Lost your Amazon Fire TV remote again? Fear not, you can download a free app for your iPhone or Android smartphone that will let you control the device remotely. Here’s how.

再次丢失了Amazon Fire TV遥控器? 不用担心,您可以为iPhone或Android智能手机下载免费的应用程序,让您远程控制设备。 这是如何做。

First, you’ll need to download free the Amazon Fire TV app. If you have an iPhone or iPad, download it from the App Store. If you have an Android device, get the app from Google Play.

首先,您需要免费下载Amazon Fire TV应用程序。 如果您有iPhone或iPad,请从App Store下载。 如果您有Android设备,请从Google Play获取该应用。

Next, make sure you’re connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the Fire TV device you want to control. The app works through Wi-Fi, so there is no need for a direct line-of-sight operation like an IR TV remote.

接下来,确保您要连接的Fire TV设备连接到相同的Wi-Fi网络。 该应用程序通过Wi-Fi运行,因此不需要像IR TV遥控器这样的直接视线操作。

Once the app is downloaded, launch it, then sign in to your Amazon.com account. The app will present you a list of nearby Fire TV devices you can control.

下载应用程序后,启动它,然后登录到您的Amazon.com帐户。 该应用程序将向您显示附近您可以控制的Fire TV设备的列表。

Tap on the Fire TV device you’d like to control, and look at the TV hooked up to that device. It will display a four-digit code to type into your Fire TV app so the two can link up.

点按您要控制的Fire TV设备,然后查看连接到该设备的电视。 它将显示一个四位数的代码以键入到您的Fire TV应用中,以便两者可以链接起来。

This security measure is so random people who happen to be on your Wi-Fi network won’t be able to control your Fire TV.

这项安全措施可以使偶然出现在您的Wi-Fi网络上的人无法控制您的Fire TV。

Once you’re connected, you can swipe up, down, left, and right in the main touchpad-like area of the app to navigate as if you are pushing the up, down, left, and right buttons on the remote. Likewise, the Back, Home, hamburger, rewind, play/pause, and fast-forward buttons all function the same as on a physical Fire TV remote.

建立连接后,您可以在应用程序的类似于触摸板的主区域中向上,向下,向左和向右滑动,就像导航遥控器上的向上,向下,向左和向右按钮一样。 同样,“后退”,“主页”,“ 汉堡” ,“快退”,“播放/暂停”和“快进”按钮的功能均与物理Fire TV遥控器上的功能相同。

You can even search Alexa on your Fire TV using the app by pulling down on the microphone tab at the top of the screen and speaking into your device’s microphone. The results will show up on the TV.

您甚至可以使用该应用在Fire TV上搜索Alexa ,方法是下拉屏幕顶部的“麦克风”标签,然后对着设备的麦克风讲话。 结果将显示在电视上。

If you’d prefer to search using text input (or if you ever need to enter a parental control passcode), tap on the Keyboard button, and you’ll be taken to a soft keyboard screen.

如果您想使用文本输入进行搜索(或者需要输入家长控制密码 ),请点击“键盘”按钮,然后进入软键盘屏幕。

You can use the Fire TV app to control multiple Fire TV devices from all over the house—wherever you have a local Wi-Fi connection—so you don’t need to be very close to the TV set. That comes in handy if, say, you’re cooking from the kitchen and putting a show on in the other room for your kids. Or, you can convince your neighbors that you have a haunted TV set.

您可以使用Fire TV应用程序来控制整个房屋中的多个Fire TV设备(无论您具有本地Wi-Fi连接的位置),因此您不必离电视机很近。 例如,如果您要从厨房做饭,然后在另一个房间为孩子们放映节目,那将很方便。 或者,您可以说服您的邻居您有鬼的电视机。

And, if you do find your Fire TV remote again (it’s probably in the couch cushions), you can use both the app and the remote simultaneously if you want. Happy watching!

而且,如果您确实又找到了Fire TV遥控器(可能在沙发垫上),则可以同时使用该应用程序和遥控器。 观看愉快!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/671511/how-to-use-your-smartphone-as-an-amazon-fire-tv-remote/

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