int max+1小于0

C ++ INT_MAX宏常量 (C++ INT_MAX macro constant)

INT_MAX constant is a macro constant which is defied in climits header, it is used to get the maximum value of a signed int object, it returns the maximum value that a signed int object can store, which is 2147483647 (on 32 bits compiler).

INT_MAX常量是在climits标头中定义的宏常量,用于获取带符号的int对象的最大值,它返回带符号的int对象可以存储的最大值,即2147483647 (在32位编译器上)。



  • The actual value depends on the compiler architecture or library implementation.


  • We can also use <limits.h> header file instead of <climits> header as INT_MAX constant is defined in both of the libraries.


Syntax of INT_MAX constant:





    Constant call:
cout << INT_MAX;

C ++代码演示带有climits标头的INT_MAX常量示例 (C++ code to demonstrate example of INT_MAX constant with climits header)

// C++ code to demonstrate example of
// INT_MAX constant with climits header
using namespace std;
int main()
{//prinitng the value of INT_MAX
cout<<"INT_MAX: "<<INT_MAX<<endl;
return 0;



INT_MAX: 2147483647

C ++代码演示带有limits.h头文件的INT_MAX常量示例 (C++ code to demonstrate example of INT_MAX constant with limits.h header file)

// C++ code to demonstrate example of
// INT_MAX constant with <limits.h> header file
using namespace std;
int main()
{//prinitng the value of INT_MAX
cout<<"INT_MAX: "<<INT_MAX<<endl;
return 0;



INT_MAX: 2147483647


int max+1小于0

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