Great, now you also need to understand the other party's position.

That is, what exactly do they want and need?

And what are they willing and unwilling to give up?

To do this, you can try to get the inside information, analyze their business situation and find out about their previous deal.

Why did they succeed or fail?

Everyone heads into a negotiation with a list of priorities.

It might not be written down anywhere.

It could just be a general idea like: we can't play around with price too much, but the timeline is less important.

If you know this, you have power.

You can also benefit from information about their options.

If they can't make a deal with you, do they have others waiting?

Or are you the only one who can give them what they need?

How time-sensitive is a deal?

Can they wait?

Or is that simply not an option for them?

Again, this type of information will help you immensely during the negotiation.


















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