让我们列出一个答案列表,在其中发布优秀和最喜欢的扩展方法 。






24.08.2010现在,“ Codeplex”页面位于此处: http ://extensionoverflow.codeplex.com/

11.11.2008 XmlSerialize / XmlDeserialize现在已实现并进行了单元测试 。

11.11.2008还有更多开发者的空间。 ;-) 立即加入!

11.11.2008第三位贡献者加入了ExtensionOverflow ,欢迎来到BKristensen

11.11.2008 FormatWith现在已实现并进行了单元测试 。

2008年9月11日第二位贡献者加入了ExtensionOverflow 。 欢迎来到chakrit 。

2008年9月11日我们需要更多开发人员。 ;-)

09.11.2008 ThrowIfArgumentIsNull 已在Codeplex上实现并进行了单元测试 。


下面是一种扩展方法 ,该方法可以适应Rick Strahl的代码 (以及注释),以防止您每次将其转换为字符串时都不得不猜测或读取字节数组或文本文件的字节顺序标记。


byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\file.txt");
string content = buffer.GetString();

如果发现任何错误,请添加评论。 随时将其包含在Codeplex项目中。

public static class Extensions
{/// <summary>/// Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding./// Original article: http://www.west-wind.com/WebLog/posts/197245.aspx/// </summary>/// <param name="buffer">An array of bytes to convert</param>/// <returns>The byte as a string.</returns>public static string GetString(this byte[] buffer){if (buffer == null || buffer.Length == 0)return "";// Ansi as defaultEncoding encoding = Encoding.Default;       /*EF BB BF    UTF-8 FF FE UTF-16    little endian FE FF UTF-16    big endian FF FE 00 00 UTF-32, little endian 00 00 FE FF UTF-32, big-endian */if (buffer[0] == 0xef && buffer[1] == 0xbb && buffer[2] == 0xbf)encoding = Encoding.UTF8;else if (buffer[0] == 0xfe && buffer[1] == 0xff)encoding = Encoding.Unicode;else if (buffer[0] == 0xfe && buffer[1] == 0xff)encoding = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode; // utf-16beelse if (buffer[0] == 0 && buffer[1] == 0 && buffer[2] == 0xfe && buffer[3] == 0xff)encoding = Encoding.UTF32;else if (buffer[0] == 0x2b && buffer[1] == 0x2f && buffer[2] == 0x76)encoding = Encoding.UTF7;using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()){stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, encoding)){return reader.ReadToEnd();}}}



public static class Extensions {public static int K(this int value) {return value * 1024;}public static int M(this int value) {return value * 1024 * 1024;}
}public class Program {public void Main() {WSHttpContextBinding serviceMultipleTokenBinding = new WSHttpContextBinding() {MaxBufferPoolSize = 2.M(), // instead of 2097152MaxReceivedMessageSize = 64.K(), // instead of 65536};}



public static class PaulaBean
{private static String paula = "Brillant";public static String GetPaula<T>(this T obj) {return paula;}




DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "SELECT @param";DbParameter param = command.CreateParameter();
param.ParameterName = "@param";
param.Value = "Hello World";command.Parameters.Add(param);


DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand("SELECT {0}", "Hello World");


