HM-3220: Create a Hexahedral Mesh(创建一个六面体网格)

Solids are geometric entities that define a three-dimensional volume. The use ofsolid geometry is helpful when dividing a part into multiple volumes. For example, divide apart into simple, mappable regions to hex mesh the part. Use the Solid Map panel to create amesh of solid elements in a solid geometric volume.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a hexahedral mesh using the Solid mapfunction by one volume and multisolid method.

This exercise uses the file, which can be found in the file. Copy the file from this directory to your workingdirectory.


本练习使用solid_map。Hm文件,可以在Hm .zip文件中找到。将该文件从此目录复制到您的工作目录。)

Step 1. Open the Model File

In this step you will open the model file,

  1. Start HyperMesh Desktop.
  2. From the menu bar, click File > Open > Model.
  3. In the Open Model dialog, open the model file.

Step 2. Mesh the Sphere Region(步骤2。球面区域网格划分)

In this step you will mesh the 1/8th sphere-shaped region.(在这一步中,你将网格1/8的球形区域。)

  1. Shade the model’s geometry and surface edges by clicking onthe Visualization toolbar.
  2. Open the Solid Map Mesh panel by clicking Mesh > Create > Solid Map Mesh from the menu bar.
  3. Go to the one volume subpanel.
  4. Under along parameters, type 1 in the elem size=field.
  5. Activate the volume to mesh: solid entityselector.
  6. Select the small cube-shaped solid as indicated in the following image.
  7. Click mesh.
  8. Shade the model’s elements and mesh lines by clicking on the Visualization toolbar.
  9. Select the solid as indicated in the following image.
  10. Click mesh.
  11. Return to the main menu by clicking return

Step 3. Create a Shell Mesh Using Automesh(步骤3。使用Automesh创建一个Shell网格)

In this step you will create a shell mesh with the Automesh panel to control a meshpattern.

  1. Open the Automesh panel by clicking Mesh > Create > 2D AutoMesh from the menu bar.

  2. Go to the size and bias subpanel.

  3. Select the surface as indicated in the following image.

  4. Set the meshing mode to interactive.

  5. In the element size= field, type 1.000.

  6. Set the mesh type to mixed.

  7. Click mesh.
    The meshing module opens.

  8. Verify that you are in the density subpanel.

  9. In the elem density= field, type 4.

  10. Click set all to.
    All edge densities are set to 4.

  11. Click mesh.

  12. Return to the main menu by clicking return twice.

Step 4. Mesh the Solid Volume

In this step you will mesh the solid volume on which the surface mesh was created inStep 3.

  1. Open the Solid Map Mesh panel.
  2. Go to the one volume subpanel.
  3. Select the volume shown in the following image.
  4. Under along parameters, toggle elem size= to density=.
  5. In the density= field, type 10.
  6. Click mesh.
  7. Rotate the part and note how the mesh pattern created with the Automesh panelhas been used for the solid elements.

Step 5. Mesh Solid Volumes That Remain

In this step you will mesh the remaining solid volumes.

  1. Select one of the remaining unmeshed solid volumes.

Note: Make sure to select a solid adjacent to one that has already been meshedso that connectivity is maintained.

  1. Set the source shells to mixed.
  2. Under along parameters, toggle density= to elem size=.
  3. In the elem size= field, type 1.5.
  4. Click mesh.
  5. Repeat until all solid volumes are meshed.
  6. Return to the main menu by clicking return.

Step 6. Save Your Work

In this optional step you will save your work.

From the menu bar, click File > Save > Model.

Step 7. Automated Solid Map Meshing

The capability to automate the solid map meshing process is nowavailable.

Using the “Mappable” visualization mode in conjunction with the multi-solids featurewill inform you that the solid(s) are ready for solid meshing. Using themulti-solids feature will allow for all solids within the model to be meshed in onestep, provided that they are mappable.

In this section of the tutorial, you will delete all of the elements from theprevious section. You will then use the Mappable visualization mode withmulti-solids to solid mesh the part.

Step 8. Delete Elements

In this step you will delete the elements within the model.

  1. Open the Delete panel by pressing F2.
  2. Click elems >> all.
  3. Click delete entity.
  4. Return to the main menu by clicking return.

Step 9. Use the Mappable Visualization Mode

In this step you will use the mappable visualization mode.

  1. Shade the model’s geometry and surface edges by clicking onthe Visualization toolbar.

  2. From the Geometry Visualization list, select .
    HyperMesh color codes each solid torepresent its mappable state.
    Note: The goal is to ensure that each solid iseither 1-directional or 3-directional mappable.

  3. From the menu bar, click Preferences > Colors.

  4. In the Color dialog, click the Geometry tab.
    5.Optional: Under By mappable display mode (solids), click the color swatches to adjust thedisplay color of the following:
    ? Visualization for solids that can be mapped for 3D meshing inone direction.
    ? Visualization for solids that can be mapped for 3D meshing inthree directions.
    ?Ignored map: Default visualization for solids that require partitioningto become mappable.
    ?Not mappable: Visualization for solids that have been edited but stillrequire further partitioning to create mappable solids.

Note: Once in the mappable visualization mode, it is clear that there is one3-directional mappable solid and the rest are 1-directional mappable.

Step 10. Use Multi-Solid to Mesh Part

In this step you will use the multi-solid feature to mesh the part.

  1. Open the Solid Map Mesh panel.

  2. Go to the multi solids subpanel.

  3. Click solids >> all.
    All solids are selected.

  4. Set the source shells to mixed.

  5. In the elem size field, type 1.

  6. Click mesh.
    Interactive mesh mode opens.

  7. Accept the shell elements and create solid elements by clicking mesh.

Note: The solids will be sequentially solid meshed.

  1. Inspect the model and note that the mesh within the solids is correctlyequivalenced.

  2. Accept the solid element mesh and return to the Solid Map Mesh panel byclicking return.

Step 11. Sav Your Work

In this optional step you will save your work.

From the menu bar, click File > Save > Model.

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