

from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox as msgroot = Tk()
# labels
Label(root, text="player1 : X", font="times 15").grid(row=0, column=1)
Label(root, text="player2 : O", font="times 15").grid(row=0, column=2)digits = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]# for player1 sign = X and for player2 sign= Y
mark = ''# counting the no. of click
count = 0panels = ["panel"] * 10def win(panels, sign):return ((panels[1] == panels[2] == panels[3] == sign)or (panels[1] == panels[4] == panels[7] == sign)or (panels[1] == panels[5] == panels[9] == sign)or (panels[2] == panels[5] == panels[8] == sign)or (panels[3] == panels[6] == panels[9] == sign)or (panels[3] == panels[5] == panels[7] == sign)or (panels[4] == panels[5] == panels[6] == sign)or (panels[7] == panels[8] == panels[9] == sign))def checker(digit):global count, mark, digits# Check which button clickedif digit == 1 and digit in digits:digits.remove(digit)##player1 will play if the value of count is even and for odd player2 will playif count % 2 == 0:mark = 'X'panels[digit] = markelif count % 2 != 0:mark = 'O'panels[digit] = markbutton1.config(text=mark)count = count + 1sign = markif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins")root.destroy()elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins")root.destroy()if digit == 2 and digit in digits:digits.remove(digit)if count % 2 == 0:mark = 'X'panels[digit] = markelif count % 2 != 0:mark = 'O'panels[digit] = markbutton2.config(text=mark)count = count + 1sign = markif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins")root.destroy()elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins")root.destroy()if digit == 3 and digit in digits:digits.remove(digit)if count % 2 == 0:mark = 'X'panels[digit] = markelif count % 2 != 0:mark = 'O'panels[digit] = markbutton3.config(text=mark)count = count + 1sign = markif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins")root.destroy()elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins")root.destroy()if digit == 4 and digit in digits:digits.remove(digit)if count % 2 == 0:mark = 'X'panels[digit] = markelif count % 2 != 0:mark = 'O'panels[digit] = markbutton4.config(text=mark)count = count + 1sign = markif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins")root.destroy()elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins")root.destroy()if digit == 5 and digit in digits:digits.remove(digit)if count % 2 == 0:mark = 'X'panels[digit] = markelif count % 2 != 0:mark = 'O'panels[digit] = markbutton5.config(text=mark)count = count + 1sign = markif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins")root.destroy()elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins")root.destroy()if digit == 6 and digit in digits:digits.remove(digit)if count % 2 == 0:mark = 'X'panels[digit] = markelif count % 2 != 0:mark = 'O'panels[digit] = markbutton6.config(text=mark)count = count + 1sign = markif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins")root.destroy()elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins")root.destroy()if digit == 7 and digit in digits:digits.remove(digit)if count % 2 == 0:mark = 'X'panels[digit] = markelif count % 2 != 0:mark = 'O'panels[digit] = markbutton7.config(text=mark)count = count + 1sign = markif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins")root.destroy()elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins")root.destroy()if digit == 8 and digit in digits:digits.remove(digit)if count % 2 == 0:mark = 'X'panels[digit] = markelif count % 2 != 0:mark = 'O'panels[digit] = markbutton8.config(text=mark)count = count + 1sign = markif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins")root.destroy()elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins")root.destroy()if digit == 9 and digit in digits:digits.remove(digit)if count % 2 == 0:mark = 'X'panels[digit] = markelif count % 2 != 0:mark = 'O'panels[digit] = markbutton9.config(text=mark)count = count + 1sign = markif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins")root.destroy()elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'):msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins")root.destroy()###if count is greater then 8 then the match has been tiedif (count > 8 and win(panels, 'X') == False and win(panels, 'O') == False):msg.showinfo("Result", "Match Tied")root.destroy()####define buttons
button1 = Button(root, width=15, font=('Times 16 bold'), height=7, command=lambda: checker(1))
button1.grid(row=1, column=1)
button2 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(2))
button2.grid(row=1, column=2)
button3 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(3))
button3.grid(row=1, column=3)
button4 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(4))
button4.grid(row=2, column=1)
button5 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(5))
button5.grid(row=2, column=2)
button6 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(6))
button6.grid(row=2, column=3)
button7 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(7))
button7.grid(row=3, column=1)
button8 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(8))
button8.grid(row=3, column=2)
button9 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(9))
button9.grid(row=3, column=3)root.mainloop()



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