
This series of articles is devoted to the study of the construction activity of the main city of Silicon Valley — San Francisco. Charts and calculations were built with the help of Jupyter Notebook (Kaggle)

该系列文章专门研究硅谷主要城市旧金山的建筑活动。 借助Jupyter Notebook (Kaggle)构建图表和计算

Data on more than a million building permits (records in two datasets) acquired from the San Francisco Construction Department allow us to analyze not only the construction activity in the city, but also critically examine the latest trends and development history of the construction industry over the past 40 years, from 1980 to 2019 (section “Annual Construction Activity in San Francisco”).

从旧金山建筑局获得的超过一百万份建筑许可的数据(两个数据集中的记录) 使我们不仅可以分析城市的建筑活动,而且可以严谨地检查建筑业在该城市的最新趋势和发展历史。从1980年到2019年的40年(“旧金山年度建筑活动”部分)。

The movement of activity in the construction industry in San Francisco almost completely coincides with the growth schedule for gold and bitcoin (section “The future of the San Francisco construction industry, pattern prediction”)

旧金山建筑行业的活动变化几乎与黄金和比特币的增长时间表一致 (“旧金山建筑行业的未来,模式预测”部分)

Open data provides an opportunity to explore the main factors that have influenced and will have an effect on the development of the construction industry in the city, dividing them into “external” (economic booms and crises) and “internal” (the effect of holidays and seasonal-annual cycles).


内容: (Content:)

  1. Open data and overview of initial parameters打开数据并查看初始参数
  2. Annual Construction Activity in San Francisco旧金山年度建筑活动
  3. Expectation and reality in drawing up the estimated cost编制估计费用的期望和现实
  4. Construction activity depending on the season of the year建筑活动取决于一年中的季节
  5. Total San Francisco Real Estate Investments旧金山房地产投资总额
  6. Areas of San Francisco that have received more investments over the past 40 years在过去40年中,旧金山地区获得了更多投资
  7. Average estimated cost of application by city district按市区划分的平均估计申请费用
  8. Monthly and Daily statistics on the total number of applications每月和每日统计的申请总数
  9. The future of the San Francisco construction industry旧金山建筑业的未来

1.打开数据并查看初始参数。 (1. Open data and overview of initial parameters.)

San Francisco building permit data — taken from the open data portal — data.sfgov.org. The portal has several datasets on the topic of construction. Two such datasets store and update data on permits issued for the construction or repair of facilities in the city:

旧金山建筑许可数据-从开放数据门户获取-data.sfgov.org。 该门户网站具有关于建筑主题的多个数据集。 两个这样的数据集存储和更新有关为城市中的设施的建设或维修而签发的许可证的数据:

  • Building permits for the period 1980–2013 (850 thousand records)

    1980-2013年的建筑许可 (85万条记录)

  • Building permits for the period after 2013 (280 thousand records, data are downloaded and updated weekly)

    2013年之后的建筑许可 (28万条记录,每周下载和更新数据)

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