Couldn’t terminate the existing process for xxx

在Android Studio中直接run一个项目的时候,有Couldn't terminate the existing process for xxx类型的错误

  • Android Studio : Couldn’t terminate the existing process for xxx


It’s because you ran in debug mode or attach debugger and that process is not killed perfectly.
Follow the following to resolve this issue.
1.Press “Attach Debugger to Android Process” button
2.“Choose Process” dialog will be shown and the application name is listed, press “OK”
3.Check the “Debug” tab console, when it says “Connected to the target VM, address: ‘localhost:60245’, transport: ‘socket’”
4.Press the “Debug” Button.
5.Device will relaunch the app with latest changes
6.Now stop from red button in the android studio menu bar. And run app again as normal

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