Buton 按钮对于大家并不陌生,本文章主要是实现基于Wtl CButton 的基础上来,实现重绘,主要是通过 DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis )来实现重绘,与通常的控件绘制是一样的,先绘制背景、然后绘制控件,最后提交。

 /***@method   DrawItem*@brief    draw item.*    *@param    LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis  lpdis draw item struct*@return   void*/void DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis ){int width = lpdis->rcItem.right - lpdis->rcItem.left;int height = lpdis->rcItem.bottom - lpdis->rcItem.top;//创建内存作图对象WTL::CDC memDC;memDC.CreateCompatibleDC( lpdis->hDC );WTL::CBitmap memBitmap;memBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap( lpdis->hDC, width, height );HBITMAP hOldBmp = memDC.SelectBitmap( memBitmap );//获得控件背景memDC.SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT );::SendMessage( GetParent(), WM_DRAWBKGNDUI, ( WPARAM )memDC.m_hDC, ( LPARAM )lpdis->hwndItem );//绘制按钮DrawButton( memDC.m_hDC, lpdis->rcItem );//提交图像::BitBlt( lpdis->hDC, 0, 0, width, height, memDC.m_hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );memDC.SelectBitmap( hOldBmp );}

CQsButton 详细代码实现:

#pragma once;#include "QsInclude.h"
#include "UserMessage.h"#define  BS_BTNTESTTOP     0x00000001     //表示Button标题在下方
#define  BS_BTNTESTBOTTOM  0x00000002     //表示Button标题在上方
#define  BS_BTNTESTCENTER  0x00000004     //表示Button标题在中间/* CQsButton class */
class CQsButton :public CImageMgrCtrlBase< CQsButton>,public CWindowImpl<CQsButton, CButton>,public COwnerDraw< CQsButton >
{typedef CWindowImpl< CQsButton, CButton > theBaseClass;typedef CImageMgrCtrlBase< CQsButton> theImageCtrlBaseClass;private:volatile UINT   m_uCurState;            //当前按钮状态volatile bool   m_bMouseDown;           //鼠标左键按下BOOL            m_bTransBKGnd;          //是否使用透明背景volatile bool m_bMouseTrack;          //鼠标是否进入DWORD           dwtxtStyle;              //Button 标题在Button中显示样式CMenuHandle     m_mnPopMenu;            //right mouse button pop menuCWindow            m_wndMenuNotify;        //pop up menu notify windowint             m_npost;                //字体离Button中线的距离Image*          m_pImageForegrd;        //前景图片CRect           m_foregrdrect;          //前景图片显示的区域BOOL            m_bunifycolr;           //是否统一到Normal一种状态下的颜色BOOL            m_bunifyfont;           //是否统一到Normal一种状态下的颜色BOOL            m_bflagBK;CRect           m_RectText;             //字显示区域public:DECLARE_WND_SUPERCLASS(TEXT("QSBUTTON"), CButton::GetWndClassName())BEGIN_MSG_MAP( CQsButton )MESSAGE_HANDLER( WM_ERASEBKGND, OnEraseBKGnd )MESSAGE_HANDLER( WM_LBUTTONDOWN, OnLButtonDown )MESSAGE_HANDLER( WM_LBUTTONUP, OnLButtonUp )MESSAGE_HANDLER( WM_RBUTTONUP, OnRButtonUp )MESSAGE_HANDLER( WM_MOUSELEAVE, OnMouseLeave )MESSAGE_HANDLER( WM_MOUSEMOVE, OnMouseMove )CHAIN_MSG_MAP_ALT( COwnerDraw< CQsButton >, 1 )CHAIN_MSG_MAP( theImageCtrlBaseClass )DEFAULT_REFLECTION_HANDLER()END_MSG_MAP()/*! \fn CQsButton()*  \param N/A*  \return no return*  \brief CQsButton's default constructor.*/CQsButton():m_bMouseDown( false ),m_uCurState( CONTROL_BTN_NORMAL ),m_bTransBKGnd( FALSE ),m_bMouseTrack( TRUE ){m_uFirstPos = CONTROL_BTN_FIRST;m_uLastPos = CONTROL_BTN_LAST;m_pImageForegrd = NULL;m_bunifycolr = FALSE;m_bunifyfont = FALSE;m_bflagBK = TRUE;m_npost =0;m_RectText.left=0;m_RectText.top=0;m_RectText.right=0;m_RectText.bottom=0;}/***@method   ~CQsButton*@brief    QsButton类的构造函数*    *@return   */~CQsButton(){ClearForeGroundImage();}/***@method   Create*@brief    Use this function to subclass one window*     *@param    HWND hWndParent