
Successfully tested on Matlab R2019a and subsequent versions

注意:要求至少是Matlab R2019a或以上版本。






Principal stress lines (PSLs) based 2D stress field investigation.

The program allows to trace PSLs interactively in the saliency map of different stress components

(Inc. cartesian stress, von Mises stress, principal stress magnitude and anisotropy), or in the stress field topology visualization.


Data set:

What is the file format of the data set?

The data set is composed of two parts: the quad mesh and cartesian stress field.

The quad mesh is written in the standard .vtk DataFile Version 3.0, and cartesian stress field is appended after the mesh info. in the same file.


run StressField2D_Investigator_exported.m

‘DataSrc’ edit field ==== name of data set file without extension

‘Loading’ button ======== loading the data set and draw the silhouette of the input stress field

‘VisType’ drop-down ===== selecting the stress components to visualize

‘None’ ---------- nothing to vis. (default)

‘SigmaX’ -------- normal stress along X-dir.

‘SigmaY’ -------- normal stress along Y-dir.

‘SigmaXY’ ------- shear stress

‘Mises’ --------- von Mises stress

‘Sigma1’ -------- magnitudes of major principal stress

‘Sigma2’ -------- magnitudes of minor principal stress

‘Anisotropy’ ---- defined by log10(|Sigma1/Sigma2|), the farther away from zero,

the stronger the anisotropy (’+’: major PS dominates, ‘-’: minor PS dominates)

‘Topology’ ------ topological features of the stress field, inc. degenerate points and

topological skeletons (red dotted lines -> major principal direction, blue -> minor)

‘Alpha’ slider ========== adjusting the transparency of saliency map to highlight PSLs

(from 0 to 1, opaque to tranparent)

‘TraceMajor’ button ===== capturing cursor position, and tracing major PSL (red lines) from there

‘TraceMinor’ button ===== capturing cursor position, and tracing minor PSL (blue lines) from there

‘TraceBoth’ button ====== capturing cursor position, and tracing major & minor PSLs from there

‘UnTrace’ button ======== capturing cursor position, removing PSL closest to it

‘ClearAll’ button ======= clear workspace before loading new data set


目前只支持一阶quad mesh,在跟踪PSLs时使用恒定步长,对于单元大小相差很大的网格可能不够健壮。


Only 1st-order quad mesh is supported for now, constant step size is used in tracing PSLs, might be not robust enough for mesh with vastly different element sizes.



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