软件设计师中级 百度知道

… and no, it doesn’t have to be how to code.


Here are a few points that have helped me assess what technical knowledge is necessary for designers to be successful.


为什么设计师不必知道如何编码 (Why it’s not necessary for designers to know how to code)

One very simple reason: division of labor.

一个很简单的原因: 分工

I’m not saying designers won’t benefit greatly from adding code to their skill set, but in my experience, this question arises mostly when the outcome of the production team doesn’t match the design specifications.


Nonetheless, like in team sports, the worst you can do when your team is underperforming is to take over your teammates’ roles — whether or not you are actually capable of doing it. Focus on yours and trust them to do theirs.

但是,就像在团队运动中一样,当团队表现不佳时,最糟糕的事情是接管队友的角色-无论您是否真的有能力做到这一点。 专注于您的相信他们会做他们的

相反,知道你的媒介 (Instead, know your medium)

Like print designers should know how a professional printer works, digital designers should have a deep understanding of what’s possible to create in their field, whether it’s an operating system or web browsers.

就像印刷设计师应该知道专业打印机的工作原理一样,数字设计师应该对自己领域中可以创建的内容深刻的了解 ,无论是操作系统还是Web浏览器。

尽可能可行地建造 (Possible as in what’s feasible to build)

Design tools and web browsers are different, and most design tools are not code-based nor rendered by a browser engine. Don’t create an image of something that is impossible to code.

设计工具和Web浏览器不同,大多数设计工具不是基于代码的,也不是由浏览器引擎提供的。 不要创建无法编码的图像。

*Side note on the relative notion of possible/impossible in this context: in the tech world, almost anything is possible. It’s more a question of is it worth the time and resources, given the constraints of your project.

*在此情况下有关可能/不可能的相对概念的旁注:在技​​术世界中, 几乎所有可能都是可能的 。 考虑到项目的限制,这是否值得花费时间和资源呢?

If you take the context of the web, for example, it is fluid, dynamic, animated… Different people with different capabilities and different devices are accessing the Internet all over the world. Creating one static image is most certainly not going to be enough, because you won’t be in control of the end product that your user will experience.

例如,如果以网络为背景,则它是动态的,动态的,充满活力的……具有不同功能和设备的不同人正在访问Internet。 创建一个静态图像肯定是不够的,因为您将无法控制用户将体验到的最终产品。

可能与当前可用的一样 (Possible as in what’s currently available)

This is the other side of the coin: almost every day new functionalities are added to the field, new ways to solve your users’ problems. Developers should learn how to implement them, and designers should know they exist, and when to use them.

这就是问题的另一面:几乎每天都有新功能添加到该领域,这是解决用户问题的新方法。 开发人员应该学习如何实现它们, 设计人员应该知道它们的存在以及何时使用它们

Don’t get blocked by what I call the mechanic syndrome: letting somebody else’s technical knowledge dampen your creativity by telling you that something is not possible to achieve — or too expensive. You should know and have a basic understanding of what needs to happen to execute your vision.

不要被我所说的机械综合症所束缚 :让别人的技术知识告诉你不可能实现的事情或太昂贵,从而削弱了你的创造力。 您应该了解并基本了解执行愿景需要做什么。

而且不要忘记逻辑 (And don’t forget logic)

That’s another technical bit that designers should master because the digital world is also a very logical one.


Do you know what’s the difference between “a AND b”, and “a OR b”?

您知道“ a AND b”和“ a OR b”有什么区别吗?

Logic will help you define all of the cases needed for your users’ flows and not forget edge cases, empty states, user and system errors…


结论 (In conclusion)

I think production teams in the digital space would greatly benefit from more overlapping between designers and developers, and having more people in the middle — call them UX Engineers, Creative technologists, or whatever you like.

我认为,数字空间生产团队将从设计师和开发人员之间的更多重叠中受益 ,并将更多的人引入中间,他们将被称为UX工程师,创意技术人员或您喜欢的任何人。

Understanding the roles, responsibilities, and concerns of each side doesn’t mean that everybody needs to know how to do everything, but it helps to understand where everyone is coming from and what they need in order to achieve optimal collaboration.


Now that I’ve outlined what’s on a designer’s plate, next I’ll tackle the opposite direction of this two-way street, from the perspective of the developer.


翻译自: https://medium.com/ccoutzoukis/what-designers-should-know-7e643dd25a93

软件设计师中级 百度知道



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