parent window*@param    ATL::_U_RECT rect = NULL  create window rect*@param    LPCTSTR szWindowName = NULL  the window name*@param    DWORD dwStyle = 0   base window style*@param    DWORD dwExStyle = 0  extended window style*@param    ATL::_U_MENUorID MenuOrID = 0U  menu or ID*@param    LPVOID lpCreateParam = NULL  create param*@return   HWND  BOOL success return TRUE, failed return FALSE*/HWND Create(HWND hWndParent, ATL::_U_RECT rect = NULL, LPCTSTR szWindowName = NULL,DWORD dwStyle = 0, DWORD dwExStyle = 0,ATL::_U_MENUorID MenuOrID = 0U, LPVOID lpCreateParam = NULL){return theBaseClass::Create( hWndParent, rect.m_lpRect, szWindowName, dwStyle, dwExStyle, MenuOrID.m_hMenu, lpCreateParam);}/***@method   SetButTextRect*@brief    设置微调ButText的显示区域*    *@param    CRect rect*@return   void*/void SetButTextRect(CRect rect){m_RectText = rect;}/***@method   SetBtnUnifycolr*@brief    设置各种状态下使用一种字体颜色*    *@param    BOOL bunifycolr*@return   void*/void SetBtnUnifycolr(BOOL bunifycolr){m_bunifycolr = bunifycolr;}/***@method   SetBtnUnifFont*@brief    设置各种状态下使用一种字体*    *@return   void*/void SetBtnUnifFont(BOOL bunifyfont){m_bunifyfont = bunifyfont;}/***@method   SetBtnUnit*@brief    设置统一的*    *@param    BOOL bunifycolr*@param    BOOL bunifyfont*@return   void*/void SetBtnUnit(BOOL bunifycolr,BOOL bunifyfont){m_bunifycolr = bunifycolr;m_bunifyfont = bunifyfont;}/***@method   SetBtnBK*@brief     是否绘制背景*    *@param    BOOL bFlagBk*@return   void*/void SetBtnBK(BOOL bFlagBk){m_bflagBK = bFlagBk;}/***@method   SetForegroudImage*@brief    设置前景图片的和图片的大小*    *@param    Image * pImge*@param    CRect rect*@return   void*/void SetForegroudImage(Image* pImge, CRect rect){if(pImge != NULL){ClearForeGroundImage();m_pImageForegrd = pImge->Clone();}m_foregrdrect = rect;}/***@method   GetForegroudImage*@brief    得到前景图片对象*    *@return   Image**/Image* GetForegroudImage(){return m_pImageForegrd;}/***@method   ClearForeGroundImage*@brief    清除前景图片 *    *@param    Image * pImge*@param    CRect rect*@return   void*/void ClearForeGroundImage(){if(m_pImageForegrd != NULL ){delete m_pImageForegrd;m_pImageForegrd = NULL;}}/***@method   SetTextStyle*@brief    设置Button标题的显示方式*    *@param    DWORD dwtxtStyle = BS_BTNTESTCENTER,默认值为中间显示*@return   void*/void  SetTextStyle(DWORD dwtxtStyle = BS_BTNTESTCENTER){m_dwQsStyle = dwtxtStyle; }/***@method   GetCustomState*@brief    GetCustomState's default constructor.*    *@param    void*@return   UINT current state of control*/UINT GetCustomState( void ){return m_uCurState;}/***@method   DrawItem*@brief    draw item.*    *@param    LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis  lpdis draw item struct*@return   void*/void DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis ){int width = lpdis->rcItem.right - lpdis->rcItem.left;int height = lpdis->rcItem.bottom - lpdis->rcItem.top;//创建内存作图对象WTL::CDC memDC;memDC.CreateCompatibleDC( lpdis->hDC );WTL::CBitmap memBitmap;memBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap( lpdis->hDC, width, height );HBITMAP hOldBmp = memDC.SelectBitmap( memBitmap );//获得控件背景memDC.SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT );::SendMessage( GetParent(), WM_DRAWBKGNDUI, ( WPARAM )memDC.m_hDC, ( LPARAM )lpdis->hwndItem );//绘制按钮DrawButton( memDC.m_hDC, lpdis->rcItem );//提交图像::BitBlt( lpdis->hDC, 0, 0, width, height, memDC.m_hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );memDC.SelectBitmap( hOldBmp );}/***@method   SubclassWindow*@brief    