using System;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;namespace DbExtensions {public static class Db {static readonly Func<DbConnection, DbProviderFactory> getDbProviderFactory;static readonly Func<DbCommandBuilder, int, string> getParameterName;static readonly Func<DbCommandBuilder, int, string> getParameterPlaceholder;static Db() {getDbProviderFactory = (Func<DbConnection, DbProviderFactory>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<DbConnection, DbProviderFactory>), typeof(DbConnection).GetProperty("DbProviderFactory", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetGetMethod(true));getParameterName = (Func<DbCommandBuilder, int, string>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<DbCommandBuilder, int, string>), typeof(DbCommandBuilder).GetMethod("GetParameterName", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, Type.DefaultBinder, new Type[] { typeof(Int32) }, null));getParameterPlaceholder = (Func<DbCommandBuilder, int, string>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<DbCommandBuilder, int, string>), typeof(DbCommandBuilder).GetMethod("GetParameterPlaceholder", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, Type.DefaultBinder, new Type[] { typeof(Int32) }, null));}public static DbProviderFactory GetProviderFactory(this DbConnection connection) {return getDbProviderFactory(connection);}public static DbCommand CreateCommand(this DbConnection connection, string commandText, params object[] parameters) {if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");return CreateCommandImpl(GetProviderFactory(connection).CreateCommandBuilder(), connection.CreateCommand(), commandText, parameters);}private static DbCommand CreateCommandImpl(DbCommandBuilder commandBuilder, DbCommand command, string commandText, params object[] parameters) {if (commandBuilder == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("commandBuilder");if (command == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("command");if (commandText == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("commandText");if (parameters == null || parameters.Length == 0) {command.CommandText = commandText;return command;}object[] paramPlaceholders = new object[parameters.Length];for (int i = 0; i < paramPlaceholders.Length; i++) {DbParameter dbParam = command.CreateParameter();dbParam.ParameterName = getParameterName(commandBuilder, i);dbParam.Value = parameters[i] ?? DBNull.Value;command.Parameters.Add(dbParam);paramPlaceholders[i] = getParameterPlaceholder(commandBuilder, i);}command.CommandText = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, commandText, paramPlaceholders);return command;}}

更多ADO.NET扩展方法: DbExtensions



public static class Extensions
{public static void ThrowIfArgumentIsNull<T>(this T obj, string parameterName) where T : class{if (obj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(parameterName + " not allowed to be null");}


internal class Test
{public Test(string input1){input1.ThrowIfArgumentIsNull("input1");}




public static class StringExtensions
{// Enable quick and more natural string.Format callspublic static string F(this string s, params object[] args){return string.Format(s, args);}


var s = "The co-ordinate is ({0}, {1})".F(point.X, point.Y);

要进行快速复制和粘贴,请转到此处 。

您是否发现键入"some string".F("param")而不是string.Format("some string", "param")更自然?


s = "Hello {0} world {1}!".Fmt("Stack", "Overflow");
s = "Hello {0} world {1}!".FormatBy("Stack", "Overflow");
s = "Hello {0} world {1}!".FormatWith("Stack", "Overflow");
s = "Hello {0} world {1}!".Display("Stack", "Overflow");
s = "Hello {0} world {1}!".With("Stack", "Overflow");






public static class ExtensionMethods
{public static string ToCurrency(this double value, string cultureName){CultureInfo currentCulture = new CultureInfo(cultureName);return (string.Format(currentCulture, "{0:C}", value));}


double test = 154.20;
string testString = test.ToCurrency("en-US"); // $154.20


public static class StringExtensions {/// <summary>/// Parses a string into an Enum/// </summary>/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the Enum</typeparam>/// <param name="value">String value to parse</param>/// <returns>The Enum corresponding to the stringExtensions</returns>public static T EnumParse<T>(this string value) {return StringExtensions.EnumParse<T>(value, false);}public static T EnumParse<T>(this string value, bool ignorecase) {if (value == null) {throw new ArgumentNullException("value");}value = value.Trim();if (value.Length == 0) {throw new ArgumentException("Must specify valid information for parsing in the string.", "value");}Type t = typeof(T);if (!t.IsEnum) {throw new ArgumentException("Type provided must be an Enum.", "T");}return (T)Enum.Parse(t, value, ignorecase);}


public enum TestEnum
}public class Test
{public void Test(){TestEnum foo = "Test".EnumParse<TestEnum>();}}

归功于Scott Dorman


我问过斯科特·多曼(Scott Dorman),他是否愿意我们在Codeplex项目中发布他的代码。 这是我从他那里得到的答复:

感谢您对SO帖子和CodePlex项目的注意。 我已就你对这个问题的回答投票赞成。 是的,该代码当前有效地处于CodeProject开放许可( http://www.codeproject.com/info/cpol10.aspx )下的公共领域中。





