

在竞争学习中,The output neurons of a neural network compete among themselves to become active(to be fired).

There are 3 basic elements necessary to build a network with a competitive learning rule, a standard technique for this type of artificial neural networks.

  1. 每个神经元需要有相同的结构,随机初始化权重,这样一来,The neurons respond differently to a given set of input samples.
  2. A limit value that is determined on the strength of each neuron.
  3. A mechanism that permits the neurons to complete for the right to respond to a given subset of inputs, such that only one output neuron is active at a time. The neuron that wins the competition is called winner-takes-all neuron.

    X=(X1,X2,X3,...,Xn)TX = (X_1, X_2, X_3,..., X_n)^TX=(X1​,X2​,X3​,...,Xn​)T ,输出值netknet_knetk​最大的那个神经元获胜。

    netknet_knetk​ : the combined action of all the forward and feedback inputs to neuron k.
    Let WjkW_jkWj​k denote the synaptic weights(突触权重)connecting node j to neuron k.

学习的原理:A neuron then learns by shifting synaptic weights from its inactive input nodes to its active input nodes. If a particular neuron wins the competition, each input node of that neuron relinquishes(抛弃)some proportion of its synaptic weight, and the weight relinquished is then distributed among the active input nodes.

Δwjk={η(Xj−wjk)ifneuronkwinsthecompetition0ifneuronklosesthecompetition\Delta w_{jk} = \begin{cases} \eta(X_j - w_{jk}) & if\ neuron\ k\ wins\ the\ competition \\ 0 & if\ neuron\ k\ loses\ the\ competition \end{cases}Δwjk​={η(Xj​−wjk​)0​if neuron k wins the competitionif neuron k loses the competition​
where η\etaη is the learning rate. The rule has the overall effect of moving the synaptic weights of the winning neuron toward the input pattern X.

显然,Each output neuron discovers a cluster of input samples by moving its synaptic weights to the center of gravity of the discovered cluster.
During the competitive-learning process, similar samples are grouped by the network and represented by a single artificial neuron at the output…

Competitive( or winner-take-all) -neural networks are often used to cluster input data where the number of output clusters is given in advance.


  • 第一层:The first layer is a standard, feedforward layer and it performs a correlation between the input vector and the preprocessed output vector
  • 第二层:The second layer performs a competition to determine which of the preprocessed output vectors is closet to the input vector. The index of the-second-layer neuron with a stable, positive output(the winner of the competition) is the index of the prototype vector that best matches the input.

A competitive-learning process always has as many clusters as it has output neurons, This may not be acceptable for some applications, especially when the number of clusters is not known or if it is difficult to estimate it in advance.

这个竞争网络一共有三个输入和三个输出。网络是全连接的. There are connections between all inputs and outputs and there are also lateral connections between output nodes. 有些反馈权重我们等于0,因此对于这些边,我们没有在下图的神经网络中画出来。

1.net1∗net_1^*net1∗​是仅仅考虑forward feed网络的
net1=net1∗+0.5∗net2∗+0.6∗net3∗=0+0.5∗0.3+0.6∗(−0.2)net_1 = net_1^* + 0.5 * net_2^* + 0.6 * net_3^* = 0 + 0.5 * 0.3 + 0.6 * (-0.2)net1​=net1∗​+0.5∗net2∗​+0.6∗net3∗​=0+0.5∗0.3+0.6∗(−0.2)
3.最终因为net2net_2net2​最高,根据竞争学习的规则,只有跟该神经元向量的突触权重才会修改。所以(learning rate我们设置的是0.2也就是η\etaη
Δw12=η(x1−w12)=0.2(1−0.3)Δw22=η(x2−w22)=0.2(0−0.7)Δw32=η(x3−w32)=0.2(1−0)\Delta w_{12} = \eta(x_1 - w_{12}) =0.2 (1 - 0.3)\\ \Delta w_{22} = \eta(x_2 - w_{22}) =0.2 (0- 0.7)\\ \Delta w_{32} = \eta(x_3 - w_{32}) =0 .2 (1 -0) Δw12​=η(x1​−w12​)=0.2(1−0.3)Δw22​=η(x2​−w22​)=0.2(0−0.7)Δw32​=η(x3​−w32​)=0.2(1−0)
注意这里:w32=0w_{32} = 0w32​=0 因为是0,所以在网络中没有画出来
w12=w12+Δw12=0.3+0.2(1−0.3)w22=w22+Δw22=0.7+0.2(0−0.7)w32=w32+Δw32=0+0.2(1−0)w_{12} = w_{12} + \Delta w_{12} = 0.3 + 0.2(1- 0.3)\\ w_{22} = w_{22} + \Delta w_{22} = 0.7 + 0.2(0 - 0.7)\\ w_{32} = w_{32} + \Delta w_{32} = 0 + 0.2(1-0)\\ w12​=w12​+Δw12​=0.3+0.2(1−0.3)w22​=w22​+Δw22​=0.7+0.2(0−0.7)w32​=w32​+Δw32​=0+0.2(1−0)


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