Use this function to subclass one window*    *@param    HWND hWnd  subclass binding window handle*@return   BOOL  BOOL success return TRUE, failed return FALSE*/BOOL SubclassWindow( HWND hWnd ){BOOL bRet = theBaseClass::SubclassWindow( hWnd );UINT nBS = GetButtonStyle();SetButtonStyle( nBS | BS_OWNERDRAW );return bRet;}/***@method   ClearImage*@brief    Clear the image of state*    *@param    UINT uState = 0xFFFFFFFF  the state image to clear*@return   void*/void ClearImage( UINT uState = 0xFFFFFFFF ){if( uState != 0xFFFFFFFF ){if( GetImage( uState ) ){CCtrlImageMgr::ClearImage( uState );Invalidate();}}else{CCtrlImageMgr::ClearImage( uState );Invalidate();}}/***@method   SetTransBKGnd*@brief    Set background transparent attitude*    *@param    BOOL bFlag Set the background transparent flag*@return   void*/void SetTransBKGnd( BOOL bFlag ){m_bTransBKGnd = bFlag;}/***@method   SetRClickPopMenu*@brief    Set Right button click to popup menu, is both PopupMenu and Notify is valid, right click will popup menu,BESURE RELEASE menu when menu no longer use.*    *@param    CMenuHandle PopupMenu Context menu to popup, THIS PARAM IS ONLY A REFERENCE OF HANDLE*@param    CWindow Notify Window menu command to notify*@return   void*/void SetRClickPopMenu(CMenuHandle PopupMenu, CWindow Notify){ATLASSERT(PopupMenu.IsMenu());ATLASSERT(Notify.IsWindow());m_mnPopMenu = PopupMenu;m_wndMenuNotify = Notify;}/***@method   SetWindowTextEx*@brief    设置Button显示的标题*    *@param    LPCTSTR lpszString  标题字符串*@param    int nPostion        字符离Button中心的垂直距离*@return   void*/void SetWindowTextEx(LPCTSTR lpszString,int nPostion = 0){::SetWindowText(m_hWnd,lpszString);m_npost = nPostion;}protected:/***@method   OnLButtonDown*@brief    鼠标左键被按下消息响应函数*    *@param    UINT uMsg 消息类型*@param    WPARAM wParam*@param    LPARAM lParam*@param    BOOL& bHandled*@return   LRESULT*/LRESULT OnLButtonDown( UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled ){m_bMouseDown = true;Invalidate();bHandled = FALSE;return 0;}/***@method   OnMouseMove*@brief    鼠标进入消息响应函数*    *@param    UINT uMsg 消息类型*@param    WPARAM wParam*@param    LPARAM lParam*@param    BOOL& bHandled*@return   LRESULT*/LRESULT OnMouseMove( UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled ){if ( m_bMouseTrack ){// 向父窗口发送BN_MOUSEIN扩展通知消息HWND hParent = GetParent();if ( NULL != hParent ){WPARAM wParam = MAKELONG( ::GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_ID), BN_MOUSEIN );::PostMessage( hParent, WM_COMMANDEX, wParam, (LPARAM)m_hWnd );}}if( m_uCurState != CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEIN || m_bMouseTrack){Invalidate();// 启动鼠标离开时间TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme;tme.cbSize  = sizeof(tme);tme.hwndTrack = m_hWnd;tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE|TME_HOVER;TrackMouseEvent(&tme);m_bMouseTrack = FALSE;}bHandled = FALSE;return 0;}/***@method   OnMouseLeave*@brief    鼠标离开消息响应函数*    *@param    UINT uMsg 消息类型*@param    WPARAM wParam*@param    LPARAM lParam*@param    BOOL& bHandled*@return   LRESULT*/LRESULT OnMouseLeave( UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled ){if(!m_bMouseTrack){Invalidate();bHandled = FALSE;m_bMouseTrack = TRUE;// 向父窗口发送BN_MOUSEOUT扩展通知消息HWND hParent = GetParent();if ( NULL != hParent ){WPARAM wParam = MAKELONG( ::GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_ID), BN_MOUSEOUT );::PostMessage( hParent, WM_COMMANDEX, wParam, (LPARAM)m_hWnd );}}return 0;}/***@method   