code craft

1) Arrival Time (AT)


The time when the process arrives into the running state is called as the Arrival time of the process. In simple words, the time at which any process enter the CPU is known as the arrival time.

流程到达运行状态的时间称为流程的到达时间。 简而言之,任何进程进入CPU的时间称为到达时间。

2) Completion Time (CT)


The time when the Process is done with all its execution and it enters the termination state is called as the completion time of the process. It can be also defined as the time when a process ends.

流程完成所有执行并进入终止状态的时间称为流程的完成时间。 也可以将其定义为进程结束的时间。

3) Burst Time (BT)


The time for which the process needs to be in the running state is known as the burst time of the process. We can also define it as the time which a process requires for execution is the Burst time of the process.

流程需要处于运行状态的时间称为流程的爆发时间。 我们还可以将其定义为流程执行所需的时间是该流程的爆发时间。

4) Turn Around Time (TAT)


Turn Around time can be defined as the total time the process remains in the main memory of the system. The Ready state, Waiting for state and the Running State, together make up the main memory of the system. So, the time for which the process remains in these states is known as the Turn Around Time of the process. In simple words, it is the time that a process spends after entering the ready state and before entering the termination state.

周转时间可以定义为进程保留在系统主内存中的总时间。 就绪状态,等待状态和运行状态共同构成系统的主内存。 因此,过程保持在这些状态下的时间称为过程的周转时间。 简而言之,它是指流程在进入就绪状态之后和进入终止状态之前所花费的时间。

It can be calculated as follows:


    Turn Around Time = Completion Time – Arrival Time

5) Waiting Time (WT)


The time for which a process waits for going into the running state. It is the sum of the time spent by the process in the ready state and the waiting state. Another way of calculating it is as follows:

进程等待进入运行状态的时间。 它是过程在就绪状态和等待状态下花费的时间的总和。 另一种计算方法如下:

    Waiting Time= Turn Around Time – Burst Time

6) Response Time


The time difference between the first time a process goes into the running state and the arrival time of the process is called the response time of the process.


7) Gant Chart


The Gant chart is used to represent the currently executing process at every single unit of time. This time unit is the smallest unit of time in the processor.

Gant图表用于表示每个单个时间单位的当前执行过程。 该时间单位是处理器中最小的时间单位。


code craft

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