
什么是计算? (What is Computing?)

The process of accomplishing a particular task with the help of a computer or a computing device is known as computing. It should provide precise and accurate solutions, also it makes easy to find the mathematical solution of the problems.

在计算机或计算设备的帮助下完成特定任务的过程称为计算。 它应该提供精确而准确的解决方案,还可以轻松找到问题的数学解决方案。

1)软计算 (1) Soft Computing)

Soft computing deals with approximate models and gives solutions to complex real-world problems. Soft computing is an approach that gives an impression on the human mind to reason and learns in an environment of uncertainty and impression.

软计算处理近似模型,并为复杂的实际问题提供解决方案。 软计算是一种在不确定性和印象感的环境中给人以推理的印象并在其中学习的方法。

  • Soft computing deals with imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth and approximation to achieve close resemblance with human decisions.


  • The cost of the solution also very low in this kind of computing, it forms the basis of a considerable amount of machine learning techniques.


  • It is used in handwriting recognition and data compression and image processing.


Components of soft computing are as follows:


Machine learning, neural network, fuzzy logic, perception, genetic algorithms, etc.


2)硬计算 (2) Hard Computing)

Before soft computing, there is a traditional approach used in computing which needs an accurately stated analytical model proposed by Dr. Lotfi Zadeh.

在软计算之前,有一种用于计算的传统方法,它需要Lotfi Zadeh博士提出的准确陈述的分析模型。

  • It does not work on the mathematical model of problem-solving. Hard computing is suitable for mathematical problems, although it might be used to solve real-world problems, it consumes a large amount of computation time and cost. So, in this case, soft computing is a better alternative as compared to hard computing.

    它不适用于解决问题的数学模型。 硬计算适用于数学问题,尽管它可以用来解决实际问题,但它会消耗大量的计算时间和成本。 因此,在这种情况下,与硬计算相比,软计算是更好的选择。

  • Applications of hard computing are mobile robot coordination and forecasting combinational problems.


  • If we want to solve the deterministic problems, we can use a hard computing approach. As the problem grows in size and complexity, the design search space also increases.

    如果要解决确定性问题,可以使用硬计算方法。 随着问题的规模和复杂性的增加,设计搜索空间也随之增加。

软计算和硬计算之间的区别 (Differences between Soft computing and Hard computing)

  • Hard computing is very accurate and certain whereas the soft computing model is imprecision tolerant and works on partial truth and approximation.


  • Hard computing is based on a crisp system and binary logic and soft computing are based on fuzzy logic and probabilistic reasoning.


  • Hard computing works on exact input data. On the contrary soft computing works on noisy and ambiguous data.

    硬计算可用于精确的输入数据。 相反,软计算适用于嘈杂的数据。

  • Hard computing performs sequential computations while soft computing performs parallel computations on the data.


  • Hard computing provides accurate results. On the other hand, soft computing provides approximate results.

    硬计算可提供准确的结果。 另一方面,软计算可提供近似结果。

  • The nature of the hard computing approach is deterministic whereas soft computing is probabilistic.


  • Hard computing uses two-valued logic, on the other hand, soft computing uses multi-valued logic.


  • Hard computing requires programs to be written but soft computing will emerge its programs.




  • Difference Between Soft Computing and Hard Computing


  • Soft computing





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