OnLButtonUp*@brief    鼠标左键被放开消息响应函数*    *@param    UINT uMsg 消息类型*@param    WPARAM wParam*@param    LPARAM lParam*@param    BOOL& bHandled*@return   LRESULT*/LRESULT OnLButtonUp( UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled ){m_bMouseDown = false;Invalidate();bHandled = FALSE;return 0;}/***@method   OnRButtonUp*@brief    鼠标左键被放开消息响应函数*    *@param    UINT uMsg 消息类型*@param    WPARAM wParam*@param    LPARAM lParam*@param    BOOL& bHandled*@return   LRESULT*/LRESULT OnRButtonUp( UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/ ){RECT rc;         // client area of window POINT pt;        // location of mouse click if (m_mnPopMenu.IsMenu() && m_wndMenuNotify.IsWindow()){// Convert the mouse position to client coordinates. GetCursorPos(&pt);::ScreenToClient(m_hWnd, &pt); ::GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rc); // If the position is in the client area, display a  // shortcut menu. if (PtInRect(&rc, pt)) { ::ClientToScreen(m_hWnd, &pt); m_mnPopMenu.TrackPopupMenuEx(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, m_wndMenuNotify.m_hWnd, NULL);return TRUE; } }return 0;}/***@method   OnEraseBKGnd*@brief    背景绘制消息函数*    *@param    UINT uMsg 消息类型*@param    WPARAM wParam*@param    LPARAM lParam*@param    BOOL& bHandled*@return   LRESULT*/LRESULT OnEraseBKGnd( UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/ ){//禁止绘制底色return 0;}private:/***@method   GetButtonTextFormat*@brief    得到Button文字的对齐方式(用DrawText()输出时的格式)*    *@param    const LONG lStyle 控件风格   *@return   UINT 用DrawText()输出时的格式  button上的字必须是一行  */UINT GetButtonTextFormat(const LONG lStyle){UINT uFormat = DT_SINGLELINE;//button上的字必须是一行//x方向if ( (lStyle & BS_CENTER)==BS_CENTER )//x方向,中uFormat |= DT_CENTER;else if ( (lStyle & BS_RIGHT)==BS_RIGHT )//x方向,右uFormat |= DT_RIGHT;else if ( (lStyle & BS_LEFT) == BS_LEFT )//x方向,左uFormat |= DT_LEFT|DT_END_ELLIPSIS;else//缺省,x中uFormat |= DT_CENTER;//y方向if ( (lStyle & BS_VCENTER ) == BS_VCENTER )//y,中uFormat |= DT_VCENTER;else if ( (lStyle & BS_TOP)==BS_TOP )//y方向,上uFormat |= DT_TOP;else if ( (lStyle & BS_BOTTOM)==BS_BOTTOM )//y方向,下uFormat |= DT_BOTTOM;else//缺省,y中uFormat |= DT_VCENTER;return uFormat;}/***@method   DrawButton*@brief    绘制按钮函数*    *@param    HDC hDC 作图设备句柄*@param    RECT itemRect 按钮位置*@return   void*/void DrawButton( HDC hDC, RECT itemRect ){HDC hdc = hDC;SetBkMode( hdc, TRANSPARENT );int width = itemRect.right - itemRect.left;int height = itemRect.bottom - itemRect.top;//         UINT itemState = GetState();//         LONG lStyle = GetWindowLong( GWL_STYLE );BOOL bIsDisabled = !IsWindowEnabled();//( ( lStyle & WS_DISABLED ) != 0 ); //是否被禁止BOOL bIsFocused = ( ::GetFocus() == m_hWnd );//        BOOL bIsPressed = ( ( itemState & ODS_SELECTED ) == ODS_SELECTED );//判断鼠标是否在按钮上CRect rc;GetWindowRect( rc );//POINT pt;//GetCursorPos( &pt );//BOOL bMouseIn = rc.PtInRect( pt );POINT pt;GetCursorPos( &pt );BOOL bMouseIn =FALSE;HWND hwnd = WindowFromPoint(pt);if(hwnd==m_hWnd){bMouseIn = TRUE;}if(m_bflagBK==TRUE){DrawBkGnd( hdc, width, height, bIsDisabled, bMouseIn, bIsFocused );}DrawForeground( hdc, width, height, bIsDisabled, bMouseIn, bIsFocused );}protected:/***@method   DrawBkGnd*@brief    绘制按钮背景函数*    *@param    HDC hDC 作图设备句柄*@param    int cx  按钮宽度*@param    int cy  按钮高度*@param    BOOL bDisabled*@param    BOOL bMoveIn*@param    BOOL bFocused*@return   void*/virtual void DrawBkGnd( HDC hDC, int cx, int cy, BOOL bDisabled, BOOL bMoveIn, BOOL bFocused ){UINT uState = CONTROL_BTN_NORMAL;//如果当前处于失效状态if( bDisabled ){if( GetImage( CONTROL_BTN_DISABLED ) )uState = CONTROL_BTN_DISABLED;}else if( bMoveIn )  //如果当前鼠标在按钮上{if( m_bMouseDown && GetImage( CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEDOWN ) ){uState = CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEDOWN;}else if( GetImage( CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEIN ) ){uState = CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEIN;}else{uState = m_uCurState;}}else if( bFocused ){if( GetImage( CONTROL_BTN_FOCUS ) ){uState = CONTROL_BTN_FOCUS;}}Image *pImage = GetImage( uState );//绘制图片if( NULL != pImage ){Graphics graph( hDC );graph.SetPageScale( 1.0 );graph.SetPageUnit( UnitPixel ); graph.SetSmoothingMode( SmoothingModeNone );//graph.DrawImage( pImage, 0, 0, cx, cy );DrawImageEx( graph, pImage, RectF(0,0,(REAL)cx,(REAL)cy), RectF(0, 0, REAL(pImage->GetWidth()), REAL(pImage->GetHeight())), 5, 5 );graph.ReleaseHDC( hDC );}m_uCurState = uState;}/***@method   DrawForeground*@brief    绘制按钮前景函数*    *@param    HDC hDC 作图设备句柄*@param    int cx  按钮宽度*@param    int cy  按钮高度*@param    BOOL bDisabled*@param    BOOL bMoveIn*@param    BOOL bFocused*@return   void*/virtual void DrawForeground( HDC hDC, int cx, int cy, BOOL bDisabled, BOOL bMoveIn, BOOL bFocused ){UINT uState = CONTROL_BTN_NORMAL;UINT uFontState = CONTROL_BTN_NORMAL;//如果当前处于失效状态if( bDisabled ){if( GetCtrlIcon( CONTROL_BTN_DISABLED ) )uState = CONTROL_BTN_DISABLED;uFontState = CONTROL_BTN_DISABLED;}else if( bMoveIn )  //如果当前鼠标在按钮上{if( m_bMouseDown ){if( GetCtrlIcon( CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEDOWN ) )uState = CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEDOWN;uFontState = CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEDOWN;}else{if( GetCtrlIcon( CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEIN ) )uState = CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEIN;uFontState = CONTROL_BTN_MOUSEIN;}}else if( bFocused ){if( GetCtrlIcon( CONTROL_BTN_FOCUS ) )uState = CONTROL_BTN_FOCUS;uFontState = CONTROL_BTN_FOCUS;}Image *pImage = GetCtrlIcon( uState );HFONT hFont = NULL; if(m_bunifyfont == TRUE) //统一使用一种字体Normal{hFont = GetStateFont( CONTROL_BTN_NORMAL );}else{hFont = GetStateFont( uFontState );    }//获得当前按钮文字CString strText;int len = GetWindowTextLength() + 1;GetWindowText( strText.GetBuffer( len ), len );strText.ReleaseBuffer();WTL::CDCHandle dc( hDC );HFONT hOldFont = dc.SelectFont( hFont );//计算文字长度      SIZE sSize;::GetTextExtentPoint32( dc.m_hDC, strText, strText.GetLength(), &sSize );CRect  textRect;if(m_dwQsStyle&BS_BTNTESTTOP){textRect = CRect( 0, 0, cx, cy - cy/2 - m_npost);}else if(m_dwQsStyle & BS_BTNTESTBOTTOM){textRect = CRect( 0, cy - cy/2 + m_npost, cx, cy);}else{textRect = CRect( 0, 0, cx, cy);}Image* pFroegroud = GetForegroudImage();//绘制前景色if(NULL != pFroegroud)  //不考虑字体显示的前景图片{Graphics graph( hDC );graph.SetPageScale( 1.0 );graph.SetPageUnit( UnitPixel ); graph.SetSmoothingMode( SmoothingModeNone );RectF rectf(m_foregrdrect.left,m_foregrdrect.top,m_foregrdrect.Width(),m_foregrdrect.Height());graph.DrawImage( pFroegroud,rectf);//DrawImageEx( graph, pImage, RectF(REAL(left), REAL(top), REAL(pImage->GetWidth()), REAL(pImage->GetHeight())), RectF(0, 0, REAL(pImage->GetWidth()), REAL(pImage->GetHeight())), 5, 5 );graph.ReleaseHDC( hDC );}//绘制图标if( NULL != pImage ){int wth = sSize.cx;wth += ( pImage->GetWidth() + 1 );//            int xtmp = cx - wth;int ytmp = cy - pImage->GetHeight();int left = 5;//( xtmp < 0 ? 