/// <summary>Serializes an object of type T in to an xml string</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Any class type</typeparam>
/// <param name="obj">Object to serialize</param>
/// <returns>A string that represents Xml, empty otherwise</returns>
public static string XmlSerialize<T>(this T obj) where T : class, new()
{if (obj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));using (var writer = new StringWriter()){serializer.Serialize(writer, obj);return writer.ToString();}
}/// <summary>Deserializes an xml string in to an object of Type T</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Any class type</typeparam>
/// <param name="xml">Xml as string to deserialize from</param>
/// <returns>A new object of type T is successful, null if failed</returns>
public static T XmlDeserialize<T>(this string xml) where T : class, new()
{if (xml == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("xml");var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));using (var reader = new StringReader(xml)){try { return (T)serializer.Deserialize(reader); }catch { return null; } // Could not be deserialized to this type.}




DateTime firstDayOfMonth = DateTime.Now.First();
DateTime lastdayOfMonth = DateTime.Now.Last();
DateTime lastFridayInMonth = DateTime.Now.Last(DayOfWeek.Friday);
DateTime nextFriday = DateTime.Now.Next(DayOfWeek.Friday);
DateTime lunchTime = DateTime.Now.SetTime(11, 30);
DateTime noonOnFriday = DateTime.Now.Next(DayOfWeek.Friday).Noon();
DateTime secondMondayOfMonth = DateTime.Now.First(DayOfWeek.Monday).Next(DayOfWeek.Monday).Midnight();


我的MiscUtil项目中有多种扩展方法(那里提供完整的源代码-我在这里不再重复)。 我的最爱,其中一些涉及其他类别(例如范围):

日期和时间的东西-主要用于单元测试。 不知道我会在生产中使用它们吗:)

var birthday = 19.June(1976);
var workingDay = 7.Hours() + 30.Minutes();

范围和步伐-非常感谢Marc Gravell为他的操作员所做的一切:

var evenNaturals = 2.To(int.MaxValue).Step(2);
var daysSinceBirth = birthday.To(DateTime.Today).Step(1.Days());


var myComparer = ProjectionComparer.Create(Person p => p.Name);
var next = myComparer.ThenBy(p => p.Age);
var reversed = myComparer.Reverse();



LINQ to XML应用于匿名类型(或具有适当属性的其他类型):

// <Name>Jon</Name><Age>32</Age>
new { Name="Jon", Age=32}.ToXElements();
// Name="Jon" Age="32" (as XAttributes, obviously)
new { Name="Jon", Age=32}.ToXAttributes()



public static class ComparableExtensions
{public static bool Between<T>(this T actual, T lower, T upper) where T : IComparable<T>{return actual.CompareTo(lower) >= 0 && actual.CompareTo(upper) < 0;}


if (myNumber.Between(3,7))
{// ....



public static void AddRange<T, S>(this ICollection<T> list, params S[] values)where S : T
{foreach (S value in values)list.Add(value);



var list = new List<Int32>();
list.AddRange(5, 4, 8, 4, 2);



public static bool CoinToss(this Random rng)
{return rng.Next(2) == 0;
}public static T OneOf<T>(this Random rng, params T[] things)
{return things[rng.Next(things.Length)];
}Random rand;
bool luckyDay = rand.CoinToss();
string babyName = rand.OneOf("John", "George", "Radio XBR74 ROCKS!");



public static string ToTitleCase(this string mText)
{if (mText == null) return mText;System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;System.Globalization.TextInfo textInfo = cultureInfo.TextInfo;// TextInfo.ToTitleCase only operates on the string if is all lower case, otherwise it returns the string unchanged.return textInfo.ToTitleCase(mText.ToLower());



public static DateTime? GetNullableDateTime(this MySqlDataReader dr, string fieldName)
{DateTime? nullDate = null;return dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal(fieldName)) ? nullDate : dr.GetDateTime(fieldName);
}public static string GetNullableString(this MySqlDataReader dr, string fieldName)
{return dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal(fieldName)) ? String.Empty : dr.GetString(fieldName);
}public static char? GetNullableChar(this MySqlDataReader dr, string fieldName)
{char? nullChar = null;return dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal(fieldName)) ? nullChar : dr.GetChar(fieldName);



