
React class components can have hooks for several lifecycle events.


Hooks allow function components to access them too, in a different way.


During the lifetime of a component, there’s a series of events that gets called, and to each event you can hook and provide custom functionality.


What hook is best for what functionality is something we’re going to see here.


First, there are 3 phases in a React component lifecycle:


  • Mounting安装
  • Updating更新中
  • Unmounting正在卸载

Let’s see those 3 phases in detail and the methods that get called for each.


安装 (Mounting)

When mounting you have 4 lifecycle methods before the component is mounted in the DOM: the constructor, getDerivedStateFromProps, render and componentDidMount.

挂载时,在将组件挂载到DOM之前,有4种生命周期方法: constructor getDerivedStateFromPropsrendercomponentDidMount

建设者 (Constructor)

The constructor is the first method that is called when mounting a component.


You usually use the constructor to set up the initial state using this.state = ....

通常,您可以使用构造函数通过this.state = ...设置初始状态。

getDerivedStateFromProps() (getDerivedStateFromProps())

When the state depends on props, getDerivedStateFromProps can be used to update the state based on the props value.


It was added in React 16.3, aiming to replace the componentWillReceiveProps deprecated method.

它是在React 16.3中添加的,旨在替换componentWillReceiveProps不推荐使用的方法。

In this method you haven’t access to this as it’s a static method.


It’s a pure method, so it should not cause side effects and should return the same output when called multiple times with the same input.


Returns an object with the updated elements of the state (or null if the state does not change)


render() (render())

From the render() method you return the JSX that builds the component interface.


It’s a pure method, so it should not cause side effects and should return the same output when called multiple times with the same input.


componentDidMount() (componentDidMount())

This method is the one that you will use to perform API calls, or process operations on the DOM.


更新中 (Updating)

When updating you have 5 lifecycle methods before the component is mounted in the DOM: the getDerivedStateFromProps, shouldComponentUpdate, render, getSnapshotBeforeUpdate and componentDidUpdate.

更新时,在组件安装到DOM中之前有5种生命周期方法: getDerivedStateFromPropsshouldComponentUpdaterendergetSnapshotBeforeUpdatecomponentDidUpdate

getDerivedStateFromProps() (getDerivedStateFromProps())

See the above description for this method.


shouldComponentUpdate() (shouldComponentUpdate())

This method returns a boolean, true or false. You use this method to tell React if it should go on with the rerendering, and defaults to true. You will return false when rerendering is expensive and you want to have more control on when this happens.

此方法返回boolean, truefalse 。 您可以使用此方法来告知React是否应继续进行重新渲染,并且默认为true 。 当重新渲染的成本很高时,您将返回false ,并且您希望对何时发生重新控制。

render() (render())

See the above description for this method.


getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() (getSnapshotBeforeUpdate())

In this method you have access to the props and state of the previous render, and of the current render.


Its use cases are very niche, and it’s probably the one that you will use less.


componentDidUpdate() (componentDidUpdate())

This method is called when the component has been updated in the DOM. Use this to run any 3rd party DOM API or call APIs that must be updated when the DOM changes.

当组件已在DOM中更新时,将调用此方法。 使用它来运行任何第三方DOM API或在DOM更改时必须更新的调用API。

It corresponds to the componentDidMount() method from the mounting phase.


正在卸载 (Unmounting)

In this phase we only have one method, componentWillUnmount.


componentWillUnmount() (componentWillUnmount())

The method is called when the component is removed from the DOM. Use this to do any sort of cleanup you need to perform.

从DOM中删除组件时,将调用此方法。 使用此功能可以执行您需要执行的任何类型的清理。

遗产 (Legacy)

If you are working on an app that uses componentWillMount, componentWillReceiveProps or componentWillUpdate, those were deprecated in React 16.3 and you should migrate to other lifecycle methods.

如果您正在使用使用componentWillMountcomponentWillReceivePropscomponentWillUpdate的应用程序,则在React 16.3中已弃用了这些应用程序,您应该迁移到其他生命周期方法。




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