Normally we try and focus on articles about how to customize your computer, but today we’ll take a break from that and do a book review. This is something I’ve not done before, so any suggestions or questions will be welcomed in the comments.

通常,我们尝试着重于有关如何自定义计算机的文章,但是今天我们将休息一会儿并进行书评。 这是我之前从未做过的事情,因此任何建议或问题都会在评论中受到欢迎。

Book Information


Title Just the Computer Essentials
Tag A Plain-English, No-Nonsense Guide to Buying and Maintaining a PC Running the Windows Vista Operating System for Your Home or Home Office
Author James A. White
Topics Windows Vista, Computer Basics, Security
Price $18.21 on Amazon
Pages 288
ISBN 0979297168
标题 只是计算机基础知识
标签 面向您的家庭或家庭办公室的购买和维护运行Windows Vista操作系统的PC的普通英语指南
作者 詹姆斯·怀特
主题 Windows Vista,计算机基础,安全性
价钱 亚马逊上的18.21美元
页数 288
书号 0979297168
  • The Good


    There’s tons of good information on backing up and restoring your computer, and what to do in the event of a problem or total system crash.


  • The BadThe book could have focused more on what to do in the event of a massive spyware infestation, a much more common problem for regular users. Also, there’s no mention of the How-To Geek… what’s up with that? =)

    坏人该书本可以将更多的重点放在万一间谍软件泛滥的情况下该怎么办,这对于普通用户来说是一个更为常见的问题。 此外,也没有提到“如何做极客”……这是怎么回事? =)

  • The Bottom LineThis book is an excellent guide for less experienced users to keeping your computer safe and backed up. It’s really not geared towards either geeks or people unfamiliar with computers.

    底线本书为经验不足的用户提供了一个很好的指南,帮助您保护计算机的安全并进行备份。 实际上,它既不适合极客或不熟悉计算机的人。



The book starts out with some chapters geared towards beginners: explaining basic concepts such as computer internals… hard drives, bits, bytes, processors, etc. It moves on to an explanation of how wireless works, and moves into the basics of operating systems and software.


The next section gives the reader an overview of anti-virus, spyware, firewalls and the importance of using good passwords. There’s some good information here for novices, although personally I think there could have been more considering this area is the biggest problem for regular users.

下一节将为读者提供反病毒,间谍软件,防火墙的概述,以及使用正确密码的重要性。 对于新手来说,这里有一些很好的信息,尽管我个人认为考虑到这一领域对于普通用户而言是最大的问题,可能还有更多信息。

The book moves further into the area of backups, using Windows backup and system restore. This is really the best part of the book, as the author walks you through what to backup and how to automate it, as well as what you should do when your computer crashes, from System Restore down to reinstalling and restoring backups.

本书使用Windows备份和系统还原功能进一步介绍了备份领域。 从作者从系统还原到重新安装和还原备份的过程中,作者将逐步指导您进行备份,自动备份以及计算机崩溃时应采取的措施,这确实是本书的最佳部分。

The final section of the book explains how to migrate from an old XP computer to your new Vista computer, using either an external hard drive or the “Easy Transfer” cable process.




This book would be helpful for that one relative that calls you all the time to fix things. You know who I’m talking about.

这本书对于一直打电话给您解决问题的亲戚很有帮助。 你知道我在说谁。

Getting a Copy


You’ll note that there’s an affiliate code in this link to Amazon, so if you buy with this link the author of the book will make a few extra cents on the transaction.


Just the Computer Essentials on



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