public static int? GetNullableInt32(this IDataRecord dr, int ordinal)
{int? nullInt = null;return dr.IsDBNull(ordinal) ? nullInt : dr.GetInt32(ordinal);
}public static int? GetNullableInt32(this IDataRecord dr, string fieldname)
{int ordinal = dr.GetOrdinal(fieldname);return dr.GetNullableInt32(ordinal);
}public static bool? GetNullableBoolean(this IDataRecord dr, int ordinal)
{bool? nullBool = null;return dr.IsDBNull(ordinal) ? nullBool : dr.GetBoolean(ordinal);
}public static bool? GetNullableBoolean(this IDataRecord dr, string fieldname)
{int ordinal = dr.GetOrdinal(fieldname);return dr.GetNullableBoolean(ordinal);



int i = myString.To<int>();


public static T To<T>(this IConvertible obj)
{return (T)Convert.ChangeType(obj, typeof(T));
}public static T ToOrDefault<T>(this IConvertible obj)
{try{return To<T>(obj);}catch{return default(T);}
}public static bool ToOrDefault<T>(this IConvertible obj,out T newObj)
{try{newObj = To<T>(obj); return true;}catch{newObj = default(T); return false;}
}public static T ToOrOther<T>(this IConvertible obj,T other)
{try{return To<T>obj);}catch{return other;}
}public static bool ToOrOther<T>(this IConvertible obj,out T newObj,T other)
{try{newObj = To<T>(obj);return true;}catch{newObj = other;return false;}
}public static T ToOrNull<T>(this IConvertible obj)where T : class
{try{return To<T>(obj);}catch{return null;}
}public static bool ToOrNull<T>(this IConvertible obj,out T newObj)where T : class
{try{newObj = To<T>(obj);return true;}catch{newObj = null;return false;}

您可以在失败时请求默认值(调用空白构造函数或为数字调用“ 0”),指定“默认”值(我将其称为“其他”)或要求为null(其中T:class)。 我还提供了静默异常模型和典型的TryParse模型,该模型返回布尔值以指示所采取的操作,而out参数则保存新值。 所以我们的代码可以做这样的事情

int i = myString.To<int>();
string a = myInt.ToOrDefault<string>();
//note type inference
DateTime d = myString.ToOrOther(DateTime.MAX_VALUE);
double d;
//note type inference
bool didItGiveDefault = myString.ToOrDefault(out d);
string s = myDateTime.ToOrNull<string>();

我无法使Nullable类型非常整洁地融入整个过程。 我试了约20分钟,然后才把毛巾扔了。



public static class FrameworkExtensions
{// a map functionpublic static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> @enum, Action<T> mapFunction){foreach (var item in @enum) mapFunction(item);}


var buttons = GetListOfButtons() as IEnumerable<Button>;// click all buttons
buttons.ForEach(b => b.Click());


// no need to type the same assignment 3 times, just
// new[] up an array and use foreach + lambda
// everything is properly inferred by csc :-)
new { itemA, itemB, itemC }.ForEach(item => {item.Number = 1;item.Str = "Hello World!";});


这与Select因为Select 希望您的函数返回某些内容,就像转换到另一个列表一样。





接受camelCaseWord或PascalCaseWord并将其“单词化”,即camelCaseWord => camel Case Word

public static string Wordify( this string camelCaseWord )
{// if the word is all upper, just return itif( !Regex.IsMatch( camelCaseWord, "[a-z]" ) )return camelCaseWord;return string.Join( " ", Regex.Split( camelCaseWord, @"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])" ) );


public static string Capitalize( this string word )
{return word[0].ToString( ).ToUpper( ) + word.Substring( 1 );


SomeEntityObject entity = DataAccessObject.GetSomeEntityObject( id );
List<PropertyInfo> properties = entity.GetType().GetPublicNonCollectionProperties( );// wordify the property names to act as column headers for an html table or something
List<string> columns = properties.Select( p => p.Name.Capitalize( ).Wordify( ) ).ToList( );




