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If you’re a fan of Microsoft Bing as your search engine, you might be interested in trying out the new Bing Bar. Today we look at this toolbar which you can add to Internet Explorer and Firefox, and offers a lot of functionality with Bing and Microsoft Live services.

如果您喜欢Microsoft Bing作为搜索引擎,则可能有兴趣尝试新的Bing Bar。 今天,我们看一下可以添加到Internet Explorer和Firefox的工具栏,它提供了Bing和Microsoft Live服务的许多功能。

Personally I am not a fan of extra toolbars in my browsers, but the Bing Bar is actually useful, especially for the Microsoft enthusiast and in IE. It lets you check your Hotmail, view news and entertainment headlines, includes Safety Center for web browsing, and more. It replaces the often useless MSN toolbar and has some interesting features.

我个人不喜欢浏览器中多余的工具栏,但是Bing Bar实际上很有用,特别是对于Microsoft发烧友和IE。 它使您可以检查Hotmail,查看新闻和娱乐标题,包括用于浏览网页的安全中心等。 它取代了通常无用的MSN工具栏,并具有一些有趣的功能。

Bing Bar Installation


When you start the installation, there are a few Additional Options you may want to not install. For instance if you don’t think Microsoft needs to know your system information or what you’re searching for, uncheck Improve my experience.

当您开始安装时,您可能不想安装一些其他选项。 例如,如果您不认为Microsoft不需要知道您的系统信息或要搜索的内容,请取消选中“ 改善我的经验”

After it’s installed, you can easily start searching using their default buttons. In this example we’re looking at Business news, and the popular headlines show with a brief description and picture. You can also search Bing from the search box located at the of the window.

安装后,您可以使用其默认按钮轻松开始搜索。 在此示例中,我们正在查看商业新闻,流行的标题显示了简短的说明和图片。 您也可以从窗口的搜索框中搜索“必应”。

It allows you to customize the buttons you want to show on the bar. You can also slide them around to different positions, similar to how you can in the Taskbar in Windows 7.

它允许您自定义要在栏上显示的按钮。 您也可以将它们滑动到不同的位置,类似于Windows 7中的任务栏中的操作。

It let’s you check the weather, videos, entertainment and a lot more directly from the toolbar.


You can customize it with different colors and themes to match customizations.


The Safety Center will prevent pop-ups and included Phishing protections.


It provides private browsing with the click of a button.


It makes it easy to access different services with your Windows Live account like your photos, email, and SkyDrive.

通过Windows Live帐户,可以轻松访问不同的服务,例如照片,电子邮件和SkyDrive。

Sign in to your Live account and it will allow you to check your email messages directly from the bar.


Here is an example of how it looks in Firefox. One thing that takes getting used to is the large Bing search box. It would be nice if there were a way to resize or customize it more.

这是一个在Firefox中外观的示例。 需要适应的一件事是大型Bing搜索框。 如果有一种方法可以调整大小或自定义它,那就太好了。

Unfortunately it installs itself into Firefox by default, so you’ll need to go into Add-ons and disable it.




The Bing Bar is a drastic improvement over the MSN Toolbar and is nicely laid out and using it is pretty fluid. One problem I noticed is sometimes it can cause your browser to load slow while it connects to the services. If you find that it’s taking up too much real estate on your screen you can always hide it, then display it when you need to use it. I didn’t find it too appealing when using Firefox but in IE it’s actually kind of neat. It’s definitely not something that everyone will want in their browser (Firefox users come to mind), but if you’re a regular user of Bing and Microsoft Live services, you might want to give it a try. It works with XP, Vista, and Windows 7. You’ll need IE 6 or later or Firefox 3.0 or later.

Bing Bar是对MSN Toolbar的巨大改进,布局合理,使用起来非常流畅。 我注意到的一个问题是,有时它可能会导致浏览器在连接到服务时加载缓慢。 如果发现屏幕上的房地产占用过多,则可以随时隐藏它,然后在需要使用时显示它。 使用Firefox时,我觉得它不太吸引人,但是在IE中,它实际上很整洁。 绝对不是每个人都希望在其浏览器中使用(Firefox用户会想到),但是如果您是Bing和Microsoft Live服务的常规用户,则不妨尝试一下。 它适用于XP,Vista和Windows7。您将需要IE 6或更高版本或Firefox 3.0或更高版本。

Download Bing Bar



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live555 单个访问_新的必应栏提供了对搜索和Microsoft Live Services的轻松访问相关推荐

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