FlashFXP v3.4.1 build 1154 [BETA]

心海e站 http://www.hrtsea.com

WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006

[左] 正在连接到 酷龙 -> IP= PORT=21

[左] 已连接到 酷龙

[左] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------

[左] 220-You are user number 25 of 70 allowed.

[左] 220-Local time is now 06:58. Server port: 21.

[左] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login

[左] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.

[左] 220 You will be disconnected after 10 minutes of inactivity.

[左] USER kulong.orgfree.com

[左] 331 User kulong.orgfree.com OK. Password required

[左] PASS (隐藏)

[左] 230-User kulong.orgfree.com has group access to:  88267

[左] 230-This server supports FXP transfers

[左] 230-OK. Current restricted directory is /

[左] 230 3557 Kbytes used (1%) - authorized: 204800 Kb

[左] SYST

[左] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[左] FEAT

[左] 211-Extensions supported:

[左]  EPRT

[左]  IDLE

[左]  MDTM

[左]  SIZE


[左]  MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;

[左]  MLSD

[左]  TVFS

[左]  ESTP

[左]  PASV

[左]  EPSV

[左]  SPSV

[左]  ESTA

[左] 211 End.

[左] PWD

[左] 257 "/" is your current location

[左] TYPE A

[左] 200 TYPE is now ASCII

[左] PASV

[左] 227 Entering Passive Mode (72,232,181,117,47,15)

[左] 正在打开数据连接 IP: 端口: 12047

[左] LIST -al

[左] 150 Accepted data connection

[左] 226-Options: -a -l

[左] 226 57 matches total

[左] 列表完成: 3 KB 于 3.78 秒 (1.0 KB/秒)

[左] CWD bbs

[左] 250 OK. Current directory is /bbs

[左] PWD

[左] 257 "/bbs" is your current location

[左] PASV

[左] 227 Entering Passive Mode (72,232,181,117,42,58)

[左] 正在打开数据连接 IP: 端口: 10810

[左] LIST -al

[左] 150 Accepted data connection

[左] 226-Options: -a -l

[左] 226 5 matches total

[左] 列表完成: 310 字节 于 4.89 秒 (0.1 KB/秒)

[左] RNFR /bbs/images

[左] 350 RNFR accepted - file exists, ready for destination

[左] RNTO /images

[左] 550 RENAME Failed - destination file already exists


[左] RNFR /bbs/robots.txt

[左] 350 RNFR accepted - file exists, ready for destination

[左] RNTO /robots.txt

[左] 550 RENAME Failed - destination file already exists


[左] 错误: 10054: 连接被重置

[左] 连接丢失: 酷龙

[左] 正在连接到 酷龙 -> IP= PORT=21

[左] 已连接到 酷龙

[左] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------

[左] 220-You are user number 22 of 70 allowed.

[左] 220-Local time is now 07:19. Server port: 21.

[左] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login

[左] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.

[左] 220 You will be disconnected after 10 minutes of inactivity.

[左] USER kulong.orgfree.com

[左] 331 User kulong.orgfree.com OK. Password required

[左] PASS (隐藏)

[左] 230-User kulong.orgfree.com has group access to:  88267

[左] 230-This server supports FXP transfers

[左] 230-OK. Current restricted directory is /

[左] 230 3557 Kbytes used (1%) - authorized: 204800 Kb

[左] SYST

[左] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[左] FEAT

[左] 211-Extensions supported:

[左]  EPRT

[左]  IDLE

[左]  MDTM

[左]  SIZE


[左]  MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;

[左]  MLSD

[左]  TVFS

[左]  ESTP

[左]  PASV

[左]  EPSV

[左]  SPSV

[左]  ESTA

[左] 211 End.

[左] RNFR images

[左] 350 RNFR accepted - file exists, ready for destination

[左] RNTO images

[左] 550 RENAME Failed - destination file already exists


[左] RNFR favicon.ico

[左] 350 RNFR accepted - file exists, ready for destination

[左] RNTO favicon.ico

[左] 550 RENAME Failed - destination file already exists


[左] RNFR robots.txt

[左] 350 RNFR accepted - file exists, ready for destination

[左] RNTO robots.txt

[左] 550 RENAME Failed - destination file already exists



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