
Looking for an easy way to access and manage your Delicious Bookmarks collection with minimal UI impact? Now you can with SimpleDelicious for Firefox.

是否正在寻找一种简单的方法来访问和管理您的Delicious Bookmarks收藏,而对UI的影响最小? 现在,您可以使用SimpleDelicious for Firefox。



Once you have the extension installed, the first thing that you should do is go to the options for the extension. There are two tabs in the options…the first is for entering your Delicious User Name and Password.

一旦安装了扩展程序,首先要做的就是转到扩展程序的选项。 选项中有两个选项卡……第一个选项卡用于输入您的Delicious用户名和密码。

And for the moment, the second tab displays as empty. This could be in preparation for future features to be added to the extension.

现在,第二个选项卡显示为空。 这可能是为将来要添加到扩展中的功能做准备。

All that you will need to do in the options is enter your account information and click “OK”.


The SimpleDelicious Menu


The extension does a wonderful job of having minimal impact on your UI…all that is added is a new Menu item at the end of your Menu Bar (very nice!).

该扩展做了出色的工作,它对您的UI的影响极小……仅在菜单栏末尾添加了一个新的菜单项(非常好! )。

Here is a look at what the menu looks like. Notice that the commands that you need are listed at the very top. If you happen to have a lot of bookmarks, then small navigation-scrolling arrows are provided at the top and bottom of the menu.

这是菜单的外观。 请注意,您所需的命令在最顶部列出。 如果您碰巧有很多书签,则菜单顶部和底部会显示小的导航滚动箭头。

SimpleDelicious in Action


To save a webpage to your Delicious Bookmarks, click on “Bookmark this Page” in the SimpleDelicious Menu. You will see the following window open up with the URL and webpage named already filled in. All that you have to do is finish adding any details that you would like and click “Save”. To see your new bookmark in the SimpleDelicious Menu, click on “Refresh Bookmarks”.

要将网页保存到您的美味书签,请在SimpleDelicious菜单中单击“为此页面添加书签”。 您将看到以下打开的窗口,其中已填入URL和已命名的网页。您要做的就是完成添加所需的任何详细信息,然后单击“保存”。 要在SimpleDelicious菜单中查看新书签,请单击“刷新书签”。

Note: The odd coding display in the upper left corner showed up on all Firefox installations (regular install and portable) on our example system, but had absolutely no effect on how nicely the extension worked.


After refreshing the bookmarks using the SimpleDelicious Menu, there is our new bookmark ready to go.




If you feel that the official Delicious Bookmarks extension has a lot more features than you want, then SimpleDelicious can be a perfect fit for your needs. It is easy to work with, has little impact on your UI, and really gets the job done! Have fun!

如果您觉得官方的美味书签扩展具有比您想要的功能更多的功能,那么SimpleDelicious可以非常适合您的需求。 它易于使用,对用户界面的影响很小,确实可以完成工作! 玩得开心!



Download the SimpleDelicious extension (Mozilla Add-ons)


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/3743/access-and-manage-your-delicious-bookmarks-the-easy-way/



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