
Excel汇总20150112 (Excel Roundup 20150112)

Doug Glancy used Excel's camera tool, and some VBA, to create a mesmerizing "selfie" of a range which has conditional formatting applied. Doug describes the results:

道格·格兰西(Doug Glancy)使用Excel的摄影机工具和某些VBA创建了一个引人入胜的“自拍照”,该自拍照的范围已应用了条件格式。 道格描述了结果:

Kind of like when you’re in a dressing room with the mirrors front and back and you get a reflection of a reflection of a reflection … Unless you’re like me and you just keep buying the same pants online.


I downloaded the sample file, and changed the colours, to match my Contextures logo. I'm not sure if this has too many practical applications, but perhaps you can use it to hypnotize your boss, and get a big raise.

我下载了示例文件,并更改了颜色以匹配我的Contextures徽标。 我不确定这是否有太多实际应用程序,但是也许您可以使用它来催眠您的老板并获得大的加薪。

语境帖子 (Contextures Posts)

Here’s what I posted recently:


  • In a named Excel table, add counter field that fills in automatically, without macros. This is useful for summary formulas, pivot tables, and calculated fields.

    在一个命名的Excel表中, 添加自动填写的无宏的计数器字段 。 这对于汇总公式,数据透视表和计算所得的字段很有用。

  • A pivot table calculated field always uses the SUM of other fields in its results. If you need a count, add a counter field to your source date, and use it in pivot table formulas

    数据透视表计算字段始终在其结果中使用其他字段的SUM 。 如果需要计数,请在源日期中添加一个计数器字段,并将其用于数据透视表公式中

  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集 。

其他Excel文章 (Other Excel Articles)

Here are a few of the Excel articles that I read recently, that you might find useful.


  • On the Microsoft Office blog, students can learn how to build a GPA calculator in Excel. Kevin Lehrbass spotted an error in the VLOOKUP formula, and it's fixed now.

    在Microsoft Office博客上,学生可以学习如何在Excel中构建GPA计算器 。 Kevin Lehrbass在VLOOKUP公式中发现了一个错误,现已修复。

  • You'll find new ideas for your dashboards in Tableau's Top 5 Vizzes of 2014.


  • Max Fraudy shows how to dynamically highlight a data point on your chart, without using VBA.

    Max Fraudy显示了如何在不使用VBA的情况下动态突出显示图表上的数据点 。

  • Chandoo uses the AutoCorrect feature to make it quicker to enter formulas. Have you ever tried that? I probably wouldn't be able to remember all my shortcuts for the formula names.

    Chandoo 使用自动更正功能可以更快地输入公式。 你曾经尝试过吗? 我可能无法记住我所有用于公式名称的快捷方式。

  • Microsoft's Excel team shared a link to this video, in which Brian and Karolyn used Excel to announce that they're expecting a baby.

    微软的Excel团队分享了此视频的链接,其中Brian和Karolyn 在Excel中使用Excel宣布他们正在生一个孩子 。

  • Sumit Bansal shares a trick for using a defined name to get a list of file names from a folder in Excel.

    Sumit Bansal分享了一个技巧,即使用已定义的名称从Excel中的文件夹获取文件名列表 。

  • Things are a bit different in Excel for iPad, and Stephen Ashby shows how to create formulas in that version.

    iPad版Excel中的情况有所不同,Stephen Ashby演示了如何在该版本中创建公式 。

  • This mini-course from Microsoft's Office Online shows how to use the Sparklines -- tiny charts to show data trends.

    微软Office Online的这一微型课程显示了如何使用迷你图 -细小的图表来显示数据趋势。

  • Leon Lovett (That Data Dude) shows how to stop Excel from formatting two hyphenated numbers to a date, when you import data.

    Leon Lovett(该Data Dude)演示了如何在导入数据时阻止Excel将两个带连字符的数字格式化为date 。

  • Dr. Nitin Paranjape demonstrates why it's easier to create a set of charts with Power View, instead of using regular Pivot Charts

    Nitin Paranjape博士演示了为什么使用Power View创建一组图表而不是使用常规的数据透视图更容易

Excel公告 (Excel Announcements)

Here are some upcoming events, courses, recently published books, and other new items, related to Excel.


DAX Patterns 2015, by Marco Russo, Alberto Ferrari, Daniele Perilli

2015年DAX模式 ,作者:Marco Russo,Alberto Ferrari,Daniele Perilli

"A pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem. This book is a collection of ready-to-use data models and formulas in DAX, that you can use in Power Pivot for Excel and in Microsoft Analysis Services Tabular.

“模式是解决一个常见问题的通用可重用解决方案。这本书是DAX中现成的数据模型和公式的集合,您可以在Power Pivot for Excel和Microsoft Analysis Services Tabular中使用它们。

Create your data model faster by using a DAX pattern!"


Amsterdam Excel Summit, April 13-15, 2015

阿姆斯特丹Excel峰会 ,2015年4月13日至15日

Mark your calendar for April 13-15, so you can attend this amazing Excel event. Last year's summit was an outstanding success, and registration will open soon, for this year's event.

将您的日历标记为4月13日至15日,这样您就可以参加这个了不起的Excel活动。 去年的峰会取得了巨大的成功,今年的活动即将开始报名。

Bookmark this page, for event details and registration: Amsterdam Excel Summit 2015

收藏本页,获取活动详细信息和注册: Amsterdam Excel Summit 2015

分享您的活动和文章 (Share Your Events and Articles)

If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请告诉我。 谢谢!

Links to Recent Excel Books on Amazon.com


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/01/12/excel-roundup-20150112/




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