
Spreadsheets are already fun, but Tableau wants to make them even more exciting, with its newest smartphone app, Elastic. In this video, Tableau's VP of Mobile & Strategic Growth, Dave Story, opens a spreadsheet file (csv format) from his inbox, and shows how Elastic works.

电子表格已经很有趣,但是Tableau希望通过其最新的智能手机应用程序Elastic使它们更加令人兴奋。 在此视频中,Tableau移动与战略增长副总裁Dave Story从他的收件箱中打开一个电子表格文件(csv格式),并展示Elastic的工作方式。

I don't see any information about the expected release date or pricing.



语境帖子 (Contextures Posts)

Here’s what I posted recently:


  • Resize Excel comments to a consistent width, with a macro. Sometimes comments get too wide, or too narrow, and this macro can quickly fix them.

    使用宏将Excel注释的大小调整为一致的宽度。 有时注释变得太宽或太窄,此宏可以快速修复它们。

  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集 。

其他Excel文章 (Other Excel Articles)

Here are a few of the Excel articles that I read recently, that you might find useful.


  • To help you get started with Excel on the iPad, Microsoft Press explains how to store and retrieve data. It's a free chapter from Microsoft Office for iPad Step by Step.

    为了帮助您在iPad上开始使用Excel,Microsoft Press解释了如何存储和检索数据 。 这是Microsoft Office for iPad Step by Step的免费章节

  • Ken Puls uses Power Query to combine the data from multiple workbooks, into one table. All the files have a similar structure.

    Ken Puls使用Power Query 将来自多个工作簿的数据合并到一个表中。 所有文件都具有类似的结构。

  • Doug Glancy worked on VBA code to filter a table field, based on the filters applied in a different table. He made some interesting discoveries, and came out alive.

    Doug Glancy致力于VBA 代码 ,以基于应用于其他表的过滤器来过滤表字段 。 他做了一些有趣的发现,并活了下来。

  • NPR's Planet Money podcast covers the history of spreadsheets, and the topic was inspired by Stephen Levy's 1984 article, A Spreadsheet Way of Knowledge. There is an explicit language warning on the podcast, so listen at your own risk!

    NPR的Planet Money播客涵盖了电子表格的历史 ,该主题的灵感来自Stephen Levy 1984年的文章“电子表格知识的方式” 。 播客上有明确的语言警告,请您自担风险!

  • Scott Lyerly finally learned what was causing the error, "That Command Cannot Be Used On Multiple Selections". He'll be more careful with his hidden sheets in the future!

    斯科特·莱利(Scott Lyerly)终于了解了导致此错误的原因 ,“该命令无法用于多项选择”。 以后他会更加小心自己的隐藏床单!

  • If you're using Excel on an Android tablet, you can download the free Excel keyboard, with a number pad, that was recently released by Microsoft's Garage.

    如果您是在Android平板电脑上使用Excel,则可以下载 Microsoft车库最近发布的带有数字键盘的免费Excel键盘 。

  • Robert Mundigl shows how to create word clouds in Excel, an update from his earlier method. Download his sample file, and try it out. And remember, don't look a gift horse (or word cloud) in the mouth!

    Robert Mundigl展示了如何在Excel中创建词云 ,这是他先前方法的更新。 下载他的样本文件,然后尝试一下。 请记住,不要在嘴里看着礼物马(或词云)!

  • When you don't have fancy project management software, Sumit Bansal shows how to build a Gantt chart in Excel.

    如果您没有精美的项目管理软件,Sumit Bansal将说明如何在Excel中构建甘特图 。

  • Mike Alexander uses event code to automatically delete pivot table drilldown sheets, when the workbook closes.

    当工作簿关闭时,Mike Alexander使用事件代码自动删除数据透视表明细表 。

  • Gašper Kamenšek uses the TEXT function, with Locale codes, to show the day and month names in a variety of languages.

    GašperKamenšek使用带有区域设置代码的TEXT函数,以多种语言显示日期和月份名称 。

Excel公告 (Excel Announcements)

Here are some upcoming events, courses, recently published books, and other new items, related to Excel.