为什么? 该站点上的所有Stuff均使用CC-by-sa-2.5 ,因此,只需将您的Extension Overflow Project置于相同的许可证下,即可自由使用它。


/// <summary>
/// Reverse a String
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The string to Reverse</param>
/// <returns>The reversed String</returns>
public static string Reverse(this string input)
{char[] array = input.ToCharArray();Array.Reverse(array);return new string(array);



public static void Log(this Exception obj)
{//your logging logic here


{//Your stuff here
catch(Exception ex)

[抱歉发布两次; 第二个是更好的设计:-)]


这是针对MVC的,它为在每个ViewPage可用的Html变量添加了生成<label />标记的ViewPage 。 希望它对尝试开发类似扩展的其他人有用。


<%= Html.Label("LabelId", "ForId", "Text")%>


<label id="LabelId" for="ForId">Text</label>


public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
{public static string Label(this HtmlHelper Html, string @for, string text){return Html.Label(null, @for, text);}public static string Label(this HtmlHelper Html, string @for, string text, object htmlAttributes){return Html.Label(null, @for, text, htmlAttributes);}public static string Label(this HtmlHelper Html, string @for, string text, IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes){return Html.Label(null, @for, text, htmlAttributes);}public static string Label(this HtmlHelper Html, string id, string @for, string text){return Html.Label(id, @for, text, null);}public static string Label(this HtmlHelper Html, string id, string @for, string text, object htmlAttributes){return Html.Label(id, @for, text, new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes));}public static string Label(this HtmlHelper Html, string id, string @for, string text, IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes){TagBuilder tag = new TagBuilder("label");tag.MergeAttributes(htmlAttributes);if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))tag.MergeAttribute("id", Html.AttributeEncode(id));tag.MergeAttribute("for", Html.AttributeEncode(@for));tag.SetInnerText(Html.Encode(text));return tag.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal);}


这是罗马数字的往返。 不经常使用,但可能很方便。 用法:

if ("IV".IsValidRomanNumeral())
{// Do useful stuff with the number 4.


    public static class RomanNumeralExtensions{private const int NumberOfRomanNumeralMaps = 13;private static readonly Dictionary<string, int> romanNumerals =new Dictionary<string, int>(NumberOfRomanNumeralMaps){{ "M", 1000 }, { "CM", 900 }, { "D", 500 }, { "CD", 400 }, { "C", 100 }, { "XC", 90 }, { "L", 50 }, { "XL", 40 }, { "X", 10 }, { "IX", 9 }, { "V", 5 }, { "IV", 4 }, { "I", 1 }};private static readonly Regex validRomanNumeral = new Regex("^(?i:(?=[MDCLXVI])((M{0,3})((C[DM])|(D?C{0,3}))"+ "?((X[LC])|(L?XX{0,2})|L)?((I[VX])|(V?(II{0,2}))|V)?))$", RegexOptions.Compiled);public static bool IsValidRomanNumeral(this string value){return validRomanNumeral.IsMatch(value);}public static int ParseRomanNumeral(this string value){if (value == null){throw new ArgumentNullException("value");}value = value.ToUpperInvariant().Trim();var length = value.Length;if ((length == 0) || !value.IsValidRomanNumeral()){throw new ArgumentException("Empty or invalid Roman numeral string.", "value");}var total = 0;var i = length;while (i > 0){var digit = romanNumerals[value[--i].ToString()];if (i > 0){var previousDigit = romanNumerals[value[i - 1].ToString()];if (previousDigit < digit){digit -= previousDigit;i--;}}total += digit;}return total;}public static string ToRomanNumeralString(this int value){const int MinValue = 1;const int MaxValue = 3999;if ((value < MinValue) || (value > MaxValue)){throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, "Argument out of Roman numeral range.");}const int MaxRomanNumeralLength = 15;var sb = new StringBuilder(MaxRomanNumeralLength);foreach (var pair in romanNumerals){while (value / pair.Value > 0){sb.Append(pair.Key);value -= pair.Value;}}return sb.ToString();}}



