
This banking data was retrieved from Kaggle and there will be a breakdown on how the dataset will be handled from EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) to Machine Learning algorithms.


脚步: (Steps:)

  1. Identification of variables and data types识别变量和数据类型
  2. Analyzing the basic metrics分析基本指标
  3. Non-Graphical Univariate Analysis非图形单变量分析
  4. Graphical Univariate Analysis图形单变量分析
  5. Bivariate Analysis双变量分析
  6. Correlation Analysis相关分析

资料集: (Dataset:)

The dataset that will be used is from Kaggle. The dataset is a bank loan dataset, making the goal to be able to detect if someone will fully pay or charge off their loan.

将使用的数据集来自Kaggle 。 该数据集是银行贷款数据集,其目标是能够检测某人是否将完全偿还或偿还其贷款。

The dataset consist of 100,000 rows and 19 columns. The predictor (dependent variable) will be “Loan Status,” and the features (independent variables) will be the remaining columns.

数据集包含100,000行和19列。 预测变量(因变量)将为“贷款状态”,要素(因变量)将为剩余的列。

变量识别: (Variable Identification:)

The very first step is to determine what type of variables we’re dealing with in the dataset.



We can see that there are some numeric and string (object) data types in our dataset. But to be certain, you can use:

我们可以看到我们的数据集中有一些数字和字符串(对象)数据类型。 但可以肯定的是,您可以使用:

df.info()  # Shows data types for each column

This will give you further information about your variables, helping you figure out what will need to be changed in order to help your machine learning algorithm be able to interpret your data.


分析基本指标 (Analyzing Basic Metrics)

This will be as simple as using:



This allows you to look at certain metrics, such as:


  1. Count — Amount of values in that column计数-该列中的值数量
  2. Mean — Avg. value in that column均值-平均 该列中的值
  3. STD(Standard Deviation) — How spread out your values areSTD(标准偏差)—您的价值观分布如何
  4. Min — The lowest value in that column最小值-该列中的最小值
  5. 25% 50% 70%— Percentile25%50%70%—百分位数
  6. Max — The highest value in that column最大值-该列中的最大值

From here you can identify what your values look like, and you can detect if there are any outliers.


From doing the .describe() method, you can see that there are some concerning outliers in Current Loan Amount, Credit Score, Annual Income, and Maximum Open Credit.


非图形单变量分析 (Non-Graphical Univariate Analysis)

Univariate Analysis is when you look at statistical data in your columns.


This can be as simple as doing df[column].unique() or df[column].value_counts(). You’re trying to get as much information from your variables as possible.

这可以像执行df [column] .unique()或df [column] .value_counts()一样简单。 您正在尝试从变量中获取尽可能多的信息。

You also want to find your null values



This will show you the amount of null values in each column, and there are an immense amount of missing values in our dataset. We will look further into the missing values when doing Graphical Univariate Analysis.

这将向您显示每列中的空值数量,并且我们的数据集中有大量的缺失值。 在进行图形单变量分析时,我们将进一步研究缺失值。

图形单变量分析 (Graphical Univariate Analysis)

Here is when we look at our variables using graphs.


We can use a bar plot in order to look at our missing values:


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5))x = df.isna().sum().indexy = df.isna().sum()ax.bar(x=x, height=y)ax.set_xticklabels(x, rotation = 45)plt.tight_layout();

Moving past missing values, we can also use histograms to look at the distribution of our features.


df["Years of Credit History"].hist(bins=200)
Histogram of Years of Credit History

From this histogram you are able to detect if there are any outliers by seeing if it is left or right skew, and the one that we are looking at is a slight right skew.


We ideally want our histograms for each feature to be close to a normal distribution as possible.


# Checking credit scoredf["Credit Score"].hist(bins=30)

As we do the same thing for Credit Score, we can see that there is an immense right skew that rest in the thousands. This is very concerning because for our dataset, Credit Score is supposed to be at a 850 cap.

当我们对信用评分执行相同的操作时,我们可以看到存在成千上万的巨大右偏。 这非常令人担忧,因为对于我们的数据集而言,信用评分应设置为850上限。

Lets take a closer look:


# Rows with a credit score greater than 850, U.S. highest credit score.df.loc[df["Credit Score"] > 850]
Using loc method to see rows with a Credit Score higher than 850

When using the loc method you are able to see all of the rows with a credit score greater than 850. We can see that this might be a human error because there are 0’s added on to the end of the values. This will be an easy fix once we get to processing the data.

使用loc方法时,您可以看到所有信用评分大于850的行。我们可以看到这可能是人为错误,因为在值的末尾添加了0。 一旦我们开始处理数据,这将是一个简单的修复。

Another way to detect outliers are to use box plots and scatter plots.


fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 3)# Setting height and width of subplotsfig.set_figheight(15)fig.set_figwidth(30)# Adding spacing between boxesfig.tight_layout(h_pad=True, w_pad=True)sns.boxplot(bank_df["Number of Open Accounts"], ax=ax[0, 0])sns.boxplot(bank_df["Current Loan Amount"], ax=ax[0, 1])sns.boxplot(bank_df["Monthly Debt"], ax=ax[0, 2])sns.boxplot(bank_df["Years of Credit History"], ax=ax[1, 0])sns.boxplot(bank_df["Months since last delinquent"], ax=ax[1, 1])sns.boxplot(bank_df["Number of Credit Problems"], ax=ax[1, 2])sns.boxplot(bank_df["Current Credit Balance"], ax=ax[2, 0])sns.boxplot(bank_df["Maximum Open Credit"], ax=ax[2, 1])sns.boxplot(bank_df["Bankruptcies"], ax=ax[2, 2])sns.boxplot(bank_df["Tax Liens"], ax=ax[3, 0])plt.show()
Box plot of all numerical columns
fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 3)# Setting height and width of subplotsfig.set_figheight(15)fig.set_figwidth(30)# Adding spacing between boxesfig.tight_layout(h_pad=True, w_pad=True)sns.scatterplot(data=bank_df["Number of Open Accounts"], ax=ax[0, 0])sns.scatterplot(data=bank_df["Current Loan Amount"], ax=ax[0, 1])sns.scatterplot(data=bank_df["Monthly Debt"], ax=ax[0, 2])sns.scatterplot(data=bank_df["Years of Credit History"], ax=ax[1, 0])sns.scatterplot(data=bank_df["Months since last delinquent"], ax=ax[1, 1])sns.scatterplot(data=bank_df["Number of Credit Problems"], ax=ax[1, 2])sns.scatterplot(data=bank_df["Current Credit Balance"], ax=ax[2, 0])sns.scatterplot(data=bank_df["Maximum Open Credit"], ax=ax[2, 1])sns.scatterplot(data=bank_df["Bankruptcies"], ax=ax[2, 2])sns.scatterplot(data=bank_df["Tax Liens"], ax=ax[3, 0])plt.show()
Scatter plot of numeric data

相关分析 (Correlation Analysis)

Correlation is when you want to detect how one variable reacts to another. What you don’t want is multicollinearity and to check for that you can use:

关联是当您要检测一个变量对另一个变量的React时。 您不想要的是多重共线性,并且可以使用以下方法进行检查:

# Looking at mulitcollinearitysns.heatmap(df.corr())

翻译自: https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/bank-data-eda-step-by-step-67a61a7f1122




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