本文将介绍如何利用扩展方法将 try catch finally 语句块简化成如下的调用形式:

        public void Test1(){Employee emp = new Employee();emp.Try(p => p.Work()).Catch(e => HandleException(e)).Finally(p => p.Rest());}


一. try

     public class TryUnit<T> where T : class{public TryUnit(T obj, Action<T> action){this.Obj = obj;this.Action = action;}public T Obj { get; private set; }public Action<T> Action { get; private set; }}public static TryUnit<T> Try<T>(this T obj, Action<T> action) where T : class{return new TryUnit<T>(obj, action);}


二. catch

     public class CatchUnit<T> where T : class{public CatchUnit(TryUnit<T> tryUnit, Action<Exception> exAction){this.Obj = tryUnit.Obj;this.Action = tryUnit.Action;this.ExAction = exAction;}public T Obj { get; private set; }public Action<T> Action { get; private set; }public Action<Exception> ExAction { get; private set; }}public static CatchUnit<T> Catch<T>(this TryUnit<T> tryUnit, Action<Exception> exAction) where T : class{return new CatchUnit<T>(tryUnit, exAction);}


三. finally

     public static void Finally<T>(this TryUnit<T> tryUnit) where T : class{try{tryUnit.Action(tryUnit.Obj);}finally{}}public static void Finally<T>(this CatchUnit<T> catchUnit) where T : class{try{catchUnit.Action(catchUnit.Obj);}catch (Exception e){catchUnit.ExAction(e);}finally{}}public static void Finally<T>(this TryUnit<T> tryUnit, Action<T> action) where T : class{try{tryUnit.Action(tryUnit.Obj);}finally{action(tryUnit.Obj);}}public static void Finally<T>(this CatchUnit<T> catchUnit, Action<T> action) where T : class{try{catchUnit.Action(catchUnit.Obj);}catch (Exception e){catchUnit.ExAction(e);}finally{action(catchUnit.Obj);}}

Finally方法根据是否包括异常处理块,finally块中是否执行操作可派生出4个重载版本。完整的 try catch finally 组合方法是对CatchUnit的扩展方法,在调用Catch方法返回CatchUnit对象时调用;如果没有异常处理块,则直接从try方法的返回类型TryUnit上扩展出只有 try finally 的组合方法。即使finally块中不做任何处理,也需要调用Finally方法,因为所有处理都被延迟到了Finally中调用。



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