
Snapchat has “Friend Emoji” that appear next to friends you stay in touch with the most. Here is your complete guide to all the friend emoji in Snapchat, and what they mean.

Snapchat的“好友表情符号”显示在您最常联系的好友旁边。 这是有关Snapchat中所有好友表情符号及其含义的完整指南。

默认朋友表情符号是什么意思 (What The Default Friend Emoji Mean)

Snapchat considers a “Best Friend” to be someone to whom you send the most amount of snaps. You can have up to eight Best Friends in your contact list. Friend emoji denote the status of your relationship with a friend (which to Snapchat, means variations on the amount of snaps you send to one another).

Snapchat认为“最好的朋友”是向您发送最多快照的人。 您的联系人列表中最多可以有八个最好的朋友。 朋友表情符号表示您与朋友的关系状态(对Snapchat而言,意味着您彼此发送的快照数量有所不同)。

Here’s what the default friend emoji mean:


  • Baby (


    You just became friends with this person.

    宝贝( ):您刚刚与此人成为朋友。

  • Smiling Face (


    This person is one of your eight Best Friends (you’ve sent more messages to that person than to anyone else).

    微笑的面Kong ( ):此人是您的八个最好的朋友之一(您发送给该人的信息多于发送给其他人的信息)。

  • Gold Heart (


    This emoji means you and this person are each other’s number one Best Friends. You sent the most message to them, and they sent the most messages to you.

    金心( ):此表情符号表示您和此人是彼此的头号最好的朋友。 您向他们发送的邮件最多,而他们向您发送的邮件最多。

  • Red Heart (


    You and this person have been each other’s number one Best friends for two weeks in a row.

    红心 ( ):您和这个人已经连续两个星期成为彼此的头号好朋友。

  • Pink Hearts (


    You and this person have been each other’s number one Best Friends for two months in a row.

    粉红心( ):您和这个人已经连续两个月成为彼此的头号最好的朋友。

  • Smirking Face (


    You are this person’s Best Friends but they aren’t yours. In other words, they’ve sent the most messages to you, but you’ve sent the most messages to someone else.

    傻笑的脸( ):您是此人的最好的朋友,但不是您的。 换句话说,他们向您发送的邮件数量最多,但您向其他人发送的邮件数量最多。

  • Grimace Face (


    You share a Best Friend with this person. In other words, their Best Friend is also your Best Friend.

    鬼脸脸( _:您与此人分享了一个“最好的朋友”。   换句话说,他们的最佳朋友也是您的最佳朋友。

  • Sunglasses Face (


    You share a Close Friend with this person. One of your eight Best Friends is also one of this person’s eight Best Friends.

    太阳镜脸( ):您与此人分享一位密友。 您的八个最好的朋友之一也是此人的八个最好的朋友之一。

  • Fire (


    You and this person are on a Snapstreak. Next to this emoji, you’ll also see the number of days you and this person have snapped in a row. If one of you go 24 hours without snapping the other, the Snapstreak will end.

    火 ( ):您和此人正在参加Snapstreak。 在此表情符号旁边,您还将看到您和此人连续捕捉的天数。 如果你们中的一个人24小时不抓紧另一个人,则Snapstreak将结束。

  • 100 (


    You and this person have maintained a Snapstreak for 100 days.

    100( ):您和此人已将Snapstreak维持100天。

  • Hourglass (


    Your Snapstreak is going to end soon. Send a Snap, not a chat, if you want the streak to continue.

    沙漏( ):您的Snapstreak即将结束。 如果您希望连胜继续,请发送快照,而不是聊天。

  • Birthday Cake (


    This friend was born today.

    生日蛋糕 ( ):这个朋友今天出生。

Most people use the default friend emoji, but you don’t have to.


如何更改默认朋友表情符号 (How to Change the Default Friend Emoji)

If you don’t like any of the default emoji, you can set up custom emoji that might suit you better.


On the main screen of the Snapchat app, tap your profile picture at the top left.


On the profile page, tap the cog wheel at the top right.


On the Settings page, scroll down to the “Additional Services” section, and then tap the “Manage” option.


Tap “Friend Emojis” to personalize the emojis you see next to your Best Friends.


On the Friend Emojis page, tap the Friend Emoji you want to customize.


Tap the new emoji you want to use, and then tap the Back arrow to save the setting.


Snapchat friend emoji are a fun way to keep track of your friendships inside the app. They’re completely private to each user, unlike the older best friends feature that used to be in its place, so you don’t have to worry about upsetting anyone outside your top eight.

Snapchat朋友表情符号是一种有趣的方式,可以在应用程序中跟踪您的友谊。 它们对每个用户都是完全私密的,这与以前的老朋友功能不同,因此您不必担心让前八名之外的任何人感到不适。




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