Excel书籍 (Excel Books)

    • This is the first Excel book I've seen that's aimed at children (ages 6-18) 这是我见过的第一本针对儿童(6-18岁)的Excel书籍
    • "Frankie (a dog) and Matilda (a cat) have been arguing all day about who eats the most food and they decide the best solution is to create a spreadsheet in Excel…You can create a spreadsheet like Frankie and Matilda's as you follow the story and you can download data to practice in your own time if you wish." “弗兰基(狗)和玛蒂尔达(猫)一直在争论谁吃得最多的食物,他们认为最好的解决方案是在Excel中创建电子表格...您可以按照以下步骤创建电子表格,例如弗兰基和玛蒂尔达故事,您可以根据需要下载数据进行练习。”

    Frankie and Matilda Learn Excel, by Denise Humphrey

    弗兰基和玛蒂尔达学习Excel ,作者丹尼斯·汉弗莱(Denise Humphrey)

    • "This is learning made easy. Get productive fast with every Office for iPad app–plus OneNote, too! Jump in wherever you need answers–brisk lessons and colorful screen shots show you exactly what to do, step by step." “这使学习变得容易。每个Office for iPad应用程序-再加上OneNote,都可以快速提高生产力!跳到您需要答案的地方-敏捷的课程和丰富多彩的屏幕截图逐步向您展示了确切的操作。”

    Microsoft Office for iPad Step by Step, by Joan Lambert

    Joan Lambert撰写的iPad版Microsoft Office逐步指南

    • "Helps you effectively apply the Access database management system and Excel spreadsheet to analyze and solve real-world business problems. Six user-friendly tutorials build your practical knowledge as they walk you step-by-step through each software application's capabilities, while 12 all-new case studies present scenarios and problems common in today's business practice." “可帮助您有效地使用Access数据库管理系统和Excel电子表格来分析和解决实际业务问题。六个用户友好的教程将逐步引导您了解每个软件应用程序的功能,从而积累您的实践知识,而十二个全部最新的案例研究提供了当今商业实践中常见的场景和问题。”

    Problem Solving Cases In Microsoft Access and Excel, by Ellen Monk, Joseph Brady, Gerard S. Cook, Emillio Mendelsohn

    在Microsoft Access和Excel中解决问题的案例 ,作者Ellen Monk,Joseph Brady,Gerard S. Cook,Emillio Mendelsohn

Excel峰会 (Excel Summit)

  • Amsterdam Excel Summit, April 13-15, 2015. Mark your calendar for April 13-15, so you can attend this amazing Excel event. Last year's summit was an outstanding success, and registration will open soon, for this year's event. Registration is now open, and you can click here to register.

    阿姆斯特丹Excel峰会 ,2015年4月13日至15日。将日历标记为4月13日至15日,这样您就可以参加这个令人惊叹的Excel活动。 去年的峰会取得了巨大的成功,今年的活动即将开始报名。 现在注册已打开,您可以单击此处进行注册 。

分享您的活动和文章 (Share Your Events and Articles)

If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请告诉我。 谢谢!

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/03/02/excel-roundup-20150302/




  • Android 关于Excel表格的读与写(包括图片、字体颜色,语言)
  • 【andriod】设备APP开发之数据就地Excel存储
  • android 读取excel表格数据(暂时只支持xls格式)
  • Android手机替代笔记本出差实战之处理受保护的工作表(excel)
  • Python操作Excel(二)
  • 安卓导出Excel,txt文件工具类
  • ArcGIS JS 版军事标绘图、燕尾箭头;支持VUE版本
  • 燕尾定理的证明
  • D - 燕尾服
  • 96.(leaflet之家)leaflet态势标绘-进攻方向修改(燕尾)
  • 燕尾定理
  • 25.(cesium之家)cesium军事标绘-攻击箭头采集(燕尾)
  • Py之pycocotools:pycocotools库的简介、安装、使用方法之详细攻略续篇
  • 第25章 燕尾蝶1
  • 利用燕尾花数据集画出P-R曲线
  • 94.(leaflet之家)leaflet态势标绘-进攻方向绘制(燕尾)
  • 102.(leaflet篇)leaflet态势标绘-分队战斗行动修改 (燕尾)
  • 26.(cesium篇)cesium军事标绘-攻击箭头编辑修改(燕尾)
  • 燕尾服 CodeForces - 573A
  • CSS组件_0 燕尾
  • 小学数学的燕尾模型
  • 四舍六入五成双(C语言版)
  • 【JavaScript】小数点精度问题,小数点后两位toFixed(),把四舍六入五凑偶,修改成四舍五入
  • tf.round(): 四舍六入五取偶
  • 四舍五入算法、五舍六入、六舍七入、七舍八入。。。。。。。
  • python中小数点后取2位(四舍五入)以及取2位(四舍五不入)的方法总结
  • 关于四舍六入五成双
  • 四舍、六入、五凑偶之Math.Round()
  • 四舍六入五考虑
  • 四舍五入VS银行家舍入 (四舍六入五取偶)


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