

Plex now offers a “Web Shows” feature in certain versions of their interface, providing access to shows from brands like TWiT, GQ, and Popular Science.

Plex现在在其界面的某些版本中提供了“网络节目”功能,可以访问TWiT,GQ和Popular Science等品牌的节目。

The new section, available in the web version of Plex, comes just months after the Plex launched a podcast directory. Both features work even if users do not set up a Plex server.

Plex的网络版本中提供了新的部分,距Plex启动播客目录仅几个月后。 即使用户未设置Plex服务器,这两个功能都可以使用。

But while the Podcasts feature offered most everything you could imagine right out of the gate, Web Shows is lacking. There are 69 shows listed right now, and 19 of those are TWiT podcasts in video form. Not exactly a replacement for Netflix or YouTube, but a start. Here’s Plex’s video pitch for the feature:

但是,尽管Podcasts功能几乎可以提供您可以想象的所有内容,但仍然缺少Web Shows。 现在列出了69个节目,其中19个是视频形式的TWiT播客。 并非完全替代Netflix或YouTube,而是一个开始。 这是该功能的Plex视频片段:

Other shows offered include Epic Meal Time, ASAPscience, Household Hacker, People are Awesome, and The Pet Collective.

提供的其他节目包括Epic Meal Time,ASAPscience,Household Hacker,People are Awesome和The Pet Collective。

The interesting thing to me here is that this feature doesn’t require a Plex server, or anything other than an account. This combined with the Podcasts and News feature suggest to me the company would like to move users beyond the server-client model and start using features controlled by Plex directly. It makes sense: Plex Servers are more-or-less pirate havens, and presumably Plex would like to shed that reputation and start working with entertainment companies directly.

对我而言,有趣的是,此功能不需要Plex服务器,也不需要帐户。 这与Podcasts和News功能相结合,向我暗示了该公司希望将用户转移到服务器-客户端模型之外,并开始直接使用由Plex控制的功能。 这是有道理的:Plex服务器或多或少是海盗的避风港,大概Plex希望摆脱这种声誉并直接与娱乐公司合作。

This is probably part of why Plex killed the plugin directory last week—the company doesn’t want to be perceived as a piracy application like Kodi (unfairly) is. It will be interesting to see if this ongoing pivot works, and to what extent the current user base goes along with it.

这可能是Plex上周杀死了插件目录的原因之一-该公司不想像Kodi(不公平)那样被视为盗版应用程序。 有趣的是,这个持续不断的枢纽能否奏效,以及当前用户群的发展程度如何。




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