/// <summary>
/// Returns whether the function is being executed during design time in Visual Studio.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsDesignTime(this Control control)
{if (LicenseManager.UsageMode == LicenseUsageMode.Designtime){return true;}if (control.Site != null && control.Site.DesignMode){return true;}var parent = control.Parent;while (parent != null){if (parent.Site != null && parent.Site.DesignMode){return true;}parent = parent.Parent;}return false;
}/// <summary>
/// Sets the DropDownWidth to ensure that no item's text is cut off.
/// </summary>
public static void SetDropDownWidth(this ComboBox comboBox)
{var g = comboBox.CreateGraphics();var font = comboBox.Font;float maxWidth = 0;foreach (var item in comboBox.Items){maxWidth = Math.Max(maxWidth, g.MeasureString(item.ToString(), font).Width);}if (comboBox.Items.Count > comboBox.MaxDropDownItems){maxWidth += SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;}comboBox.DropDownWidth = Math.Max(comboBox.Width, Convert.ToInt32(maxWidth));


public class SomeForm : Form
{public SomeForm(){InitializeComponent();if (this.IsDesignTime()){return;}// Do something that makes the visual studio crash or hang if we're in design time,// but any other time executes just fine}


ComboBox cbo = new ComboBox { Width = 50 };
cbo.Items.Add("A little longer");
cbo.Items.Add("Holy cow, this is a really, really long item. How in the world will it fit?");




// requires .NET 4public static TReturn NullOr<TIn, TReturn>(this TIn obj, Func<TIn, TReturn> func,TReturn elseValue = default(TReturn)) where TIn : class{ return obj != null ? func(obj) : elseValue; }// versions for CLR 2, which doesn't support optional paramspublic static TReturn NullOr<TIn, TReturn>(this TIn obj, Func<TIn, TReturn> func,TReturn elseValue) where TIn : class{ return obj != null ? func(obj) : elseValue; }
public static TReturn NullOr<TIn, TReturn>(this TIn obj, Func<TIn, TReturn> func)where TIn : class{ return obj != null ? func(obj) : default(TReturn); }


var lname = thingy.NullOr(t => t.Name).NullOr(n => n.ToLower());


var lname = (thingy != null ? thingy.Name : null) != null? thingy.Name.ToLower() : null;


移到C#时,我想念Visual Basic的With语句 ,所以就这样:

public static void With<T>(this T obj, Action<T> act) { act(obj); }


someVeryVeryLonggggVariableName.With(x => {x.Int = 123;x.Str = "Hello";x.Str2 = " World!";



someVeryVeryLonggggVariableName.Int = 123;
someVeryVeryLonggggVariableName.Str = "Hello";
someVeryVeryLonggggVariableName.Str2 = " World!";



public static bool In<T>(this T source, params T[] list)
{if(null==source) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");return list.Contains(source);


if(reallyLongIntegerVariableName == 1 || reallyLongIntegerVariableName == 6 || reallyLongIntegerVariableName == 9 || reallyLongIntegerVariableName == 11)
{// do something....
}andif(reallyLongStringVariableName == "string1" || reallyLongStringVariableName == "string2" || reallyLongStringVariableName == "string3")
{// do something....
}andif(reallyLongMethodParameterName == SomeEnum.Value1 || reallyLongMethodParameterName == SomeEnum.Value2 || reallyLongMethodParameterName == SomeEnum.Value3 || reallyLongMethodParameterName == SomeEnum.Value4)
{// do something....


{// do something....
{// do something....
}andif(reallyLongMethodParameterName.In(SomeEnum.Value1, SomeEnum.Value2, SomeEnum.Value3, SomeEnum.Value4)
{// do something....


LINQ给我带来了一个OrderBy,它使实现IComparer的类作为参数,但是不支持传递简单的匿名比较器函数,这使我感到恼火。 我纠正了。

此类从您的比较器函数创建一个IComparer ...

