git push命令

The git push command allows you to send (or push) the commits from your local branch in your local Git repository to the remote repository.

git push命令允许您将提交(或推送 )从本地Git存储库中的本地分支发送到远程存储库。

To be able to push to your remote repository, you must ensure that all your changes to the local repository are committed.


This command’s syntax is as follows:


git push <repo name> <branch name>

There are a number of different options you can pass with the command, you can learn more about them in the Git documentation or run git push --help.

您可以通过命令传递许多不同的选项,可以在Git文档中了解有关它们的更多信息,或运行git push --help

推送到特定的远程存储库和分支 (Push to a Specific Remote Repository and Branch)

In order to push code, you must first clone a repository to your local machine.


# Once a repo is cloned, you'll be working inside of the default branch (the default is `master`)
git clone<git-user>/<repo-name> && cd <repo-name>
# make changes and stage your files (repeat the `git add` command for each file, or use `git add .` to stage all)
git add <filename>
# now commit your code
git commit -m "added some changes to my repo!"
# push changes in `master` branch to github
git push origin master

To learn more about branches check out the links below:


  • git checkout


  • git branch


推送到特定的远程存储库及其中的所有分支 (Push to a Specific Remote Repository and All Branches in it)

If you want to push all your changes to the remote repository and all branches in it, you can use:


git push --all <REMOTE-NAME>

in which:


  • --all is the flag that signals that you want to push all branches to the remote repository


  • REMOTE-NAME is the name of the remote repository you want to push to


推入具有力参数的特定分支 (Push to a specific branch with force parameter)

If you want to ignore the local changes made to Git repository at Github(Which most of developers do for a hot fix to development server) then you can use —force command to push by ignoring those changs.


git push --force <REMOTE-NAME> <BRANCH-NAME>

in which:


  • REMOTE-NAME is the name of the remote repository to which you want to push the changes to


  • BRANCH-NAME is the name of the remote branch you want to push your changes to


推忽略Git的预推钩 (Push ignoring Git’s pre-push hook)

By default git push will trigger the --verify toggle. This means that git will execute any client-side pre-push script that may have been configured. If the pre-push scripts fails, so will the git push. (Pre-Push hooks are good for doing things like, checking if commit messages confirm to company standards, run unit tests etc…). Occasionally you may wish to ignore this default behavior e.g. in the scenario where you wish to push your changes to a feature branch for another contributor to pull, but your work-in-progress changes are breaking unit tests. To ignore the hook, simply input your push command and add the flag --no-verify

默认情况下, git push将触发--verify切换。 这意味着git将执行可能已配置的任何客户端预推脚本。 如果预推送脚本失败,则git push也将失败。 (Pre-Push挂钩非常适合执行诸如检查提交消息是否符合公司标准,运行单元测试等操作)。 有时,您可能希望忽略此默认行为,例如,在您希望将更改推送到功能分支以供其他贡献者提取但正在进行的更改破坏了单元测试的情况下。 要忽略该钩子,只需输入您的push命令并添加标志--no-verify

git push --no-verify

更多信息: (More Information:)

  • Git documentation - push


  • Git hooks



git push命令

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