
2020-09-03 三人行必有我师焉

When I walk along with two (w) others, / they may serve me (j) as my teachers. / I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.

Conc: 1)物主代词弱读;2)辅元连读;3)元音遇到元音加辅音连读。

2020-09-04 Bloom

Take a trip into my garden I've got so much to show ya

The fountains and the waters are begging just to know ya

And it's true, baby

I've been saving this for you, baby

I guess it's something like a fun fair

Put gas into the motor

And boy (j) I'll meet you right there

We'll ride the rollercoaster

Cause it's true, baby

I've been saving this for you, baby

2021-09-06 The soul

Your soul needs exploration and growth. / And the (j) only way you'll get it is by forcing yourself to be (j) uncomfortable; /forcing yourself to get outside, / outta your head.

2021-09-07 Sia - Unstoppable

I'm unstoppable. / I'm a Porsche with no breaks. /

I'm invincible. / Yeah, I win every single game. /

I'm so powerful. / I don't need batteries to play.

Conc: 4) 介词弱读

2021-09-08 矢志不渝追求知识

I (j) inspire to utilize my (j) intellect fully / and never succumb to frivolities such as romance.

2021-09-09 消除傲慢与偏见最好的办法

The best way to destigmatize something is to talk about it.

2021-09-10 Teacher teaching

The mediocre teacher tells.

The good teacher (r) explains.

The superior teacher demonstrates.

The great teacher (r) inspires.

2021-09-13 试着少些批判

Try to be less judgemental when another person openly shares their thoughts, feelings and problems with you. Many machines do this already, and maybe so should we.

2021-11-15 不作为将失去活力

Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation...Even so does inaction sap the vigor (r) of the mind.

2021-11-16 独行者

Sometimes I get high. Sometimes I get low. But I'm calm as can be in a room full of strangers. But oh my, don't try to get close. I'm just gonna leave, cause baby (j) I'm a lone ranger.

2021-11-17 指责

When tragedies strike, we try to find someone to blame. And in the (j) absence of a suitable candidate, we usually blame ourselves.

2021-11-18 真诚面对自己想要的生活

I think for the most part, if you're really (j) honest with yourself about what (tf) you want out of life, life gives it to you.

2021-11-23 留着你的同情心,我早已世界为敌

Oh, the misery.

Everybody wants to be my (j) enemy.

Spare the sympathy.

Everybody wants to be my (j) enemy.

2021-11-24 只有生命是无价的

You look for treasure (r) in the wrong place. Only life is priceless, and making each day count.

2021-11-25 如何控制情绪,你就是怎样的人

Things will happen to you, things that (tf) you cannot control. Raw (r) emotion will find (d`) you. When it does, how you deal with it, what (tf) you do.../ will define who you (w) are.

2021-11-29 想要谈判,三个准备

Negotiation is not about dominating. It's about crafting a relationship. And relationships thrive when we find ways to give and to take, and move together (r) in unison.

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