0 : xtmp ) / 2;int top = ( ytmp < 0 ? 0 : ytmp ) / 2;Graphics graph( hDC );graph.SetPageScale( 1.0 );graph.SetPageUnit( UnitPixel ); graph.SetSmoothingMode( SmoothingModeNone );//graph.DrawImage( pImage, left, top );DrawImageEx( graph, pImage, RectF(REAL(left), REAL(top), REAL(pImage->GetWidth()), REAL(pImage->GetHeight())), RectF(0, 0, REAL(pImage->GetWidth()), REAL(pImage->GetHeight())), 5, 5 );graph.ReleaseHDC( hDC );textRect = CRect( left + pImage->GetWidth() + 5, 0, left + wth + 5, cy );}//绘制文字if( strText.GetLength() > 0 ){LONG lStyle = GetWindowLong( GWL_STYLE );if(m_bunifycolr == TRUE) //统一使用一种颜色Normal{dc.SetTextColor( GetFontColor( CONTROL_BTN_NORMAL ) );}else{dc.SetTextColor( GetFontColor( uFontState ) );}textRect.left = textRect.left+m_RectText.left;textRect.top = textRect.top+m_RectText.top;textRect.right = textRect.right+m_RectText.right;textRect.bottom = textRect.bottom+m_RectText.bottom;dc.DrawText( strText, -1, &textRect, GetButtonTextFormat( lStyle ) );}dc.SelectFont( hOldFont );::DeleteObject( hFont );}/***@method   DrawImageEx*@brief    *    *@param    Graphics& graph*@param    Image *pImg*@param    RectF rtfPanel*@param    RectF rtfImage*@param    REAL rWidth*@param    REAL rHeight*@return   void*/void DrawImageEx( Graphics& graph, Image *pImg, RectF rtfPanel, RectF rtfImage, REAL rWidth, REAL rHeight ){// 绘制左上角区域RectF rtfLeftUp( rtfPanel.X, rtfPanel.Y, rWidth, rHeight );graph.DrawImage( pImg, rtfLeftUp, rtfImage.X, rtfImage.Y, rWidth, rWidth, UnitPixel );// 绘制上边栏区域RectF rtfMidUp( rtfPanel.X + rWidth, rtfPanel.Y, rtfPanel.Width - 2 * rWidth, rHeight );graph.DrawImage( pImg, rtfMidUp, rtfImage.X + rWidth,rtfImage.Y,rtfImage.Width - 2 * rWidth, rHeight, UnitPixel );// 绘制右上角区域RectF rtfRightUp( rtfPanel.X + rtfPanel.Width - rWidth, rtfPanel.Y, rWidth, rHeight );graph.DrawImage( pImg, rtfRightUp, rtfImage.X + rtfImage.Width - rWidth, rtfImage.Y, rWidth, rHeight, UnitPixel );// 绘制左边区域RectF rtfLeftMid( rtfPanel.X, rtfPanel.Y + rHeight, rWidth, rtfPanel.Height - 2 * rHeight );graph.DrawImage( pImg, rtfLeftMid, rtfImage.X, rHeight, rWidth, rtfImage.Height - 2 * rHeight, UnitPixel );// 绘制中央区域RectF rtfMidMid( rtfPanel.X + rWidth, rtfPanel.Y + rHeight, rtfPanel.Width - 2 * rWidth, rtfPanel.Height - 2 * rHeight );graph.DrawImage( pImg, rtfMidMid, rtfImage.X + rWidth,rtfImage.Y + rHeight,rtfImage.Width - 2 * rWidth, rtfImage.Height - 2 * rHeight, UnitPixel );// 绘制右边区域RectF rtfRightMid( rtfPanel.X + rtfPanel.Width - rWidth, rtfPanel.Y + rHeight, rWidth, rtfPanel.Height - 2 * rHeight );graph.DrawImage( pImg, rtfRightMid, rtfImage.X +rtfImage.Width - rWidth, rtfImage.Y + rHeight, rWidth, rtfImage.Height - 2 * rHeight, UnitPixel );// 绘制左下角区域RectF rtfLeftDown( rtfPanel.X, rtfPanel.Y + rtfPanel.Height - rHeight, rWidth, rHeight );graph.DrawImage( pImg, rtfLeftDown, rtfImage.X, rtfImage.Y + rtfImage.Height - rHeight, rWidth, rWidth, UnitPixel );// 绘制下边栏区域RectF rtfMidDown( rtfPanel.X + rWidth, rtfPanel.Y + rtfPanel.Height - rHeight, rtfPanel.Width - 2 * rWidth, rHeight );graph.DrawImage( pImg, rtfMidDown, rtfImage.X + rWidth,rtfImage.Y + rtfImage.Height - rHeight,rtfImage.Width - 2 * rWidth, rHeight, UnitPixel );// 绘制右上角RectF rtfRightDown( rtfPanel.X + rtfPanel.Width - rWidth, rtfPanel.Y + rtfPanel.Height - rHeight, rWidth, rHeight );graph.DrawImage( pImg, rtfRightDown, rtfImage.X + rtfImage.Width - rWidth, rtfImage.Y + rtfImage.Height - rHeight, rWidth, rHeight, UnitPixel );}};


