropdown list for 6 technologies you have implemented in Assignment 1 which are Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cognitive Services, Cloud Computing, Robotics, and Blockchains.
d.[0.5 mark] Rating: the numbers for rating will be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (your website needs to handle exceptions if the user does not enter a number between 0 and 5)
e.[0.5 mark] Feedback: the input text box can display at least 5 lines.
The user will use this page to create a new feedback post as follows: the user enters a heading, selects an emerging technology, changes the rating, and enters feedback. After the user clicks the Create button, the user will be redirected back to the page for emerging technologies and will see the new feedback post added to top of the feedback list. The number entered for star rating will be the number of yellow stars seen on the post.

[0.5 mark] If the user is website manager, after logged in the user will see two extra buttons (Edit and Delete) appeared on every feedback post as seen below. However, if the user is not website manager (i.e. just a registered user), the user will not see these two buttons. Note your page design is required to be the same as this design.

[0.5 mark] If the website manager clicks on the Edit button, the manager will see the Edit page as seen below. The manager edits all details except the date and username (greyed out, not editable) then clicks the Save button. The manager will then be redirected back to the page for emerging technologies. The manager will see the updated feedback post on this page. Note: the date appeared on this Edit page is the current date at which the Edit form is opened. Your page design is required to be the same as this design.

[0.5 mark] If the website manager clicks on the Delete button of a review, the Delete page will appear as seen below with all details of that review. Your page design is required to be the same as this design.

After clicking the Delete button, the manager will be redirected back to the page for emerging technologies and will not see that feedback post as it has been removed from the list. If the user clicks on Back to Emerging Technologies, the user will be redirected back to the page for emerging technologies.

[0.5 mark] If the logged user clicks on Agree, it will add 1 to the next number (for example Agree (11) becomes Agree (12) after clicked). There is no change if the user clicks again. However, if the registered user wants to increase this number one more time, the user needs to logoff then login.
[0.5 mark] If the logged user clicks on Disagree, it will add 1 to the next number (for example Disagree (4) becomes Disagree (5) after clicked). There is no change if the user clicks again. However, if the registered user wants to increase this number one more time, the user needs to logoff then login.
[0.5 mark] If the logged user clicks on Details (for example on the first post), the page below will appear. Note your page design is required to be the same as this design.

If the logged user clicks on Edit, the user will be redirected to the Edit page. If the user clicks on Back to Emerging Technologies, the user will be redirected back to the page for emerging technologies.


因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:99515681@qq.com



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