• out of the office



  • out of office




Dear all, Thanks for your email, I'm ooo from (Date ) with limited access to email, please find my back up (email)for help. Thanks and Best regards

Hi Senders, Thanks for your email, i am out of office on(Date ). My backup is (email). If urgent, please call me via phone (Your Cell Phone Number)

OOO就是Out Of Office的缩写,不要以为缩写了,我就不认识你了。那么让我们看一下我们邮件中OOO时都有哪些表达方式。

  1. Thank you for your email. I'm out of the office and will be back at (Date of Return).During this period I will have LIMITED access to my email. For imediate assistance please contact me on my cell phone at (Your Cell Phone Number).

  2. I will be out of the office from (Starting date) until (End Date). If you need immediate assistance please contact (Contact person).

  3. I will be out of the office starting (Starting Date) through (End Date) returning (Date of Return). If you need immediate assistance during my absence, please contact ( Contacts Name) at (Contacts Email Address). Otherwise I will respond to your emails as soon as possible upon my return.

  4. Thank you for your message. I am currently out of the office, with no email access. I will be returning on ( Date of Return). If you need immediate assistance before then, you may reach me at my mobile- (Your Mobile Number).

  1. I will be out of the office this week. If you need immediate assistance while I'm away, Please email (Contacts Email Address)

  2. I will be away from (Date) until (Return Date). For urgent matters, you can contat (Contact Person)

  3. Thank you for your email. Your message is important to ( Us/Me) and (I/We) will respond as soon as possible. Thank You!


When Professor Randy Pausch took a month off work for his honeymoon, his boss at Carnegie Mellon University insisted that he be reachable. So he recorded a message for when people tried to call. On it he explained that he’d waited until 39 to get married. Then he gave the names of his new in-laws and the town they lived in, so a caller could get their number from directory assistance. Then, lastly: “If you can convince my in-laws that your emergency merits interrupting their only daughter’s honeymoon, they have our number.”

当兰迪波许(Randy Pausch)教授为了度蜜月而休假一个月时,他在卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)的老板坚持要能联系上他。因此,他为打电话找他的人录了一段语音留言。在留言中,他解释说,自己一直等到39岁才结婚。然后,他说出了自己岳父母的名字及他们居住的小镇,这样来电者可以从查号服务台查到他们的电话号码。最后他说:“如果你能说服我岳父母,你的紧急情况值得打断他们的独女的蜜月,他们有我们的电话。”

I was thinking about this clever out-of-office notification as I tried to construct my own in email form. Prof Pausch’s honeymoon message is a story from a more technologically innocent age — it was about 15 years ago, which is at least 100 in internet years. Back then, aside from the hurdles put in place by determined honeymooners, there were also plausible reasons to be out of touch. Now, technology is so good that it’s ruined our favourite excuses for not being reachable. Writing that one has “limited” or “intermittent” access to email is usually no more than a declaration that one intends to be choosy about dealing with it.


But this is only half the story. The other is that technology, particularly when it comes to the out-of-office message, hasn’t kept up. There’s a robot that walks like a dog and cars drive themselves, so why don’t we have smarter ways to manage time spent away from work?


An obvious improvement would be to add functionality to email clients that spreadsheet software has had for years: warnings that self-referential loops, aka “circular references”, have been created. This affliction hits parts of Europe especially hard in August. Person A is out of the office, please contact Person B if it’s urgent. Person B says the same, refers emailer to Person C in an emergency. Person C refers to Person A. It is either a clever ruse or poor planning, but given that everyone is already emotionally and mentally, if not physically, out of the door when they set this up, it’s probably the latter.


From this it logically follows that any new out-of-office technology would have to respect the fact that having high quality time off is a team effort. So one of the top features for development should be a warning that pops up when you’re about to email someone from whom you’ve already received an out-of-office. The system will be smart enough to consider the dates that the holiday-maker said they were away in their email. This isn’t my idea. It’s covered by a US patent filed (grant pending) in 2006 that’s owned by IBM.


I’d like it to go one further by having it hook up with an email scheduling service, giving you the option to forward the conversation to the well-slept sod on the day of their return in order to make absolutely clear that yes, they were right to wish that they could have just stayed in the Lake District forever.

我想更进一步,让这一功能与电子邮件日程安排服务相连接,让你可以选择可以将邮件推迟至那个正在享受充足睡眠的讨厌鬼回来上班的那天发送,以清楚地表明,是的,他们本想永远待在湖区(Lake District)不回来的想法是正确的。

Provided colleagues heeded the warnings, such functionality would be a boon to those of us who have poor self-control when it comes to unplugging from the Matrix. It would also, however, provide the added bonus of making it abundantly clear who the most and least helpful people are when we are attempting down time.


Perhaps in the year after the release of a new add-in to Gmail or Outlook that provides this tool, the survey for the 100 Best Companies to Work For could include a Jerk Index measuring the number of out-of-office notices heeded versus overridden.

也许在提供这种工具的Gmail或Outlook新插件发布之后,对100家最佳雇主(Best Companies to Work For)的调查可能包括一项“傻瓜指数”(Jerk Index)——测算 “不在办公室通知”被听从的与被无视的数量之比。

The next new feature would generate a public plausibility score for a given out-of-office message. If the message says “intermittent access” but the person is replying to messages at a rate that implies that they want an excuse not to spend time with their family, their plausibility score would be near zero.


If the message says “no access” and the person replies to anything, this system will send them an image of US talk-show host Maury Povich along with the text: “Your out-of-office said that you wouldn’t be replying to emails. The fact that you replied determined that was a lie.”

如果留言说“无法访问”邮箱,而此人又回复所有邮件,该系统将给他们发送一张美国脱口秀主持人莫里波维奇(Maury Povich)的照片,并附上文字:“你的‘不在办公室’留言说你不会回复邮件。而你回复了,说明那是一个谎言。”

As for my own message, I decided on something non-committal. Until technology catches up, I might as well keep my options open. Oh, and I left Person B out of it. He’s not in anyway.


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