  1. 仿迅雷播放器教程 -- C++ windows界面库对比(11)

    从上一篇文章中可以看出,C++的界面方向还很弱,没有任何一个界面库可以一统天下,所以才造成了界面库百家争鸣的情况. 从时间上看: 1.出来最早的是QT,1991年就有了. 2.VC++ 虽然1992年 ...

  2. 【190528】VC++ 纯API自绘图形实现的XP界面库源代码

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  3. 一些界面库比较以及如何选择界面库

    记得很早的时候看了一个哥们写的界面库的使用历程,当时还挺有感触的,不断地尝试,不断地被坑,最后有两条结论: 1.自己积累界面库: 2.买就买贵的.好的,并且提前根据自己需要协商好. 今天又重看关于界面 ...

  4. 仿迅雷播放器教程 -- 权威界面库对比 (8)

    上一个教程对MFC的历史已经介绍很多了,那么界面方面该怎么选择呢? 说起界面,那真是百家争鸣.C++里面其他的都好说,像什么XML解析顶多也就十几个著名开源库而已.Office 操作的开源库仅有几个, ...

  5. 软件开发:界面库详细对比,开发工具的选择指导

    说起界面,那真是百家争鸣.C++里面其他的都好说,像什么XML解析顶多也就十几个著名开源库而已.Office 操作的开源库仅有几个,更可怜的是有个很著名的Office开源库只有JAVA和C#版本,但是 ...

  6. C++ 100款开源界面库——内容细节(现在有变动)不必深究,普及就好

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  7. C++开发之界面库资源推荐篇

    开发C++的界面,如果用MFC显得过于传统和呆板,如果是企业应用无所谓,要求没那么高,如果是互联网应用,就显得太单调了,不能容易的写出漂亮的界面,吸引眼球,像QQ,360这种客户端界面怎么开发出来的呢 ...

  8. 仿迅雷播放器教程 -- C++ 100款开源界面库 (10)

    (声明:Alberl以后说到开源库,一般都是指著名的.或者不著名但维护至少3年以上的.那些把代码一扔就没下文的,Alberl不称之为开源库,只称为开源代码.这里并不是贬低,像Alberl前面那个系列的 ...

  9. 以金山界面库(openkui)为例思考和分析界面库的设计和实现——代码结构(完)

    三年前,准备将金山界面库做一个全面的剖析.后来由于种种原因,这个系列被中断而一直没有更新.时过境迁,现在在windows上从事开发的人员越来越少,关注这块的技术的朋友也很少了.本以为这系列也随着技术的 ...

  10. 以金山界面库(openkui)为例思考和分析界面库的设计和实现——问题

    随着物质生活的丰富,人们的精神生活也越来越丰富.人们闲暇的时间也相对变多,于是很多人就开始寻找打发时间的方法.其中电视便是其中一种非常重要的消遣方式.假如我们打开电视机,看到了一个电视台正在播一部我们 ...


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