/// <summary>
///     Creates an <see cref="IComparer{T}"/> instance for the given
///     delegate function.
/// </summary>
internal class ComparerFactory<T> : IComparer<T>
{public static IComparer<T> Create(Func<T, T, int> comparison){return new ComparerFactory<T>(comparison);}private readonly Func<T, T, int> _comparison;private ComparerFactory(Func<T, T, int> comparison){_comparison = comparison;}#region IComparer<T> Memberspublic int Compare(T x, T y){return _comparison(x, y);}#endregion

...并且这些扩展方法暴露了我对枚举的新OrderBy重载。 我怀疑这对LINQ to SQL是否有效,但对LINQ to Objects很好。

public static class EnumerableExtensions
{/// <summary>/// Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order by using a specified comparison delegate./// </summary>public static IOrderedEnumerable<TSource> OrderBy<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector,Func<TKey, TKey, int> comparison){var comparer = ComparerFactory<TKey>.Create(comparison);return source.OrderBy(keySelector, comparer);}/// <summary>/// Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order by using a specified comparison delegate./// </summary>public static IOrderedEnumerable<TSource> OrderByDescending<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector,Func<TKey, TKey, int> comparison){var comparer = ComparerFactory<TKey>.Create(comparison);return source.OrderByDescending(keySelector, comparer);}




public static IEnumerable<T> EmptyIfNull<T>(this IEnumerable<T> pSeq)
{return pSeq ?? Enumerable.Empty<T>();

它将删除调用代码中的空检查。 你现在可以做


您最喜欢的C#扩展方法是什么? (codeplex.com/extensionoverflow)相关推荐

  1. 【转】五、谈扩展方法的理解

    [转]五.谈扩展方法的理解 为什么要用扩展方法 在说什么是扩展方法之前我们先来说说为什么要用扩展方法. 首先我们定义一个 Person 类: public class Person {/// < ...

  2. c#扩展方法奇思妙用高级篇四:对扩展进行分组管理

    从系列文章开篇到现在,已经实现的很多扩展了,但过多的扩展会给我们带来很多麻烦,试看下图: 面对这么多"泛滥"的扩展,很多人都会感到很别扭,的确有种"喧宾夺主"的 ...

  3. 你真的了解扩展方法吗?

    定义 微软对于扩展方法的定义是: 扩展方法使你能够向现有类型"添加"方法,而无需创建新的派生类型.重新编译或以其他方式修改原始类型.扩展方法是一种静态方法,但可以像扩展类型上的实例 ...

  4. C#中的扩展方法,Linq,IO和多线程的定义和实例

    前段时间学C#的上转型,泛型,lambda表达式这些应用的理解很费劲.学过之后我多多的练习了几天,接下来继续复习C#的其他一些概念,说实在的这些知识点学过之后很容易忘,但是都是很重要的,所以发表在博客 ...

  5. [C# 基础知识系列]专题十五:全面解析扩展方法

    引言:  C# 3中所有特性的提出都是更好地为Linq服务的, 充分理解这些基础特性后.对于更深层次地去理解Linq的架构方面会更加简单,从而就可以自己去实现一个简单的ORM框架的,对于Linq的学习 ...

  6. Jumony(一)从扩展方法到流畅的程序体验

    今天让公司的程序员试用了一下还在开发中的代号为"Jumony"的HTML数据绑定引擎,开发人员的一句评价被我视为最高的褒奖. "感觉这个框架就是,你想到什么就写什么.&q ...

  7. C# 3.0 —— 扩展方法

    扩展方法是C# 3.0新加入的特性,允许我们在不改变源代码的情况下扩展(即填加)现有类型中的实例方法,也给我们提供了另外一种扩展类型行为的方法(其它的方法为继承.组合.反射). 下面我们来看一个代码示 ...

  8. 技术图文:C# 语言中的扩展方法

    背景 前段时间,在知识星球立了一个Flag,在总结 Leetcode 刷题的第五篇图文时遇到了扩展方法 这个知识点,于是先总结一下. 1.扩展方法概述 扩展方法能够向现有类型"添加" ...

  9. 使用扩展方法和静态门面类实现伪领域对象

    背景介绍 领域对象,在此特指充血的领域对象模型,在解决什么是伪领域对象之前,需要事先解释何为充血的领域对象.在此后的介绍中,假设我们存在对象模型Employee-Department. 在面向对象的实 ...


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